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Drink Package


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While a few are ignorant of the idea that they could do research, many just do not care so I wonder why they are traveling at all. Sadly they will not be insulted by these messages because they are not reading this anyway.


Methinks you are being a bit harsh. :(I know nothing about you, but I suspect you are retired or semi-retired. When I was working in the corporate world and trying to raise kids I had no time to look at this forum nor do any other research. Now that we're "empty nesters" and I have plenty of spare time, I am thoroughly enjoying doing so much travel planning. But I'm also glad I did not wait until I was retired to start trying to see the world. So I simply told a TA where I wanted to go and when, and I took what was handed to me, which included exclusively pre-packaged tours. Don't begrudge those who don't have the leisure time you have the right to travel in the manner that is possible for them now. If they continue the practice after they retire, then you may have your say.:rolleyes:

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I smile, too, but I don't mind answering the same questions over and over. I remember when I first joined Cruise Critic, I didn't even realize there was a search button. I'm sure I asked the same things as others many times.


The patience folks showed with me was really helpful, and the things I learned made my cruising experience so much better. I feel it's a form of "passing it forward" to answer questions, even though it's years later. I still have questions when I try a new cruise line, or new ports, and even though I've learned to use the search function, I'm sure some of my searches are phrased poorly and yield few results. Added to that is the fact that the search function has been disabled many times, sometimes for very long periods.


We were all at the beginning stage on CC at some point, and we should try to remember our inexperience. Maybe some were more competent than me, but it's tacky to pat their own backs over it and get all arrogant now. It doesn't hurt anyone if folks ask the same things over and over. If one's time is so valuable, maybe one could save it by not reading the posts with questions....


Because of the name of the forum, some people think they have to be negative. They should remember that not all criticism is negative; some film critics actually like some movies ;).

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Not everyone is interested enough in the World around them, to do research.



I think its more just laziness... Why do something when you can get someone else to do it for you.!

There are a great many people who want their hand held and not have to plan or think. The cost is unimportant


Others are astute, and spend much of their time planning and doing as much background research as possible. Part of this groups pleasure is the planning its self !

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Come on NC&KY-you either like to know about where you are going before you go or you do not. DH always liked researching for the rare trips we went on when "in the corporate world and trying to raise kids". We did not always have the internet or the library to depend on either as we were living in South America some of that time and did travel before the internet. I think forums like this are great now but admit that we did not use them before we retired in 2010 and our already retired friends told us about the cruise world and these forums. We still learned as much as possible about where we were going by asking others and sometimes relying on guide books, encyclopedias, etc. I think it is great that any person can take a few minutes of their time even if busy with work and kids to come here and get their questions answered even if it is the same question over and over. I think that is why so many here answer the same questions over and over while giving gentle hints about the search engines. I do indeed have harsh feelings about those who do no research and suffer the consequences then bad mouth a cruise or tour.

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I think its more just laziness... Why do something when you can get someone else to do it for you.!

There are a great many people who want their hand held and not have to plan or think. The cost is unimportant


Others are astute, and spend much of their time planning and doing as much background research as possible. Part of this groups pleasure is the planning its self !


I usually don't waste too much of my meager thinking power worrying about how other people spend their money. I'm always happy to offer advice, but from there people are on their own. Although I am amused at the way some people operate.


I do indeed have harsh feelings about those who do no research and suffer the consequences then bad mouth a cruise or tour.


Yes, you do have a point there.


While I'm frequently blunt and to the point I really don't see any reason for being rude to those asking questions. Either pass it all by or give them an answer if you choose to, with or without search advice.

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A bit off topic but quite interesting! As a long time poster, I am happy to repeat answers as many times as is necessary and would never pass someone off to use the search engine and perhaps read something from 2 years ago that no longer applies. IMO, Cruise Critic members who do not wish to respond to a question should just ignore the thread. There are some wonderful regulars on the Oceania board (myself excluded as I am a regular on the Regent board) that are well versed on things Oceania and seem to enjoy responding to questions.


In terms of research, it should not take a whole lot of time. If you use a good TA and spend a bit of time online over the weekend, you should learn quite a bit (and also post questions on Cruise Critic of course).


Okay - back to the topic. I really do not understand why anyone would want to bring a lot of alcohol on board. Maybe a bottle plus some wine to have in the stateroom or balcony but do people really take a cruise to sit in their staterooms and drink?


We consider the cost of the alcohol package to be part of the cruise fare. For us it is a convenience issue and we do not make sure we drink enough each day to cover the cost. When having a leisurely dinner with a group in a specialty restaurant, for instance, we do not count the glasses of wine we are consuming (they tend to fill the glasses before they empty.) We drink as much or as little as we wish and there is nothing to sign and no additional gratuities as it has been paid in our package. Each person needs to decide what is best for them.

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We consider the cost of the alcohol package to be part of the cruise fare. For us it is a convenience issue and we do not make sure we drink enough each day to cover the cost.


We do the same, and it occurred to me as I was reading this that it is one of those odd sociological hiccups that anyone who came onto CC and posted about how they insisted on EATING THEIR MONIES WORTH OF FOOD DURING A VOYAGE would be seen as odd and perhaps even borderline self destructive....


Yet liquor seems to be a whole different ballgame, and I can't think why it should be so.

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For me, the value of a drinks package is being able to try different drinks without worrying about the cost if I don't like them - I can just leave it and try something different. I am a wine drinker and rarely drink spirits apart from in cocktails when on holiday. Some cocktails I love, some taste like medicine :p it is also nice to try some different grape varieties which are available by the glass. My OH on the other hand gets his value from the champagne before he touches anything else:;)

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how they insisted on EATING THEIR MONIES WORTH OF FOOD DURING A VOYAGE would be seen as odd and perhaps even borderline self destructive....


Yet liquor seems to be a whole different ballgame, and I can't think why it should be so.



There is no way I a normal human can healthily deal with almost a pint of alcohol for long periods... over a week or 2 max


Heck look at spring break even the binge drinkers only last 10 to 14 days and they are 20's.....works for weeks not months. How about a 60 year old who takes a variety of meds?

I THINK of Arthur....How do you drink at home?

Many folks are responsible, but many are not and acutely aware of the $$$$ and by simple human nature will not be able to easily control his desire


Look at Rabbits as an example... they will eat as long as food is present till their stomachs burst and they die as they get addicted to eatingprocess and loose control. People may not have long ears but are very much the same. THe wallet overrides health...

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We do the same, and it occurred to me as I was reading this that it is one of those odd sociological hiccups that anyone who came onto CC and posted about how they insisted on EATING THEIR MONIES WORTH OF FOOD DURING A VOYAGE would be seen as odd and perhaps even borderline self destructive....


Yet liquor seems to be a whole different ballgame, and I can't think why it should be so.


Perhaps because the food, with one exception on Oceania is included in the base fare and the alcohol is not.


Some want to get value for their money, others don't care, they want the convenience.


To me it's a no brainer, if you're not going to drink $60 worth of booze a day, then pay as you go. Others see it differently, that's okay, everyone can spend their money as they see fit.

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Although I agree with Stan and Jim here, I must say that the cruise diet starts to pall after a couple of weeks, and if I did a long cruise I'd definitely be cutting back on what I eat, so that's true of what I drink I guess. Which means no drink package on a lengthy cruise for me I guess, since you can't stop one once you've started (which doesn't make sense really, does it?)

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With breakfast outside on the terrace on a beautiful sunny morning at sea, a spiced-up Bloody Mary seems essential. A cold beer at Waves for lunch with their incomparable Wagyu burgers is a must: as is a frozen drink with an umbrella whilst lying about poolside, or maybe two. Naturally I like to enjoy an Old-Fashioned with my trivia team before dinner. It's nice to have a glass of white with my appetizer and a deep red with my main course and the only really civilized way to finish a good meal is with a generous serving of vintage port with my cheese course. A couple of nightcaps in the Casino Lounge and Horizons later and it's been another day in paradise with Oceania.


I like the Prestige package myself.


This post makes me feel warm inside, just like this my 10-day cruise in the Mediterranean in July will look like :D.

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Although I agree with Stan and Jim here, I must say that the cruise diet starts to pall after a couple of weeks, and if I did a long cruise I'd definitely be cutting back on what I eat, so that's true of what I drink I guess. Which means no drink package on a lengthy cruise for me I guess, since you can't stop one once you've started (which doesn't make sense really, does it?)


Ever since we started doing 30+ day cruises on Oceania and Regent we realized the "novelity" of the high quality, rich food, everywhere would wear thin after several weeks., it did for us. So now we simply have a bowl of cereal, a plate of fruit and a cup of coffee every day for breakfast like at home. Lunch is ice tea or diet soda and a small green salad and bowl of soup.

Dinner is Salad, or appetizer, and small 1/2 entre with veg ( no breads or deserts, starches, or cheeses)....4 nights a week with the canyon Ranch menu and 3 at the main or specialty's. and no more than items soup or salad, entre and a veg..


We got to this point after 3 weeks of rich, heavy, wonderful meals that we felt sick and stated skipping dinner every other day . Once we got off the power gourmet "see food" diet we felt so much better.......


I can not imagine a world cruise of 120 to 180 days... and a world cruise that encouraged you to drink 40-50 gallons of liquor pp astounds me as well as my doctor friends

Too I canceled La Reserve... realizing there was no physical way I could possibly eat 7 courses and drink a whole bottle of wine at one sitting...If you can do this I would suggest doing it in the first 10 days...after that !!!


So why cruise you ask? For the travel experience of ocean travel and the interesting people we meet along the way. Yes Oceania is the best food going, it is to us parsley on the plate because it is the ship we are there for.

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I never realized by buying the drink package, I could be compared to a rabbit. I bought the package on my recent Marina cruise and enjoyed El Tesoro Platinum Tequila in my margaritas and a nice glass of champagne near bedtime. Quite a savings with no hassle to sign chits.

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I never realized by buying the drink package, I could be compared to a rabbit. I bought the package on my recent Marina cruise and enjoyed El Tesoro Platinum Tequila in my margaritas and a nice glass of champagne near bedtime. Quite a savings with no hassle to sign chits.


How long was your cruise ? On a 10-14 day its a savings. My point is on a 24-34 day cruise I question the ability to even remotely have a value except idealistically.


If you value the ability not to sign as paramount then fine and on short cruises of limited time that is time saved.


There would come a point, however, when being locked into a 4 ,5 or 6 weeks of package would, to me, come to a point where the hassle would be worth it rather than paying $20 for a beer glass of wine or $30 for a cocktail.

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How long was your cruise ? On a 10-14 day its a savings. My point is on a 24-34 day cruise I question the ability to even remotely have a value except idealistically.


If you value the ability not to sign as paramount then fine and on short cruises of limited time that is time saved.


There would come a point, however, when being locked into a 4 ,5 or 6 weeks of package would, to me, come to a point where the hassle would be worth it rather than paying $20 for a beer glass of wine or $30 for a cocktail.


While I feel that paying alcohol package for a 24-34 day cruise would be expensive. I don't understand why it would be a hassle. I suppose it gets back to wanting to get your moneys worth every day. That is the part doesn't work for us. Not signing isn't the only criteria for wanting the alcohol package. We pay upfront and do not have a bill to pay at the end of the cruise. If we want just a half a glass of wine to finish the meal, we don't think about the fact that we're paying $xxx plus tip for that half a glass of wine.


For a person who drinks moderately on vacation (and we do drink more on vacation than when we are at home), I wonder what the cost would be over 4, 5, or 6 weeks when you are paying for a beer, wine, cocktail plus tips. Actually, I probably do not wonder about it. We are on vacation and simply do not want to think about it. To be fair, take into consideration that we mostly sail on Regent and are used to having what we want when we want it (in other words, very spoiled):)

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I just do not understand this whole thing. I DO NOT have the drink package, I order my drinks from the serving person, give them my card, get the drink and enjoy it. I HAVE the drink package, I order my drink from the serving person, give them my card, get the drink and enjoy it. At the end of the trip in both cases I get the bill, it is charged to my AMX card and I pay it. Why does either way require any brain power at all? Do people on vacation really think about the pros and cons of ordering each drink?? If so I am shocked! Well I guess I am really spoiled because I travel Oceania and I really get what I want when I want it and not a lot of things I do not want!

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I just do not understand this whole thing. I DO NOT have the drink package, I order my drinks from the serving person, give them my card, get the drink and enjoy it. I HAVE the drink package, I order my drink from the serving person, give them my card, get the drink and enjoy it. At the end of the trip in both cases I get the bill, it is charged to my AMX card and I pay it. Why does either way require any brain power at all? Do people on vacation really think about the pros and cons of ordering each drink?? If so I am shocked! Well I guess I am really spoiled because I travel Oceania and I really get what I want when I want it and not a lot of things I do not want!


For some it seems to be a big issue having to sign their name without the drink package, then they have all those pesky chits to carry around to show them how much they actually drank in a day

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“In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.”

― Benjamin Franklin


“I don't have a drinking problem 'Cept when I can't get a drink.”

― Tom Waits


“I always take Scotch whiskey at night as a preventive of toothache. I have never had the toothache; and what is more, I never intend to have it.”

― Mark Twain


“It was my Uncle George who discovered alcohol was a food well in advance of modern medical thought.”

― P.G. Wodehouse

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Every time the question comes up -- which is frequently -- there is a semi-battle regarding its value. Some think it's fabulous (especially when they are averse to signing a chit when buying a drink, or so it seems to me and maybe it seems that way because I don't mind signing at all). Others (and regulars here know I'm in this category), don't think it's worth the expense. It does depend on how much you think you'll be drinking.


I do agree with Dan's point ... in our case, DH barely drinks so clearly it wouldn't be worth it to him. That being the case, we don't often go to the bars for pre- or post-dinner drinks, and I don't mind having a cocktail in our room and wine with dinner. Also, I prefer ordering a bottle of wine rather than choosing from a selected list of wines available by the glass.


I might be able to "get my money's worth" out of a package on a shorter cruise, but never on a longer one. (And for those passengers who don't care if it costs more, they get the package for the convenience, more power to you. I've just lived with a tightwad too long to be able to look at it that way!)


Does CC have a FAQ list? Frankly, I've never checked! But if they do, I think this is one thread that could be posted there. It keeps coming up ...


Understandably, because I've had the impression the question usually comes from people who are new to Oceania ... but my impression could be wrong. (And of course people who are new to CC generally aren't aware of the possibility of the search ... I sure wasn't when I joined.)



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“In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.”

― Benjamin Franklin


“I don't have a drinking problem 'Cept when I can't get a drink.”

― Tom Waits


“I always take Scotch whiskey at night as a preventive of toothache. I have never had the toothache; and what is more, I never intend to have it.”

― Mark Twain


“It was my Uncle George who discovered alcohol was a food well in advance of modern medical thought.”

― P.G. Wodehouse


Love it!!

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(And for those passengers who don't care if it costs more, they get the package for the convenience, more power to you. I've just lived with a tightwad too long to be able to look at it that way!)




Your quoted comment really hit a chord with me. My DH (British) has lived as a tightwad for his whole life and is quite proud of it (so am I -- it enables us to do what we are doing). He knows that if he had to sign for a drink he would start thinking about the price, the tip, etc. There is no way he would pay $10 for a drink, for instance. So, he "bites the bullet" and pays for the alcohol package and doesn't have to think about it further. Perhaps this is a strange way of thinking but it works for him. When we are not on vacation, he continues to be ultra thrifty on a daily basis. He saved his whole life in order to live the lifestyle we now live. I can't tell you how much I admire him:)

Edited by Travelcat2
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