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comfortcove: So sad to read about your dear Peaches. I do know what you are going through. Seven or eight years ago I had to send my beautiful Brandy over the Rainbow Bridge. She was a Silver Tipped Persian with a Doll Face (no pushed in nose). Looked very much like the Fancy Feast Cat that ate from a crystal dish. To be honest with you, I can't say it will get easier. I'm crying now but also smiling as I think of her. She was 18. Earlier this year I had to say good bye to my Cinders. She was a 15 year old dark grey rescue. Had her since she was a kitten. I tear up for her too. I try to think of the happy times we all had together. Both those cats were great company for me when my husband passed away. Now I have a beautiful 5 year old Pixie Bob called LuLu. She's a real beauty from Washington State.. LuLu is a real pal and weighs a big 20 pounds. Her pet carrier is on wheels since she is too heavy to carry in one hand. I call her carrier her motor home. She goes for a ride every 6 weeks or so for a kitty pedicure. She is Polydactyl. Has 7 toes on one front foot and 8 on the other front foot. Gives the illusion of having thumbs.

Reading this thread has caused me to shed enough tears to fill a tea cup. May you please find a little comfort reading all the posted comments. Hope the pain in your heart lightens up a bit. Sincere condolences.:)

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I had to put our 20 year old cat down today. I respect that kitty so much. It was a horrible thing to have to do. Now, we will only have one young dog here, so it will be easier to go away. Friends love to take care of a pretty dog, nobody loved our old kitty for several years, reminds me of the song Memories. He was in renal and liver failure, vet said he was amazing to live so long! Rambling on here, I guess this will make it easier to go on Noordam in December. He was a survivor, and so loyal. RIP Peaches. I hope someone can tell me when this feels better?


We are so sorry to hear about losing your beloved kitty, Peaches... The sadness is less over time but not forgotten..


We had to put down 17 yr. old Sam, our beloved LAB many years ago & we are still sad thinking about it.. But now we can remember the wacky things he used to do & laugh about them..

We also hope that our darling little 13 yr old doxi, Brandy lives a long life..She's still a happy Puppy, although slowing down a bit..She lost one of her best Friends, Lola (My best friend's Pup) several months ago..When we go to their house Brandy keeps looking for Lola..We know that Brandy probably does not have too many good years left, & hope that we will be strong enough to put her out of her misery if & when the time comes..


Our sincere sympathy to you & your family.





If it should be I grow frail and weak

And pain prevents my peaceful sleep.

Then you must do what must be done

When this last battle can't be won.

You will be sad, I understand.

Selfishness might stay your hand.

But on this day, more than the rest.

Your love and friendship take the test.


We've had so many happy years

That what's to come hold no fears.

You'd not want me to suffer.

So when the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend.

Only stay with me until the end.

Hold me firm and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.


I know, in time, you too will see

It is a kindness that you do for me.

Although my tail its last has waved.

From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Do not grieve it should be you

Who must decide this thing to do.

We've been so close, we two, these years...

Don't let your heart hold any tears.




What a beautiful poem, thank you for sharing it with us!


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I seldom post, but I have to weigh in here. I am so very sorry for your loss, and am reminded of something a friend said to me when we first brought our little fur girl home. She said "enjoy her, because it all goes so fast". The small kitten is now 9 and it has gone so quickly. I'm sure you feel your time with Peaches was all too short, but please know in your heart that your decision was made with love, and was kind. I believe Peaches knows this, too.

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i am so sorry to hear about your beloved Peaches.


it takes time but it does get easier to remember them and not feel quite so sad after a while. i had to have my baby boy 'Tenpin' put to sleep in February after he developed renal failure. it was the hardest decision i've ever had to make but i knew in my heart it was for the best, just as i'm sure you knew it was the best decision for Peaches .

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I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a long time constant companion is very hard.


We lost our baby Belle (Siamese cat) to renal failure about 4 years ago at the age of 17. Then last year, we had her litter mate, Troy, put to sleep at the age of 20. He was deteriorating rapidly. I cried every day for months after he passed. It still hurts, but time does help.


I like to think they visit me when a full moon shines through our atrium window.


Be kind to yourself for awhile. The grief comes in waves.



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WPGCruise ... thank you ... how very beautiful.


It seems as though 17 years is a tough age - we had to have our Christine put to sleep at 17 for the same reasons at the OP.:(


A year later (and many tears later) we saw the pic in the paper of a tiny, adorable little kitty available for adoption at the Humane Society. We fell in love before even meeting her.


Katie now runs the household ... as was intended.

You know what they say ... Dogs have owners ... Cats have Staff :o

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The service that cremated our cats gave this poem to us along with fur clippings:


Old cat in a locket.

That lies next to my heart

I will always love you

As I did right from the start.


You were right beside me

Through the darkest of my days

It was your kind and gentle nature

That made me want to stay


Now I hold you in my arms

Your breath still warm against my hand

Our hearts still beat together

And I wonder if you understand.


Through the hours that I held you

Before the light did leave your soul

I knew a way to keep you

Forever in my hold.


I snipped the hair from around your eyes

So I would always see

The beauty that surrounds me

Even in my time of need


I snipped the hair from around your ears

So I would always hear

Music in the distance

To quiet all my fears.



I snipped the hair from around your back

To bring me strength in time of need

And the power in your essence

Would always be with me.


I snipped the hair from around your heart

That beat in time with mine

So I'd know your love would find me

At some distant time.


And so your life slipped out of mine

On a quiet winter day

But I knew that a part of you

Was always here to stay.


Old cat in a locket.

That lays next to my heart

I will always love you

Even though we had to part.


Heidi Stamm

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Oh my, I've had to do this too many times as we always had at least two dogs and one cat, they all lived to good ages or had terminal illness. You feel like your heart will never mend, but it does, and each day gets a little better. Hugs and condolences to you.

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Deepest regrets on losing Peaches. Our pets become so much a part of us that their loss cuts a hole in our hearts. Let the grieving process work. For a while you'll be looking for Peaches and then realize she's no longer here. After you get over that initial anguish, fond memories will comfort you, I hope. Remember the best of times with Peaches as she was before she became ill.


Time will never replace her, but it will eventually dull the ache you're feeling now.

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It takes a while, but eventually the sadness fades away.


We still have a sad moment from time to time for our Golden, whom we had to put down at an early age due to cancer.

He's the one in my Avatar!


But we remember the great times, the fun times. We won't forget him, as you won't forget your Kitty.

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My sympathy goes to you also, I know first hand how painful that is. Folks who don't love animals just don't get it usually, but we do! My 86 year old father and my 18 year old cat died the same week, and I for years thought of them together. It does get easier. And I'll give extra kisses today to my 2 kitties, both 11 years old (along with their dog brother) in thanks for being so meaningful in my life.

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I've noticed that too. Our last two cats both died at 17 and it seems like I'm always hearing about others too.


I agree almost everyone I know that is the age that they have had to say goodbye to their cats, with a few rare occasion I here of 20 and one friend had a Siamese that made it to 22. Who knows maybe that is when they run out of their 9 Lives. Our Joey turned 17 in July and it was almost as if that month everything changed. For the most part he is comfortable and he still has to come pick on me every night in the middle of the night to be rubbed so somethings have not changed but I know his time is short. So I just give him lots of love and kisses. I do think he may have a bit of Kitty Dementia. :o

Now We have also had many Toy Poodles over the past 37 yrs and many we had to say good bye to in their 14th year. But we are keeping our fingers crossed that our 15 yr old stays healthy. His eyes do not show much sign of cataracts they are nice a brown and in all honesty he has more energy than Tom and I except he does take far more naps than we do. But he and our Cat are very close.

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I agree almost everyone I know that is the age that they have had to say goodbye to their cats, with a few rare occasion I here of 20 and one friend had a Siamese that made it to 22. Who knows maybe that is when they run out of their 9 Lives. Our Joey turned 17 in July and it was almost as if that month everything changed. For the most part he is comfortable and he still has to come pick on me every night in the middle of the night to be rubbed so somethings have not changed but I know his time is short. So I just give him lots of love and kisses. I do think he may have a bit of Kitty Dementia. :o

Now We have also had many Toy Poodles over the past 37 yrs and many we had to say good bye to in their 14th year. But we are keeping our fingers crossed that our 15 yr old stays healthy. His eyes do not show much sign of cataracts they are nice a brown and in all honesty he has more energy than Tom and I except he does take far more naps than we do. But he and our Cat are very close.

Lisa, it's funny you mention Kitty Dementia. My poor Cinders who was the last one to get sick and put down actually forgot she hated my best girl friend. She used to hiss and smack at her but in the end forgot all about that. It was Jan that took her to the Vet's to be sent over the rainbow. I just could not do it.

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I agree almost everyone I know that is the age that they have had to say goodbye to their cats, with a few rare occasion I here of 20 and one friend had a Siamese that made it to 22. Who knows maybe that is when they run out of their 9 Lives. Our Joey turned 17 in July and it was almost as if that month everything changed. For the most part he is comfortable and he still has to come pick on me every night in the middle of the night to be rubbed so somethings have not changed but I know his time is short. So I just give him lots of love and kisses. I do think he may have a bit of Kitty Dementia. :o

Now We have also had many Toy Poodles over the past 37 yrs and many we had to say good bye to in their 14th year. But we are keeping our fingers crossed that our 15 yr old stays healthy. His eyes do not show much sign of cataracts they are nice a brown and in all honesty he has more energy than Tom and I except he does take far more naps than we do. But he and our Cat are very close.


It does seem that way. I have a friend whose cat lived to be 21, that's the oldest I've ever heard about. I always knew the time was short once our kitties couldn't come upstairs to our bed anymore :( That made me very sad. Ours always purred and loved to be held too, right up to the end.


As everyone has said, it does get easier, but I still get a lump in my throat when I think of her.

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We had a beautiful Maine Coon cat named Curry , with lovely curry colored fur. He lived to be 18 and a half. Maine Coons seem to live a long time...

At the end he had terrible arthritis and he was under my mom's car ...she didn't see him and being much slower than his younger self , he didn't get out from under the car in time. She ran over his paw and my parents took him to the vet to be put to sleep because he was in so much pain. They told me over the phone , they could hardly talk about it.


It is funny how pets are such integral parts of our life. I will never forget Curry ...he was a part of my entire growing up process , my memories are all entwined with his presence...


To the OP...your Peaches is gone from this earth , but will always remain in your heart and memories.

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As someone’s who’s been in this place many times, I’m so sorry for your loss.


The toughest part about loving an animal is knowing that you’ll have to go on without them someday. The decision to help the crossing is one of the bravest decisions a person can make and not one everyone is strong enough to do it. Peaches was lucky to have you as his special person. You put his needs over your own comfort and that takes a tremendous amount of love.


I wish I could make the pain go away faster but it will, in time.



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I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how painful it is. Our fur babies become part of our family and the sorrow when they go is very painful.


Ironically, when I did my dream cruise on the P'dam, the day we embarked was exactly one year to the day when we had to send our beautiful mountain dog over the rainbow bridge. He is still my avatar. It was only one month ago that we finally could get a new puppy (aghh!!) so that we once again have 3 dogs.


It's so nice to see so many animal lovers here. I hope you know we all share your grief and care. And Peaches is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge I am sure

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It seems many of us have had our beloved pets for many years ... pets who've witnessed our numerous departures for cruises :rolleyes:


I was cleaning out closets this week when our kitty, Katie, got sooooo clingy and kept whining and rubbing my legs. Then I realized I'd gotten the suitcases out in the cleaning process. I guess she figured we were off again :(

She returned to her regal self as soon as I returned the cases to the closet.:)

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It seems many of us have had our beloved pets for many years ... pets who've witnessed our numerous departures for cruises :rolleyes:


I was cleaning out closets this week when our kitty, Katie, got sooooo clingy and kept whining and rubbing my legs. Then I realized I'd gotten the suitcases out in the cleaning process. I guess she figured we were off again :(

She returned to her regal self as soon as I returned the cases to the closet.:)


I usually take pictures of us leaving the house...or in the car..etc..when we leave on vacation, usually cruises...these always include a picture of a cat...laying on top of a suitcase...I try to keep towels on top of them...if I leave it open by mistake..the cat will be in the suitcase...always:)

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Thank you so much, I just was able to come back and read this thread today. I have been really, really sad since Wednesday afternoon. Thank you for your sympathy, your wisdom and your shared experiences. Your thoughts and feelings have been a huge comfort to me. DH is already proposing a kitten or pup, but definitely not yet for me. I had to tell our three kids, we just sent our youngest off to college, and that was tough too. He has known Peaches his whole life. Our daughter said that he is where he can have all of the "canteloupe his grouchy little heart desires", and called him a "rad pet". he truly was one of a kind, an unforgettable scrappy survivor. He did love canteloupe!


Thank you all for taking the time to post, and the support. I am grateful, and you have been a comfort. I hope none of us ever have to put a beloved pet down again.



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Thank you so much, I just was able to come back and read this thread today. I have been really, really sad since Wednesday afternoon. Thank you for your sympathy, your wisdom and your shared experiences. Your thoughts and feelings have been a huge comfort to me. DH is already proposing a kitten or pup, but definitely not yet for me. I had to tell our three kids, we just sent our youngest off to college, and that was tough too. He has known Peaches his whole life. Our daughter said that he is where he can have all of the "canteloupe his grouchy little heart desires", and called him a "rad pet". he truly was one of a kind, an unforgettable scrappy survivor. He did love canteloupe!


Thank you all for taking the time to post, and the support. I am grateful, and you have been a comfort. I hope none of us ever have to put a beloved pet down again.




There are a lot of us out here, sending cyber hugs to you! I think the first few months are the hardest....

Wow, another cantaloupe lover! The cat we had 40 years ago (and yes I still miss him too) loved cantaloupe and I've never heard of another cat liking it since then. I'm sure they are having cantaloupe together now. :)

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It seems many of us have had our beloved pets for many years ...

My kitty has been with me almost as long as my husband was, and (truth be told) hasn't given me nearly as much aggravation. :eek:


And yes, she always watches me leave for my cruises, but runs to the door to greet me when I return. She cuddles for days afterward. When she goes, I will miss that terribly. :(

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