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What recourse do I have?


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You are overlooking the single most obvious nugget the proves that this is a phony post. The OP states that he had to pay $57 to have a taxi drive his luggage to him. Under no circumstances, EVER, would Virgin Atlantic require a passenger to pay money to have luggage lost by the airline delivered to its owner. Richard Branson would climb into a balloon and deliver the luggage personally before requiring a passenger to pay to have lost luggage catch up to the passenger. When airlines mishandle luggage, they work to make things right. They do not charge passengers out of pocket money to recover their belongings. No way is that part of the story true.


Interesting point. In the face of mishandled luggage, do you think Richard Branson would approve of his airline demanding a daily phone call from the ship to state not just the port but also the ship's dock location? If the airline is at fault and is provided with the ship's itinerary, shouldn't the airline be able to search for the missing luggage and ,once found, contact the ship to arrange delivery to the pier? If the airline lost the luggage, the airline is responsible for much of this passenger's distress. If the airline truly demanded daily phone calls, much more of the passenger's distress. If the airline demanded taxi fare to take a bag to the ship, the airline is over the top. OTOH, if the passenger created in his mind and /or did not resist the necessity of the daily phone call re: pier location, then perhaps the passenger created more distress for himself and strained his relationship with desk staff.


If my cabin toilet did not work for hours, I would not sit in my cabin waiting for a repair, I'd lock up my valuables, go use a public toilet and go enjoy my vacation. Showering elsewhere is not convenient, but I'd use the gym or spa showers rather than spend a vacation sitting in my cabin waiting for repairs.

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I am not a fan of Princess cruises, we had problems on our recent cruise to Norway. These problems are being resolved by Princess.


However, if the OP has been on many Princess cruises he should have already known what to expect re his disability. As for the lost bags, when I check in at an airport I wave goodbye to my bags and hope that I will see them again. We always have a change of cloths in our carry on.


My partner is disabled and we have found airlines and cruise lines to be very helpful. There have been a couple of times when we could have done with a little more understanding, but that's life.


There is so much in the OP post that does not add up, that I do wonder if he is just trying to get a free cruise.


I would be the first to say that cruise lines should do more to help disabled people, but it will take time. For now disabled people do what they do best, the get on with life and make the best of it.


As for tea bags, we take our own.

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I agree that the original complaint was over the top but I'm upset at how little understanding or sympathy the OP is getting as someone with a severe disability - deafness. I have a severe hearing loss and if I'd been expected to use the front desk phone (it's very noisy there) to try and track down my luggage I would have broken down into tears because it's just not possible. The OP reacted by getting angry which I totally understand as the front desk staff were asking him to do the impossible.


It's 20 years since our first cruise and the improvement in access for passengers with hearing loss is so small it's almost invisible. I love being on a ship so I've learned to enjoy what I can and no longer fret over all the entertainment and activities that are out of reach. It's time that deaf or hard of hearing passengers complained. Then maybe we'd get some of the access which is available to passengers with mobility issues.


So please stop telling the OP how he should cope with his hearing loss. Unless you have a serious hearing loss yourself, you don't know what you're talking about.


As I stated earlier both my mother, who is almost totally deaf, and my nephew who is profoundly deaf have learned to deal with their issues. It is unrealistic to expect the world (or cruise ships) to be able to handle each and every disability situation. Princess does have things in place to help the deaf but it must be asked for. Clearly OP did not do this.


Maybe they don't do enough but let's be honest. Not everyone can be accommodated for all the severe disabilities in the world. What should they be doing for the guy that lost a limb, or is autistic or has had a stroke? Or me, who has a rare condition where I'm in pain constantly because of a misfire of my nervous system. Nothing is physically wrong with me but I am in constant pain level 10 each and every day. The nerve damage is on the bottom of my feet so I have a difficult time walking. I have a stimulator in my back/butt and it hurts too. What should they do for my disability? Unless you are in my shoes (literally) you don't know what you are talking about.


My mother gets more hard of hearing every day. She has trouble on the phone and with accents. How is that Princess' problem? It is hers to take care of and finally get a hearing aid. As for my nephew, he carries a pad of paper and pen wherever he goes. He does not expect the rest of the world to revolve around him and learn sign language. Instead he is pro-active. He can't hear anything and he can't read lips. Try that for being hard of hearing!


Hearing loss is not fun for either the person with the loss or those living around them however there are many many more disabilities out there. Sure they could put a phone booth at the reception area for the hard of hearing just in case they have to make a phone call. However, in this case the guy didn't really even need to be making the phone calls. The airlines does not require you to call them each and every day to track your luggage. If he had done his due diligence at the airport none of those conversations would have needed to take place. Nor did he have to yell at those trying to help him.


Personally I'd like to see a soft seat appear every where for me when I am there since I can't stand or walk for long or sit on hard surfaces. For my autistic granddaughter I'd like to see I-pad stations throughout the ship so she doesn't get bored. Silly, I know but hey, if we are going to accommodate every single disability then let's be across the board fair.


p.s. Both my DH and I wear hearing aids.

Edited by notentirelynormal
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This is my last comment. Can't believe how so many people refuse to accept that the OP might actually really truly be deaf. I work with deaf and hard of hearing people every day and his behaviour and comments about his hearing disability ring true to me. I'm guessing that communication breakdowns caused a lot of his problems. I won't comment on the toilet and lost luggage issues.


I have a cochlear implant. I lipread. I use assistive equipment.

I carry a pad and pencil. I'm doing everything I can to hear. I just expect the ship's staff to have the common courtesy of looking at me when they speak to me and I'll do the rest of the work. I'd like them to show TV and movies with closed captions. Wouldn't cost them anything extra they just have to tell their supplier that they want the capitoned versions. I've discussed this many times with cruise staff.


I don't expect the world to revolve around me and my deafness and I don't want to get into any fights about which disability deserves the most help.

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The amount of venom found in the replies to my post amazed me until I remembered about "Keyboard Courage", that phenomena where ordinary people become very brave while at a keyboard and say things they would never have the nerve to say to someones face. Basically a form of long distance bullying.


I expected some useful or helpful suggestions but received a very large number of negative and nasty replies. Most comments do not rate a response but a couple do:


First of all the comment that a cop couldn't be deaf is silly because I worked with live fire training for over twenty-five years and lost my hearing through the job. I retired but I will always be a cop, just as I will always be a Marine.


Some one questioned the authenticity of my tale of woe because it was not posted on Princess website. Well guess what? They immediately take it down as soon as it is posted.


Another person questioned how I can be deaf but still use a phone etc.

The answer is in the amount of hearing loss. I am certified deaf by my State which uses that certification to provide free college courses etc, but I am not "stone deaf"


The cruise line decides which airline and flight you must take in order for them to be responsible for getting you on the cruise if some unexpected difficulty arises, and you miss the departure. By my way of thinking they also have culpability for getting lost luggage from such a flight to the passenger. All those informative posts telling me that the airline lost my luggage not Princess, well gee ! Thanks so much for that helpful information.

The point is that the ship was at a different port almost every day and the front desk people refused to contact the airlines and follow up on where the luggage was last sent to, or to make sure someone at the airlines was current on the next port location.


Many people objected to the tag line "unhappytoo" and I can understand that is negative, but try on your own to register a new screen name and use it, and you will find that the site reverts back to your original name, regardless of how old that is. The original tagline came from a friend as he registered me for this site years ago. It was done in jest but obviously nothing can be said jokingly to this group.


People acted like I was attacking their religion because I had a very horrible trip AND had the audacity to talk about it.

One person made negative comments because I said I paid top dollar for this trip, and he mentioned other higher end cruise lines as examples of paying top dollar. Top dollar is obviously a different amount to different people. I happen to be living on Social security and a pension, so the money we spent on both the flight and the cruise was excessive to me, but we were celebrating a 47 year wedding anniversary plus my wife's birthday so I splurged.


Seriously, I thought I would get helpful suggestions rather than the nonsense posted in reply to my missive.

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The amount of venom found in the replies to my post amazed me until I remembered about "Keyboard Courage", that phenomena where ordinary people become very brave while at a keyboard and say things they would never have the nerve to say to someones face. Basically a form of long distance bullying.


I expected some useful or helpful suggestions but received a very large number of negative and nasty replies. Most comments do not rate a response but a couple do:


First of all the comment that a cop couldn't be deaf is silly because I worked with live fire training for over twenty-five years and lost my hearing through the job. I retired but I will always be a cop, just as I will always be a Marine.


Some one questioned the authenticity of my tale of woe because it was not posted on Princess website. Well guess what? They immediately take it down as soon as it is posted.


Another person questioned how I can be deaf but still use a phone etc.

The answer is in the amount of hearing loss. I am certified deaf by my State which uses that certification to provide free college courses etc, but I am not "stone deaf"


The cruise line decides which airline and flight you must take in order for them to be responsible for getting you on the cruise if some unexpected difficulty arises, and you miss the departure. By my way of thinking they also have culpability for getting lost luggage from such a flight to the passenger. All those informative posts telling me that the airline lost my luggage not Princess, well gee ! Thanks so much for that helpful information.

The point is that the ship was at a different port almost every day and the front desk people refused to contact the airlines and follow up on where the luggage was last sent to, or to make sure someone at the airlines was current on the next port location.


Many people objected to the tag line "unhappytoo" and I can understand that is negative, but try on your own to register a new screen name and use it, and you will find that the site reverts back to your original name, regardless of how old that is. The original tagline came from a friend as he registered me for this site years ago. It was done in jest but obviously nothing can be said jokingly to this group.


People acted like I was attacking their religion because I had a very horrible trip AND had the audacity to talk about it.

One person made negative comments because I said I paid top dollar for this trip, and he mentioned other higher end cruise lines as examples of paying top dollar. Top dollar is obviously a different amount to different people. I happen to be living on Social security and a pension, so the money we spent on both the flight and the cruise was excessive to me, but we were celebrating a 47 year wedding anniversary plus my wife's birthday so I splurged.


Seriously, I thought I would get helpful suggestions rather than the nonsense posted in reply to my missive.



Very easy to change your screen name, just send request to the moderators.


This is the internet and this is a discussion board. If you don't care for opinions then don't post anything on the internet. Keyboard courage?

I think not. Just plain old truths. Sometimes the truth hurts. There is a ton of good information filled posts here in response to your complaining.

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This is the internet and this is a discussion board. If you don't care for opinions then don't post anything on the internet. Keyboard courage?

I think not. Just plain old truths. Sometimes the truth hurts. There is a ton of good information filled posts here in response to your complaining.

Absolutely & it's no place to post if not willing to read different opinions. And despite what some post it doesn't matter to me what cruise line this happened on because I'd feel the same way on any cruise line.

Seriously, I thought I would get helpful suggestions rather than the nonsense posted in reply to my missive.

It happens too often that when someone sees Critic in Cruise Critic they make an initial post filled with anger & then never return. And when it takes over 2 days to reply then people get suspicious about it being a troll. The first reply to your missive was minutes after your post & by not clarifying your experiences people become suspicious that it's another troll.


Can you explain why your expected Princess to call the airline daily from the ship so the airline knew where the ship was located? Unless the itinerary was changed that's unreasonable to expect them to call them daily from the ship. It's unnecessary to know which berth the ship is docked because they can find out at the port & many times can see the ship.

Edited by Astro Flyer
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WOW! The OP's post is fascinating, but some of the responses are really unkind. So add us to those who can emphasize with the OP. Arriving at any cruise without your luggage is guaranteed to put most folks in a very foul mood (rightfully so) and once you start off on the wrong foot thing can quickly deteriorate. What Princess did, behind the scene, to recover missing luggage is unknown to all of us.


As to plumbing issues, we have been cursed with similar problems on several cruise lines and it is an unfortunate situation whenever it happens. If not quickly resolved (the first time) we would then very politely elevate the issue to a higher authority. At Guest Relations this is best accomplished by asking to speak with the Guest Services Manager/Supervisor. Normally we would politely and respectfully ask this person to please resolve the issue...and then suggest that if they are not capable of resolving the problem we would like an appointment with the Hotel Manager!


As to tea bags, I read this part to DW who immediately started to laugh. She is also a tea drinker and prefers either Earl Grey or English Breakfast. We do an awful lot of cruising (with 14 lines to date) and other travel and DW has learned to always bring a good supply of her own Earl Grey tea bags (they weigh very little). I guess the rule of thumb for tea drinkers is always be prepared. And by the way, I am a coffee drinker and you do not want to even hear my opinion of that brown stuff that comes out of the coffee dispensers in the Lido. IMHO Princess might have the worst coffee at sea. On the other hand, the coffee in the International Cafe is pretty darn good.



Edited by Hlitner
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WOW! The OP's post is fascinating, but some of the responses are really unkind. So add us to those who can emphasize with the OP. Arriving at any cruise without your luggage is guaranteed to put most folks in a very foul mood (rightfully so) and once you start off on the wrong foot thing can quickly deteriorate. What Princess did, behind the scene, to recover missing luggage is unknown to all of us.


As to plumbing issues, we have been cursed with similar problems on several cruise lines and it is an unfortunate situation whenever it happens. If not quickly resolved (the first time) we would then very politely elevate the issue to a higher authority. At Guest Relations this is best accomplished by asking to speak with the Guest Services Manager/Supervisor. Normally we would politely and respectfully ask this person to please resolve the issue...and then suggest that if they are not capable of resolving the problem we would like an appointment with the Hotel Manager!




As to tea bags, I read this part to DW who immediately started to laugh. She is also a tea drinker and prefers either Earl Grey or English Breakfast. We do an awful lot of cruising (with 14 lines to date) and other travel and DW has learned to always bring a good supply of her own Earl Grey tea bags (they weigh very little). I guess the rule of thumb for tea drinkers is always be prepared. And by the way, I am a coffee drinker and you do not want to even hear my opinion of that brown stuff that comes out of the coffee dispensers in the Lido. IMHO Princess might have the worst coffee at sea. On the other hand, the coffee in the International Cafe is pretty darn good.




If you think Princess coffee is bad, I don't by the way, please take your own coffee on MSC. I generally can drink any coffee but on MSC in the buffet no way. Coffee at bars, cafes fantastic though.

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And this is why I can pack 21 days worth of clothing in my carry on


It's basically 7 days worth of stuff anyway plus 14 extra pair of undies. Lol


The stuff never leaves my side!!!!



Sent from my iPad using Forums

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Very easy to change your screen name, just send request to the moderators.


This is the internet and this is a discussion board. If you don't care for opinions then don't post anything on the internet. Keyboard courage?

I think not. Just plain old truths. Sometimes the truth hurts. There is a ton of good information filled posts here in response to your complaining.


Never ceases to amaze me that people get upset when they come to a forum, that is based on opinions, and get SHOCK HORROR STUNNED LOOK people's opinions.

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"The cruise line decides which airline and flight you must take in order for them to be responsible for getting you on the cruise if some unexpected difficulty arises, and you miss the departure. By my way of thinking they also have culpability for getting lost luggage from such a flight to the passenger. All those informative posts telling me that the airline lost my luggage not Princess, well gee ! Thanks so much for that helpful information.

The point is that the ship was at a different port almost every day and the front desk people refused to contact the airlines and follow up on where the luggage was last sent to, or to make sure someone at the airlines was current on the next port location."


Did your Princess' Air program really indicate that they were culpable for your luggage or did you just assign that culpability to them simply because you wanted it to be so? Obviously, the terms and conditions of the program dictate such culpability. Also obvious, trying to unilaterally assign such culpability might have quickly spoiled your relationship with guest services staff. As would insisting that they call and document calls daily. If you reported the loss properly to the airline at the airport and gave the airline the itinerary, there is no need to browbeat desk staff to repeat the itinerary daily to the airline. Doing so might have further spoiled your interactions. And thus develops a downward spiral.


Did you buy travel insurance to help with risks like lost luggage? Did you flying in the day of the cruise, or did you fly in a day or more early? Next time will you carefully pack carry on bags so you'll both be reasonably comfortable if the checked luggage is lost?

Edited by Starry Eyes
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The amount of venom found in the replies to my post amazed me until I remembered about "Keyboard Courage", that phenomena where ordinary people become very brave while at a keyboard and say things they would never have the nerve to say to someones face. Basically a form of long distance bullying.


I expected some useful or helpful suggestions but received a very large number of negative and nasty replies. Most comments do not rate a response but a couple do:


First of all the comment that a cop couldn't be deaf is silly because I worked with live fire training for over twenty-five years and lost my hearing through the job. I retired but I will always be a cop, just as I will always be a Marine.


Some one questioned the authenticity of my tale of woe because it was not posted on Princess website. Well guess what? They immediately take it down as soon as it is posted.


Another person questioned how I can be deaf but still use a phone etc.

The answer is in the amount of hearing loss. I am certified deaf by my State which uses that certification to provide free college courses etc, but I am not "stone deaf"


The cruise line decides which airline and flight you must take in order for them to be responsible for getting you on the cruise if some unexpected difficulty arises, and you miss the departure. By my way of thinking they also have culpability for getting lost luggage from such a flight to the passenger. All those informative posts telling me that the airline lost my luggage not Princess, well gee ! Thanks so much for that helpful information.

The point is that the ship was at a different port almost every day and the front desk people refused to contact the airlines and follow up on where the luggage was last sent to, or to make sure someone at the airlines was current on the next port location.


Many people objected to the tag line "unhappytoo" and I can understand that is negative, but try on your own to register a new screen name and use it, and you will find that the site reverts back to your original name, regardless of how old that is. The original tagline came from a friend as he registered me for this site years ago. It was done in jest but obviously nothing can be said jokingly to this group.


People acted like I was attacking their religion because I had a very horrible trip AND had the audacity to talk about it.

One person made negative comments because I said I paid top dollar for this trip, and he mentioned other higher end cruise lines as examples of paying top dollar. Top dollar is obviously a different amount to different people. I happen to be living on Social security and a pension, so the money we spent on both the flight and the cruise was excessive to me, but we were celebrating a 47 year wedding anniversary plus my wife's birthday so I splurged.


Seriously, I thought I would get helpful suggestions rather than the nonsense posted in reply to my missive.


A lot of your post was very specific about the personnel not doing exactly what you wanted. Did you ever think that they have gone through this a lot more than you have? I would suspect that it happens almost every cruise to one or more people. Yet in your letter you were very clear that you were very dismissive of any comments they made.


Yes the ship is in different ports every day, but the schedule is known in advance. Did you provide the airline with the name of the cruise line and the name of the ship? They certainly know how to contact them. After all the airlines carry more then one or two cruise lines passengers. After working with the ticketing side of the cruise lines after a few thousand tickets I think they might recognize the name of the cruise line and know how to contact them. I would expect that you also could have provided them with the exact schedule of the cruise.


It is very clear from your letter that you did not want them to follow their process, but instead you wanted them to follow yours.


Their process happens to work very well. Some friends of ours had their luggage get lost on the way to Tahiti. They notified the airline that they would be on a Princess cruise and gave them the ship name. They also notified customer service. Customer service said that they would handle it. Amazingly a few days later, on an island with only limited air service, the luggage arrived and was delivered to the ship. The day before customer service notified them that they had heard from the airline and delivery was being coordinated.

Edited by RDC1
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I'm fairly foreign to Cruise Critic as I'm not much of a cruiser, but I have found it both entertaining and sad the way that people rush to blame the complainer whenever these posts pop up. In my limited time on this board it has happened over and over. Princess seems to have reached Apple-level adoration status around here.


Princess is a business. The captains and officers that some of you seem to be on a first name basis with are not your friends, they are employees who you are paid to be nice to you so that you'll book another cruise. And the fact that they were wonderful to you does not mean that they have never been unhelpful with anyone else.


Yes, some of the OP's complaints are a little tenuous, but if I had my luggage lost and my plumbing constantly malfunctioning then I would start getting irritated too... and most of us, once irritated, tend to blow small things out of proportion as they pile up. After a few days, I might even find myself getting mad that they didn't have my preferred type of tea.


And yes, a certain level of patience is required while traveling, and sometimes the complainers can be over the top. But Princess is not a $5/night hostel or a tiny shack in the depths of the jungle-- I think passengers at the very least have a right to expect basic, functioning plumbing. Is there really nothing you guys will hold them accountable for?


Maybe instead of jumping to the conclusion that he's a troll, or trying desperately to find holes to poke into his story (really-- a deaf guy can't work for a police department? He never said he was an officer), just offer him some advice on how to resolve the situation. The purpose of this board is for people to get advice on their cruise-related questions, isn't it?


It just seems like anytime anyone has the nerve to mention something that has gone wrong, or accidentally swaps the names of the ship, or, god forbid, calls it a boat, they are roundly dismissed and ridiculed. Not everyone has spent decades of their life cruising. Some of us wouldn't want to. Maybe try showing people a little basic respect and decency?


I agree with you all the way!

I knew that right off the bat, someone was going to mention how many posts they have, or lack thereof.

Maybe things got exaggerated because it took so long for them to be resolved....maybe not....I know I would be upset too if all that happened to us! Let's give them a break and hope they can get their issues resolved! :(

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I agree with you all the way!

I knew that right off the bat, someone was going to mention how many posts they have, or lack thereof.

Maybe things got exaggerated because it took so long for them to be resolved....maybe not....I know I would be upset too if all that happened to us! Let's give them a break and hope they can get their issues resolved! :(


More then a little of the reaction was because of how dismissive he was of the things the crew actually did to help. I have no doubt that the letter reflects the OPs view of how things went and the short comings of any that was done to help, but the tone of the letter demonstrates a certain attitude.


For example.


The cruise front desk personnel were completely incompetent in dealing with our issue of lost or delayed luggage. The first person (Richard Albertyn) we dealt with spoke limited english and couldn't understand us any more than we could understand him. We finally got the person to understand that our luggage was missing and all he wanted to do was generate a Princess cruise report. When we asked him to contact the airlines, his response was that they would contact us when they had something to report.


That is exactly what the customer service person should do. They complete a report that puts it into their system to be tracked. As I said in an earlier post I would suspect that Princess has gone through the process of working with the airlines to track luggage a lot more then the OP has. Yet from the tone of his post he is dismissive of the efforts taken.


From my own experience with airlines (million mile status on two different airlines). The normal process would have been to fill out a report, which would have include contact information and travel itinerary. Never have I had an airline tell me to call each day. I would suspect that if the OP reacted with the airline like he did with the description of the cruise line personnel that he would have asked the airline personnel how they would know where he was at since he was going on a cruise and they probably indicated that if he was concerned that he could call in and tell them each day. It really does not make sense for that to take place, because the airline does not need to know where he is at today, they need to know where he will be at tomorrow, otherwise the luggage will be a day behind.


The airlines work with the cruise lines. If the OP did not give them the itinerary for the cruise they could have gotten very easily from just the cruise line and ship name.


Another example


I was told that they were aware of it and I was asked if my cabin had a shower or tub? (Are there any cabins without either a shower or tub?) When I said yes, his response was that I should run the water in the tub, with the stopper out " but don't run it over the top of the tub"? How ridiculous was that statement?


Does that really add to a complaint letter? I suspect that the person was trying to find out if he had a tub and that he could use that. While a comment not to overflow the tub was probably unnecessary, it did not need to be put in a complaint letter with the comment. It just points out his attitude concerning the crew.


Another case with the formal ware. Ships do not stock all possible sizes in formal ware. Some ships don't stock anything these days. Back when it used to be more common you still used to have to request it prior to the cruise. I would suspect that when they provided the sizes the crew found the closest things they had out of a very limited supply. Clearly when what they had did not come close to fitting the first time, there was no use in bringing the same things back the second time.


For those of us that have had luggage delayed or know people that have had luggage delayed, the ships personnel try to help with what they have available. That is about all that they can do.


The cruise they were on went to major cities with plenty of shopping opportunities to purchase some items to make the cruise more enjoyable (clothing). Apparently the OP did not go out of his way to alleviate the situation himself.


Then you have things that don't make much sense. Such as the comments about the toilet and shower drain. Those are two totally different systems. They are totally independent of each other. Makes no sense that you would have both systems having problems, especially on an ongoing basis unless they or a cabin nearby was putting things down the drain in both systems (hard to do in the shower). So if both systems were having problems and they apparently were only effecting their cabin since no one was working on it until they reported it. Doesn't that come across as a very likely event since a problem should impact multiple cabins, in one system or the other.

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