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Room service and to go food


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Just something to ponder and weigh out....


I realize that many people have never, nor ever will want to do take out on a cruise ship. But this decision MIGHT ACTUALLY affect all of those people in some way or another regardless. The mega ships are notorious for having well over a thousand kids on any given sailing. Statistically, you will have kids act up at dinner. It's bound to happen. Previously, courteous parents (and I believe, most parents are still courteous) would remove their children from the dining room so as not to disturb the surrounding diners. One parent takes the child out of the room, the other stays behind to have everything boxed up and they take the little darling back to their room and finish eating. Now? Thanks to NCL what choice do they have? They either have to go hungry or stay and let their kids ruin the meals of everyone else in the dining room. So, the next time someone has to listen to a screaming, obnoxious kid carrying on in the dining room, rather than glare at the parents expecting them to remove their child, place your anger on NCL because these parents have been truly forced into a corner unnecessarily. And when that child annoys you to the point that you no longer want to sit there and finish your meal, remember, you now have to leave hungry because NCL won't let you take your dinner with you either. This is just a stupid new policy all the way around. It may not seem like it on the surface, but it's different than many of the other new policy changes where you can like it or lump it. This one actually can affect other cruisers all the way around. Just food for thought :)



Could I get this food for thought to go?

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Room service fee implemented so people go to O'Sheehans for take out. NCL doesn't like that because they want you to pay for room service. People can't take out from O'Sheehans so now we ALL go to buffet to bring back food to room. What do you think NCL will do next to get you to pay those room service fees? Answer: IMO, have crew at doorways telling you that you can't bring food out of buffet into elevators or stairways.

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Well....this just STINKS in my opinion :mad:

I've kept my mouth shut and accepted the previous changes with a deep sigh...


But this one really bites my butt. Who really wins with this one? Come on NCL, what possible purpose do you achieve through this? Explain to me WHO WINS?


* Parents who have a child act up in a restaurant have 2 choices, sit and finish the meal they've paid for (and are entitled to)...and let their children ruin the evening of all the surrounding tables - OR - leave their meals (that they paid for) sitting on the table and go hungry. WHO WINS? No one. Because SOMEONE is leaving the restaurant angry and hungry. And NCL has dissatisfied customers on their hands.


* People pay extra for a large balcony (with a larger eating table BTW which encourages EATING) and want to enjoy their meals on their paid-for-balcony. Sorry NCL, but your enhanced room service menu doesn't exactly scream YUMMY. Previously, you could order take out and enjoy your balcony. NOW, you have to stay put in your dining venue, grumbling because you can't enjoy the balcony you paid for and now the dining rooms are even MORE crowded because the crowds aren't dispersed around the ship. WHO WINS? No one. Because the dining rooms are crowded, the lines are even longer, the specialty's are even harder to get into and, once again, NCL has dissatisfied customers on their hands.


I just DON'T see a scenario where somebody wins with this new policy :confused:. The only explanation we have so far is from the O's staff reportedly saying that since the Room Service Fees went into place take out orders have sky-rocketed so they are putting this into place. WHY? To try and force people into room service? Sorry, don't see that happening. If people don't want to pay for room service, they are just NOT going to pay it. Period. End of story. SERIOUSLY, I would REALLY like to know if there is somebody out there (and if there is, please pipe up) that is thinking "I can't take out my leftovers or place a to-go order, no biggie, I'll just pay for room service instead." You can't force people into a corner. NCL is only hurting themselves with this one. The ONLY thing you will accomplish is disgruntled customers. If take outs have exponentially risen due to your new fees, guess what, wake up and smell the coffee... people DON'T LIKE YOUR NEW FEES. Thankfully, if we don't like them, we don't have to use that service. We'll just find a different option. The people found the different option and NCL doesn't like it. So what? Just stamp your feet and say "I'll show them! I'll take away take out! THEN they'll have to pay our fees!" We are not rats in a maze. You can't use negative reenforcement to get us to move in the direction you want.


Now, if NCL had the where-with-all to actually EXPLAIN their new policy and justify it with a reason that made sense, it would certainly go a LONG way with the disgruntled masses. Yeah right...like that will ever happen.


Wow, we heard you and 100% agreed. But not NCL.

Need to put this on their FB.

Don't think upper management care since the crews and guests are paying the price and have to deal with the issues/problems.

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Don't think upper management care since the crews and guests are paying the price and have to deal with the issues/problems.


Not only do I not have to deal with it....I won't deal with it.


If I were at a land based restaurant and unruly children were disrupting my meal I'd simply ask to take it home or be moved FAR away.


IF NCL refuses to let me take the meal I paid for at a specialty restaurant back to my room because of unruly kids I'd simply leave my meal there and INSIST on a refund for whatever I paid at that specialty restaurant.


I'm on vacation. If NCL refuses to allow parents to do the right thing by removing themselves as well as their food from the area....I will remove myself and not pay.




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I wonder how many of us cruisers will be bringing baggies and ziplocks along as well as LARGE purses and tote bags. I can just see Grandma being stopped by the armed guards at the doorways being frisked to see how much extra food she is trying to sneak out for later. Gramps would probably be right there defending her honor.

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I wonder how many of us cruisers will be bringing baggies and ziplocks along as well as LARGE purses and tote bags. I can just see Grandma being stopped by the armed guards at the doorways being frisked to see how much extra food she is trying to sneak out for later. Gramps would probably be right there defending her honor.


Thanks for the idea. :D

Oh, what's next...NCL might limit on the size of the ziplock, just like the airport. :mad:

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Just something to ponder and weigh out....

I realize that many people have never, nor ever will want to do take out on a cruise ship. But this decision MIGHT ACTUALLY affect all of those people in some way or another regardless. The mega ships are notorious for having well over a thousand kids on any given sailing. Statistically, you will have kids act up at dinner. It's bound to happen. Previously, courteous parents (and I believe, most parents are still courteous) would remove their children from the dining room so as not to disturb the surrounding diners. One parent takes the child out of the room, the other stays behind to have everything boxed up and they take the little darling back to their room and finish eating. Now? Thanks to NCL what choice do they have? They either have to go hungry or stay and let their kids ruin the meals of everyone else in the dining room. So, the next time someone has to listen to a screaming, obnoxious kid carrying on in the dining room, rather than glare at the parents expecting them to remove their child, place your anger on NCL because these parents have been truly forced into a corner unnecessarily. And when that child annoys you to the point that you no longer want to sit there and finish your meal, remember, you now have to leave hungry because NCL won't let you take your dinner with you either. This is just a stupid new policy all the way around. It may not seem like it on the surface, but it's different than many of the other new policy changes where you can like it or lump it. This one actually can affect other cruisers all the way around. Just food for thought :)


And one thing that may not be common knowledge is that the kids club is closed from 5:00 to 7:00. So eating without them during that popular timeframe is not an option. Ditto lunch, closed 12:00-2:00.

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Thank you for posting and comfirming. When I started this thread it was to get confirmation of what i had heard. Since then I have been called a liar, making things up and starting a riot.


I should be given an apology by those that said those things to me but I won't hold my breath. Thanks again for sharing snd comfirming.




With credentials like that you should run for public office.

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I wonder how many of us cruisers will be bringing baggies and ziplocks along as well as LARGE purses and tote bags. I can just see Grandma being stopped by the armed guards at the doorways being frisked to see how much extra food she is trying to sneak out for later. Gramps would probably be right there defending her honor.


I would like to think NCL cruisers have some class. Of course I have to hope you are joking.


of course there could be people doing just what you say: they are probably the same people who adjust the DSC and try to smuggle booze on the ship...

Edited by newmexicoNita
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Which is why I no longer vacation travel during school breaks and summertime - out of control kids with some seriously malfunctioning parents (not all parents) can truly wreck other people enjoyment anywhere which also seems to magnify other lousy passengers /vacationers bad antics as well. This policy seems to penalize parents that trying to do the right thing in specialty restaurants, which puts them in "Damn if you do, damn if you don't" situation. I hope NCL reconsiders the change at specialty dining for everyone's enjoyment, even if it means losing money from room service -better that than having other customers put up with a tantum from the other side of the restaurant.


The situation with O'Sheenan's ' seems to me, too many people ordering takeout all at same time and NCL caught on fast ~or~ the supply of certain items dwindled faster than expect and it took them off guard, so they initiated a lockdown. Either way, I'm kinda glad I can still sit at a table there and just eat a meal /snack there. (I never did like eating in a bedroom...)


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As I've stated, if there is a child throwing a fit, the parents should be allowed to take their food to go if that is what the want to do and don't understand NCL not allowing this. But I will say, that during my cruises on NCL, before this reported change, there were children throwing fits in the restaurants and the parents continued to eat and ignore the disruption to others, so just because a child is disturbing others in a restaurant, it will not always be NCL's fault, because many parents won't leave, because I'm guess they don't hear their child screaming.
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have to say this is a disappointment!



I don't understand why they are not allowing takeout in O'Sheehans or whatever -- they're instituting a convenience charge to bring you food to your room. If you walk yourself to the restaurant to get the food, doesn't this make the convenience charge moot ?? They're not saying they're charging $7.95 for the food, just the service of bringing it to you, right? So why then, if you go get it yourself, should that be blocked? I imagine there will still be people that pay the convenience fee, for what it is intended -- which is convenience, right?


First NCL cruise just booked; I'll be cruising with husband and 2 kids.. we have a large balcony and if the kids acted up I'd like to take my food to go.

Our cruise isn't until May 2016 so maybe all this will change before then :)

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I feel that we shouldn't receive special treatment because of our crying infant, his screaming and throwing himself on the floor was special treat by themselves. I was just making the point that even in this circumstance ncl staff said no and stated that it was a company policy. It's just a crummy policy, especially since it seems to be a recent change that correlated with the intro of the new room service surcharge. While it happened I didn't know that they allowed food to be removed (last ncl cruise was ~ 5 years back) so I didn't think anything of it until I read the OPs post in this thread.


As for the crying infant I understand other peoples frustration. We try to be reasonable and remove ourselves from the situation when we can (i.e. Restaurants) as opposed to times when we can't (i.e. Tour busses, so sorry Kennedy space center folks ;). I can guarantee those times when we can't extract the child from the situation that we are feeling a lot worse than those not dealing with said crying infant, lol.





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I'm sorry, but if your Child kicks off in a dining room, especially one of the speciality restaurants, then you get out of there. Sort the said Child out and then review your remaining dining options.

In these circumstances I sympathise that NCL won't let you take your food with you, but it is your kid, your responsability, and you have a duty not to spoil other diners experience.

I have my flame retardant suit on.

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I'm sorry, but if your Child kicks off in a dining room, especially one of the speciality restaurants, then you get out of there. Sort the said Child out and then review your remaining dining options.

In these circumstances I sympathise that NCL won't let you take your food with you, but it is your kid, your responsability, and you have a duty not to spoil other diners experience.

I have my flame retardant suit on.


While I agree with you that it is parents' responsibility and duty to take care of their child and not spoil the experience for other diners, NCL is the driving force in this case.


When a child kicks off in a restaurant, it is the duty and responsibility of the staff to assist those parents in packing up their meal - that they're paying for - and removing their child... for the benefit of other diners.


NCL has foolishly decided to no longer allow this commonly accepted - and allowed! - practice, because God forbid anyone avoid that $7.95 room service "convenience" fee by carrying their own food back to their room!


Those powers that be really need to go back to the drawing board on their room service "convenience" fee and work through all the ways it can negatively affect cruise enjoyment for everyone, rather than taking knee-jerk reaction measures.

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While I agree with you that it is parents' responsibility and duty to take care of their child and not spoil the experience for other diners, NCL is the driving force in this case.


When a child kicks off in a restaurant, it is the duty and responsibility of the staff to assist those parents in packing up their meal - that they're paying for - and removing their child... for the benefit of other diners.


NCL has foolishly decided to no longer allow this commonly accepted - and allowed! - practice, because God forbid anyone avoid that $7.95 room service "convenience" fee by carrying their own food back to their room!


Those powers that be really need to go back to the drawing board on their room service "convenience" fee and work through all the ways it can negatively affect cruise enjoyment for everyone, rather than taking knee-jerk reaction measures.



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While I agree with you that it is parents' responsibility and duty to take care of their child and not spoil the experience for other diners, NCL is the driving force in this case.


When a child kicks off in a restaurant, it is the duty and responsibility of the staff to assist those parents in packing up their meal - that they're paying for - and removing their child... for the benefit of other diners.


NCL has foolishly decided to no longer allow this commonly accepted - and allowed! - practice, because God forbid anyone avoid that $7.95 room service "convenience" fee by carrying their own food back to their room!


Those powers that be really need to go back to the drawing board on their room service "convenience" fee and work through all the ways it can negatively affect cruise enjoyment for everyone, rather than taking knee-jerk reaction measures.


You are right. When I have felt "below the weather" on other cruise lines and excused myself from dinner, the staff have sent meals to my room, and one line the dining room manager even called to see if I was feeling better and ask if the food met my satisfaction.


Too many people on these boards seem to forget that

A. Cruise lines are hospitality companies, and

B. Are not your friends


They look at anything a cruiser does to enjoy themselves is getting over on the cruise line and then they wag around a bunch of stuff about cruise contracts, stock holders, everything is the guests fault, blah, blah, blah.


Well, I don't expect a hospitality company to have 2 crew following me at all times like I am a King. But when a situation arises and I can't utilize what I've paid for the company can either take steps to "make it right" or they can try to claw more money from me due to my situation. Guess which one I'll patronize again?

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