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Worse than they thought


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Ahh but while I'm sick at home in bed I am still getting paid by my employer.


It's funny how everyone blames "passengers coming on board" with the illness, yet most of the time it is crew members coming on board sick and hiding illness because they need the money to send back home , so they hide their illness so they can work. This has been proven a lot in past Noro incidents.

Really, where is the proof?

In the close quarters in which they live it would be pretty hard to hide it and they would be quaranteed immediately.

Edited by iheartbda
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There is more to deep cleaning than just dusting off a few things on the ship. Literally everything is sterilized. And while that seems obvious, folks who haven’t experienced it don’t understand the huge inconvenience to the passengers and crew. Passengers on the following cruise will likely not have many of the items in their room that isn’t attached to the floor or walls that they are accustomed to because they are taken away to be sterilized. In our experience, passengers will not be allowed serve themselves ANYTHING including all beverages as well as condiments at the table like sugar, salt and pepper. If you want any of those items for your meal, you will have to ask for it. And they will be served with tongs.


Sally and I were talking about this last night and we feel sorry for everyone on the next cruise out because they will be inconvenienced a lot. Just imagine standing in line for 15 minutes every morning to get a cup of coffee and orange juice. You learn to get your drink first so your eggs and oatmeal don’t get cold. Oh, you want salt and pepper for those eggs, where is that waiter anyways? New proceedures are not normal for the crew, so they aren’t very good at it at first.


And speaking of the poor crew. You can see it in their eyes because not only do they have to deal with the grumpy inconvenienced passengers, they pull double duty in the crew stations as well performing the same sterilizing procedures. We heard that the crew got a maximum of 4 hours sleep a day until the ship got back to normal. Not sure when normal comes, we still didn’t see normal even after our 12 day cruise. But we didn’t have a single passenger or crew member get the Noro. They did a pretty good job. Still, after that experience, I would cancel if I were on the new cruise out on the Explorer. Not because of the virus, but because of the sterilization procedures the ship will have to perform.


So you can see why a ship might try to quarantine one or two cases to prevent the other extreme. Once a ship has to go full sterilization, it a couple weeks pain in the rear for everyone including the next couple weeks of passengers.




While I agree it was a major inconvenience to sail under those conditions, it sure beats the alternative. I was on the Celebrity Summit last year the sailing after a large outbreak. They delayed our boarding to 5pm and we left at 8pm instead. We had 5 days of not being able to do anything ourselves...things made their way back to the cabin little by little. It was almost a game. We didn't get salt and pepper back on the tables in the buffet until day 13 of 14.....


Ship happens, we just have to take it as it comes. It's better than having tons of passengers reinfect eachother.

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I think RC is being very fair with the compensation they have given to all passengers and I think they handled the whole situation very professionally. Last year when we were on the Vision of the Seas (Mar 2013) there was a norovirus outbreak but it never affected anyone in our party. I remember the first two or three days we were not allowed to handle any food and then by day three or so, all was well. These things happen probably more frequent then we know. Unfortunately in this case, it got out of control and to many passengers got sick. I am very happy to hear that RC is giving out free bottles of water and drinks, etc. It appears they are trying to please everyone in the best way that they can.

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It's funny how everyone blames "passengers coming on board" with the illness, yet most of the time it is crew members coming on board sick and hiding illness because they need the money to send back home , so they hide their illness so they can work. This has been proven a lot in past Noro incidents.


Well, I've never seen any stats to support that particular claim. But, I can see how you could arrive at that conclusion, especially on ships with outbreaks occurring on several successive cruises. I used to wonder what caused recurrent outbreaks of Noro. With no passengers onboard, and a thorough bleaching -- could it be due to infected crew members?


What opened my eyes on this topic was information provided by an old-time poster on these boards, BruceMuzz. Although he cannot say who he works for, Bruce is reportedly high up in Guest Relations on a major cruise line. He says that on his ship, there are strict guidelines for reporting/quarantine of any crew member with a communicable disease (Noro, in particular). If the crew member does not comply, they are disciplined -- up to and including immediate termination. While a crew member is quarantined, their share of the tips is protected (as well as base pay), so they don't have to worry about that, according to BruceMuzz. What he posted made sense to me -- and, I would imagine that all of the major cruiselines have a similar policy. :cool:

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It's funny how everyone blames "passengers coming on board" with the illness, yet most of the time it is crew members coming on board sick and hiding illness because they need the money to send back home , so they hide their illness so they can work. This has been proven a lot in past Noro incidents.

I guess you heard this somewhere so it has to be true. LOL

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WOW! I wonder how many cases of NORO were on the previous cruise of the EOS. It sure sounds like the crew did not take the "small" outbreak of NORO on the previous cruise seriously enough. If they had done the "deep" cleaning and taken precautions, perhaps the Big NORO outbreak on the EOS could have been avoided.


I have done several back to back cruises and have watched them deep clean between the two cruises too the point where we kept being asked to go lounge in other areas of the ship. And as far as I knew there was no noro reported to be on any of the cruises I was on. (now I'm not saying there wasn't) I'm only telling you what I observed on all my back to back cruises.

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It could very easily have been the fault of both, guests and the ship crew...on our cruise the security allowed baby diaper changing outside on the lounge chairs AND babies in diapers in the hot tubs and pools...even we asked security to step in they completely ignored our request.


Who would you say was at fault?

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I am on this cruise, I got sick and I feel the compensation is very reasonable. I think most on board do. When the captain announced it during dinner last night the dining room erupted in hearty applause. Most that I have talked to are satisfied and have nothing but praise for the captain and the crew.


Then there are the folks complaining because the only ice cream available during the day for his grandchildren was the fee based Ben and Jerry's since the soft serve had to be shut down. Really? Really?


We're there some glitches and missteps on a few occasions, yes and I experienced one myself. Those who want to be miserable are still miserable. The rest of us enjoyed our final two warm sea days. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.


Also, the last few days there have been many treats such as wine and drinks at meals, free filet minion tonight. They really are trying to make this cruise as good as possible.

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There are too many cheerleaders of RCI. I just don't get the logic that it is not the cruise line's fault. As an example, when a person pays a company thousands $$$ and the toilet did not work for 5 days at sea because some passenger flush the wrong item, does the cruise line have responsibility to compensate the effected or hide behind it is not our fault.


I cannot understand this ridiculous kissing up to a cruise line.

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I am on this cruise, I got sick and I feel the compensation is very reasonable. I think most on board do. When the captain announced it during dinner last night the dining room erupted in hearty applause. Most that I have talked to are satisfied and have nothing but praise for the captain and the crew.


Then there are the folks complaining because the only ice cream available during the day for his grandchildren was the fee based Ben and Jerry's since the soft serve had to be shut down. Really? Really?


We're there some glitches and missteps on a few occasions, yes and I experienced one myself. Those who want to be miserable are still miserable. The rest of us enjoyed our final two warm sea days. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.


Also, the last few days there have been many treats such as wine and drinks at meals, free filet minion tonight. They really are trying to make this cruise as good as possible.


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There are too many cheerleaders of RCI. I just don't get the logic that it is not the cruise line's fault. As an example, when a person pays a company thousands $$$ and the toilet did not work for 5 days at sea because some passenger flush the wrong item, does the cruise line have responsibility to compensate the effected or hide behind it is not our fault.


I cannot understand this ridiculous kissing up to a cruise line.




Not half as many as on the Carnival board. ;)

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I am on this cruise, I got sick and I feel the compensation is very reasonable. I think most on board do. When the captain announced it during dinner last night the dining room erupted in hearty applause. Most that I have talked to are satisfied and have nothing but praise for the captain and the crew.


Then there are the folks complaining because the only ice cream available during the day for his grandchildren was the fee based Ben and Jerry's since the soft serve had to be shut down. Really? Really?


We're there some glitches and missteps on a few occasions, yes and I experienced one myself. Those who want to be miserable are still miserable. The rest of us enjoyed our final two warm sea days. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.


Also, the last few days there have been many treats such as wine and drinks at meals, free filet minion tonight. They really are trying to make this cruise as good as possible.

Thanks for sharing and sorry to hear you were sick. Like your comments and sensible attitude. Ship happens.

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Well, I've never seen any stats to support that particular claim. But, I can see how you could arrive at that conclusion, especially on ships with outbreaks occurring on several successive cruises. I used to wonder what caused recurrent outbreaks of Noro. With no passengers onboard, and a thorough bleaching -- could it be due to infected crew members?


What opened my eyes on this topic was information provided by an old-time poster on these boards, BruceMuzz. Although he cannot say who he works for, Bruce is reportedly high up in Guest Relations on a major cruise line. He says that on his ship, there are strict guidelines for reporting/quarantine of any crew member with a communicable disease (Noro, in particular). If the crew member does not comply, they are disciplined -- up to and including immediate termination. While a crew member is quarantined, their share of the tips is protected (as well as base pay), so they don't have to worry about that, according to BruceMuzz. What he posted made sense to me -- and, I would imagine that all of the major cruiselines have a similar policy. :cool:


Not according to the CDC....the cruise line failed for allowing crew to work during illness...2013....during a surprize inspection. I would also bet it happens on most of the cruise lines happens on all the lines.

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Ok...I never do this, but this comment just ticks me off. You know, I "work hard all year and save for vacation" too. And your attitude that "it should be all about me" is exactly the problem. Like it or not, you choose to vacation with 3500 other people. They also want the experience. But when you totally disregard their existence just because you "worked hard and saved" and paid for this cruise, you diminish their experience. Let me give you an example:

You are on day 2 of your cruise. You get norovirus. Do you go to Medical and get quarantined? NO. Do you stay in your cabin? NO. You know why? Because, by God you WORKED HARD AND SAVED for this vacation, and it's "all about me!" So the heck with the other 3499 passengers, they can just deal with it! Same with smoking in no smoking areas, cutting in line, being rude to the staff, being rude to other passengers, etc. etc. We see it all the time on these boards. The common comment: "I paid for it so it's all about me."

Great attitude. Tell you what... if you want an "all about me" vacation, go somewhere where there are no other people trying to enjoy their vacation. A mountain stream is nice. It's you and the fish. Of course the fish may not honor your "it's about me" vacation, and throw themselves into your boat, you may actually have to catch them.

Good luck!


Papa, I couldn't have said it any better. Kudos.

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There are too many cheerleaders of RCI. I just don't get the logic that it is not the cruise line's fault. As an example, when a person pays a company thousands $$$ and the toilet did not work for 5 days at sea because some passenger flush the wrong item, does the cruise line have responsibility to compensate the effected or hide behind it is not our fault.


I cannot understand this ridiculous kissing up to a cruise line.


It is to the point of ridiculous, eh?


I'm beginning to think it's the guy/gal in the computer room who works onbaord the ship...I always wondered why they were doing on line every time I walked by.

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I am on this cruise, I got sick and I feel the compensation is very reasonable. I think most on board do. When the captain announced it during dinner last night the dining room erupted in hearty applause. Most that I have talked to are satisfied and have nothing but praise for the captain and the crew.


Then there are the folks complaining because the only ice cream available during the day for his grandchildren was the fee based Ben and Jerry's since the soft serve had to be shut down. Really? Really?


We're there some glitches and missteps on a few occasions, yes and I experienced one myself. Those who want to be miserable are still miserable. The rest of us enjoyed our final two warm sea days. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.


Also, the last few days there have been many treats such as wine and drinks at meals, free filet minion tonight. They really are trying to make this cruise as good as possible.


All I can say it Thank You for posting this.


For the cruise to have only been cut short two days, folks like you to be compensated %50 of this cruise fare and an additional %50 off of your next cruise plus things like complimentary alcohol and steaks like that just goes to prove what Adam Goldstein has instilled in his company through the years. Gold Anchor Service. A "WOW". Etc.


You hit the nail on the head with the lemonade statement. I am glad you were still able to enjoy your cruise given the fact you had to put up with 24 hours, give or take, of plausible hell.


Again, thank you for taking the time to post for the world to see.

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I am on this cruise, I got sick and I feel the compensation is very reasonable. I think most on board do. When the captain announced it during dinner last night the dining room erupted in hearty applause. Most that I have talked to are satisfied and have nothing but praise for the captain and the crew.


Then there are the folks complaining because the only ice cream available during the day for his grandchildren was the fee based Ben and Jerry's since the soft serve had to be shut down. Really? Really?


We're there some glitches and missteps on a few occasions, yes and I experienced one myself. Those who want to be miserable are still miserable. The rest of us enjoyed our final two warm sea days. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.


Also, the last few days there have been many treats such as wine and drinks at meals, free filet minion tonight. They really are trying to make this cruise as good as possible.


Bravo for your attitude. You can be the bug or you can be the windshield in an incident like this. Anytime you take a trip you are faced with whatever may happen. The attitude you take can get you thru the bad times. The bottom line is even with all the arguing and speculation we will never know where the noro virus came from crew vs passenger. In the end it is how the cruiselines handle it.



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City of Bayonne is preparing for the return of the Explorer.http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2014/01/a_cruise_ship_with_over_600_ill_is_set_to_arrive_in_bayonne_city_officials_on_standby_with_contingen.html



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Having been on a sick ship, many people will never cruise again. I was on a ship that was being deep cleaned after an outbreak of the noro virus. Our embarkation was delayed for hours. Cruise line (not RCL) said that the ship was virus free. It was not. Many staff people were sick. I wish that they had canceled the cruise. It was the worst cruise/vacation ever. The staff was shorthanded. Many venues were closed. We weren't allowed to touch anything. I will never sail on that ship again. I thought that I would never sail again. It took a lot of convincing to get me to take another cruise.

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Tough group. Seems to me that the ship only came back 2 days early. That means that it was basically an 8 night cruise instead of 10. Now mind you I understand it wasn't a "dream cruise." But (now I haven't read all accounts), were all the passengers quarantined to their rooms? Or did they have normal run of the ship? If they had normal run of the ship, use of pools, all the restaurants and entertainment, then what they really missed was the port stops. And they spent a day and a half on San Juan, so they did get that port stop (don't know about others except Labadee). The crew spent days scrubbing the ship. In the WJ passengers were served food and not allowed to get it themselves. There were hand sanitizers all over the ship. In San Juan they extended their stay (I believe) to deep clean the ship. Exactly what more could RCCL have done? The decision to cut 2 days was made for the safety of those on board and those who will board next. A smart decision.

So, all passengers get a 50% refund AND a 50% credit toward another cruise. Some of you think that's not enough. That they should get a 100% refund of all costs involved plus a free cruise. You know, if they broke down on day one, drifted at sea for 4 days with no power (like a rival cruise line did), then certainly the vacation is "ruined." But that didn't happen. Those who weren't sick likely enjoyed, at least to a certain extent, the 8 nights they had. Those who were sick, well, unfortunately that's how it goes. Unless it is RCCL's fault (i.e. negligence), why are they 100% responsible?

Here's what I feel. If on day one all passengers were confined to their cabin and unable to take advantage of what the ship offers, then I'd certainly agree. But doesn't sound like anyone except sick people were confined at all. So if you go on a ship, you get sick and have to stay in bed, then the cruise line "owes" you some sort of compensation?

Y'all.... this is just part of life. That's why we have cruise insurance. If you suffer financial loss for certain events, the insurance covers it. You agree to this when you sign your cruise contract. If you don't like the contract, don't go on the cruise.


Logical and sensible words. thanks!!

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For the sake of passenger goodwill and image, I think the cruise lines simply need to budget for instances like this when noro causes a cancelled cruise, and refund passengers the full price paid. As I said, it's not a question of "fault" or "guilt"--it's about doing right by your customers, building goodwill, and protecting your image. Royal could get a lot of essentially free positive publicity now, to counter all the negative headlines, if they were generous about this issue.




"Cruise lines simply need to budget for instances like this?"


Call me naive, but I am confident ALL Cruise Lines annually budget for a carefully calculated "expected" number of norovirus outbreaks, with the concurrent expenses of decontamination, staff overtime, and remuneration for guests.


Then again, perhaps ALL Cruise Line's should ban together to ensure "goodwill and image protection" by increasing cruise fares, just in case noro breaks out on a particular sailing? I can hear it now:


Disney CL CEO: I propose we "Share the Magic!"

CCL CEO: I agree..."Fun for all, all for Fun!"

RCI CEO: "Wow...Why not?"


How could refunding ALL passengers full cruise fare for a shortened (not, as mistakenly claimed, cancelled) cruise equate to "essentially free positive publicity" for RCCL?


RCCL must still pay its Fuel Bill, Payroll, Port Fees, Suppliers, etc., etc., etc., for this particular Explorer sailing, so how could this be "essentially free?"


My apologies, but I don't understand faulty logic.

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