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Not that Royal Caribbean is perfect, but...

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Ok, I have got to address this post.


First, for goodness sake, who is "taking joy" over what happened to those poor people on that ship? It has got to take a good degree of insecurity to think other people are laughing at this. That is just ridiculous.


Second, fact is fact. No amount of cruise line cheerleading (or hating) can cover the fact that Carnival has had 2 catastrophic ship failures due to fire in the past few years, leaving passengers stranded at sea for several days. Couple those major incidents with the rash of collisions Carnival has had over the past few years, I am confident top brass needs to conduct a safety stand down and take a close look at the way they do business. You can Google search other cruise lines all you want, but none have had the track record Carnival has had over the past few years wrt marine incidents.....and no, the number of ships they own does not hold water.



If you want to see cheerleading at it's finest, check out this thread.


I went to the Carnival board to see if anyone that was actually on the cruise had posted yet and there is one post and that is person is getting blasted. I expected this and they have not disappointed. :rolleyes:

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If you want to see cheerleading at it's finest, check out this thread.


I went to the Carnival board to see if anyone that was actually on the cruise had posted yet and there is one post and that is person is getting blasted. I expected this and they have not disappointed. :rolleyes:


Have to agree here. The original OP who started that thread went through enough from their experience and did not deserve that all that lashing out. It's awful sad that through this event so many posters have lashed out all over this board and made so many personal attacks against other OP's.


Majority of my cruises have been with Carnival with a handful with Royal Caribbean. Prior to this event I had already decided I've done my tour with Carnival and plan to cruise more with Royal Caribbean. Had actually thought that in some cases prior to my last four cruises with them, but still cruised with them because of value at that time and wanted to make sure my thoughts were not just based on one ship, no other reason to explain it.


I would cruise Carnival again in the future (Breeze & Freedom) but for now I have no plans to cruise them for a couple years or so. This incident did make me wonder though about a few things, so am glad my decision not to cruise them for awhile was made prior to this accident. Now if I was asked by others such as new cruisers on the Carnival board about ships, I would give them a fair assessment and recommend them a ship they may be asking about and if I sailed it. I never had a bad Carnival cruise, some were better than others and each had their own experiences. Both cruise lines are simply different experiences. Now that I'm older, I think I would prefer the Royal Caribbean experience and I'm Carnival'd out.


I do wonder too if this fire could have been prevented. If it could have been prevented, being a fairly loyal Carnival cruiser over the past 12 years with the outcome of the investigation I will not be very pleased. Their write up from the USCG on 1/28/13 and not taking action from what I could see prior to this sailing kind of stuck to me as "why". I'm hopeful that they are not linked but my gut questions it and am reserving full thoughts until the investigation is complete.



Happy cruising!

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If you want to see cheerleading at it's finest, check out this thread.


I went to the Carnival board to see if anyone that was actually on the cruise had posted yet and there is one post and that is person is getting blasted. I expected this and they have not disappointed. :rolleyes:


Wow. That is downright pathetic. They are flat out calling her a liar. I swear, there are some people on these boards that really need to get help for their insecurity issues. I would say how I really feel about some of those people, but it would get me suspended from these boards. :rolleyes: :mad:

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Wow. That is downright pathetic. They are flat out calling her a liar. I swear, there are some people on these boards that really need to get help for their insecurity issues. I would say how I really feel about some of those people, but it would get me suspended from these boards. :rolleyes: :mad:


I'm surprised that the management of this board is allowing this. I do agree that some posters need some help. Sad and pathetic.

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You are correct - the Carnival ships are made with what you can call one main "circuit breaker". All RCCL ships have two - in the event of an emergency they second can power the ships basic services, such as lights, pluming etc..



Carnival should be brought up on charges for this - do you know why they brought the ship to Mobile??? THAT IS WHERE THEY ARE GOING TO FIX IT!!!!


It all comes down to money. They didn't want to tow the ship back from Galveston to Mobile. :eek:


Unlike some others I will wait for the official investigation to end and read the results before passing judgement. This poster is a fine example of the "crap" some are trying to pass off as truth on both the Carnival board and this one. I have never seen so many "experts" on a public forum.:rolleyes:

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[quote name='cruisingator2']If you want to see cheerleading at it's finest, check out this thread.
I went to the Carnival board to see if anyone that was actually on the cruise had posted yet and there is one post and that is person is getting blasted. I expected this and they have not disappointed. :rolleyes:[/quote]

Not saying she wasn't on the ship but her account is very different than a lot of reports that have been in the media and there is another poster on the thread that says they were there as well. They also report a different story.
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It's amazing how we always say on these boards that 2 different people can have 2 different experiences on the same cruise, but when the cruise goes wrong, like in this case, it is inconceivable for some to think 2 different people can have 2 different experiences on the same cruise. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='Aquahound']Wow. That is downright pathetic. They are flat out calling her a liar. I swear, there are some people on these boards that really need to get help for their insecurity issues. I would say how I really feel about some of those people, but it would get me suspended from these boards. :rolleyes: :mad:[/QUOTE]

I'm certainly not a Carnival cheerleader and believe you should only be loyal to your wife and not a cruiseline. In reading over that entire thread I came to the conclusion that the OP may have been stretching the truth a bit especially after viewing some YouTube videos taken onboard. She also stated she witnessed three bodies being hoisted up a Coast Guard helo. Finally, she reported the crew was rude and totally ignored her. The goes against the vast number of reports other passengers made...that the crew could do no wrong and that they were fantastic (the only shining star with the whole mess). So, yes, other posters were calling her out.
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[quote name='Aquahound']It's amazing how we always say on these boards that 2 different people can have 2 different experiences on the same cruise, but when the cruise goes wrong, like in this case, it is inconceivable for some to think 2 different people can have 2 different experiences on the same cruise. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

This is what frustrates cops. Three people could be eye-witnesses to a car accident and the poor cop gets three different versions of the same incident.
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[quote name='declansdad']Not saying she wasn't on the ship but her account is very different than a lot of reports that have been in the media and there is another poster on the thread that says they were there as well. They also report a different story.[/QUOTE]

It's not just that thread. The loooong thread that was posted during the event was just as bad. The one guy who was posting the events told by his wife who was on the ship was called a liar. I have quit reading over there. It's downright pathetic.
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[quote name='wah20']I just feel like Carnival is making it bad for the cruise industry. Most of the folks who know I love cruising but are not cruisers themselves can't differentiate cruise lines. They ask if I will still cruise as much. To most non-cruisers, the whole industry is as bad as the last incident. I can't pass judgement on Carnival but I can say it's certainly having an impact on the lines that were not involved in these accidents and that is very unfortunate.
Just my opinion.[/quote]

[SIZE=3][COLOR=black]VERY good point -- people @ work yesterday talking about the Triumph incident were proof positive of this.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=black]I couldn't listen to one more "Well you'll never get ME on a cruise ship!.." Blah Blah Blah! LOL[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Cushing985']This is what frustrates cops. Three people could be eye-witnesses to a car accident and the poor cop gets three different versions of the same incident.[/quote]

Even worse are the ones that tell you what happened even though they weren't there. ;)
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[quote name='SueBabe']It could be that Carnival may be the safest ships to sail in the future. The ships will all be gone over with a fine toothed comb! Accidents can happen on any ship, it was unfortunate for sure and am glad they all made it back safe and sound.[/quote]

I doubt it. The fact that this could have just happened to the Triumph AFTER the Splendor debacle of just a couple years ago shows that Carnival hasn't changed any way of thinking.
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[quote name='klingoncruiser']Yes, I would sail Carnival again. Mechanical problems can happen. Is this happening to Carnival too often? Well yes, and it is up the them to fix it. However, the media especially CNN made this way worse than it was. It is there job to make it look "news worthy". I have been on a Celebrity ship that had engine problems in the past and it was very annoying. However, I was given the chance to cancel and rebook at another time. I did not, my choice.

It is done now, so lets all move on. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

It may be done but it's not over. There is an investigation that needs to take place and there are questions to be answered. You can move on but I am I the interested in the outcome. Also since you or I were not on this ship, we have no idea of how good or bad it was.
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Yes, I would sail Carnival again. Mechanical problems can happen. Is this happening to Carnival too often? Well yes, and it is up the them to fix it. However, the media especially CNN made this way worse than it was. It is there job to make it look "news worthy". I have been on a Celebrity ship that had engine problems in the past and it was very annoying. However, I was given the chance to cancel and rebook at another time. I did not, my choice.

It is done now, so lets all move on. :rolleyes:
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[quote name='Aquahound']It's amazing how we always say on these boards that 2 different people can have 2 different experiences on the same cruise, but when the cruise goes wrong, like in this case, it is inconceivable for some to think 2 different people can have 2 different experiences on the same cruise. :rolleyes:[/quote]

[SIZE=3]The varied Triumph cruise reports from passengers are really no different than 2 people on an uneventful cruise having polar opposite experiences. I'm glad the one thing that is almost unanimous is the performance of the crew. It's nice to hear that even people who were miserable and traumatized by the experience can recognize how hard the crew worked to try to make conditions bearable.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Not unexpectedly, where you were on the ship seems to have had a big impact on the experience. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I don't know if this should be surprising or not, but experienced cruisers seemed to take the whole thing in stride, while first timers were pretty shaken up. It's a pity, because I easily understand first timers never wanting to step foot on a ship again.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I agree, the cheerleaders on some of the threads are out of control...so are the bashers. It's hard to find a nice intelligent discussion about the Triumph or safety right now![/SIZE]
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[quote name='cruisingator2']It's not just that thread. The loooong thread that was posted during the event was just as bad. The one guy who was posting the events told by his wife who was on the ship was called a liar. I have quit reading over there. It's downright pathetic.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Early in that thread, they were called liars for reporting family members having to use bags for toilets, and long lines for food.
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[quote name='F27TW']I doubt it. The fact that this could have just happened to the Triumph AFTER the Splendor debacle of just a couple years ago shows that Carnival hasn't changed any way of thinking.[/QUOTE]

Really? You know what caused this? You know it was the result of the same "way of thinking"? Please enlighten us.
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[quote name='cruisingator2']It's not just that thread. The loooong thread that was posted during the event was just as bad. The one guy who was posting the events told by his wife who was on the ship was called a liar. I have quit reading over there. It's downright pathetic.[/quote]

I just read through her entire thread and she changed her stories a couple of times. She never even mentioned the supposed 3 bodies being airlifted off the until later in the thread.

On the other thread, wasn't the guy who was posting updates from his wife saying he was receiving messages when there was no way for people to communicate from the ship?
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This accident got me thinking. What if this happened on a Transatlantic? Would they drift to where? I don't know the range of a tug boat but 1500 miles is a long tow. Would Pinnacle and D+ members be allowed to leave by helicopter and Emerald and Gold in lifeboats?
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Have sailed both lines many times. Feel the service level staff to be equal up on both, outstanding. Believe officer level personnel will do what training and necessity require as things happen and do it effectively. Also believe corporate level want the most dollars in the corp till for the minimum service they can get away with short of losing business.
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[quote name='cruisingator2']It's not just that thread. The loooong thread that was posted during the event was just as bad. The one guy who was posting the events told by his wife who was on the ship was called a liar. I have quit reading over there. It's downright pathetic.[/quote]

[quote name='cruisingator2']It may be done but it's not over. There is an investigation that needs to take place and there are questions to be answered. You can move on but I am I the interested in the outcome. Also since you or I were not on this ship, we have no idea of how good or bad it was.[/quote]

[SIZE=3]I don't understand the blind loyalty of some to a corporation, and their immediate denigration of anyone who dares to state an opposing view. Surely even the most devoted Carnival fan must want to know that their chosen cruise line is above all else, safe!!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]I also don't understand the unwillingness of people to accept the explanations of posters who have expertise in maritime operations and safety. Aquahound 's posts are a perfect example of that phenomenon...repeatedly and patiently explaining the role of the USCG and why they didn't abandon ship, but nobody would listen. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Something else I find puzzling is the incessant comparison of the experience on the ship to camping, surviving a natural disaster, trench warfare, or growing up in a third world country. Those experiences are certainly not what the Triumph passengers signed up for. Just because you CAN do something doesn't make it OK.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]This incident raises many questions for me. Although I don't have any immediate plans to cruise on CCL again (not because of the Triumph), we had a wonderful cruise on HAL and I can see us cruising on PCL again as well. I'm anxious for the results of the investigation, and I really want to know what, if any, impact corporate (Carnival PLC) culture and pressure has on individual cruise line operations and safety. I want to know WHY the fire happened, and have some assurance if any errors or omissions led to the fire/loss of power they are corrected![/SIZE]
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[quote name='Cindy']
[SIZE=3]I also don't understand the unwillingness of people to accept the explanations of posters who have expertise in maritime operations and safety. Aquahound 's posts are a perfect example of that phenomenon...repeatedly and patiently explaining the role of the USCG and why they didn't abandon ship, but nobody would listen. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Something else I find puzzling is the incessant comparison of the experience on the ship to camping, surviving a natural disaster, trench warfare, or growing up in a third world country. Those experiences are certainly not what the Triumph passengers signed up for. Just because you CAN do something doesn't make it OK.[/SIZE]

People ignore posts like Aquahound's because it doesn't fit their narrative of trying to stir up controversy. Personally I believe their is plenty of fault on Carnival's part but after the fire disabled the ship their is only so much that can be done. As Paul has made clear plenty of times and even other media reports, you can't just tie up a barge to the Triumph and move all the passengers off. The supposed "experts" on here want you to believe it can be done but it just isn't safe. So they ignore the posts of true experts.

I also completely agree with your thoughts on what can be endured. I would like to think people can endure a lot of things but it isn't acceptable to dismiss someone's poor experience on a vacation that they paid hard-earned money for just because their are starving people in wherever. :cool:
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[quote name='Scotico']Go to the carnival boards. They claim it was not as bad as it seems and that it happens. It just seems like it happens to carnival a lot. I guess you get what you pay for when it comes to a carnival cruise. You would never find me one one ever again.

Another thing that is ridiculous is how carnival is reimbursing those cruisers ($500 + cruise fare returned---duh + discount on future cruise---as if any of those cruisers will ever sail with them again). What about their airfares, time off from work, etc..... I know it may sound greedy but those people deserve more than that after what they have been through.[/quote]

They are getting more than what you just mentioned back. They are getting $500 a full refund of cruise they were on, and a FREE future cruise. And money back for non-refundalble travel exp. and free travel exp to get them home. That is above and byond what they have to give to the passengers.
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