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Anomaly or New Standard on recent Oasis Sailing

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It would be nice if we didn't have thieves in the world, but we do. So, yes, if you have expensive things that you leave lying around where it is easy for someone to take them, it is partly your fault for being careless. You can still be rightfully angry at whoever took them. But a little common sense with your valuable items goes a long way. Somehow, it's not proper in some people's minds to point that out, because it amounts to "blaming the victim" or "blasting" the OP, but it's still true no matter how much some don't want to hear it.


I wish there weren't any thieves, but I'm smart enough not to leave anything precious to me sitting unattended on or beside a pool chair, while I go for a swim. And I'm not blasting the OP. I agree that this is too much misfortune for one cruise and would hope that it is not a sign of how things have become.


I may be a cheapo but I believe even $35 is a lot for pool shoes..........Even of they were dollar store shoes. They belonged to the Op and were stolen.

The OP is not a child and does not need to be reminded she had some culpability in this act of theft. She sure knows now not to leave her shoes near her pool chair on a ship. As far as "common sense" Really? you should question her common sense because she did not hide her shoes while on a ship and away from her chair. The OP has now been insulted as well as injured.

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I agree. It's general disorder, especially on the smaller ships where there is only one or two security lanes. I try to wait until the very last minute to put my stuff on the security belt, but sometimes there's still some delay walking through the security scan and my stuff ends up sitting there for a brief period.


When me & my sister are getting back on the ship & have bags/cameras that go thru the scanners we try to have one of us go thru 1st while the 2nd person slightly delays putting our stuff on the belt until the 1st one goes thru and then can wait for the stuff to come thru and take what is ours.



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Hey Pkexton!!!

That little bug on your screen is too funny!!!

I kept trying to get it off my screen before I realized it was part of your signature LOL :)


I just added it when the roll call got started for our Quantum cruise :D



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I had a phone stolen from me on Labadee... luckily I got it back, however, when I told the "cautionary tell" here on CC to warn people, I got blasted. Blasted for bringing it, blasted for not locking it up, blasted for my stupidity, blasted for assuming RCCL employees would help me.


So I'm sorry for you- YES, your wife should be able to wear $100 flip flops to the pool, and no one should blame the victim.


RCCL needs to step up their game with security- they completely and utterly could not have cared less when my phone was stolen, and wouldn't even come to the "scene" to ask anyone questions or even fill out an incident report.


This is a problem...if these incidents are not documented, passengers have no way of knowing how often it occurs (and if thefts are undocumented, guess the cruise line doesn't need to do anything about the thefts, either. :rolleyes: )


I'm tired of people always blaming the victims with these issues. This is not the OP's fault...it was a blatant attempt at theft. The cruise line has a weakness in their security...THAT'S a problem! Good grief, I feel like if someone came up to me and took my belongings off my body, I'd be accused of "not being aware of my surroundings." Talk about drinking the RCCL Kool-Aid. And I really enjoy RCCL cruises, but some people can't take one criticism of their beloved cruise line.



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I may be a cheapo but I believe even $35 is a lot for pool shoes..........Even of they were dollar store shoes. They belonged to the Op and were stolen.

The OP is not a child and does not need to be reminded she had some culpability in this act of theft. She sure knows now not to leave her shoes near her pool chair on a ship. As far as "common sense" Really? you should question her common sense because she did not hide her shoes while on a ship and away from her chair. The OP has now been insulted as well as injured.


That's exactly the kind of reaction I'm talking about. Every little comment has to be picked apart and turned into some kind of "insult" or "attack." Yes, it's prudent to use common sense with their valuable items. That doesn't excuse theft; it merely accepts the reality of the world.


I agree with you on one thing, though. Even $35 is a lot for pool shoes. Couldn't believe someone called that a "cheap" pair of flip flops.


But I think people should be able to wear whatever they want, and in a perfect world, they shouldn't have to worry about them being stolen. But saying you should be more careful with something that's valuable doesn't need to be met with outrage about "blaming the victim" either. That was my point, and you just reinforced it with your rant.

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I think it is just strange that the first 2 incidents happened to the same person. As for being the "new standard" how many other posts have you seen addressing similar problems, that should answer your question as it regards the flip flops and scanner incident.


As for Nelson, I think a written complaint was in order. As others pointed out - there was no excuse for his behavior. Sounds like he took whatever was going on with you personally. With so many passengers on board - even if he is having a rotten week - it should never get personal.


When me & my sister are getting back on the ship & have bags/cameras that go thru the scanners we try to have one of us go thru 1st while the 2nd person slightly delays putting our stuff on the belt until the 1st one goes thru and then can wait for the stuff to come thru and take what is ours.






My bag does not go through the scanner until I'm ready to walk through the screening - really bugs the folks at airports - but you are much more likely to have something disappear there than on the ship.

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> So it is my wifes fault for not owning and wearing cheap shoes?


No, it's the thief's fault. But unfortunately, there will always be potential thieves around, and I believe it's smart to protect yourself and your belongings, and I personally choose to NOT leave expensive items unattended for even a few seconds. I just bought some cheap water shoes for our upcoming cruise. And I'll be watching our bag carefully during security scan after reading your experience.


> Are people really recommending that we should now take cheap clothing and belongings on cruises because we should expect them to be stolen if not?


In situations where the items will be left unattended yes, that is what I would recommend. It's a shame but that is the way the world is. I'm not taking expensive jewelry, either, for the same reason.

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I think ships do have their own "vibe". After being on Allure we noticed that the feel was different on Oasis.. crew didn't seem as happy. That's just my opinion though, but one server in Park Cafe noticed my DH's Allure shirt and said" ooooh.. I loved being on the Allure". She even said it was different on the Oasis. That being said, we're back on Oasis in a few months, so it's still a great ship. As far as the theft situation.. it can happen anywhere of course. I still think it's pretty daring for someone to "walk off' in your shoes! The person must have been watching for her to leave them unattended or something. I'm surprised we haven't lost anything like this as I tend to leave my purse or camera from time to time. It's always been right there when I come back or someone has chased me down to give it to me..guess our stuff isn't very appealing:D.

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I'm tired of people always blaming the victims with these issues. This is not the OP's fault...it was a blatant attempt at theft.
I'm still not convinced it wasn't "mistaken identity". (the flip flops, not the bag at security)


The cruise line has a weakness in their security...THAT'S a problem!

So what should RCI do to strengthen their security?

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By the way, what are "expensive" flip flops? Not being a wise guy here, truly wondering? Old Navy had lines out the door last week for $1 flip flops, maybe your sticky footed friend should have gone there;):rolleyes:


I get that in some places stuff that seems useless to me is valuable to the local folks, and can walk away pretty easily, but clearly this passenger can afford her own pricey flip flops of she can afford a week on Oasis (whatever pricey flip flops are ;))


I bought pair yesterday at the outlet shops that were marked down over 50% to $25. My normal flip flops are Crocs and they cost over $20 a pair if you get them at the outlets. I can't wear the cheapos because I always get blisters. I have yet to have a blister with the Crocs Athenas. Good quality are a good investment - I'm still wearing my first pair that I received as a gift over 6 years ago and I wear them almost year round.

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My bag does not go through the scanner until I'm ready to walk through the screening - really bugs the folks at airports - but you are much more likely to have something disappear there than on the ship.


Try that in Philly.

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I guess we all should be more careful with our belongings while on vacation. I have been on cruises where there was a series of events that could have ruined my vacation of I had allowed it.

Perception is everything.

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I'm still not convinced it wasn't "mistaken identity". (the flip flops, not the bag at security)



So what should RCI do to strengthen their security?


For starters, they can stop expecting the crew to be their security. I know they've tried to step it up, but they need an actual security presence. People know they can get away with it because cruise ships are ridiculously underprepared for crime.


But I can hear it now already..."don't go then." We'll, they've tried to sell the safest vacations on the planet to their clients, but only until recently, they never had to report crime at all! I'll still go, but I know that things could be better.



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Not blaming Royal Caribbean. My wonderment centers around maybe there are too many passengers to effectively manage. Also just for clarification.....I did not "argue" or get "smart" with anyone. Before we went up 6 decks to change, I asked politely where on the list of displayed rules where it states kids must wear shorts. The only clothing rule stated no wet bathing suits. The flip flops were stolen..period. It was on film from security and these were a very expensive name brand.


If the theft was captured on security film, were they not able to identify the person? Their facial recognition software in the photo lab is pretty impressive.

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The security officer said they were not able to accurately identify, only that it was a younger woman wearing a blue bathing suit.


For more clarification I was sitting next to my wife, my daughter asked for something in the pool 4 ft away, my wife got up took her sandals/flip flops off and stepped onto the platform. She probably was there about 3 minutes max, came back and the shoes had been taken. Oblivious to me sitting right there but the person sitting next to me said she saw it happen.


The watch would have been more painful to lose but the fact is 2 thefts same ship in a 7 day span is pushing the envelope of just bad luck.

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...the shoes had been taken. Oblivious to me sitting right there but the person sitting next to me said she saw it happen.


Ok, if I am the person sitting next to you and saw this happen, I would have said something while it was happening. I mean, she had to have seen that they were your wife's sandals. If someone completely different comes over and puts them on, and I see it, wouldn't most people say something to the husband (you)?


One of the things I enjoy about cruising is the camaraderie among passengers, whether it is on excursions or on board. Maybe you are right, maybe it becomes more impersonal with 6000 people.


Glad to hear you had a good vacation overall!

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For starters, they can stop expecting the crew to be their security. I know they've tried to step it up, but they need an actual security presence. People know they can get away with it because cruise ships are ridiculously underprepared for crime.


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So add how many more personnel? I'm assuming you want the public areas covered for what? 16-18 hours a day?

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Rolloman's post is one of the best aspects of CC. I appreciate the heads up and will avoid the finger pointing game on who is to blame.

The experience reminds me to think about what I leave on a deck chair at the pool. I have one of those roll up bags of thin fabric that I usually carry to the pool. Might be a good idea next time to just slip my shoes in it so they don't "walk". Thanks for sharing your experience, and lending a word to the wise. Thieves really have no shame!

I had a beach towel go missing at the security check at Cozumel once. Nothing in comparison to your purse. All those in line were getting on RCCL ships, so either someone didn't want to pay the fee for a towel they left on the beach or mistakenly picked up ours. Ours was just hanging out of a bag, so the last scenario seems unlikely. I was infuriated. DH explained to the towel guy, and he took it off our account. Whew, dodged that bullet.

Sorry to hear about the over zealous employee and his choices for how he does his job. No understanding for some people's actions. Sounds like this wasn't a first. Hopefully, his actions will be addressed.

Best advice I've received on CC is to mention good and bad on the survey at the end of the cruise. We've only mentioned negative behavior once, and this was actually an excursion employee. Did also talk to the excursion desk. Pretty awesome considering how many cruises we've taken.

Thanks again to rolloman for creating awareness once again that thieves do not take a holiday and always be on the lookout.

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I think it comes down to math-in a small city of 6,000+ people, a good percentage of them are going to be scumbags. Just a fact.;)


I was on Oasis in April 2012, and while nothing got stolen, I almost got into a fistfight with a Real Mafia Housewife of Redhook over a pool chair that my 60+ year old mother supposedly stole from her. Mind you, we were sitting there for hours, and when she got up, we watched the next party over from us take her chairs, not us, but she was too stupid to realize or admit she was wrong.:confused:


Luckily for her, her gigantic mafia husband (complete in valour sweatsuit at the pool in 90 degrees) told her to walk away and get over it, otherwise she was going to have a huge problem with me for yelling at my mother.:D

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Not blaming Royal Caribbean. My wonderment centers around maybe there are too many passengers to effectively manage. Also just for clarification.....I did not "argue" or get "smart" with anyone. Before we went up 6 decks to change, I asked politely where on the list of displayed rules where it states kids must wear shorts. The only clothing rule stated no wet bathing suits. The flip flops were stolen..period. It was on film from security and these were a very expensive name brand.


"Very expensive name brand" and "flip-flops" don't belong in a sentence together.

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