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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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You are quite right, but I swear this woman was posturing. I enjoy a bloody steak as much as the next person, but no matter how rare the meat, it just wasn't rare enough. If I had been the chef, I might have slapped a raw piece of meat on her plate. As we were at the Chefs Table, she had already challenged the chef that he could not cook a steak to her liking. All of this posturing was served with a heavy side of her "cruise-a-log", the companies she ran, the homes she owned, well you get the idea. She single handedly took the shine off of ten others meal by dominating everything.


Considering the price paid for the Chef's Table, I would have had a really difficult time stopping myself from asking her to consider how she was effecting the enjoyment of the other people at the table.


I'll bet the crew could tell some really unbelievable snob stories.

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I've seen so many rude and boorish things, but the snobbiest was a woman who was complaining that they didn't have unsalted butter in the buffet. Salted butter was just not good enough for her.


This might have been the same woman that would never dine in the MDR,

since the ice water was colder in the specialty restaurants.

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We've seen some boorish behaviour at times, but only once have been seated with someone who was what I would call a snob. He and his girlfriend cruised a lot--this was late April and they had only been in their Florida home, they said, something like 13 days since January--just long enough each time to take care of practical business.


But, they expected and got very special service, I guess because of their number of cruise days. Sitting with them, we did get very wonderful service.


The gentleman, especially did a lot of bragging about his finances and big-wig status in his company, er companies.


He also considered himself intellectually superior to most of the human race and spent most of the meal making deprecating comments about the verbal and conversational skills of most people he dined with.


Now, we are well educated but kind of 'down-to-earth'. It made conversation with them very uncomfortable as we felt like he was mentally judging everything we said. You could tell that just the fact that we are from Nebraska he found rather funny-pitiable--being 'a former New Yorker' made him, in his eyes, a step up from us rural types.


I must say they treated us quite well during dinner, but were so judgemental of others we didn't want to eat with them again (anytime dining). We noticed as the cruise went on that they were eating by themselves most of the time and unfortunately had become quite the joke at tables we joined.


They were very visible at different activities throughout the cruise. He was a vocal person on our roll call pre-cruise, and came off the same way there, often lecturing others on various things. I have not seen his screen name used since, but have my suspicions that he changed it due to the tone of another frequent poster's comments.

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Love the Posts of the snobs!!! Seen a few of them on our cruises and dealt with them!!! My problem is I can't keep my mouth shut when one says something stupid!!! There are all kinds of People that makes the world go round and if the snobs think there better than anyone else there sadly mistaken!!!! I love to watch them make fools of there selves and laugh at them as to me it is funny the way alot of them act! If only they could watch them selves they would probably laugh too!!!

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About a year ago we were on a cruise with a couple who fancied themselves dancing stars.


Now DW and I take the ballroom dance classes. I know about 4 steps and enjoy dancing with my bride of 37 years.


This couple changed into costumes after dinner. When they danced (they thought they were performing, I'm sure) they took up a great deal of the dance floor with their moves and hand gestures leaving the rest of us to be constantly on the look out for their flailing arms, etc.


DW assured me they weren't that good.


Had a couple like that on our recent AU cruise. The dance floor in the Centrum on the Radiance isn't huge and they were getting some glares from the other folks who kept having to move out of their way or get run over. And like you DW said, they really weren't that good.

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Last week I had my first 'most travelled' lunch at the Captains table. One of the other couples mentioned a guest they had travelled with a couple times where the husband was very rude. Based on a brief note of the wife's health and the city they were from. The other couple and the Captain both knew who was being talked about and had their own stories.

You have to be quite rude to be that rememberable so easliy.

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How about the "lady" in a wheelchair? The elevator arrived full & she DEMANDED that people get off to make room for Her Royal Highness.



I think she was on the Emerald this past 20-day cruise over the US Thanksgiving. At one point she had a flag on the top of something that resembled a radio antenna.

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On one of our cruises, a Princess employee who travels (11 months of the year according to her) on various ships for one of the concessions, joined a table for 8 in the dining room for lunch. She was very obviously sick.. coughing and sneezing and complaining about how ill she was. I cannot understand how someone, especially someone who works for Princess, would be so unthoughtful and expose everyone around her to a nasty virus that was spreading through the ship. Felt so bad for the people on either side of her as she coughed all over them. Some people actually left the table.. Thoughtless...:mad:

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Sat with a man at lunch one day who kept bragging about his elite status and how little he pays for cruises as well as "I always go home with clean clothes because of my elite status." He knew everything and didn't hesitate correcting those he felt were wrong. He said he had a wife who liked cruising but the wired thing was I never saw her with him. Maybe she had enough of his snob bigness and avoided him. :)

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I had an 11 year old in the hot tub with me and a friend and we were just chatting between ourselves....and the kid piped up and said to us " you two will be old ladies before you even get close to the status that I have and im only 11. Im Elite on princess you will never get that.....


I was shocked to say the least


I would have told him I'd be more impressed if he had paid for that Elite status himself.



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One evening as we were finishing up after a particularly good meal I casually asked (nobody in particular and in good humour):- "I wonder what the poor people are doing?" She immediately looked at me and shot back "We're not poor!" I don't think she understood.

A lot of people would not understand Aussie humour. We were drinking champagne (among other alcohol) entertaining in a mini suite with around ten or so other CCers doing a cabin crawl. I made a similar comment 'I wonder the the poor people are doing' meaning those not enjoying a cruise and drinking champagne. One lady then said ' Well I am sorry that we only have an inside cabin' and I then had to explain that I was not having a go and what it actually meant. We all had a good laugh together after that before moving to a Full suite.:D

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On a trans-Atlantic on the most recent Royal, our set dinner mates at a table for 8 included an individual and a lady friend. As it turned out, a few months later they were the focus of an entire episode of 20/20. She was the family 'nanny' and both were in jail for fraud and identity theft and he was about to be charged with the murder of his wife. The wife died just a couple of weeks before the cruise.:eek:

Was his name Crippen?


There are some people who make a big deal about who they know at Princess, like to boast about the special perks and attention they get because they know someone, say, "Email me and I'll get you the insider's info," etc. I find people like this very sad, very "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee" attention-seeking. There are many others who know people at Princess or on the ships as well or better and don't brag about it.

Great, now I have that tune stuck in my head! But yes, I know exactly what/who you mean, and I heartily agree with you.

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On a recent cruise on Celebrity, my partner and I were coming out of the elite lounge when two older couples came up to us and asked if they can take a photo with us in front of a picture. Once we did it, we realized that they thought we were crew and in our formal ware understood the mistake. Once the situation was cleared up we went into the elevator with them where the older gentleman made the comment, you guys must be staying in an inside cabin.

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On a recent cruise on Celebrity, my partner and I were coming out of the elite lounge when two older couples came up to us and asked if they can take a photo with us in front of a picture. Once we did it, we realized that they thought we were crew and in our formal ware understood the mistake. Once the situation was cleared up we went into the elevator with them where the older gentleman made the comment, you guys must be staying in an inside cabin.


Did you charge them for the photo?:D

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The most snobbish comment I have ever heard actually came from a co-worker and not from anyone I’ve ever encountered on a cruise. When I returned to work after my last cruise, my co-worker asked me if I had eaten in the Main Dining Room. When I replied that I had, and enjoyed it, his response was “It’s too bad you didn’t know better, you should have made arrangements to dine in a specialty restaurant each night – no one can have a truly good time when dining amongst the rabble.”

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We were given VIP status on another line which included breakfast and lunch at a specialty restaurant that is normally reserved for suites and above.


At lunch, a lady at the next table started a very pleasant conversation with us until she asked what suite we were in. When I told her we were booked in an inside cabin, she let out a very audible HMMMPH and turned away and didn't speak to us again.


The fun part was after she left, some of the waitstaff came over and gave me a high five and we laughed about it.

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Sorry if this is a bit of a thread hijack, but...


My late wife really liked trivia and as she was good, & I can play with some luck at times, we nearly always went.


So we teamed up with some other passengers, a couple from South Africa, a Kiwi fellow, and had a lot of laughs. After a fortnight or so, this other Australian lady asked if she could join our lot.


Well, the way she carried on you would have thought we were playing for sheep stations. You were not allowed to talk even, just in case another team heard your answer, which if you didn't write it down on a piece of paper for her to peruse & check, you were soundly chastised.


She told me on one occasion that she cruised for the twice each day trivia sessions, and when not cruising would read encyclopaedia's to bone up on her knowledge of trivia.


I think her original team had told her to take a hike.


I also love the dubiously handicapped passenger, who as soon a que is formed becomes even more handicapped to get to the front. I saw one lady in question, who is evidently notorious for getting the front seats in tour buses, claiming a disability, walking very well thankyou, in Broadway, N.Y.


Doncha just luv 'em?

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I also love the dubiously handicapped passenger, who as soon a que is formed becomes even more handicapped to get to the front. I saw one lady in question, who is evidently notorious for getting the front seats in tour buses, claiming a disability, walking very well thankyou, in Broadway, N.Y.


Doncha just luv 'em?

I feel I have to comment here. Some disabilities are not obvious. My daughter has a debilitating pain disorder (RSD if you want to Google it) and depending on whether she has a flare-up or not, needs space for her leg when seated. Most of the time, she looks like a perfectly normal young woman in her 30's who can walk well but trust me, you wouldn't wish this on your worst enemy. Being cramped in a seat without being able to stretch her leg could trigger a flare-up and cause her a pain level of 10 on a scale of 1-10. She gets dirty and nasty looks when she parks in a handicapped space. If they only knew. I've learned to not judge a book by it's cover. :(
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Although having cruised on other lines from the Uk we had our first P&O cruise and while having a cocktail before dinner were chatting to an elderly very much travelled lady (her words)


She was complaining and saying she would never travel P&O again and would cancel her next booking as the standards have gone down too far.


When asked what she found so bad she said.


"When the waiter serves the main meal he does not position the P&O insignia at the top of the plate but lets it be anywhere" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Now when the meals are served if the pattern is not at the top my DW and I have a look and a wink - we are there for the great food not the china

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I might be playing devil's advocate here, but...


I live in a middle class area with many upper class neighbors. That's just kinda how we roll here, geographically. I live in a small ranch house and two miles away is a very exclusive gated community of mansions. I've seen many people who over-extend themselves and buy expensive cars, expensive clothing, and try to give the impression that they are well off when they are hanging by a shoestring.


This illusion is even easier to maintain on a crowded ship where no one knows anyone.


I think that a good percentage of these people really aren't trying to make other people feel bad, or make them feel less than them, they are pathetically trying to make themselves feel better because they are completely inadequate.


If you are making your dream vacation come true, or carefully making the most of your money...and are wisely booking an inside cabin because it's all you require to make you happy and you would rather spend your hard earned money on extra perks, you are more than likely much better off than the snobby people who are so scared ****less of the financial situation they have created for themselves that they need to make it look like they are doing better than you.


You never know who these people are! The couple you think are millionaires and eat caviar for breakfast may be splurging on what's left of their credit card because they just lost 75% of everything.


I've known many rich people, and the ones who are doing well look and act like anyone else, and have no desire to posture.


It's unfortunate that these people infringe on our happiness, but you know who you are. Don't buy into it. You don't want their lives...


It's a big assumption, I know, but I really think there are a very high percentage of people like that, and no one is going to make me feel second class because I have a mini suite instead of a REAL suite!

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We had a passenger that shared a table in the main dining room with us on our last cruise, that seemed to enjoy all the attention they got for their "special diet" as they were diabetic and gluten intolerant. Every night was the same complaint so little to choose from, how ill they were because of the food they were served the day before etc. This apparently never happened when she cruised P&O a far superior line (her words).


Oddly though, we would often see the same passenger eating at other venues around the ship and eating all the things she stated she could not eat in the dining room.


I loved the "Sandra Dee" comment, it so suited this passenger.

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I had an 11 year old in the hot tub with me and a friend and we were just chatting between ourselves....and the kid piped up and said to us " you two will be old ladies before you even get close to the status that I have and im only 11. Im Elite on princess you will never get that.....


I was shocked to say the least


To which my answer would have been to the effect that 'we may make Elite eventually - you carry on like that and you'll be lucky to make 12'.


I was a member of a voluntary organisation once which could turn the 'social order' on its head at times. We had a saying for these types of people: 'dustmen by day, directors by night'.

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