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Want to try Celebrity but fear music


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Just got off Reflection Feb 1st cruise. All of that is bull-pucky. Music was always good, never overly loud. Not sure who is spreading those silly rumours but this was our 12th cruise and best ever.


Just wondering if Miami DJ was on your February cruise I was on the 2013 Thanksgiving cruise and they weren't my cup of tea. Hopping a different group is on for our March cruise on Reflection. I am also wondering who the other music groups are on the ship now. Is a Capella gone I hope not.

Thank You,

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I love Lois's phrase "stupidly loud". Really describes the music on Connie in January near the martini bar. What happens is that with the high noise levels, people have to shout, and I mean SHOUT, to be heard. I am surprised these people had a voice at the end of the night. Just not necessary, but I will admit the bar was busy. Question is, would it be just as busy with reasonable volumes. Who knows.

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Hi wallie


yes you are correct , of course we are nothing more that a blot on the ledger page :p


However perhaps another way of looking at things is that we may be a barometer of passenger attitudes that should be taken into account when considering long term business planning :)


If one person does not cruise because of an issue , well who cares ?? but if fifty people dont cruise because of an issue , then I suggest you have something you need to deal with...


My personal view is that if a cruise line does not offer a product that I am happy with .. my money will go somewhere else :eek:


I'm sure that the line would much prefer not to have unhappy customers sail with them , it does neither the line or the customer any good .


Finding out what is on offer can be very interesting






Good thoughts, but our first sailing was in 1987 and we have yet to pick a ship or not pick one for a cruise, based on the music in the different venues. As I post this we are watching the Beatles tribute. I would still not skip a chance to sail thru the cannel, or past the Rock of Gibraltar, because of the music, it is a lame excuse, because the music is very close to the same on everyone of the 7 different lines we have sailed.


So when I read these type of post, "I'll take my bat an glove and go to another cruise line", it really makes me want to say, please do, you won't find it much different. There will be less negative energy on my sailing.

I'm going back to watching the Beatles now :)

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I love Lois's phrase "stupidly loud". Really describes the music on Connie in January near the martini bar. What happens is that with the high noise levels, people have to shout, and I mean SHOUT, to be heard. I am surprised these people had a voice at the end of the night. Just not necessary, but I will admit the bar was busy. Question is, would it be just as busy with reasonable volumes. Who knows.


Not only are people shouting , but they are exposing their hearing to damage..


I feel that most people in a bar enjoy chatting to the people around them , if the music is too loud to allow this then its too loud.


why is it that we MUST have music all the time ??? dont get me wrong I enjoy many type of music , but sometime its just as nice to talk to people.


I'm not a great fan of the large open spaces in some ships being used for shows / entertainment because the noise escapes into other areas , if you are going to have a show then the theater should be the place , for shows "in the round" consideration should be shown to adjacent areas


I think perhaps I need to design my own cruise line :D I'm getting far too old and cranky


Best Regards



PS I wonder how long the volume will remain turned up after the cruise lines get their first court case re hearing loss caused by their use of "loud music"



Edited by VK3DQ
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We sail a lot on Celebrity as well as on other cruise lines. When I saw the title to this post, I thought he was fearing that the music would be too old fogey for them. I am laughing because not in a million years did I think he / she was fearing that it would be too loud or too techno. Really? On Celebrity?? I have never noticed this before.....especially not in the main dining room. I didn't ever realize there was music playing in the MDR except maybe someone on the piano and think I've seen a harp in there before.

I love the music in the centrum after dinner -- now sure, you can hear it in the library but once in your room, silence.

Just a little surprised when I started reading through this thread....really had me laughing.

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We sail a lot on Celebrity as well as on other cruise lines. When I saw the title to this post, I thought he was fearing that the music would be too old fogey for them. I am laughing because not in a million years did I think he / she was fearing that it would be too loud or too techno. Really? On Celebrity?? I have never noticed this before.....especially not in the main dining room. I didn't ever realize there was music playing in the MDR except maybe someone on the piano and think I've seen a harp in there before.

I love the music in the centrum after dinner -- now sure, you can hear it in the library but once in your room, silence.

Just a little surprised when I started reading through this thread....really had me laughing.




Well its seems there are many different views on this .. there have been some creditable reports of overly loud music , and creditable reports saying just the opposite :rolleyes:


I suppose it all boils down to this:


If we dont like what is provided , and we cannot convince the line to change things , the only option left to us is to vote with our feet and go somewhere else :D


For some people this is only a minor issue for others its a deal breaker .. this is normal part of the human condition .


as they say "Tudo Isto e Fado"


Best regards



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This post is an excellent example of how lies perpetrated by people with an agenda can influence innocent people's concerns. Nothing you mentioned is true. Everything you have "heard" about the music is incorrect. Unfortunately, a few people with malicious intent will post false information in order to make their dismal lives seem important. Then someone who does not know the facts will write a post such as yours, wisely asking for the truth, or worse, just rule out one of the best cruise lines out there because of someone twisting the facts for their selfish enjoyment.


One of those who complained about the music is Host Andy. I don't believe you are accusing him of having an anti-Celebrity "agenda" so you should rethink the blanket statement. There are many posts from Celebrity fans complaining about the music. If it doesn't bother you, that's great -- for you. But it doesn't make their opinions any less true -- for them. The purpose of Cruise Critic is to be an open forum for everyone's opinions, so that newbies can make up their own minds.

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This post is an excellent example of how lies perpetrated by people with an agenda can influence innocent people's concerns. Nothing you mentioned is true. Everything you have "heard" about the music is incorrect. Unfortunately, a few people with malicious intent will post false information in order to make their dismal lives seem important. Then someone who does not know the facts will write a post such as yours, wisely asking for the truth, or worse, just rule out one of the best cruise lines out there because of someone twisting the facts for their selfish enjoyment.


You may want to go back and read Host Annie's review of the LOUD music on the Reflection cruise (I believe it was Thanksgiving week)...it was also LOUD on my Reflection Christmas cruise.


Not a fan of the loud Miami DJ Techno Rave music as it did feel like I was on a Carnival cruise...however, there are other bars/lounges to escape to.


FYI..I have posted video links here on CC from a few of the Celebrity ships and the Miami DJ's. People can decide for themselves.....

Edited by 20pluscruises
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Hi Everyone,


As My name was brought up in a post, I thought it prudent to comment.


Yes, we've had some negative experiences on Eclipse regarding extremely loud music at several areas including the Martini Bar, and the Pool area. This happened on Eclipse sailings in 2012 and the first quarter of 2013. We also observed instances of loud music on Constellation in early 2013. It is my understanding that Celebrity has a new director of entertainment, so I believe this issue has been resolved.


Confirming the above, we sailed on Eclipse in November 2013, and there was virtually NO experiences of extremely loud music, and I commented on the very positive experience, while onboard Eclipse.


I truly hope that nobody believes that I have an agenda against Celebrity. That could not be further from the truth ! Myself and My family cares about Celebrity *very much*, and totally enjoy their cruise experience. I hope the comment was not pointed at me, as I assure you that I was simply noting my observations. Nothing more, nothing less.


We are sailing on Century this week (can't wait !), and will be sure to report my observations.


Thank you for allowing me to share my insights.

Edited by Host Andy
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Hi Everyone,


As My name was brought up in a post, I thought it prudent to comment.


Yes, we've had some negative experiences on Eclipse regarding extremely loud music at several areas including the Martini Bar, and the Pool area. This happened on Eclipse sailings in 2012 and the first quarter of 2013. We also observed instances of loud music on Constellation in early 2013. It is my understanding that Celebrity has a new director of entertainment, so I believe this issue has been resolved.


Confirming the above, we sailed on Eclipse in November 2013, and there was virtually NO experiences of extremely loud music, and I commented on the very positive experience, while onboard Eclipse.


I truly hope that nobody believes that I have an agenda against Celebrity. That could not be further from the truth ! Myself and My family cares about Celebrity *very much*, and totally enjoy their cruise experience. I hope the comment was not pointed at me, as I assure you that I was simply noting my observations. Nothing more, nothing less.


We are sailing on Century this week (can't wait !), and will be sure to report my observations.


Thank you for allowing me to share my insights.


Hi Andy, That is great news about the new director of entertainment. I look forward to your report.


As far as the post that claimed none of what I wrote was true, I know at least one thing is true.... I believe the CEO did brush off concerns about the music; I read the Q and A.


It also seems Celebrity wants to attract a different demographic. I hope that older people and those people who cruise for relaxation are still welcome.

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FYI: it was host ANNE who reported back regarding the perceived loud music aboard reflection. host Andy was quite pleased with his Eclipse sailing this year, as I recall:D


Also, in fairness, I do recall reading comment or a review here within the last month wherever the poster did report hearing loud music in the MDR. However, it didn't seem to be during dinner. I think it was when the poster was wandering around taking pics of the MDR between dining times,

But I do recall someone referencing that

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FYI: it was host ANNE who reported back regarding the perceived loud music aboard reflection. host Andy was quite pleased with his Eclipse sailing this year, as I recall:D


Also, in fairness, I do recall reading comment or a review here within the last month wherever the poster did report hearing loud music in the MDR. However, it didn't seem to be during dinner. I think it was when the poster was wandering around taking pics of the MDR between dining times,

But I do recall someone referencing that


We were on the Equinox in March 2013 and the music level was good in all areas. It was NOT that way on the December 2013 Reflection cruise.


Yes, Host Anne had a November 30 review (2013)


BLU restaurant music was at a good level on the Reflection in December. No complaints there.

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You may want to go back and read Host Annie's review of the LOUD music on the Reflection cruise (I believe it was Thanksgiving week)...it was also LOUD on my Reflection Christmas cruise.


Not a fan of the loud Miami DJ Techno Rave music as it did feel like I was on a Carnival cruise...however, there are other bars/lounges to escape to.


FYI..I have posted video links here on CC from a few of the Celebrity ships and the Miami DJ's. People can decide for themselves.....


And you may want to go back and read the OP's post where it was mentioned that they had "heard" that, and I quoite:


"Loud techno music even in dining room,

CEO ignored concerns about this in a recent CC Q and A session,

Staff has been ordered not to reduce volume even if requested to by many,

Extra speakers have been placed outside the shops to blast music even louder."


None of which are true, of course.


There is no "loud techno music" in the MDR. It there is any, it is low volume and quite sedate in nature.

The CEO did not "ignore concerns", but mentioned that they would look into it.

The staff will indeed reduce the volume if asked politely instead of a DEMAND!

There are no "extra speaker" placed outside the shops to "blast" music even louder.


What fortinweb says stands. These are made up claims posted by someone who must has a beef against Celebrity. Why else would these exaggerations be made if someone didn't feel the need to "get back" at the cruise line with false claims?


As to your reference to "Miami DJ Techno Rave", you have made yourself quite clear how you feel about this on numerous threads. Perhaps it is time to give it a rest? It really isn't as serious a problem as you seem to think it is.

Edited by boogs
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We were on Summit for two weeks in October. It was a cruise up the US coast to Canada. There was no problem with music being too loud. They had two acoustic guitarists who played in public areas on the ship. They were great. There were other music groups and other music, too. I mention those two because they were surprisingly good. Of course, I would guess that every ship is different, and every cruise is different.



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If loud music would be a deal breaker for you, I wouldn't take the chance, stay with Princess, because you wouldn't want your vacation ruined by the loudness of the music.


I, for one, think the music is great and don't think it is too loud. I would rather hear more of today's music than Frank Sinatra, etc. I want a fun experience, not a sleepy one.

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Only one cruise on X so far but two coming up within the next few months. On the Reflection last year there was never an issue with loud music. Did they play top 40? Yes and it was nice as it gave an upbeat atmosphere/vibe to the ship.


Did I hear rap or heavy metal that has been described on this board? No. I honestly don't think some people know top 40 from rap or heavy metal. Don't think that X would be playing Metallica, Iron Maiden, Lil Wayne or any of the other artists of those Genres but I plan to pay attention on the next two cruises.


I hope that X never becomes HAL. If they do then I will find another cruise line. By the way, I'm early 50's so not exactly a member of the young set.

Edited by cruisingator2
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Yes, some of the music is too loud, but you can get away from it to quiet areas. The disco is one thing, but the shows are way too loud(Silhouette Jan 19-26). We don't go anymore and miss it. The problem is people do not realise the damage that is being done to their ears by the extreme volume. The process is insidious much like the sun and skin cancer. You don't know it's happening until it's too late and you have hearing loss or worse, tinnitus. I would love for and audiologist to weigh in on this subject. .



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Music was the only complaint that I had on our 11 night on Equinox. In fact I went to customer relations about it. As we came out of Blu, from dinner, we noticed the music coming from Tuscan Grill and it was a beautiful Italian duet. The next night we ate at Tuscan Grill and they had rock music BLARING LOUD. No it wasn't rap or anything like it but it was NOT appropriate music for the venue. In Café el Brico they were playing Adele and I felt that was appropriate.


I am not a music prude (I even like Blurred Lines) but the right music for the right setting is important.

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This post is an excellent example of how lies perpetrated by people with an agenda can influence innocent people's concerns. Nothing you mentioned is true. Everything you have "heard" about the music is incorrect. Unfortunately, a few people with malicious intent will post false information in order to make their dismal lives seem important. Then someone who does not know the facts will write a post such as yours, wisely asking for the truth, or worse, just rule out one of the best cruise lines out there because of someone twisting the facts for their selfish enjoyment.


I like your point-of-view on this subject.


"Loud Techno" as one poster once said That is like trying to say that all music from the 70's was the same. Techno is many types of music genres some in my opinion I love and some like "Dub" not so crazy about. Maybe it was your parents who said to you. " Turn down those Beatles/Rolling Stones/U2/Doors/The Guess Who/Yes/Elton John and even Barry Manilow.



Kevin Reid

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We just completed a cruise on the Century in December 2013 and a cruise on the Eclipse in February 2014 and in both cases the recorded and live music in all lounges was extremely loud. You could not hold a conversation with the person sitting next to you. I met with the “Food and Beverage Manager” about the volume of the music in the Martini Bar on the Century and he indicated that the volume of the music is company policy and he would do nothing to lower it. On the Eclipse we finally found a less noisy lounge up in the Sky Lounge (deck 14).

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We were on the Reflection 1/25-2/1, that was not our first time on her. This was the first time I was bothered by the music in the Atrium. It was loud and it was difficult to have a conversation. Perhaps it's their new Modern Luxury idea to draw a more modern clientele.

We admittedly are seniors but were not the only ones who were complaining many younger as well as older people were not pleased. They did have a wonderful group called UNCOMMON GROUND and a guest jazz singer Kelley Broadway who was great, who sang in the theatre, Celebrity Central and the Embassy Lounge. This was the first time we were unhappy with the new sound on any Celebrity ship. Hope it's not a sign of the future changes the line is making.

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I like your point-of-view on this subject.


"Loud Techno" as one poster once said That is like trying to say that all music from the 70's was the same. Techno is many types of music genres some in my opinion I love and some like "Dub" not so crazy about. Maybe it was your parents who said to you. " Turn down those Beatles/Rolling Stones/U2/Doors/The Guess Who/Yes/Elton John and even Barry Manilow.



Kevin Reid


Uh, it was my parents who loudly said, "Quit studying!! Put down those books!! come here and listen to some of this music. Led Zeplin is the greatest with the Stones and the Doors close behing. The best thing is the louder you listen to them the better they sound."


I did listen and I was hooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o

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The music and loudness on Century has always been fine.


I will say that on Reflection, our cabin was only a few doors in from the atrium and the music and activities there were quite loud. However, I forget the cut-off time (I think it was 11PM), but the second the clock struck, all of the amps were turned off. If you are an early-to-bed person, I'd recommend being farther from the atrium.


I do not recall loud music in the MDR. We were at a table for 10 or 12 and were able to carry on a conversation across the table.


The only time on Century that was a "problem" was when we were seated directly behind the performers. But unless a string quartet playing classical (they're not the Kronos Quartet) music bothers you, that should not be an issue. We talked less then, but that was more to enjoy the music and not because it was too loud.



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