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Luggage Overboard


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Perhaps you are right. The local dock workers could have dumped the luggage. However, I have seen Celebrity employees unloading luggage on several cruises.


Even so, if Celebrity agreed to clean the contents, that could be interpreted as more than a good will gesture.


Of course, the backup would be to fine with trip insurance.


Not being the suspicious type, I choose to believe that they are providing the cleaning services as a good-will gesture. I'd rather not believe that corporations are always out to get us or are only concerned about covering their butts. I have to hope that there is some decency in this world we live in. Otherwise, why bother? :D;)

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To(o) often someone posts a ...... flame here, but never lets anyone know the outcome.


This is usually the result of a complaint that is far from accurate, so the OP avoids coming back and having to explain the inconsistencies in their statement. ;)

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This is usually the result of a complaint that is far from accurate, so the OP avoids coming back and having to explain the inconsistencies in their statement. ;)


But, to me, the original post says it all : "I'm furious and I have no clothes!":eek:

I don't really see any inaccuracies that need explaining, there. But, I too would love to hear what resolution the OP achieves. Because, when you get right down to it -- there, but for the Grace of God..... ;)

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But, to me, the original post says it all : "I'm furious and I have no clothes!":eek:

I don't really see any inaccuracies that need explaining, there. But, I too would love to hear what resolution the OP achieves. Because, when you get right down to it -- there, but for the Grace of God..... ;)


But they also said "ship has sailed an hour ago", which was at 5:00 pm. With everything that goes on at a departure from a embarkation port, I would not be surprised if the clothing and luggage weren't already on it's way to the hotel and not yet arrived when the OP posted their rant. My "anti-gullibility" radar tells me that they received what they were waiting for soon after coming here and flaming Celebrity. Since the ship leaves at 5:00 pm, that would leave several hours to get the items to the OP in a reasonable time.


I am guessing that the OP has not returned because they have their items in hand and no longer care about the thread they started. I do hope I am correct, their expectations that they aren't getting their items back has not materialized, and that they can continue with their travels with no additional worries.

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I have lost luggage and damaged many times.....airlines, hotels, ships. I am that unlucky. If I arrive by plane or ship and get my luggage, I feel lucky. We make jokes about playing "luggage roulette". After loosing luggage many times, I always take carry on luggage with me. I also cross pack everything even in our carry ons. Usually we get our luggage back eventually. Cruise lines are the most helpful when you lose your luggage. Celebrity came to our rescue when Delta lost our luggage. We flew from JFK to Barcelona for a 2 week cruise. Most people on that plane were on our cruise. None of us had luggage. Celebrity contacted Delta many times. Celebrity gave us X tee shirts, did our laundry same day free, and lent us formal attire. We got our luggage back more than a week later. Another fiasco was flying Lufthansa/Swiss Air to Zurich to take a land tour. Lufthansa weighs carry ons ( 8 kg. limit) and insisted that we had to check them. They lost our luggage including the carry ons. Land tour company would not help us. Called their 24/7 emergency phone number to hear a recording to call back during normal business hours. 3 days later we got our bags. Travel insurance, home owners ins., and credit card ins. (new items) can pay you for your loss. Always wear comfortable washable clothing when traveling. You may be wearing those clothes many days if your luggage is lost/damaged. Good luck. Hope you get your luggage soon. Please post how things turn out.

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I am guessing that the OP has not returned because they have their items in hand and no longer care about the thread they started. I do hope I am correct, their expectations that they aren't getting their items back has not materialized, and that they can continue with their travels with no additional worries.


LOL -- I hope so too! :D

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We lost all our luggage when wrapping up a Med cruise in Rome almost 2 years ago now. If truly lost, Celebrity will reimburse a flat $300 per bag - not a penny more - but they still require you to itemize and provide receipts for everything, which for us was a waste - just the suitcases were worth $300. We did file a claim through our home insurance and got a good chunk of money back less the cruise line comp and our deductible. While that helps replace items - you never find the same things, the same deals, the same perfect fit etc. I still look at pictures from that trip and sigh when I see my favourite travel dress that packed perfectly and looked great on formal night. There were many items like that.


Having said that, we spent three days in Rome washing and wearing the same clothes, shoes etc (luckily we had an aprtment with washer/dryer). I can completely relate to how the OP feels. At the time it feels devastating and like its the end of the world. There may be tours or plans for this final leg of the trip and instead you're frantically trying to call and find luggage or replace items. Yes it's all material goods and replaceable - but in that moment it is a big blow. You start thinking of whats in there...for us it included souviners from a dream trip, simple costume jewelry that I had from my first trip to Paris etc. It stings for sure.


I swore I would never sail Celebrity again - I still do. I swore I would always carry off my luggage - that lasted one cruise. The fact is this is "hopefully" a once in a lifetime things for us. We continue to trust the process. I no longer travel with anything that would truly hurt me if lost (I lost a few items that had been my mother's that can never be replaced) and as always we never pack valuables.


An interesting fact came up as I worked with Celebrity to try and find out what happened. Our luggage simply vanished - there wasn't left over luggage as if someone took ours by mistake - ours and only ours was just gone. I wish I could remember the number - it's either 5 or 10 - but it was suggested to me that it may have fallen off the skid as it was unloaded from the ship. Apparantly the port workers only have to report a loss of over 5 (or 10?) bags. Regardless of the magic number - I felt even one bag should have to be reported. It's considered acceptable loss. I know it happens. When I was online posting about our loss I read lots of stories of luggage going in the water. Many and most times it was recovered and returned.


Hoping the OP gets it all back.

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We lost all our luggage when wrapping up a Med cruise in Rome almost 2 years ago now. If truly lost, Celebrity will reimburse a flat $300 per bag - not a penny more - but they still require you to itemize and provide receipts for everything, which for us was a waste - just the suitcases were worth $300. We did file a claim through our home insurance and got a good chunk of money back less the cruise line comp and our deductible. While that helps replace items - you never find the same things, the same deals, the same perfect fit etc. I still look at pictures from that trip and sigh when I see my favourite travel dress that packed perfectly and looked great on formal night. There were many items like that.


Having said that, we spent three days in Rome washing and wearing the same clothes, shoes etc (luckily we had an aprtment with washer/dryer). I can completely relate to how the OP feels. At the time it feels devastating and like its the end of the world. There may be tours or plans for this final leg of the trip and instead you're frantically trying to call and find luggage or replace items. Yes it's all material goods and replaceable - but in that moment it is a big blow. You start thinking of whats in there...for us it included souviners from a dream trip, simple costume jewelry that I had from my first trip to Paris etc. It stings for sure.


I swore I would never sail Celebrity again - I still do. I swore I would always carry off my luggage - that lasted one cruise. The fact is this is "hopefully" a once in a lifetime things for us. We continue to trust the process. I no longer travel with anything that would truly hurt me if lost (I lost a few items that had been my mother's that can never be replaced) and as always we never pack valuables.


An interesting fact came up as I worked with Celebrity to try and find out what happened. Our luggage simply vanished - there wasn't left over luggage as if someone took ours by mistake - ours and only ours was just gone. I wish I could remember the number - it's either 5 or 10 - but it was suggested to me that it may have fallen off the skid as it was unloaded from the ship. Apparantly the port workers only have to report a loss of over 5 (or 10?) bags. Regardless of the magic number - I felt even one bag should have to be reported. It's considered acceptable loss. I know it happens. When I was online posting about our loss I read lots of stories of luggage going in the water. Many and most times it was recovered and returned.


Hoping the OP gets it all back.

When I posted the link to your thread, I was hoping that you might appear here and add your voice of experience to the discussion.

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When I posted the link to your thread, I was hoping that you might appear here and add your voice of experience to the discussion.


Moreover, I was REALLY hoping you'd say it had miraculously turned up at your door!


The other possibility is that it was intentionally lifted by someone. . .


In May, disembarking in Amsterdam, we were among the last off the ship. I had my luggage claim number, but there was nothing left in that spot. I wandered all over the luggage area, but couldn't find mine anywhere. Eventually DH found his, mine still missing. Ultimately it was found in the middle of the hall among all the people standing in line waiting for cabs. I was thrilled to see it but could never figure out how it ended up in no mans land. . .

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Celebrity states quite clearly in the disembarkation paperwork that they accept no liability whatsoever for your luggage after you leave it outside your stateroom door. Anyone could steal it (more common) or lose it (or drop it in the ocean, however rare that may be) and they bear no responsibility. For this reason, we always disembark with our suitcases rather than leaving them out, and have had no issue doing this.


DiMar, I am so so sorry this is happening to you :(


We also disembark with our luggage - not because we are worried about it getting lost, but simply to speed us through customs and to the airport.


I hope the OP did not have expensive electronics in the luggage that could be ruined by seawater.

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It would be interesting to see what the statistics are for lost luggage.


I have always been curious if you face greater risk at foreign ports where you do not have to clear customs after retrieving your bags. For example the last cruise we were on to Venice, you just got your bag in a large building next to the ship and just left. There did not appear to be any security that would have prevented anyone from just walking in grabbing a bag and leaving (kind of like the situation in many airports in the US).

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I hope the OP did not have expensive electronics in the luggage that could be ruined by seawater.


Are there people who actually put expensive electronics in their checked luggage? :eek:

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It would be interesting to see what the statistics are for lost luggage.


I have always been curious if you face greater risk at foreign ports where you do not have to clear customs after retrieving your bags. For example the last cruise we were on to Venice, you just got your bag in a large building next to the ship and just left. There did not appear to be any security that would have prevented anyone from just walking in grabbing a bag and leaving (kind of like the situation in many airports in the US).

I'm still amazed more luggage isn't stolen at US airports. I know it was a pain to have to show proof before leaving baggage claim area but at least your luggage was somewhat safe.
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I'm still amazed more luggage isn't stolen at US airports. I know it was a pain to have to show proof before leaving baggage claim area but at least your luggage was somewhat safe.

I have read on cc that Miami airport has higher rate of lost/stolen luggage than other airports.

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I'm still amazed more luggage isn't stolen at US airports. I know it was a pain to have to show proof before leaving baggage claim area but at least your luggage was somewhat safe.


My DH and I still can't believe they do not have any one at the airports checking baggage claim. They did this years ago and you could not get through unless you showed you baggage claim ticket and your bags were checked. In this day and age with all "supposed" extra security you would think this would still be the case.


They showed on the local news how easy it is for someone to steal your bags off the baggage carousel at the airport.


The same thing can happen at the cruise port. If your bags are out there before your disembarkation number is called what stops anyone from walking out with one your bags? NOTHING.

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My DH and I still can't believe they do not have any one at the airports checking baggage claim. They did this years ago and you could not get through unless you showed you baggage claim ticket and your bags were checked. In this day and age with all "supposed" extra security you would think this would still be the case.


They showed on the local news how easy it is for someone to steal your bags off the baggage carousel at the airport.


The same thing can happen at the cruise port. If your bags are out there before your disembarkation number is called what stops anyone from walking out with one your bags? NOTHING.


The main protection at most US ports is that you must clear customs after claiming your bags. That prevents people from just walking in and grabbing something. As far as passengers don't think many would want to go through customs with a random bag that they just grabbed.


Some non-US ports have claim areas that are pretty open and could be more problematic.


The main protection you have at airports is to be at baggage claim as soon as you can, before the bags start coming out.


Its not only on the claim portion. Before the new SF terminal opened I was on a cruise and gave my bags to a porter. They just put them on a cart that was sitting in the flow of traffic on the sidewalk. No one watching it at all. Nothing would have prevented someone walking by to just grab a bag and join the flow of the departing passengers. I ended up standing there until the cart was filled and taken inside.

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I wandered all over the luggage area, but couldn't find mine anywhere. Eventually DH found his, mine still missing. Ultimately it was found in the middle of the hall among all the people standing in line waiting for cabs. I was thrilled to see it but could never figure out how it ended up in no mans land. . .


My guess would be that someone in the taxi queue finally took a look and realised that it was not their case. Perhaps someone in the party had picked up an extra bag that matched their own and had not bothered to check before they left the claim area.


People can be totally selfish getting off the ship. The stupid woman who took her case rather than her own really expected us to travel to her to do the swap. Luckily, the port official took over and pointed out it was her responsibility.

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The main protection you have at airports is to be at baggage claim as soon as you can, before the bags start coming out.

This is impossible for anyone who has to clear through the US immigration with

the hour wait that this invariably entails. By the time any from the UK reach the baggage claim, the conveyor has been emptied and moved into areas at the side of the claim.

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My guess would be that someone in the taxi queue finally took a look and realised that it was not their case. Perhaps someone in the party had picked up an extra bag that matched their own and had not bothered to check before they left the claim area.


People can be totally selfish getting off the ship. The stupid woman who took her case rather than her own really expected us to travel to her to do the swap. Luckily, the port official took over and pointed out it was her responsibility.

I have bright lime green and white ribbons on each luggage handle to make mine stand out from the others to hopefully keep this from happening and also so I can spot it more easily in baggage claim.


Maybe now I should add waterwings as well.:(:rolleyes:

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I have bright lime green and white ribbons on each luggage handle to make mine stand out from the others to hopefully keep this from happening and also so I can spot it more easily in baggage claim.


Maybe now I should add waterwings as well.:(:rolleyes:


And don't forget to lock your luggage. That tiny lock makes it SO much more secure that no one will ever tamper with it. :D

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And don't forget to lock your luggage. That tiny lock makes it SO much more secure that no one will ever tamper with it. :D


I though if you fly the TSA does not allow you to lock your luggage. They will just break them off.


I always lock them when we are on a cruise.

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We always lock our luggage with TSA approved locks and never have had one broken off. Now they do open up the luggage at times, but usually leave a notice on the top saying what they have done.


We have had broken eyelets on the luggage, probably more from handling than anything else.



I though if you fly the TSA does not allow you to lock your luggage. They will just break them off.


I always lock them when we are on a cruise.

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Now they do open up the luggage at times, but usually leave a notice on the top saying what they have done.



Yes, we have had that happen when we flew from LAX to JFK. Our first bag came out on the baggage carousel immediately and then we waited for a good 25 minutes for the next one. It had a note in it that they had opened it and screened it. I guess my shoes and toiletries looked very threatening.

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