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Dumb, Funny, or Embarrassing Moments on Your Cruise


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Funny that the bride and I got food poisoning during the 2nd week of our Honeymoon, about 5000 years ago, we were as sick as dogs, holding her hair while she drove to big porcelain bus, her running to get me a bin when I had such bad cramps I couldn't get out of bed.

We laugh about it NOW


At least you got to know the ... and for worst part early in your marriage.

Yes, things that seemed horrid to us at the time are now funny! :D


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On a recent cruise, my wife and I attended a 50s & 60s street party in the Promenade of the ship. We were dancing (or my attempts at dancing to these songs - born in 1967) just on the edge of the crowd where there was some space. One of the crew came along and asked if we would like to dance somewhere else as we were blocking a crews door, so we said sorry and that we would move. He then looked embarrassed so suggested we move to an area closer to the band, so we said ok. When we got there we soon realised it was a ploy and they had several other couples doing the same thing and we had to do a dance off. I have now gone beet red and stumbled my way through some unfamiliar songs and I think then everyone realised that I couldn't do any of the dance moves from that era, needless to say we didn't win (or come close). It was very embarrassing, especially for the rest of the cruise and people would recognise me and say things like ' At least you tried'.:o

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We were in Cap't Tony's Bar in Key West when in walked a young woman who had just had her nipples pierced. She was very proud of them and kept lifting up her shirt to show them to anyone who walked in. Our private joke is, if you ask my husband what color her eyes were he will tell you "Freckled".



Sounds good to me.

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Well mine is really embarrassing. There is something about vacation that makes us a little more ROMANTIC so to speak. My hubby and I sailed with our then 16 year old son in a balcony cabin. My hubby was rather excited to make "whoopie" and being a little adventurous, we went out to the balcony. (quietly... before our son came back.) Needless to say, after a few nights of this happening, we looked up and saw the eye in the sky cameras. OH MY GOSH. Beyond embarrassed. In fact I'm blushing just typing this!!!


(My husband told our friends that we are cruising with (in adjoining rooms) and they were glad we were on the steel hulled Adventure so there was no adjoining balcony!)



Always check for cameras first.

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My GF and I toured Barbados on our own while we were cruising on the Zenith. WE stumbled upon a gorgeous secluded beach and decided to take an unplanned swim. We had not planned to get in the water so we came unprepared. I pulled off my shirt, kicked off my shoes and took the plunge in my khaki shorts. After a while I was just floating around on my back in the water and I feel something brush up against my face. I reached up for it, looked at it and it was a $20 bill! I flail around and stand up, look around, and see money floating around all over the place! I freak out and started screaming to my GF. scooping up all the floating bills. I get back on shore so excited......then I realized it was my own money from my short pockets that I didn't empty before going in the water! DOH!!!!

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On the second day of a cruise some years ago, DH went to the bar in morning to get us Bloody Marys.

Our room steward noticed his hands were full so opened a cabin door. Unfortunately, it was next door and NOT ours.

They were having Their Own Fun on their balcony. :D

In his haste to leave unnoticed :o, DH left both drinks.

Wonder if they ever wondered how those drinks got there. :rolleyes:..:D


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The first cruise I took my kids on (boy 8, girl 18) we did an excursion to Blackbeard's Private Island in the Bahamas. We rode to the island on a tender type boat with about 50 other people. Everything is going fine.... me and the kids are shopping in this little shack/store on the beach because my 18 year old just HAD to have a pair of shorts with BAHAMAS written across the fanny. I'm just standing there waiting for her to decide which color.... and I look out the door and see the tender boat going by! So I run out of the store, yelling "WAIT" as loud as I can. I am running down the beach parallel to the tender, waving my arms and yelling. My 8 year old is running behind me waving his arms and yelling. My 18 year old is running behind him still holding the shorts and waving her arms and yelling . And the shop owner is running behind her waving her arms and yelling for her to bring the shorts back. Everyone on the boat is looking and pointing at us and telling the boat operator what's going on. So the tender turns around and comes back to get us. We had to get on that boat with everyone staring and laughing - although some seemed to be mad at having to come back. It was so embarrassing! One long ride back to the ship. And the kids have never let me live it down. It has been almost 10 years and to this day, every now and then, the kids will say "do you remember when Momma got us left on Blackbeard's Island?".......:rolleyes:

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On the second day of a cruise some years ago, DH went to the bar in morning to get us Bloody Marys.

Our room steward noticed his hands were full so opened a cabin door. Unfortunately, it was next door and NOT ours.

They were having Their Own Fun on their balcony. :D

In his haste to leave unnoticed :o, DH left both drinks.

Wonder if they ever wondered how those drinks got there. :rolleyes:..:D



Wow, hope it wasn't us. Bwahaha! Liberty of the Seas? 2009?


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Our first cruise was many years ago on The Big Red Boat (Premier Cruise LInes). It was a bit fancier at dinner than what we are used to on our recent cruising.


My youngest son was about 15 months old and in a high chair. The head waiter was excellent, walking throughout the main dining room, introducing himself and chatting with the diners.


He visited with us, chatting a bit with our 3 kids. He was dressed so handsomely in a white tux. Just stunning!


He moved onto the next table. I looked over just a bit later. That head waiter had ketchup all over his beautiful white tux. My son had used a french fry dipped in ketchup to draw all over his tux while he was standing next to my son. I was mortified!!!!!


Someone at the table pointed out to the head waiter the state of his white tux. The head waiter immediately turned to us with a stare that scared me. OMG, here he was walking back to our table. Oh gosh.... what to do!


He told us that THIS WAS HIS ONLY TUX FOR THE ENTIRE CRUISE!!! We didn't know what to say. Then he burst out laughing. It was the big joke with all diners and all the waiters the entire cruise. Everyone asked my little son if he wanted MORE ketchup. We still remember that......

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I know someone who completely lost her bikini bottoms on the Flowrider on Oasis, but I will never say who! But I'm not ever going on that ;$@% Flowrider again! ;)


We are going back on Oasis in 2016 ;)



For me, I don't have any big embarrassing moments, just hundreds of little ones. I only see out one eye at a time (lazy eye) so I have very limited depth perception. I also have a lot of arthritis in my back so I don't lift my feet very far. As a result I trip on shadows. ;) Now that I have gray hair, people feel the need to rush over when I stumble. That is embarassing.

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......Suddenly, a cabin door opened and a man carrying a service tray with dishes on it appeared. Oh.. by the way the man was dressed only in his tidy-whiteies. Anyway I guess all he wanted to do was place the tray on the floor by the door for an attendant to pick up. Well...after looking both ways down the hallway...bending over, he managed to accomplish this task...just as his cabin door closed behind him ! Alone in the hallway..., he had this panicked look on his face. "Just knock on the door I said to myself". Nope...it suddenly became apparent that he was alone in the cabin.., so no one to let him back in.


The next few minutes were priceless. He would look up and down the hallway...trying to decide what to do. It was 200 am according to the security camera. At times he would disappear under the camera..I guess gong further up the hallway, then suddenly race back to the door. He then looked down at the tray, and removed all the dishes from the tray and began using it as a modesty shield in front of him. I have to tell you the expression on his face was pure pain. After a minute or more, we noticed he had a goofy smile on his face and suddenly a staff member appeared under the camera with a card to let him in his cabin. Just before he disappeared out of view in his cabin.., you could see his hand come back into view with the modesty tray for the staff attendant.


I never was sure if this was real or just staged by Celebrity...but it was hilarious. Oh...by the way the background music they had for the segment was perfect.


We actually witnessed a very similar thing on the Radiance of the Seas while heading back to our room after dinner....except the man was not wearing "tighty-whities", or anything else. He was frantic and we didn't know if he was drunk or high, so we called security and waited by the elevators until they came and let him into his room. According to our room steward the next morning, his story was the same thing, that he had been putting a tray out into the hall. Nice story, except that we never saw a tray.

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Went into a public washroom one evening. Wonder why there was no urinal along the wall. Then I saw the sanitary napkin disposal container in the cubicles. Oooops.


Have you ever been on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas. I couldn't find the urinal and started to leave, turns out the urinal was disguised.



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I have a funny story about the last karaoke night on our Legend repositioning cruise last September. We had a great group of regulars, most of which had done the full cruise through the canal. We joined in Long Beach. On the last night, I asked my fiance, Russ, if he wanted to sing our song with me (Cuando Caliente El Sol). He was tired and said, no, and I asked how about if I sing it for you. He liked that. We had sung it together earlier on the cruise.


I got up and the host started the song. We were in the Red Frog Pub Lounge and it was a bit noisy and I was straining to hear the first notes. There weren't any. The words came on the screen so I started singing a capella. After the first verse, the host said, "Isn't there any music to this?" and I broke out of the song to say, "There's supposed to be." The laughter started. He never could get the music to come up and everyone said keep singing.


The version they had was all in Spanish, and not Petula Clark's English/Spanish version. Our friends started saying to Russ, "What's she singing, are those dirty lyrics?" More laughter. Finally, after about a minute or so, I realized the lyrics weren't changing as they should, the same page was repeating so I started singing to the non-music, "I know there are more lyrics, where are they?" Everyone was laughing their heads off at this point. "So, they said sing it in English!" I started to, but I don't know the English lyrics as well and stumbled, plus I was laughing, too, and it's almost impossible to sing while laughing. Russ stood up and started singing them as he walked over to me. Then he went down on knee while he finished the song.


People were taking pictures of this and one friend was shooting video on his iPad. I'm still hoping to get some copies when I see them later this month. That was one karaoke experience I will never forget!

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I managed to knock a whole glass of wine over a waiter at a past guest party and I felt so bad as I didnt see him behind me and flicked my hand up in the air due to general excitement and caught the wine glass on the edge of his tray.


He laughed and exclaimed that at least it free wine as it was the past guest party.



Ooops :)

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I have a funny story about the last karaoke night on our Legend repositioning cruise last September. We had a great group of regulars, most of which had done the full cruise through the canal. We joined in Long Beach. On the last night, I asked my fiance, Russ, if he wanted to sing our song with me (Cuando Caliente El Sol). He was tired and said, no, and I asked how about if I sing it for you. He liked that. We had sung it together earlier on the cruise.


I got up and the host started the song. We were in the Red Frog Pub Lounge and it was a bit noisy and I was straining to hear the first notes. There weren't any. The words came on the screen so I started singing a capella. After the first verse, the host said, "Isn't there any music to this?" and I broke out of the song to say, "There's supposed to be." The laughter started. He never could get the music to come up and everyone said keep singing.


The version they had was all in Spanish, and not Petula Clark's English/Spanish version. Our friends started saying to Russ, "What's she singing, are those dirty lyrics?" More laughter. Finally, after about a minute or so, I realized the lyrics weren't changing as they should, the same page was repeating so I started singing to the non-music, "I know there are more lyrics, where are they?" Everyone was laughing their heads off at this point. "So, they said sing it in English!" I started to, but I don't know the English lyrics as well and stumbled, plus I was laughing, too, and it's almost impossible to sing while laughing. Russ stood up and started singing them as he walked over to me. Then he went down on knee while he finished the song.


People were taking pictures of this and one friend was shooting video on his iPad. I'm still hoping to get some copies when I see them later this month. That was one karaoke experience I will never forget!


Nice story.:D

I did a karoake with a friend once but we swapped the male and female parts around (Island in the stream). Lots of laughter and it worked quite well.:D

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We were on the Queen of the West, and discovered we were short a towel. Right across the hall from us was a large linen closet, so I went there to get another towel.

As i walked in, sitting on the floor was our room steward, with a girl on his lap! Having savoir faire, I just said, "Needed another towel" and left. The poor steward could not look us in the eye the rest of the cruise!

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We were on the Queen of the West, and discovered we were short a towel. Right across the hall from us was a large linen closet, so I went there to get another towel.

As i walked in, sitting on the floor was our room steward, with a girl on his lap! Having savoir faire, I just said, "Needed another towel" and left. The poor steward could not look us in the eye the rest of the cruise!


LOL, a stowaway perhaps?:o

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We were on the Queen of the West, and discovered we were short a towel. Right across the hall from us was a large linen closet, so I went there to get another towel.

As i walked in, sitting on the floor was our room steward, with a girl on his lap! Having savoir faire, I just said, "Needed another towel" and left. The poor steward could not look us in the eye the rest of the cruise!










Back in my wild and crazy single days . I bar tended and worked the door at THE night spot/ pick up joint in my area.


If I had a dollar for how many times I walked in on people in compromising positions in back rooms, stock rooms, bathrooms, offices , stairwells , closets offices you name it. *LOL*


And it never stopped being funny :)

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We were on the Queen of the West, and discovered we were short a towel. Right across the hall from us was a large linen closet, so I went there to get another towel.

As i walked in, sitting on the floor was our room steward, with a girl on his lap! Having savoir faire, I just said, "Needed another towel" and left. The poor steward could not look us in the eye the rest of the cruise!


Probably the only spot they thought they could get a bit of privacy, :D especially if that ship had crew sharing cabins. And then you walk in and spoil it all :eek:. You rotten person ;)

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We were on the Queen of the West, and discovered we were short a towel. Right across the hall from us was a large linen closet, so I went there to get another towel.

As i walked in, sitting on the floor was our room steward, with a girl on his lap! Having savoir faire, I just said, "Needed another towel" and left. The poor steward could not look us in the eye the rest of the cruise!


The steward was with his -ahem- friend in a place that was reasonably private and with clean towels? Good for him!:cool:

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The steward was with his -ahem- friend in a place that was reasonably private and with clean towels? Good for him!:cool:



And maybe he was thinking the same "good for me" and that's why he couldn't look the poster in the eye afterwards, because he wanted to punch him in the eye for ruining his fun :D

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Well, mine happens all the time and not just on cruise ships. But it has happened several times on cruises.


My wife has a weak gag reflex. As such, if she tries to breathe while drinking she starts coughing LOUDLY. It sounds like she is choking (but isn't). I have been married for 20 years so I know what is happening. But we have had people come over and try to give her the Heimlich Manoeuver while giving me a very dirty look.


After about 30 to 35 seconds she will sneeze and the episode is over.


But people still look at me like I am a jerk because my wife was choking and I wasn't doing anything. (my wife is usually chuckling under the choking sound) But years of married life prepare you to be embarrassed by your partner.

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Well, mine happens all the time and not just on cruise ships. But it has happened several times on cruises.


My wife has a weak gag reflex. As such, if she tries to breathe while drinking she starts coughing LOUDLY. It sounds like she is choking (but isn't). I have been married for 20 years so I know what is happening. But we have had people come over and try to give her the Heimlich Manoeuver while giving me a very dirty look.


After about 30 to 35 seconds she will sneeze and the episode is over.


But people still look at me like I am a jerk because my wife was choking and I wasn't doing anything. (my wife is usually chuckling under the choking sound) But years of married life prepare you to be embarrassed by your partner.



I never ever cause my wife to be embarrassed ;):p

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