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Just off Riviera - Musings, Ramblings and Notes

Dr. Cocktail

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I just returned from Riviera’s February 22nd sailing which has elicited much discussion and disagreement between groups who have said that being in a suite changed their overall view of Oceania.


As some quick background, this was my second Oceania cruise and my 60th cruise overall with about 450 days at sea. My partner are both in our late 40's and traveled in a B4 with an extended veranda.


While I had numerous concerns with the Marina’s design last year, I found many improvements in place on Riviera. These included raised ceilings on Deck 14 aft, better lighting levels in the lobby with a much prettier chandelier, a marble floor in the Grand bar -yes, they may have been subtle changes but they did the trick. It also helped that as a tall person I was already prepared for the slightly low ceilings in some areas.


I still wish Martinis could have been somehow reconfigured so that everyone could have a view of the piano but this may have to do with the structural configuration of the room.


I loved the sculptures and most of the art work centered about the forward elevators and stairwells but found many of the paintings in the aft stairwells and areas around the Lobby and Grand Bar to be darn ugly - sort of “art student takes on Picasso” and depressing (Sorry Mr. Del Rio). Oh well, at least they weren't “corporate”


All of our meals in Toscana, Polo, Red Ginger, Jacques and La Reserve were simply terrific.I rarely say this but almost every single item served was excellent and frequently superb. As we were flexible (and polite, but more on that later!) we were able to get additional reservations.


My one meal in the Grand Dining Room was extremely disappointing - insanely rushed (we were basically served our appetizers, soup and salad simultaneously) and the mains were greatly over salted. It certainly didn't make me want to return.


I was THRILLED by the pool attendants who removed items left on chairs for over 30 minutes.

Actually, the best entertainment I saw on board was the Performance Art Piece by the blowsy 70 (ish) year old woman who regaled everyone around her about her tragic loss of a magazine STOLEN (STOLEN, I SAY!) by the evil pool attendants. The fact that her chair had been unattended for 90 minutes was strangely not mentioned by her. One “gentleman” literally stomped his feet because he was so angry at the pool attendant for doing the same thing. I started to get out of my chair to come to the attendant’s assistance but the “gentleman” backed down.


As we like to eat fairly late, we weren't able to see a single show. Perhaps Oceania could consider repeating their most popular production shows at later times or on different days at earlier times.


Most staff we encountered were delightful and went out of their way to help us. I was very impressed by the extremely hard working cruise director David Shermet.


Our fellow passengers were considerably older than our cruise last year and in fact, the oldest we have ever encountered on a ship. I assumed that current stringent luggage restrictions didn't allow many people to pack their manners. I was constantly cut in front of in lines and cringed at how people spoke to the hard-working crew. Many passengers didn't “ask” crew but “told” them.

We witnessed some astoundingly rude comments made to the server and maitre’d on either side of us in Polo. I went into full recovery mode to try to dissipate the bad atmosphere. I told the staff that had I known that I was being seated in the “rude and crazy” section, I could have come better prepared with some meaningless complaints!


Of course, this is CruiseCritic and not Cruise Sycophant so I must throw some criticism out there. I thought that the public areas were not nearly as clean and well kept as Marina - there were always grimy fingerprints in the elevators, burnt out bulbs throughout the ship and many examples of poor housekeeping in public areas. No, it didn't even remotely impact on my enjoyment but it was surprising.


The executive chefs were visible all the time but senior officers and the Hotel Manager were invisible. It would be nice to see them interact with passengers a bit more.


I will repeat what I said last year - the value offered by Oceania is superb and unmatched in the industry. We received the same excellent food, service and surroundings in our “humble” veranda accommodations as did those in a large suite.


I got off HAL’s Nieuw Amsterdam six weeks earlier and the differences were astonishing. From the food to the furnishings to the service, the lines are on an entirely different level. I am always curious when people want to compare Oceania to HAL or Celebrity - they’re different animals.

While you don’t always get what you paid for in life, there are no bargains. Oceania delivers the goods and then some.

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Great comments... and I enjoyed reading them. Thanks!


I share your feelings about rude people. I am constantly shocked when I travel in the US (and I am sorry - but it is in the US!!) when people do not say please and thank you to waiters in restaurants and bars. I noticed this a lot on our january cruise. People saying "I'll take... I'll have...even "gimme" " without adding a single please or thank you. I found myself biting my tongue a lot... and sadly it happens all the time in the US. Here - maybe because we speak French ? - you hear "s'il vous plaît" and "merci" ALL the time!!


it is sad. And it breeds reactions like the ones you mentioned.

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Great comments... and I enjoyed reading them. Thanks!


I share your feelings about rude people. I am constantly shocked when I travel in the US (and I am sorry - but it is in the US!!) when people do not say please and thank you to waiters in restaurants and bars. I noticed this a lot on our january cruise. People saying "I'll take... I'll have...even "gimme" " without adding a single please or thank you. I found myself biting my tongue a lot... and sadly it happens all the time in the US. Here - maybe because we speak French ? - you hear "s'il vous plaît" and "merci" ALL the time!!


it is sad. And it breeds reactions like the ones you mentioned.



Speaking of rude, I haven't had the chance to comment on your excellent review! It took a lot of work and was seriously conceived. I greatly value reviews backed by experience and consideration.


I must also apologize for grammatical errors in my review - by the time I saw them, it was too late to correct them.

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Your excellent review of the Riviera was the best story I was able to read today. And I did enjoy every single word of it. I just want to thank you sharing with us your views and background experience.

Very helpfully for my spouse and me because we are booked on the lovly Riviera in about 12 days.:D

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I too enjoyed your excellent review. I discussed with FDR two issues that you mentioned. One, I thought that the floors of the men's public restrooms around the urinals were often messy and two, I found that the design of the piano bar made it almost useless but for one or two tables with a line of sight.

FDR acknowledged the problem around the urinals and of course, said that maintenance must do a better job keeping it clean. Secondly, he also acknowledged the problem with the design of the piano bar and said that they were considering re-configuring it. If I remember correctly he might have mentioned moving the piano out in the area where the string quartet plays.

Rudeness is rudeness, what can one say? It bothered me in the buffet, when people would reach under the protective glass, pointing their finger, almost touching the food, in directing the server to what they desired. The protective glass is there to keep you from reaching in....duh!

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Dinotoll: Thanks!


Baychilla: Not bad, thanks for asking! I am a Manhattan/Martini (no girly variations)/ Side Car kind of guy and they were good and strong.

I am proud of the fact that if you yell either part of my avatar at me, I will turn around! Shows were every thirty minutes - that's when the preprinted timed cards saying that your belongings have been removed were placed.


digtexas: I totally forgot about the urinals - the one on Deck 12 outside the Artist Loft was frequently scary! I kept telling myself that urine is sterile.


Interesting note about re configuring Martinis - it was usually impossible to find a seat during Happy Hour.

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Two thumbs up on positive review comments regarding David Shermet. Simply the best!


I guess we were lucky not to experience an assault of rude people on the Riviera's maiden voyage. Hopefully it isn't due to dealing regularly with rude people in my "non-cruise" life. :)

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We, too, were on the Riviera Feb 22 sailing. I generally agree with Dr. Cocktail's review. The Riviera is a beautiful ship and the food is definitely superior to other cruise lines.

I do have a couple of specific additions and amplifications to his comments.

The number of really elderly and somewhat handicaped was remarkable compared to our experiences with Oceania in Europe. At 71 I felt young and vigorous. A nice feeling :). I did note that the ship's tours of the Mayan ruins in Costa Maya were greatly slowed by people who simply could not cover the distances at the pace of the group. We were on a private tour but covered the same ground (and more) and I felt sorry for some exhausted folks that were unable to see what they had come to see. I don't have a solution to this. The tour descriptions were clear as to the level of exertion.

The Concierge lounge was a wonderful benefit. I was able to get a cup of coffee and read the paper in the morning and avoid the hair dryer. However, the number of people in the lounge in their bathrobes was startling. Frankly I do not want to be exposed to varicose veins and plaid boxers at any time but especially before breakfast. The women were somewhat more discrete but some of the (old) men simply flopped into a chair and let it all hang out. This has been commented previously on this board with, apparently, no result.

The libriary really sucks. In addition to being so cramped that it is hard to get to the books the lighting is bad and many of the chairs are set so that you are facing the outside windows and the glare makes it hard to read. This is the one really bad design element on these ships.

The staff was generally up to Oceania standards in service. We did feel that there was a larger proportion of new and inexperienced staff than we have seen on the R ships. We did have a bad experience in Jacques with them being out of the duck specialty (for an 8PM seating) but not notifying us for 30 minutes after we had ordered and had selected a wine to go with that dish. Also had disappearing waiters after we had been served. The head waiter said that he would get us another reservation but did not do so. This would not have occurred on the R ships. The service in the Grand Dining room was, as usual, inconsistent. Polo was, as usual, superior in all respects.

La Reserve was really excellent. Food and wine with excellent and concise explainations of the goal of the pairings.

Much of the ugly art on the walls on deck 5 was part of the art auction inventory. The auction was not disruptive but the paintings sure were awful.

I have to agree with Dr Cocktail that the number of jerks was a little higher on this cruise that we have seen on the smaller ships. I am not sure why but it was noticable.

We had a lovely experience but, on balance, we prefer the R ships so we booked our next cruise on the Nautica.


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Robbie, I was on same cruise. Agree with discourteous passenger problem as well as your comment about general age group and difficulty of many to deal with physical demands of tours.


On the other hand, we had fabulous service in Jacque and faced an indifferent staff and mediocre food in Polo. Luck of the draw on these sorts of things I guess.


I do not disagree with some of your comfort/logistic issues re: the library. However considering the size of the ship, the excellent selection of reading material remains praiseworthy compared to any library at sea IMHO, including the huge one on QM2.

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Thanks for your reviews. I would also like to chime in reg. the behavior of some of the passengers. I have sailed on each of the Oceania ships except the Riviera (Europe+Med) from Concierge to B3 and have been VERY pleased with every trip. I am not new to travel & have also lived abroad for many yrs. & am familiar with different cultures (I am French Cdn) but 'politeness' never varies, except in the 'cruise world'. I read all posts regarding O and do extensive research for each port of the itinerary and have been satisfied with the results of my efforts. I devote a lot of time and energy towards planning my vacations but what has repeatedly spoiled, what would be a perfect holiday, is the incidents of outright rudeness & entitlement of fellow passengers...I choose to cruise for the ease and comfort but I come home after each cruise with the same impression.....I apologize for my rant, it may be viewed as rude.

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For edgee, You are correct, of course, that any restaurant can have an off night. I was more upset by the unfulfilled promise to get another reservation when the duck was available. They were apparently unable to determine they were out of Duck for 30 minutes after we ordered. Poor communication for a specialty restaurant. In my experience, when the order is placed with the kitchen they know if they are out. My wife had really been looking forward to this dish so she was quite disapointed. On a previous cruise where our reservations were mixed up and they were unable to seat our group together we were given another reservation two days later for the group. Handled with sincere appologies and quick resolution.

As to the library - I agree that the book selection is good but I was uncomfortable squeezing in behind people reading and bumping them in the head when I opened a cabinet. David Shermat told me that originally they had even more furniture (tables I think) in these small reading corners.

By the way, IMHO the string quartet were exceptional musicians, far better than the piano player and the band. Leave him in the bar and keep the quartet out where we can hear them.:)


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How I agree with the comments of the "please and thank you" on our recent Riviera cruise we did notice, and I am afraid to say, it was noticeable, it was mostly the Americans, that did not use please or thank you when addressing the staff.

Most noticeable was in the Buffet area where they either just pointed or just said "that"

Please don't "flame" me as I am just expressing what we saw.


Let us hope that in 12 days time when we board Riviera again that we do not come across rude people.


Love that fact that Oceania are trying to get away from the chair hogs, hope that the maintenance around the ship has now improved, i..e. cleanliness also, keep up the good work FDR.

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For edgee, You are correct, of course, that any restaurant can have an off night. I was more upset by the unfulfilled promise to get another reservation when the duck was available. They were apparently unable to determine they were out of Duck for 30 minutes after we ordered. Poor communication for a specialty restaurant. In my experience, when the order is placed with the kitchen they know if they are out. My wife had really been looking forward to this dish so she was quite disapointed. On a previous cruise where our reservations were mixed up and they were unable to seat our group together we were given another reservation two days later for the group. Handled with sincere appologies and quick resolution.

As to the library - I agree that the book selection is good but I was uncomfortable squeezing in behind people reading and bumping them in the head when I opened a cabinet. David Shermat told me that originally they had even more furniture (tables I think) in these small reading corners.

By the way, IMHO the string quartet were exceptional musicians, far better than the piano player and the band. Leave him in the bar and keep the quartet out where we can hear them.:)




Robbie, I completely see your point about the lack of followup on an add'l reservation. Also, I can't resist rubbing it in...I had the duck in Jacque...and it was, indeed terrific. Maybe I got the last serving. :-)

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...........The Concierge lounge was a wonderful benefit. I was able to get a cup of coffee and read the paper in the morning and avoid the hair dryer. However, the number of people in the lounge in their bathrobes was startling. Frankly I do not want to be exposed to varicose veins and plaid boxers at any time but especially before breakfast. The women were somewhat more discrete but some of the (old) men simply flopped into a chair and let it all hang out. This has been commented previously on this board with, apparently, no result....




It's a pity that Oceania cannot issue some guidlines re dress codes in the Concierge lounge, it would certainly dissuade me from using it seeing the sights that you witnessed.:eek:

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Thanks for taking the time to post your very helpful review of your recent voyage on Riviera. I enjoyed reading about your experience.


We recently booked our first cruise on Riviera for May 2014 and look forward to comparing the differences between the two O ships; we loved our June 2011 Marina cruise.


I am very glad to see that enforcement of the lounge chair reservation policy on the pool deck is being enforced. It has been extremely annoying on all of our previous Oceania cruises to search often fruitlessly for somewhere to sit and finding dozens sitting empty for hours with just books and magazines.

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Attention Oceania:


There needs to be signage in the Concierge Lounges (or maybe info in the stateroom) that bathrobes and pajamas are not proper attire!!!! It is really awful for the rest of us.


I found a nice-looking sign on the web, but it can't be uploaded here, so perhaps something along the lines of the following simple sign could be posted outside the concierge and executive lounges, with special mention of "NO BATHROBES" added to it.



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Thanks for your reviews. I would also like to chime in reg. the behavior of some of the passengers. I have sailed on each of the Oceania ships except the Riviera (Europe+Med) from Concierge to B3 and have been VERY pleased with every trip. I am not new to travel & have also lived abroad for many yrs. & am familiar with different cultures (I am French Cdn) but 'politeness' never varies, except in the 'cruise world'. I read all posts regarding O and do extensive research for each port of the itinerary and have been satisfied with the results of my efforts. I devote a lot of time and energy towards planning my vacations but what has repeatedly spoiled, what would be a perfect holiday, is the incidents of outright rudeness & entitlement of fellow passengers...I choose to cruise for the ease and comfort but I come home after each cruise with the same impression.....I apologize for my rant, it may be viewed as rude.


Hi, Canuck.QC - you were on our Marina cruise last September and I remember seeing your thoughtful review that echoed mine (great cruise, terrible fellow passengers). I hesitate to post here, being a "persona non grata" on the regular Oceania board because I tend to speak my mind and argue with the regulars who informally moderate the discussion, but I must agree with the observations by you, Dr. Cocktail and others on this thread.


We have cruised three times on Oceania. All of them have been fantastic. But on our last cruise in particular, it seemed like many of our fellow passengers had been infected with the nasty, whining, entitled disposition bug. Most of the worst offenders were Americans, although a refined-looking woman from the UK nearly decapitated us (figuratively) because she thought we were cutting in line for a shuttle back to the ship in Bilbao. We finally stopped asking other passengers if they were enjoying the cruise, because we would be usually subjected to an endless litany of complaints. These included such gems as: "this ship [Marina, mind you] is a low-class cattle car", "my butler is an idiot", "why couldn't they stop in more interesting ports", "the food is awful", "I hate this ship and don't understand why they built something so monstrous - it takes forever to get off", "why would they stop in this place?", "will we get money back because they had to cancel a port, because we might sue", etc. etc. We were also treated to other behaviors, like the elderly gentleman who elbowed me aside just as I was putting my items through a scanner in one port because I wasn't moving fast enough. He then stood on the other side of the metal detector after almost knocking me over and glared at his wife who waited her turn behind us. I guess his burger in Waves was getting cold. Many other passengers were witnessed as being downright awful to the pleasant and courteous staff.


It should be noted that none of these behaviors were observed in the folks in our Roll Call, so there is something to be said for that shared experience. These behaviors are so sad, but they also make us more inclined to be cautious when trying to be friendly. We look at any and all of our cruise experiences as a gift that we are able to enjoy.

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I have seen ugly Americans (and while I'm from the U.S. I like to think I'm not an "ugly" one). On my first trip to Europe back in 1970 my sister and I were touring through the Schoenbrun Palace in Vienna and there was an American in our group who turned the lights on and off as we entered a room and then turned around and castigated someone else when the guide complained. As if we didn't know who the culprit was.


I was embarrassed.


But I've seen plenty of rude Europeans as well!


I'm not necessarily talking about passengers on cruise ships, I'm talking about tourists in the particular countries.


I've never seen a rude Swiss, Hambagle, but I've seen plenty of rude people in France. Just as an example. I've also seen wonderful people in France (even in Paris!).


Unfortunately, I think we all have rude co-citizens. It would be nice if this were not the case.


As another example, back in 1975 we were on the Bergen-North Cape cruise on the old Bergen Lines. Most of the passengers were in second class, going from one port to the next. The first class passengers were few in number and most of them boarded the boat (I can't call it a ship) for only a few days at a time.


There was an Italian group that was on board for three days (this was a 12 day cruise if you went Bergen-North Cape and back to Bergen) who were beyond obnoxious. There was one woman who kept on knocking people out of the way so that she could get to the buffet table first.


She was very unhappy with me when I blocked her way one day so that the person she was tromping on could get up to the table first.






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I have seen ugly Americans (and while I'm from the U.S. I like to think I'm not an "ugly" one). On my first trip to Europe back in 1970 my sister and I were touring through the Schoenbrun Palace in Vienna and there was an American in our group who turned the lights on and off as we entered a room and then turned around and castigated someone else when the guide complained. As if we didn't know who the culprit was.


I was embarrassed.


But I've seen plenty of rude Europeans as well!


I'm not necessarily talking about passengers on cruise ships, I'm talking about tourists in the particular countries.


I've never seen a rude Swiss, Hambagle, but I've seen plenty of rude people in France. Just as an example. I've also seen wonderful people in France (even in Paris!).


Unfortunately, I think we all have rude co-citizens. It would be nice if this were not the case.




I think those of us who have travelled a lot have met rude and kind people nearly everywhere we have travelled. I have not only travelled extensively in Europe, I have lived there and I have met several rude...Swiss people. Two examples: one with whom I was having a conversation (indoors, while food was being served) started smoking without even asking if I minded (many years ago, but still...Americans were at that time at least asking one another whether they minded...even when they were shocked to hear the words "yes, I do mind"), and another (Belgian-Swiss adult woman) whose rude and prying behavior I won't even describe. On the other hand, we cruised with a lovely youngish couple from Basel on Regatta to Alaska in 2011 who could not have been nicer.


I did meet many very rude people in Paris when I was a very young woman, mostly shop girls in the department stores, but i also met some extremely polite and kind people there.


When the term "Americans" is thrown out, I would ask "how do you know they were American?" I am a linguist and can place most accents very accurately, but I can have a half hour conversation with a Canadian on the phone and only "get it" that they are Canadian when certain words are spoken. Otherwise, Canadians and Californians sound very much alike!


Obviously, if one hears some distinctive regional American accents, one can get a pretty good idea that the person is American, but I don't think we Americans should all be painted with the same brush.


I haven't cruised but once round trip from Florida, but I recall even then there was a huge crowd of folks onboard that did seem to be significantly older and to be pushy. It was the most miserable group of passengers we ever encountered on any cruise, which is probably one main reason we haven't had any interest in taking any round trip South Florida cruises since then (decades ago).


P.S. I have also met some very nice Floridians, especially those who were either born and raised there or who came at a young age. :)


P.P.S. And some of the transplants seem to be nice. Benita fits into that category. ;):)

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Well i would like to disagree to a certain extent regarding Americans. I was fortunate to visit some parts of the US nearly 2 years ago and everyone i met (besides security staff at LAX) were helpful and kind. We thoroughly enjoyed your country and its people.

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I was born and raised in the good old USA. My husband and I are very polite, always say please & thank you, so do our children and grandchildren. My youngest started saying thank you when he was just one year old. He is now 3 and is still very polite. I am a flight attendant, have observed behavior of my PAX. Yes, some are self evolved. Most are very kind and respectful of me. We are looking forward to our next cruise on the Riviera in March. A Btb. If I am surrounded by rude obnoxious people I will be forced to say something. So happy about the attendants removing personal belongings from the lounge chairs, I have been known to do it myself at resorts! On the Riviera, I will point it out to the attendant. Hopefully the pax on our cruise are wonderful and gracious!! We just feel fortunate to be able to spend 24 days on another wonderful Oceania cruise. Jeanine

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