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This Thread Is To Be Used For All Discussions About HAL's On Board Smoking Policies

Host Walt

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At the risk of being accused of being politically incorrect, I would like to point out that smoking is known to be harmful to the smokers and annoying to the non-smokers who have to breathe their emanations. If smokers can find a way to indulge in their addiction without imposing upon others they can claim that they have such a right.


However, they have no right whatsoever to object to the fact that people who do not smoke might not want to be exposed to known carcinogens.


The facts: smoking is a harmful habit which many former smokers had the awareness and self-discipline to quit. Smoking contributes to health problems which the society at large often winds up paying for. The inclination of smokers to resist educational and other efforts to prevent future generations of smokers from acquiring their addiction makes such efforts more difficult.


Quitting smoking is hard- I speak from experience. While I believe it is worth the effort, I am not trying to tell people that they must quit - that is a decision a responsible person needs to make for himself.


I am not trying to tell smokers what they may or may not do - but I am not inclined to give any credence to their claims of "rights" - when the exercise of those "rights" makes me breathe polluted air and indirectly leads to my society carrying additional costs caring for the victims of their habit.


Smoke if you want to - but do not make me smell it - or try to make me feel guilty for not wanting to experience ANY negative effects from your smoking.

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I don't know who "they" are, but you are making wild assumptions with a very broad brush. The howls of protest from the smokers and the accusations and insults directed at non-smokers is getting beyond childish. You surely knew this day was coming, now it's time to adapt and move on.


Lizzie68 I would respectively suggest that you go back and read all of your 209 posts on this thread. From day one you have continuously "howled" in protest against the smokers leveling your own accusations and insults and you continue to do so even after you got what you wanted "the end of veranda smoking". What more do you have to gain by continuing? Perhaps you need to take a good look in a mirror before you continue bashing all smokers who dare post on this thread.


To be fair, 'most' smokers are not howling nor posting accusations or insults. Only a very, very few are. Most are posting either acceptance or sadness that the change will impact their enjoyment of cruising with HAL going forward.


This smoking thread is for everyone to express their opinions. We've had 4,000+ posts, mostly from nonsmokers who wanted the policy changed. I don't see why we shouldn't now be prepared to hear at least a few hundred worth from smokers protesting it -- even proportionally speaking that seems fair, yes?

cruisemom42 Thank you for your voice of reason! The non-smoking vocal majority who still feel the need to make vitriolic posts on this thread will never ever give an inch. They are right and so much better than any smoker could ever be, just ask them.

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No, problem NOT solved if you're a smoker (and happily I'm not one anymore). That's almost like saying a drinker should be happy because they are allowed non-alcoholic beer in a bar but no alcohol. You obviously have never smoked and don't understand.


Oh my goodness, you couldn't be more wrong! I smoked for 40 years (in two separate stints) and completely understand. Quitting smoking is extremely difficult and takes a lot of self discipline, something I have to work on daily. I'll be smoke free (this time) for a year next week.

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I will continue to enjoy my cigars daily on whatever ship I am on!


I've always liked the smell of cigars but could never smoke them. I tried once but unfortunately it was difficult to not inhale. I travel with a friend who smokes cigars with a passion. He has a case packed full of some of the finest. We were in Nicaragua a few years ago and drove up to the Esteli area, that's cigar country, beautiful area...at any rate, we stopped into one of the cigar factories and got an impromptu tour and he's collecting cigars as we go. Back in the rented truck driving down the road we both light up a cigar, lots of smoke coming out of the cab, looked like a scene from a Cheech and Chong movie, well I started to not feel so good, realized I was inhaling the thing and handed it back to him...now he has two and is trying to drive and shift gears LOL that was a fun trip. Highly recommended for cigar lovers. The place to stay is the Los Arcos hotel in town. Nicaragua is also good for rum lovers, Flor de Cana considered the finest.

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I want to join the list of cruisers who say they are delighted with the new rule. It will make my upcoming cruise more enjoyable on several levels.


However, I am also in the camp that believes some inside accommodation for smokers should have been made.

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Vapes do stink. Nasty chemical smell. Fruity and perfumy stench. I know smokers can't smell it. They think it is ok.


I just sorry for the poor addicted sods who trade one oral fixation for another.


I don't want to smell either, anywhere.


I am so happy HAL changed the policy for verandah smoking. Fresh air. Yay!


Personally i have no issues with vaping outside the smells are not any were close to that of smoking ! One of our employees who had a real hard time with her smoking addiction had success with it . Now no longer smokes or vapes it can be useful for some . Its not possible for it to be as bad for you as smoking !!

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I doubt Sun has ever actually smelled one, their description doesn't match up, they don't smell like chemicals or perfume, and only fruity if vaping a fruit flavor. Then mentions smokers not being able to smell it, implying people who vape are smokers and have the same dulled sense of smell, which isn't true since vapor isn't tobacco and doesn't affect you the same way. As a former smoker myself, that was one of the first things I noticed after quitting was my sense of smell and taste got very sharp and was vaping to quit smoking. So clearly Sun just simply objects to the notion of vaping, made up reasons why, and doesn't fully understand what they are and that they aren't the same as smoking tobacco.

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I want to join the list of cruisers who say they are delighted with the new rule. It will make my upcoming cruise more enjoyable on several levels.


However, I am also in the camp that believes some inside accommodation for smokers should have been made.


Evidently, E-Cigs will be permitted in the Interior Staterooms under the revised Smoking Rules! :mad:

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Regnig, I'm just wondering what other names you use on this board? :rolleyes:


One word - baloney. Nit even worth any other response.

As to post count - all under one name. Add all your identities together and you're way up there.

Sent from my SM-G386W using Forums mobile app


I dislike having to disappoint you both but you are so very wrong. I’m not anyone else, just me an avid reader of CC of over 10 years who has gleamed so very much great and invaluable information and knowledge by reading posts initially on the Princess board and then here on HAL’s board. I’ve just never found the need to participate as both boards have more than enough true experts that my 2 cents worth just hasn’t been needed. I’ve followed this thread since its inception, as yes being a smoker, it is a subject I needed to stay informed on. When the announcement was posted last week I foolishly created my one and only user-id in order to get some clarifying information about the Oosterdam in order to weigh my options on our current 14 day booking. I then attempted to post a rational post (#4405) in defense of those of us in the “silent minority”; that in retrospect was my error as I knew it would fall on deaf ears. I attempted to keep my whopping 3 posts as rational and un-insulting as possible but apparently I failed; or is it that the truth hurts? I now, along with all my other shortcomings as a smoker, have been accused of being a cheat, rule breaker and a liar. As such, although I will remain an avid reader, this will more than likely be my last post on these boards.


To the remainder of you regulars on this board a big “Thank You” for all the knowledge you have conveyed as it has been an invaluable help in increasing our enjoyment of cruising.

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Evidently, E-Cigs will be permitted in the Interior Staterooms under the revised Smoking Rules! :mad:

They already are, and have been for quite some time.

Since that is in the cabin, it has no impact on you. No need for the angry face, thumbs down, and big, bold, underlined font.

Edited by RuthC
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Regnig, try ecigs if you haven't already, they really are as satisfying as a real cig. You can use both on your cruise, ecigs in your cabin and when you're out and about the ship light up a real one in designated smoking areas. There's also vaping friendly airports, two here in the DC area, Dulles and Reagan National, and Miami, Tampa, Vegas and I think a few others. Start with 1.8% nicotine, can probably move down to 1.2% shortly thereafter, that will still give you the throat hit on the draw. Good luck and have a great trip.

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Evidently, E-Cigs will be permitted in the Interior Staterooms under the revised Smoking Rules! :mad:


Aw, gee whiz---an angry icon? And here I tried so hard to make a friendly, non confrontational post. I do apologize for not being clearer and stating "interior PUBLIC space".

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Aw, gee whiz---an angry icon? And here I tried so hard to make a friendly, non confrontational post. I do apologize for not being clearer and stating "interior PUBLIC space".

No need to apologize, sapper1. There was nothing confrontational about your post.

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Non-smoker here... I'm sorry for my fellow cruisers that prefer HAL and who smoke.


Personally I find smoking just foul, but my personal preference doesn't give me the right to limit the rights of others.


Before someone whips out some stats about how dangerous smoking can be... pump the brakes and use a critical mind.


If smoking was as dangerous as purported there would've been amazing population declines in Asia and most European countries that border the Med. If you've ever been there, seemingly everyone smokes and they're not suffering any from declining populations due to cancer deaths.


I've never once been on a balcony and been smoked out by my neighbors while the ship was sailing. There's been folks curing meats next to us too!

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Non-smoker here... I'm sorry for my fellow cruisers that prefer HAL and who smoke.


Personally I find smoking just foul, but my personal preference doesn't give me the right to limit the rights of others.


Before someone whips out some stats about how dangerous smoking can be... pump the brakes and use a critical mind.


If smoking was as dangerous as purported there would've been amazing population declines in Asia and most European countries that border the Med. If you've ever been there, seemingly everyone smokes and they're not suffering any from declining populations due to cancer deaths.


I've never once been on a balcony and been smoked out by my neighbors while the ship was sailing. There's been folks curing meats next to us too!


I am absolutely intrigued by the folks curing meats next door to you:eek::D My brain is trying to get around the "why"..... but also, while it is great you have never been bothered by smoke, many have. Personally, I have had cruises where it simply has not been an issue but others where it did impact on our enjoyment of the cruise. I am just glad it's not a worry anymore, but I do think that HAL should provide more than they are to the smokers and offer a compromise, perhaps install something like the Noordam's Oak Room on all the ships.

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If smoking was as dangerous as purported there would've been amazing population declines in Asia and most European countries that border the Med. If you've ever been there, seemingly everyone smokes and they're not suffering any from declining populations due to cancer deaths.

That makes about as much sense as saying that war isn't dangerous because there are no declining populations due to military deaths. During the Vietnam War, the American population grew from 165 to 215 million in spite of almost 50,000 combat deaths. Whether from cancer or combat, every death is a loss, but population numbers are effected by many other factors.

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I like you, Rustybuttons. Yes, it could be done. I feel for the smokers who are so disappointed. I would have been at one time, too. I'm glad I don't smoke anymore, but I will never be one of those nonsmokers who seems to like to kick people when they're down (I've read a few posts here that are indicative of that behavior). I just hope that now that the balcony smoking has been banned, nonsmokers won't turn to trying to get it banned everywhere on board. I'm sure most are reasonable, but . . .


Just an aside, I've never met a non-smoker who wasn't glad that they quit. Me included.

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I just loove these non-smokers ;) who not only aren't in anyway bothered by smoke , believe smokers rights are being infringed upon but also that the danger of cancer from smoking is a fraud . They must be non-smokers because they told us so .

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Looks like it's time for yet another "time out." This thread will be reopened later.




Many posts have been removed recently (since the new policies were published) because some folks aren't following the basic rules for this thread that are part of post #1.




1. Our community guidelines continue to apply to this thread.


2. This is a forum for discussions of cruising and associated topics. It is not a forum for discussing the health, economics and public policy aspects of smoking, whether associated with cigarettes, pipes, cigars or controlled substances (marijuana).


3. Discussions of this approach to smoking posts and other board policies are off topic and will be removed. Please post discussions of this approach for smoking posts to this thread: Single Smoking Thread on the HAL Board - a Sticky


Thanks for your understanding and continued participation on the Cruise Critic forums.

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During the brief timeout, we received this email from one of our members:


I booked a cruise a few days ago (to say think you for the policy change!) and I've noticed some new things:


-HAL send out an email about the change in policy (my cruise is in February), so it appears they're warning people directly.


-FAQs on the website have been updated,


-Know Before You Go PDF has been updated.



Please, no more aspersions. There are some good people who smoke and some good people who don't.


Please be polite and considerate when posting to this and any other thread on Cruise Critic.



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I can't remember if this is where I posted originally, but Jacqui was particularly helpful, so thank you Jacqui. My DH has been a smoker, who is currently trying to quit. I went home and told him about the change in policy (still no formal notification from HAL) and he said no problem. And not to try changing the reservation.


While I have to say that on the last HAL cruise I went on the balcony smoking bothered me about as much as a snorkeler peeing in the ocean.


But live and let live. :)

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