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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Thanks Jeff, I hope I didn't break any etiquette here since I'm new. If so I apologize and feel free to have mods delete my question. I'll post a separate thread and see how that goes. Thanks!


No ... no probs at all ... no etikwett on the cooler, just good humour and niceness. :)


I didn't want your question to risk going unanswered so close hence my suggestion. Beer is a very important topic.


Where is my piccy of my micro brewery .....:D



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No ... no probs at all ... no etikwett on the cooler, just good humour and niceness. :)


I didn't want your question to risk going unanswered so close hence my suggestion. Beer is a very important topic.


Where is my piccy of my micro brewery .....:D




Thanks! Can't wait for our trip but looking forward to the IPA I just kegged up that will be nice and ready when I get back :) Went old school, lots of west coast hops on this one.

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Thanks! Can't wait for our trip but looking forward to the IPA I just kegged up that will be nice and ready when I get back :) Went old school, lots of west coast hops on this one.



Sounds lovely ..... by way of a special welcome to the Cooler, some beer piccies for you.


Real Budvar at the Swiss House in Vienna ..... they sell a lot of beer plus a lovely piccy of a stack of Paulaner awaiting drinking here, and my own setup! I am afraid I do not muster!














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I found myself wondering over the last day or so with the various memorial services why they call them "guns" and not "cannons".


Have you also noticed how over the last ten years or so what use to be called "ground" as in "he fell to the gorund" is now called "floor" even when outside? Am I right in thinking it was always "floor" when inside and "ground" when outside or am I simply going barmy?


I put my tick in the box with a great sense that this was the most important vote I have ever taken and ever will. I see that current odds seem to be around 7/2.




Ive no idea on ground / floor or guns / cannons


Seems the government has given f@cebook a back hander by persuading young voters to register to vote. (They are claiming theyve got 100,000 to register who weren't). They really are up to dirty tricks. Lady I work with had a call wanting to speak to her 18 year old daughter... Her mum asked who was calling as she wasnt in and was told she was calling on behalf of the remain camp. Didnt want to speak to the parents - just the 18 year old (To try to influence the naive with the fear tactics.)


Did you notice they've changed the meaning of what Gove said about "admitting people will lose jobs if we Brexit"... All he admitted was that 58 MEP's would be out of a job - and good riddance to the gravy train leeches.


In the meantime - I've tried "myflights"..... I tried to put in my booking reference for our sleazyjet flights in August and its unable to locate my booking details!! Any ideas what the problem is? I blame Cameron!



Out out out! :p

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Did my tomato photo inspire you Jeff?

Your food looks scrumptious.


BTW, I never refrig tomatoes, except after they are cut.


I will make pesto today with the basil.


Another ridiculously humid day here. DH out running with the dog, crazy hot out. No breeze, summer doldrums in the tropics.


There have been three tropical storms already, it may be an active hurricane season.


Enjoy the day all.

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Ive no idea on ground / floor or guns / cannons


Seems the government has given f@cebook a back hander by persuading young voters to register to vote. (They are claiming theyve got 100,000 to register who weren't). They really are up to dirty tricks. Lady I work with had a call wanting to speak to her 18 year old daughter... Her mum asked who was calling as she wasnt in and was told she was calling on behalf of the remain camp. Didnt want to speak to the parents - just the 18 year old (To try to influence the naive with the fear tactics.)


Did you notice they've changed the meaning of what Gove said about "admitting people will lose jobs if we Brexit"... All he admitted was that 58 MEP's would be out of a job - and good riddance to the gravy train leeches.


In the meantime - I've tried "myflights"..... I tried to put in my booking reference for our sleazyjet flights in August and its unable to locate my booking details!! Any ideas what the problem is? I blame Cameron!



Out out out! :p


Les, dear les ..... have you been imbibing philanthropically? :eek: Your fingers in this post are all over the place mate. ;) I put it down to too much sex and not enough booze. So please either drink substantially more or substantially less .... I'd go for more, but then I am an old sop. :D


Anyway. My brain says we've lost but my instinct says that things aren't what they seem. I am more confused about these things than I have ever been before. I daren't say it because so much depends on turnout rather than the balance. If everyone voted who was either remain or leave we'd lose. If the turnout is lower say sub 55%'ish then I think we could win. If it were sub 50%'ish I think it could be very decisive. I think (I hope) what is nudging low turnout is the fear performance.


If the fear campaign harms then it seems to me that it doesn't harm leave but intrenches their determination. The fear campaign only dissaudes undecideds and those that are for remain but aren't glued to it. So I am confused, but exit has better odds in my view than the figures show but I am superstitious about saying so. What I do know is that remain are spooked and clutching.


Here's hoping Les .... :)



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Did my tomato photo inspire you Jeff?

Your food looks scrumptious.


BTW, I never refrig tomatoes, except after they are cut.


I will make pesto today with the basil.


Another ridiculously humid day here. DH out running with the dog, crazy hot out. No breeze, summer doldrums in the tropics.


There have been three tropical storms already, it may be an active hurricane season.


Enjoy the day all.


It did spins. As you know I swim against the currents. And currants!


We've been viewing the latest series of Chef's Table on Netflix and it is a wonderful series and it has had the effect of reconfirming and polarising in my mind what I feel I know and believe about food. There is eating out where the chef is the center of attention and you are lucky to be there. It is about performance and theatre and suprise. At the other end of good food is where it is all about the ingredients being the important thing and the chef merely a conductor. He or she uses white plates and makes fresh ingredients the center of stage and simply says "eat me, eat me". I don't want theatre or suprise or pretension. I want excellent simple fresh food served to respect the freshness of the harmony of the ingredients. It is about bringing out the best that the ingredients can offer and letting it "speak for itself" not about the chef or theatre. And it is also not about what you wear. And there is all that pretentious dross in between which is all those mediochre puffed up cooks and chefs and restaurants who think they are good but are serving mediochre or poor dross presumptiously to customers who cannot seemingly tell the difference. No names, no pack drill.


So your tomatos are a sacred thing. I know that there is a thing about basil and cheese etc. But there is nothing sub-optimal about a freshly picked tomato on a plate with some oil and red wine vinegar and salt and pepper and it is a thing to savour.


On the wider world. Helga has been service by those rich people at Merc and tonight hopefully very late ( I reckon we'll leave at 1am) she takes us down to Seaside. Hopefully we get at least as far as Stonehenge before she breaks down under the wheight of far too much technology.


Hope you do the storms OK. They are having a tough time in Oz. Our favourite Manly walk has dissapeared into the sea. :eek:



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Around Memorial Day I like to go here and hang around the graves where World War II vets who served in the European theatre and died in 1944/1945 are buried. Thanks to them (and of course others) being there then, I am able to be here now.









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Evening All....


Warm welcome to DB...hope you got the beer sorted!


Cat....moving pics....sadly a lot of our youngsters won't ever realise what was sacrificed. At the age of fifteen l was taken to Belsen by a family member in the services.....all l can say is that l have never forgotten the silence there. The same family member and l still talk about the experience to this day.


Spins....your tomatoes look quite delicious...have you ever tried deep frying the basil leaves and then teaming them up with the sweet toms along with a splash of olive oil and garlic...I must confess to not doing this myself but so enjoyed the dish at the Chester Grosvenor a while back.


Jeffers....you food pics continue to inspire......pity you don't live closer...I'd be ordering meals on wheels...[emoji6]


Old Jemima bus had to endure the annual mot and service today...initially failed miserably but all came good and at least l have my wheels back along with a £300 bill...[emoji15]


Still can't get my head around Brexit...should be an interesting debate later on TV here with the usual BS that will be designed to confuse us all even more....but I'm still for out ....the kids however are still debating...it's all rather scary for the younger generation....in the meantime....is Hillary about to make history?


S [emoji4]





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Les, dear les ..... have you been imbibing philanthropically? :eek: Your fingers in this post are all over the place mate. ;) I put it down to too much sex and not enough booze. So please either drink substantially more or substantially less .... I'd go for more, but then I am an old sop. :D


Anyway. My brain says we've lost but my instinct says that things aren't what they seem. I am more confused about these things than I have ever been before. I daren't say it because so much depends on turnout rather than the balance. If everyone voted who was either remain or leave we'd lose. If the turnout is lower say sub 55%'ish then I think we could win. If it were sub 50%'ish I think it could be very decisive. I think (I hope) what is nudging low turnout is the fear performance.


If the fear campaign harms then it seems to me that it doesn't harm leave but intrenches their determination. The fear campaign only dissaudes undecideds and those that are for remain but aren't glued to it. So I am confused, but exit has better odds in my view than the figures show but I am superstitious about saying so. What I do know is that remain are spooked and clutching.


Here's hoping Les .... :)





I blame the awful touch keypad and too much expectation on spell checkers.


I missed Nige this evening. (In fact the only person I've seen is Goves who I wasn't keen on at all but thought did well.


On a more pleasant note, lunch on the Wind has been confirmed for Sunday. :D

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I blame the awful touch keypad and too much expectation on spell checkers.


I missed Nige this evening. (In fact the only person I've seen is Goves who I wasn't keen on at all but thought did well.


On a more pleasant note, lunch on the Wind has been confirmed for Sunday. :D


Hi Les,


This spell check is interesting. I've noticed on both Just Eat and Tripadvisor that when people doa report and say "I will definitely return" or " order again" it always appears as ""I will defiantly order again".


Nigel was on top form. Like him or hate him he answered everything directly. Cameron just answered his set piece irrespective of the questions.


Great to hear you are lunching on Wind .... and looking forward to hearing all the detail.


Just arrived down at Seaside after a very miserable drive with unsignposted diversions. Very miserable. Still I am drinking a new version of my electric tomato. Vodka, gazpacho, tabasco, and Lea and Perrins. A lovely end to a horrible drive.



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I blame the awful touch keypad and too much expectation on spell checkers.




I missed Nige this evening. (In fact the only person I've seen is Goves who I wasn't keen on at all but thought did well.




On a more pleasant note, lunch on the Wind has been confirmed for Sunday. :D



I halve a spelling chequer

It came with my pea sea

It plainly marques four my revue

Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a quay and type a word

And weight four it two say

Weather eye am wrong oar write

It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid

It nose bee fore two long

And eye can put the error rite

Its really ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it

I am shore your pleased two no

Its letter perfect in it's weigh

My chequer tolled me sew.

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Good Afternoon Coolers!


Nice to see your hedges Fletch. What are they shaped as? :confused:


Mark, we managed to get past Stonehenge this morning but one small detour took us all over the place. Why is it they never sign post diversions completely? Got here around 4am. Not happy bunnies.


Prawn sandwiches on the balcony and soime white wine.





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Good Afternoon Coolers!


Nice to see your hedges Fletch. What are they shaped as? :confused:



The hedges are just simple geometric shapes - balls, pyramids, cones etc. Personally I dislike figurative topiary - animals and so on. And I'm a purist as far as plants are concerned - just box, yew, holly. Absolutely no privet or leylandii!


Your seaside place looks nice. Where is it?

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Hello all...



Apparently Fletcher doesn't know about the brouhaha regarding the location of your sea side estate.



Nice hedges!

A lot of work.


Too funny.


Yes Hillary made history. Whatever you think of her politics or her in general, it was a momentous event considering women weren't allowed to vote 100 years ago in the USA.

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Hello all...



Apparently Fletcher doesn't know about the brouhaha regarding the location of your sea side estate.




Had to remind me Spins! ;)


Spill the beans Spins! How did 320m people end up with a choice of a Hilary or a Trump? :eek:


Looking forward to our Indian delivery tonight. All the weight I lost over the last few weeks all back on again.



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Nice looking hedges Fletch.....hard work! Good to see that you are enjoying the balcony again Jeffers despite the journey down..[emoji15]

Spins..I actually saw the historical speech from Brooklyn live as furry babe decided to be sick at 3am this morning so once I cleared up l made a cuppa and watched it...quite impressed with her.


Still hot and humid here...not helping my hay fever whatsoever.....


S [emoji4]



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