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I find the lack of respect for queues atrocious


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I was recently on the Dream and found the amount of line cutting unbelievable. Yes I understand that buffet line cutting happens on every cruise and it is generally not a big deal. China is well known for people doing this and but the level I saw by Americans easily matched the worst behavior I have seen anywhere.


here are some examples.


1. We are on any Carnival excursion. We are at the head of the line at a pier waiting to get boarding passes after we exchanged our tickets. This family of 6 from Michigan starts crowding around us and then eventually moves entirely ahead of us. This ticket distributor knows my family is first in line so he gives us our tickets first and tells us to walk to a rail near the end of the pier. The family that jumped us in line is visibly upset that they didn't get their boarding passes first. So when we are waiting at our new location to board this catamaran, a couple of the family members make some pretense to look at something in the water. Then they call over the rest of the family members and they jumped us twice? seriously?


2. I am at the medical facility on the ship. The medical personnel are busy and on the phone. I am clearly waiting in line to talk to this person. There could not have been more than 2-3 feet and between me and the desk. 2 women just barge in front of me and the small line that was formed . No they were not acutely ill or in a real emergency. One of the woman had an upset stomach, but was walking around and acting normally. I called them out on it, and they were angry. It is pretty embarrassing when I have to call out two mature adults who are older than me for their lack of manners.


3. Generally any time an older person, wheel chair bound person or small child was having difficulty or was just slow, people saw it as an opportunity to get ahead of them. Kids, adults it didn't matter.


Usually I just let these things roll off me and it certainly doesn't ruin my vacation. My general observation is that Americans seem to be getting ruder and ruder.

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Another thing that is kind of annoying is when walking down the narrow cabin a hallways and have folks coming at you without doing the single file thing. We try to stay to the right and then move over but sometimes there are 2 or three folks walking albreast leaving us and everyone else plastered to the wall. Same for the staircases. I was always taught to stay to the right. Nothing more frustrating then walking up a flight of stairs and having to jump out of the way because others have no manners.




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I found the layout of the breakfast buffet ridiculous. You had to stand in line for twenty minutes if u wanted eggs. The cream cheese was by the yogurt and the bagels were at the end so if u missed the cream cheese, you had to cut in to try to get it. It was actually my first carnival cruise and I thought organization was unorganized in a lot of places. I too noticed people do not move to the sides in the hall.

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This is a big part of our reason not to cruise again! I have never seen so many selfish, self centered people as I saw on our cruise this past week. It was just amazing watching the people push and shove to get into the MDR the first night. We actually ended up waiting ten minutes every night so we could avoid the crowds! Between that, the chair hogs and the rude people in the buffet lines I've had enough!! Back to AI for me!!!

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If more people would speak up at the time of the incident, such as line-jumping, it could make a difference in eradicating rude behavior. Unfortunately, too many people are afraid to stand up for themselves, and instead remain quiet and think to themselves "Oh well, what's the harm? I'm on vacation. No big deal. I don't want to make a scene." I say, grow a pair! Speak up! Stand up for what you know is right! To me, tolerating someone's rude behavior and not doing anything about it is no different than tolerating a bully. I'm not saying it has to come to a physical confrontation, but why tolerate rude behavior? It won't end until we all as a group do something about it.

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I thought you would like this~a friend was in the 20 items or less line at Wal Mart the women in front of him had a cart FULL the cashier said "which 20 items do you want to purchase?" :)


Love it! Needs to happen more often. I've never seen a cashier question the number of items, even when someone has a basket full. Luckily those kinds of rude people are either too dumb or too lazy to use the self-checkout lanes.


To the OP, sorry you're experiencing this. I've only been on one cruise this decade, but I found most of my fellow passengers to be friendly and courteous, and can't recall a single incident of line jumping during the week. And I am the type who will say something if i see it happen.

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Another thing that is kind of annoying is when walking down the narrow cabin a hallways and have folks coming at you without doing the single file thing. We try to stay to the right and then move over but sometimes there are 2 or three folks walking albreast leaving us and everyone else plastered to the wall. Same for the staircases. I was always taught to stay to the right. Nothing more frustrating then walking up a flight of stairs and having to jump out of the way because others have no manners.





This is where I invoke my version of STAND YOUR GROUND law. I will stop & stand there not huggung no wall or anything else. Let them get behind each other.


Recently was at a Mall early to do some work for a store. Was assaulted by the Mall Walking ****s as there was 3 of them walking side by side. I was next to the 2nd floor railing & if I had hugged it, I would have gone over. They got all upset as I caused them to break their strides & wasnt considerate of the, I told them back that they were the inconsiderate Mall ****'s who didnt care about anyone but themselves and wouldnt purchase anything from any of the stores anyway.

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Sorry, but "Americans" are not the only people exhibiting this type of rude behavior. People of ALL countries are acting more and more like selfish little jacka$$es everyday.


Apologies in advance if this offends, but having witnessed countless situations (at home, in the States and further abroad), it's undeniable that in general, while Americans may be "friendlier", Canadians are exceedingly more polite. In matters of crowd control, I'll take common courtesy and good manners over affability any time.

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I thought you would like this~a friend was in the 20 items or less line at Wal Mart the women in front of him had a cart FULL the cashier said "which 20 items do you want to purchase?" :)


That's a good one. Unfortunately, in most stores the employee would probably get in trouble if they actually said this to a customer. Have you ever been in the grocery store though when you have a full cart and go stand in the regular line but there's no one in the express line so the cashier in the express line calls you over there anyway. I have had this happen many times and it's great but then I'm always uncomfortable when a minute later someone with only a few items enters the line right behind me. I'm sure they are thinking how rude I was for going through the express line with a full cart. :o They would have no way of knowing that the cashier had called you over there because no one was in that line at the time.

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Sorry, but "Americans" are not the only people exhibiting this type of rude behavior.

People of ALL countries are acting more and more like selfish little jacka$$es everyday.

These folks you describe are the same ones I often describe as LCD's.

Lowest Common Denominators.


Despite the aggravation involved, try hard to stick to our HCD status

if only as a matter of principle. ;)


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I was on the deck where the track is and a walker walked right into me as if I had no right to be there if I was just looking around.


I'd say most cruises I don't see this rude behavior. But then I did stop going when a lot of kids are on board. Some have no manners especially in the elevators.


The worst I ever saw was waiting on the deck where you get on tenders. I got there early with my kids and stood in line of about 4 parties. As time went on more and more and more people came in and just boldly stood in front of us! The CD told them to get to the end of the line but they just went a little down the line and butt in front of others! Two guys got into it, shouting and shoving.


I was platinum so the CD came to me and walked us to the first tender in front of everyone and I thought I'd get stoned!

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Oh HECK no! I guess I'm an uppity broad, I almost always speak up. I generally say something like "excuse me, am I invisible?".....IF they apologize and say "I didn't know you were in line", I don't give up, I say "all you have to do is ask". I only expect people to be as polite as I am; I am human, there have been a few faux pas, but now I ask "are you in line?" if it's not obvious.


I haven't experienced it too much on cruises, but out in the "real" world, entitled people just pop into the front of lines, AND they refuse to merge on the roads (instead of every other car it's "me first"). Sometimes I wish I had signs in my car, no, not cursing at them, but things like "learn to merge!".

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I tend to use my "teacher voice" in these situations :D. I've got it, and I'm not afraid to use it. "Excuse me, the end of the line is back there..." Or, "Pardon me, I believe I was here FIRST." If no one calls them on it, they'll keep doing it.

As for the hallway hogging - I have found that they WILL move it you don't. I have said something along the lines of "We'd like our half of the hall" Haven't been punched out, yet :D

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it's undeniable that in general, while Americans may be "friendlier", Canadians are exceedingly more polite. In matters of crowd control, I'll take common courtesy and good manners over affability any time.


Oh the famous Canadian DNA polite sequence. :rolleyes:


I have good friends who "used" to go hunting up in BC every year. They no longer go since the polite Canadians ran them out of the small town through intimidation.


Then there's the polite "Yankee, go home" mob at the Vancouver Olympics.


Not to mention the polite riots when the U.S. beat the Canadians at hockey.


I'm sick of sitting with polite Canadians in the MDR and having to listen to them complain about Americans.


We no longer sit with Canadians, we change tables. Guess they're too polite for us.

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Not all Canadians are like that cruiserguy11. I love talking to anyone that is not from where I am including any Americans. I love learning what their state is like and what is it in it. I love finding out what different foods they have and if they have an accent. I love finding out what their weather is like and thinking that maybe I would love to visit that State. But it is hard sometimes because the Americans don't want to know anything about Canada except for their miss information. I can't count the amount of times I have been asked about my dog sled or my igloo??? I love to hear about other places so I wouldn't put down a place just because. So if you find yourself at my table I hope you stay so that I can find out what kind of place you live in.


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It doesn't only happen on cruises. Last week I had taken my granddaughter to a cooking class at Wegman's grocery store. There were several of us waiting for the screens to be moved so we could enter the classroom.


One mother, who had not been to any previous classes, had her three kids and went right up to the screens so that they could be the first ones entering. Fortunately, one of the employees knew who arrived and when as she and the chef had left the room and returned several times bringing in the supplies.


When the screens were moved, the woman asking the kids names asked all of the others before this woman. She was so mad. Once inside all kids and parents are asked to wash their hands. One grandmother had her three grands with her and the kids were washing their hands and the same line jumping mother tried to take their seats. The grandmother said her grands were sitting there but were up washing their hands. Once again, the mother was PO'd.


She wouldn't let her kids wash their hands until the chef insisted because she didn't want anyone to take her seats! Needless to say, the class was delayed because her kids had to go up to wash after everyone else was seated and ready. I can just imagine what she would be like on a cruise.

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Another thing that is kind of annoying is when walking down the narrow cabin a hallways and have folks coming at you without doing the single file thing. We try to stay to the right and then move over but sometimes there are 2 or three folks walking albreast leaving us and everyone else plastered to the wall. Same for the staircases. I was always taught to stay to the right. Nothing more frustrating then walking up a flight of stairs and having to jump out of the way because others have no manners.





On the same note, a group of people will stand talking in the public areas and not get out of you way and you have to say "Excuse me". Like they didn't see you and 500 other people trying to get through.


On the Dream I was in line in the buffet. It was quite long and the people were standing in the main aisleway. I snaked it over up against the wall as we moved along. I looked back and sure enough, the line was back out into the middle of the walkway again. Funny thing was that there was a security guy standing there and kept telling the people to move over but never put out the queue posts that were sitting against the wall.

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Guest LoveMyBoxer

One of my responses to "jumpers" is: "Oh thank goodness you've arrived, I've been here for over an hour holding this spot just for you!" They usually give me a dirty look and move to the back or try to get in front of someone else.

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Not all Canadians are like that cruiserguy11. I love talking to anyone that is not from where I am including any Americans. I love learning what their state is like and what is it in it. I love finding out what different foods they have and if they have an accent. I love finding out what their weather is like and thinking that maybe I would love to visit that State. But it is hard sometimes because the Americans don't want to know anything about Canada except for their miss information. I can't count the amount of times I have been asked about my dog sled or my igloo??? I love to hear about other places so I wouldn't put down a place just because. So if you find yourself at my table I hope you stay so that I can find out what kind of place you live in.



Hi Tigercat! Great post! I am an American who also loves to learn about other places whether it is from talking to other cruiser or from the places we visit. That is a big part of why I love to cruise, not to visit beaches.


People are usually nice if you are nice to them with some exceptions. Take the high ground.


On the Dream I was in line in the buffet. It was quite long and the people were standing in the main aisleway.


Tis one reason we eat at the MDR for most, if not all meal. It is much more relaxing and we get the chance to talk to others.

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