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Le Club Voyage Thumbs up or down


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A definite thumbs down.


The only value to us was the free internet and laundry. By taking away those perks [which we had already enjoyed], they basically detached themselves from any consideration for cruises which allowed for competition. When you are a veteran cruiser with several cruise lines, you look at the overall package of what you get for your money. Azamara just removed themselves from consideration where other cruise lines compete. A shame, since we have enjoyed Azamara, but they are no longer competitive, when all perks are considered.

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The internet is big hit for me as being a business owner I often have to work when vacationing and technology allows me to do so.


This elimination will give me pause when choosing a line in the Azamara class.


Having said that, I do understand Azamara is focusing on the bottom line and is making some tough decisions and only time will tell if they are the correct.

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I'm just wondering what happens if you have booked a cruise and then it becomes one of the voyages selected quarterly for 10% off? Will there be a 10% refund? Or have I misinterpreted this 'new benefit'?


I wonder what happens too with that. Most times they have their sales. EX. book a inside get a balcony etc. So what will be their base price for the 10%? Brochure rate? Who ever pays brochure rate for any cruise?

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We will be cruising on the Journey in a few weeks. Sadly, it will be the last time we select Azamara for a cruise vacation. What Azamara has done, simply put, is eliminate perks for frequent cruisers. The management pretends to offer advantages in their changed program but the reality is the perks preferred by cruisers, free internet, laundry, sparkling wine, wine tastings, etc., are those things that made the program most attractive. I can't imagine what they were thinking when they elected to discourage repeat business.

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I am disappointed with the changes. I love Azamara and the present style it offers to my wife and I. I have completed more than 50 cruises and 10 of them have been on Azamara so you will see how we like them. We look at itineraries, dates, offers, the company and finally value. Azamara have made a financial decision which appears to make their cruises less attractive. I am sure they will get a lot of verbal reaction to this decision but the proof of the pudding is will people pick Azamara over other cruise lines. I will not walk away from Azamara but the competition can look better when you see what others offer. Celebrity cruises still offering free internet time and with 14 days costing less than 7 days on Azamara. Regent cruises reward me on my level with FREE unlimited internet time and are totally all inclusive.

We have three further cruises booked with Azamara, the next in November so look forward to speaking to the Azamara representative on the ship for more details.

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Hello All,


We appreciate our loyal guests feedback and did expect mixed reactions to the new Le Club Voyage program, in particular the discontinued benefits. As we have stated before, it was not an easy decision to replace some benefits, but we believe it is the right long-term decision for our guests and our brand. While benefits preferences are subjective, the new Le Club Voyage program is greater in long term value through earning points toward free cruise nights. In addition we have added stateroom upgrades, savings on voyages, and other new benefits. The program is ongoing and will continue to be enhanced with additional benefits to be added in the future.


We are following all your comments closely and value your opinions. Some of your comments are valid and will be taken into consideration, other comments are not valid. We are focused on delivering the right balance of guest benefits and what makes sense from a business perspective for our company.


Contrary to what many of you have posted here, this program was carefully constructed, researched, vetted and a pool of loyalty members contacted to give us input and feedback on what was most valuable to them in terms of their vacation experience. Throughout this process the insights that we gathered were significant, our guests travel with us for the immersion within the destinations we visit and the great service of the crew onboard. This is our brand promise and this will not change, we continue to deliver this promise to you each time you sail with us. New programs bring change, most of this program as we noted prior is non-cruise traditional.


We will continue to monitor your comments and provide further constant communications on the Le Club Voyage program with our members. If you have questions, concerns over your specific members benefits please feel free to call + 1.888.532.5828 (LeClubV) or email at LeClubVoyage@AzamaraClubCruises.com


Thank you, Azamara

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Thank you Joel


You and Azamara have taken some pretty nasty shots over the past few days and it speaks well of you and the organization that you have not sunk to the same level.


The overwhelming majority of us understand business decisions have to be made, and there will always be some that will respond emotionally.


Hang in there and best of luck as you senior management and the Leadership of the company continue to drive the business forward.

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Hello All,


We appreciate our loyal guests feedback and did expect mixed reactions to the new Le Club Voyage program, in particular the discontinued benefits. As we have stated before, it was not an easy decision to replace some benefits, but we believe it is the right long-term decision for our guests and our brand. While benefits preferences are subjective, the new Le Club Voyage program is greater in long term value through earning points toward free cruise nights. In addition we have added stateroom upgrades, savings on voyages, and other new benefits. The program is ongoing and will continue to be enhanced with additional benefits to be added in the future.


We are following all your comments closely and value your opinions. Some of your comments are valid and will be taken into consideration, other comments are not valid. We are focused on delivering the right balance of guest benefits and what makes sense from a business perspective for our company.


Contrary to what many of you have posted here, this program was carefully constructed, researched, vetted and a pool of loyalty members contacted to give us input and feedback on what was most valuable to them in terms of their vacation experience. Throughout this process the insights that we gathered were significant, our guests travel with us for the immersion within the destinations we visit and the great service of the crew onboard. This is our brand promise and this will not change, we continue to deliver this promise to you each time you sail with us. New programs bring change, most of this program as we noted prior is non-cruise traditional.


We will continue to monitor your comments and provide further constant communications on the Le Club Voyage program with our members. If you have questions, concerns over your specific members benefits please feel free to call + 1.888.532.5828 (LeClubV) or email at LeClubVoyage@AzamaraClubCruises.com


Thank you, Azamara


This looks like standing strong in the face of disaster. Damage is done and this statement does nothing to relieve the frustrations and disappointments. Restatement of the disappointing news does nothing except adding fuel to the fire. I have yet to cruise with AZ but I have my most expensive cruise ever booked with AZamara Quest in Feb. All this upset is not helping build my anticipation of the cruise to come. I talked others into coming with us! I sure hope my cruise and experience will be better than the before cruise experience. Bad communications, even the cheer leaders upset, and nothing at all to lighten the mood -- except more We know what is best for the customer than they know for themselves. I have cancel for any reason insurance -- should I pull that trigger??

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Hello All,


We appreciate our loyal guests feedback and did expect mixed reactions to the new Le Club Voyage program, in particular the discontinued benefits. As we have stated before, it was not an easy decision to replace some benefits, but we believe it is the right long-term decision for our guests and our brand. While benefits preferences are subjective, the new Le Club Voyage program is greater in long term value through earning points toward free cruise nights. In addition we have added stateroom upgrades, savings on voyages, and other new benefits. The program is ongoing and will continue to be enhanced with additional benefits to be added in the future.


We are following all your comments closely and value your opinions. Some of your comments are valid and will be taken into consideration, other comments are not valid. We are focused on delivering the right balance of guest benefits and what makes sense from a business perspective for our company.


Contrary to what many of you have posted here, this program was carefully constructed, researched, vetted and a pool of loyalty members contacted to give us input and feedback on what was most valuable to them in terms of their vacation experience. Throughout this process the insights that we gathered were significant, our guests travel with us for the immersion within the destinations we visit and the great service of the crew onboard. This is our brand promise and this will not change, we continue to deliver this promise to you each time you sail with us. New programs bring change, most of this program as we noted prior is non-cruise traditional.


We will continue to monitor your comments and provide further constant communications on the Le Club Voyage program with our members. If you have questions, concerns over your specific members benefits please feel free to call + 1.888.532.5828 (LeClubV) or email at LeClubVoyage@AzamaraClubCruises.com


Thank you, Azamara


I see Azamara expect mixed reactions to the new Le Club Voyage program by your statement. But what I see here on CC is not such a mixed reaction. It is an out right no to the new program.

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I think that at least those of us who have already booked cruises post January 2015 on the understanding we would get our usual Discoverer benefits should be able to keep them, or even be given the choice of either keeping them for the cruise we had booked or switching to the new benefits. It just does not seem right to take away the benefits we had assumed we would be getting and which in fact contributed towards our decision to cruise with Azamara. The only new benefit we would have been pleased to receive is the $199 upgrade to a Club Continent Suite but since they are all full, we won't even be able to take advantage of that. As we only booked this cruise on the 24th August, I find it unacceptable that Azamara did not mention the imminent withdrawal of our Discoverer benefits at the time of booking as they must have been aware of them at that point. If they had done so, it may well have affected our decision to book (which is probably why they didn't!)

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"Some of your comments are valid and will be taken into consideration"


AzamaraJoel - could you perhaps elaborate further on which comments you are referring to when you say that some are valid.

Of equal importance, I'd be interested in knowing which ones are considered "invalid." Someone saying "I won't cruise Azamara again?" Someone saying "I'd prefer free internet and laundry on every cruise to a small chance of getting a few free nights at some future date--if I'm still alive?" Someone saying "taking away a benefit without grandfathering those who already have it is rather poor form?"


Seems to me all opinions are valid, as are all personal reactions to the announcement. Perhaps the only statements that might be invalid are those by our resident Chicken Littles who think this announcement is just one more indication of Azamara's imminent demise.:rolleyes:

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Azamara Joel,


It is clear that Azamara is not listening. You have taken away valuable perks and substituted much less valuable perks. Andy has made some good suggestions. Have you reviewed them? It appears that you expected mixed reactions to your announcement but what you got was more like outrage. Is Azamara that immovable?

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Azamara Joel,


It is clear that Azamara is not listening. You have taken away valuable perks and substituted much less valuable perks. Andy has made some good suggestions. Have you reviewed them? It appears that you expected mixed reactions to your announcement but what you got was more like outrage. Is Azamara that immovable?



I think Azamara Joel's post shows complete denial.

He can label opinions "invalid" if he chooses to (although ALL opinions are valid), but he will not be able to get around the fact that folks will vote will their wallets. I already know personally of 10 cruises cancelled as a result of these awful changes -- and I am just one person.


It takes a big company to admit it has made a mistake (think the new formula for the old Coke). I do not think Azamara is that company. They have dug in before and they will dig in now.


Thank goodness we all have choices. Those who feel these changes are ok can continue to cruise with Azamara. The rest of us have many options. Whether the cruise line will go out of business is still an open question. No one can predict. But the signs sure are not good IMO.

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We are following all your comments closely and value your opinions. Some of your comments are valid and will be taken into consideration, other comments are not valid. We are focused on delivering the right balance of guest benefits and what makes sense from a business perspective for our company.



It's the second part of the paragraph from Joel's response that I find most interesting - it does sound like the basis for the upheaval of the LCV program is purely financial...... refocus the loyalty program on non-revenue elements such as space available upgrades and free nights, and to then open up the previously complimentary revenue opportunities such as laundry and the internet.

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Let's face it, Azamarajoel I is a PAID shill of AZ. He will always spout the "party line"; even if the incoming fire is decimating. That is what he is paid to do!


His comments are a poor attempt to calm the waters, but like other PR people, he has to play with the cards delt. Too bad he has a looser hand.

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Yes, you should cancel at once. We were on the Azamara Journey Aug 8 through the 27th. We had to book all our own shore excursions as the ship's were a total rip off. $120 to visit the Royal Naval Academy which cost us $12.00. The entertainment was very lack luster. They must have spent the entire entertainment budget on the Amazing Evening. UGH Azamara is overpriced and does not return value for the money.

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Can you please elaborate - what comments are not valid?


Good question, and I took it that the opening sentence of his third paragraph identified one position found on this forum that he was challenging.


Perhaps he will identify others.

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Hello All,


We appreciate our loyal guests feedback and did expect mixed reactions to the new Le Club Voyage program, in particular the discontinued benefits.


Thank you, Azamara




Please look at the poll that Host Andy put online.

There are ZERO positive reactions to your changes.

That is not the "mixed reactions" that you expected.


It is unfortunate that Azamara can not longer afford to provide free internet or laundry even to their most frequent cruisers.


On one posting there was mentioned a couple who have sailed on Azamara over 100 times. Do you honestly believe that they don't deserve ANY free internet or laundry after spending MILLIONS of dollars on your cruise line?

That is not "rewarding loyalty".

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Please look at the poll that Host Andy put online.

There are ZERO positive reactions to your changes.

That is not the "mixed reactions" that you expected.


It is unfortunate that Azamara can not longer afford to provide free internet or laundry even to their most frequent cruisers.


On one posting there was mentioned a couple who have sailed on Azamara over 100 times. Do you honestly believe that they don't deserve ANY free internet or laundry after spending MILLIONS of dollars on your cruise line?

That is not "rewarding loyalty".


This has to be a mistake . I believe that two men have 50 plus cruise. No one I know has 100. There are plenty between 20 and 40 that I met. At 20 plus cruises I believe I should have laundry and internet after. Three years plus add in celebrity cruises. Now guests are = to crew who pay for both. I will be lucky to see flowers in my cabin.. Wonder if I can arrange to send them to myself

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