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Bragging about being rewarded for complaining.


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Thanks! I was dissapointed as I really wanted to give rave reviews to Shilas, Oom and Nicolina in Blu. They were EXCELLENT!!! I would have also added Vicent (bartender in Ensemble lounge) to the list. He was one of the best (if not the best) bartender I've had on my many cruises.


Please remember that your positive comments help!! The reviews put them in better positions for raises and promotions.


A tip is nice, but it is soon spent.....a positive comment means more money in their pocket every paycheck!! (but don't forgo the tip in lieu of the comment....do BOTH!)

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Part of the problem is sometimes the business is too quick to reward the complainer. . . People make mistakes and when they are willing to correct them, I am fine with that. I don't expect to be given something free or feel entitled to be given something to fix the situation. Good customer service is someone recognizing and fixing the situation without me complaining that I should be rewarded beyond having the situation fixed.
I agree, it is actually getting "hard" to complain, because so many businesses are going over and beyond in compensating you for your inconvenience.


I know how difficult it is to make a go in many businesses - I think consumers owe it to the business owner to let them know when things are not quite right rather than have them lose me as a customer. I've taken to unanomously leaving notes or comments on web sites because I don't want a coupon for a free meal or whatever when I'm just trying to make management aware of a situation.

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I didn't ask for any freebies from Celebrity or Royal Caribbean but they have been extremely, some times over-the-top) generous to us.


I have never been nasty. I have never complained about anything that wasn't warranted (i.e. broken toilet) and I have often requested comment cards in mid-cruise to commend a crew member or gotten "WOW" cards on Royal to do the same.


Sometimes I write to the cruise line after a cruise to offer suggestions, appreciation and to commend crew members in writing so that they are acknowledged by corporate. Only one time, in all our years of cruising, did I complain about a crew member and she deserved it as her attitude toward guests was no where near the corporate culture of politeness.


I did have an extremely frustrating time for several weeks with Azamara's broken web site and their overworked and under-informed telephone representatives and, having been compensated without request for lesser things by the other lines of the company, I did inquire of the possibility of compensation for my frustration and was told there would not be any.


I'm definitely not complaining. Just offering some anecdotal stuff on the topic.:)

Edited by Kellie Poodle
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A few years ago we were upgraded from an oceanview to a concierge (after final payment) free of charge--At about 4am I was awakened a clicking noise--after 3 nights I asked if guest relations knew what it was--they were concerned and called to find out if I still heard it--answer yes--I believed that it was a crew door closing--not slamming and told them that I would rate the cabin 99.999 instead of 100--I said no problem thanks for the concern--A few days lter they called to tell me that 2 passengers had an emergency and would be leaving the ship at Tenerife(it was a transatlantic)--After discussion we were moved to a lovely aft concierge --afew days later guest relations called and asked to see me at the front desk--They told me to look for a gift to be in the room that evening--they told me that the gift was for my trouble--I told them that I was happy in the new cabin everything was fine and I thanked them for the gift in advancebut --expecting a bottle of wine or flowers--to my surprise we were each given a future cruise certificate for $300

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I worked as a flight attendant for 25 years. Unfortunately the squeaky wheel gets oiled. I hate to see that as the kind people would like and deserve the same benefits. I always fill out the feedback form mid cruise. I only write about the positive crew members, unless something is truly wrong.


The squeaky wheel may get oiled but that is only a short term solution. Eventually it gets replaced because of the potential problems and then it is thrown into the scrap plié to be never seen again.


There is also the parable about the weeds growing with the grain. Let it be but then discard it during the harvest.



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On one cruise, we were in a line behind a lot of people complaining. All we wanted to do was order some flowers for our room - a cruising tradition of ours.


The person at the desk asked us if the flowers were for a special occasion. We said no, that we always liked to get flowers.


He was so pleased that we weren't complaining, and that we hadn't faked up a reason, that he told us the flowers would be complimentary - and they were. Guess he just appreciated the change of tone!

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I find that, in general, approaching any counter with a big smile can work wonders (An unexpected upgrade at check-in to a business class exit row on a long flight from Asia comes to mind). Most importantly, it makes the interaction more pleasant for both parties. Besides, I'd think that a complainer's personal life must be very unhappy.


As for the "what compensation do you want" - The reverse case is quite common. The person with a complaint feels cheated and may have some compensation in mind, but expects the provider to take the first step. If the provider doesn't ask what compensation is requested, he is unable to meet the expectations of the customer - and is left with a complaining customer, who may cost future business. By sussing-out any expectations, the line might turn a complainer who can cost business to a complimenter who may bring it in.


Three good lessons from this thread:

(1) Smile, damn ya' - it may actually get you more than you were expecting

(2) Don't be shy about giving positive reports - it really helps

(3) If you DO have a complaint and what you believe is appropriate compensation, mention it.


...and enjoy your cruise!

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There are some things that justify complaining although you must still use some tact. The shower fell from the wall and there were molded tiles in the bathroom. My room was filthy. Not to mention, my allergies turned into a huge mess and I ate the same meals for 7 full days at Bistro on Five. I tried to keep a positive attitude about it for the most part, but after a while, it simply became laughable.

Edited by Single_dreamer
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There are some things that justify complaining. The shower fell from the wall and there were molded tiles in the bathroom. My room was filthy. Not to mention, my allergies turned into a huge mess and I ate the same meals for 7 full days. I tried to keep a positive attitude about it for the most part, but after a while, it simply became laughable.

It's clear from reading some of your earlier posts that you were upset with Celebrity long before stepping foot aboard. Quite honestly, I've never experienced a filthy cabin on any ship, and the fact that you chose to eat the same meals every day is hardly Celebrity's fault. There is a sufficiently varied menu within the MDR alone to enable you not to repeat a selection, as well the presence of a number of different locations to dine with different menus.

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I am always amazed at how people complain over the smallest items. I always think how miserable their lives must be. Here is a fun recent story for you.


Recently, after a late meeting I stopped into a chain steakhouse for dinner and sat at the bar (Flemings in Chicago). I had a glass of red wine while I waited for my dinner. The runner brought the dinner out and since I was at the end of the bar decided to place the food in front of me (from the right side) and accidentally spilling the red wine which splashed all over me (suit, tie and my favorite white shirt :eek:). Lovely, I thought! The runner and bartender couldn't have been more apologetic. They looked absolutely mortified. They quickly brought over club soda for my tie and refilled my wine. The bartender then gave me the managers card and said she was currently upstairs but would be down to speak with me in a moment.


The manager came over within minutes and apologized multiple times. I said "oh well, mistakes happen. I'm sure the cleaners can get it out." She said that she would make an adjustment to my check and that I should invoice them for the cleaning or replacement of any items that were ruined. They ended up comping my wine and desert. I sent the clothes to the cleaners and they came out fine. It would be more of a hassle to invoice the restaurant so I didn't bother. Hey, mistakes happen. I thought about writing corporate to compliment the manager on how she handled the situation (swiftly, professionally, etc) but I was afraid it may be a negative to her since so many people only write to complain and get some sort of compensation!


I will add, however, that this was the end of my evening. Had it been before my meeting I would've sent them to the store next door to replace my shirt before the meeting! But I'd still have a smile on my face :)

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There are some things that justify complaining although you must still use some tact. The shower fell from the wall and there were molded tiles in the bathroom. My room was filthy. Not to mention, my allergies turned into a huge mess and I ate the same meals for 7 full days at Bistro on Five. I tried to keep a positive attitude about it for the most part, but after a while, it simply became laughable.

Why didn't you eat some place other than Bistro on Five?

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I asked for a comment card mid cruise and was told I would get one the night before disembarkation. It was to give credit to the Blu dining room waiters and wine steward. (which I mention to the staff that I would do) Should I have asked for something other than a comment card?


You can also ask for stationary and an envelope from Guest Services. If you do decide to write a note to a supervisor about an employee, it is best to write each individual on a separate paper. We've learned that they put the notes in the employee files, and when you put more than one on a paper, they make copies of the note for each file. If they work for different departments, it is even more of a mess for them!

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I've been on both sides of the counter so I understand what's it's like to be on the receiving end.

A few years ago my wife and I were leaving on an Western Med cruise out of Barcelona. We arrived the day before our cruise and checked into the hotel. It is a well known world wide chain and I used most of my points to get a room. Shortly after we got into the room someone tried to come in. I called down to the desk and all I could hear was chaos. I told my wife to stay in the room and I went down to the desk to find out what had happened. I waited in line for about a half hour and got up to the desk. I explained what had happened and asked if everything was ok. The desk clerk was very apologetic. I said that is wasn't any problem we just wanted to know if everything was ok and that we wouldn't be having any more visitors. He said that everything was fixed. I went the 21 floors back to the room and my room key wouldn't work. I told my wife to give me her room key and back down I went and back in the line. I finally got back to the desk, same guy. When he looked up he had that "Oh God, here it comes look." I told him the keys didn't work. Again the profuse apology. I said, "Look. This is an adventure. No one is hurt. No one is bleeding. I've got a story to tell now. That night we received Champagne and chocolates in our room. But the treat was when we came back from the cruise. We had been upgraded to a suite that overlooked both Barcelona and the Med. The experience was - an adventure.

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Last May, we struck up a conversation with a nice young woman while watching the ships tender back and forth from Santa Barbara. It turned out that she was the Concierge. She was thrilled to be interacting with passengers who were not complaining! Some of them passengers had demanded HUGE OBC. A few of the complaints were legit, many were things we simply ignored.

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I definately subscribe to the old adage "You get more flies with honey than vinegar"


In my job there are a few situations where it is "call takers discretion" as to what we do for certain callers.


You start off giving me attitude and what I "have" to do for you. You can take a hike

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I was reading thru some Celebrity Cruise Critic member's reviews tonight and I am always so surprised that people almost seem to brag about what they are given when they complain. "I heard noise over my balcony and I got future cruise credit" "I smelled smoke and I got wine and chocolates" "I complained about bad service and got free specialty dining."


All I can think is just wow, really? It seems as if the goal to complaining is not to right a wrong but to see what freebies they may get. On our last Summit cruise a couple of months ago our Aqua class cabin had a mostly non flushing toilet. We had to notify guest services after our (very good) stateroom attendant could not get maintenance to fix it. It actually never flushed properly and maintenance had to work on it daily. But the hotel director kept calling, checking in and offering all sorts of freebies. We politely said "no thanks" just a flush is all we need. He seemed utterly amazed.


My favorite story is one from years ago when I was cruising alone with my young son, I think it was the Constellation. Well, on boarding day after an hour or so our sea passes stopped working to pay for things. We went to the desk and stood in line and then spoke to them and it was a mistake in the system, it took a while but they fixed it and said sorry. No big deal. Then it happened again. Back in line, get to desk and I smile and say "guess what?" they apologize again, it takes a while but they fix it again, I smile and said thanks, no worries, busy day, computers mess up, have a nice day. Later that night in our room we find cookies, chocolate strawberries and a model of the ship for my son, with a note that read "we rarely get happy smiling people at the "complaint desk" we appreciate you, you made our day" signed guest services staff.


If you're going to get a freebie, that's the way you should want to do it. :)

We found that out in 2010. We were doing a Queens Grill suite on the QM2.Our butler asked if there was anything she could do to make the trip more enjoyable.. I told her I like Caviar,a freebie in Queen Grill suites(not real high end stuff,either)Well each afternoon at 5 we got the usual Canapes & a 10" plate ringed with Caviar on little blinis. She got her tip! A couple several doors down with a different butler was refused what we got. There DOES seem to be a lot of confusion as to what the butlers can provide. The couple really got quite nasty about it. I told them to "Politely" bring it to the purser's attention, as it is a perk you are entitled to. I saw him really Beyotching out the purser. He got his Caviar, but I always found you attract more flys with honey than vinager. We did have some issues with room quality in 2006 on the QM2..shower curtain falling apart, rusted door handle to the balcony,a burned out light.I wasn't pushy, but suggested to the purser that they should do a better room quality check before the next pax come aboard. I asked them to fix the shower curtain & replace the light, the door handle could wait if necessary. We got $500 OBC for our next trip. Normally it was about $150.

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I asked for a comment card mid cruise and was told I would get one the night before disembarkation. It was to give credit to the Blu dining room waiters and wine steward. (which I mention to the staff that I would do) Should I have asked for something other than a comment card?


Ask Guest Relations for some Attention to Detail cards. You can fill them out to compliment crew members and turn them back in to GR. The Hotel Director reads these. Crew members get promotions and better time off based on these.

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Ask Guest Relations for some Attention to Detail cards. You can fill them out to compliment crew members and turn them back in to GR. The Hotel Director reads these. Crew members get promotions and better time off based on these.


Thanks, Linda. You always have the right answers. You should get your cruises for free for all the good information you supply.:D


Happy new year.

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My husband and I have had this same discussion....we own a small 20 room inn and have found people who seem to complain just to see if we will give them some of their money back!! We recently had a guest that started threatening to give us bad reviews on all the popular review sites if we didn't give him a refund! There was NOTHING wrong with his room and he didn't have a complaint.....just wanted money back or he would give us bad reviews!! We have owned our inn for 19 years and have just started seeing this trend in the past few years.

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I was reading thru some Celebrity Cruise Critic member's reviews tonight and I am always so surprised that people almost seem to brag about what they are given when they complain. "I heard noise over my balcony and I got future cruise credit" "I smelled smoke and I got wine and chocolates" "I complained about bad service and got free specialty dining."


All I can think is just wow, really? It seems as if the goal to complaining is not to right a wrong but to see what freebies they may get. On our last Summit cruise a couple of months ago our Aqua class cabin had a mostly non flushing toilet. We had to notify guest services after our (very good) stateroom attendant could not get maintenance to fix it. It actually never flushed properly and maintenance had to work on it daily. But the hotel director kept calling, checking in and offering all sorts of freebies. We politely said "no thanks" just a flush is all we need. He seemed utterly amazed.


My favorite story is one from years ago when I was cruising alone with my young son, I think it was the Constellation. Well, on boarding day after an hour or so our sea passes stopped working to pay for things. We went to the desk and stood in line and then spoke to them and it was a mistake in the system, it took a while but they fixed it and said sorry. No big deal. Then it happened again. Back in line, get to desk and I smile and say "guess what?" they apologize again, it takes a while but they fix it again, I smile and said thanks, no worries, busy day, computers mess up, have a nice day. Later that night in our room we find cookies, chocolate strawberries and a model of the ship for my son, with a note that read "we rarely get happy smiling people at the "complaint desk" we appreciate you, you made our day" signed guest services staff.


If you're going to get a freebie, that's the way you should want to do it. :)


Way to go!

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My husband and I have had this same discussion....we own a small 20 room inn and have found people who seem to complain just to see if we will give them some of their money back!! We recently had a guest that started threatening to give us bad reviews on all the popular review sites if we didn't give him a refund! There was NOTHING wrong with his room and he didn't have a complaint.....just wanted money back or he would give us bad reviews!! We have owned our inn for 19 years and have just started seeing this trend in the past few years.

Wonder what has happened to society that they feel so entitled to things that they would threaten companies in order to get what "they" want, when there is nothing wrong. Pretty sad!

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Wonder what has happened to society that they feel so entitled to things that they would threaten companies in order to get what "they" want, when there is nothing wrong. Pretty sad!


Maybe this is why a 20 something girl came over a few weeks back...she lives across the street from our inn....told my husband she could get our internet signal but needed our password so she could use it.....my husband explained that the internet was only for our guests to use.....she paused, was very upset and said, "Well, that's not very fair!"

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Maybe this is why a 20 something girl came over a few weeks back...she lives across the street from our inn....told my husband she could get our internet signal but needed our password so she could use it.....my husband explained that the internet was only for our guests to use.....she paused, was very upset and said, "Well, that's not very fair!"

I had a neighbor actually ask me for the password to my wireless network. I told them that if they wanted to split the bill with me, I'd be more than happy to give it to them. They never mentioned it again.

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