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Ala Carte items in MDR


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[quote name='FootballParent']Every cruise I look forward to the chateubriand in the MDR. Do you think they will start adding meals like that to a fee? Could be Whats to stop them from adding items.


They will introduce signature apps and desserts for a fee. Still will have free choices, but each category of the menu will have upcharge options.

You know, some people make a good point about this giving more options to people. Okay, fair enough. But they take away things that were included. I wouldn't mind pay for options as long as the fundamentals of what was included in the fare didn't change. To me they have changed. Others don't see it that way. I'm not giving NCL, or any other cruise line for that matter, one dime more in the main dining room.

I'll be on a Carnival short cruise in a few weeks and they just removed lobster from those menus, replaced with ravioli. When the maitre D does his little stroll and hello for a tip and asks how things are I'll give him an earful about this chintzy stunt. I loathe any line that takes away something and charges for it after I've paid my money.
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[quote name='sparks1093']But isn't that the way of La Haute' Cuisine?[/quote]

Taken to an extreme by Nouvelle Cuisine - could it be an attempt at [COLOR=red][B]N[/B][/COLOR]ouvelle [COLOR=red][B]C[/B][/COLOR]uisine [B][COLOR=red]L[/COLOR][/B]ine? (more like [COLOR=red][B]N[/B][/COLOR]ew [COLOR=red][B]C[/B][/COLOR]harges [COLOR=red][B]L[/B][/COLOR]ine I'm afraid:mad:)

I can understand some people's discomfort with these new upcharge items in the MDR. The prime rib has disappeared from the 'free' menu and become chargeable - not good IMHO. There is however beef every night and some decent cuts as well. Lobster (presumably decent lobster) has re-appeared due to demand - this seems a fair one to me. Just my two pennyworth.
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[quote name='Hendricks Clan']So food hasn't been all inclusive in years, but there are still free options? Do you ever think about some of the stuff you post? If some venues are free and included in my NCL cruise fare and one has no intention of eating at anything other than the MDR and Garden Cafe, then the food is all inclusive.[/QUOTE]

All inclusive means everything is included
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[quote name='3kidsncats']I am not harder to please -- just tired of this year of whittling away at the things I look forward to, and feeling like because I booked way in advance (which NCL execs have made clear they want their customers to do) I am getting less product for the money I spent.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I get that prices change, I'm just not used to them changing between booking and sailing as much as they seem to have in the past few months.

I think the "price of milk" analogy that gets tossed around isn't quite apt because it implies a change from transaction to transaction, not within the transaction. If I go to the grocery store and grab a bottle of milk, and by the time I get to the check out, its increased by $.30, I'd be annoyed and probably seek out a different store for any further milk purchases. Of course, if the milk is still cheaper/better than other stores' then I might still shop there, notwithstanding my annoyance.
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[quote name='Cauzneffct']
I think the "price of milk" analogy that gets tossed around isn't quite apt because it implies a change from transaction to transaction, not within the transaction. If I go to the grocery store and grab a bottle of milk, and by the time I get to the check out, its increased by $.30, I'd be annoyed and probably seek out a different store for any further milk purchases.[/quote]As you said, the analogy isn't great. You have to imagine that from the time you grab the milk, for some reason it takes you 6 months or a year to get to the cash register. A little less surprising if the price goes up in the meantime, right? And then you wait another three months before you actually drink the milk. Maybe it is not going to be exactly the same product as when you first picked it out in the dairy aisle.
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Oh My God! the world is coming to an end. NCL stopped serving lobster tails
(which I never quite figured out what all the excitement was about) and everybody went nuts. They briefly tried serving them in the buffet and it was like pigs at the trough. Have any of you outside of New England tried to buy a
1-1/4 to 1-1/2 lb. lobster in a restaurant for $20.00?
Good luck with that.

Likewise, how many 16 oz. cuts of prime rib have you bought for $15.00?
Our favorite upscale steakhouse gets $25.00 -30.00 for a quivering slab of beef. There again, the prime rib served previously was nothing to write home about. Personal note: Who the hell needs to eat 16 oz. of meat anyway?

I sail NCL for the choices it gives me. I can sail for what I've always found to be a reasonable price and not spend any more money other than the DSC. I can choose to eat in the specialty restaurants if I want to but don't need to have a perfectly nice trip.

NCL is only trying to cater to the market. Like it or dislike it. It's not the end of the world.
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[quote name='Cauzneffct']Yeah. I get that prices change, I'm just not used to them changing between booking and sailing as much as they seem to have in the past few months.

I think the "price of milk" analogy that gets tossed around isn't quite apt because it implies a change from transaction to transaction, not within the transaction. If I go to the grocery store and grab a bottle of milk, and by the time I get to the check out, its increased by $.30, I'd be annoyed and probably seek out a different store for any further milk purchases. Of course, if the milk is still cheaper/better than other stores' then I might still shop there, notwithstanding my annoyance.[/QUOTE]

Here’s my milk analogy: You research and price milk and milk vendors. You finally pick a gallon of milk. It’s advertised as organic whole milk from a well-known reputable dairy. You purchase the milk with a delivery date six months in advance just as the store recommends. Six months later while reading a blog you find out that milk delivery is no longer free and is now $7.95. You decide to pickup the milk yourself. You arrive at the store to pickup said milk. The clerk retrieves your milk and you realize while the milk is indeed 1 gallon, it’s not organic and it’s not whole milk but 2% and from an unknown dairy. When you complain the clerk tells you the terms and conditions allow the store to substitute any milk as long as it’s the same size. But for an upcharge you can purchase organic whole milk . . . management decided to add more choices of milk and needed to charge extra for some milk. The clerk then informs you there is now an 18% milk retrieval charge owed.
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[quote name='Cauzneffct']Yeah. I get that prices change, I'm just not used to them changing between booking and sailing as much as they seem to have in the past few months.

I think the "price of milk" analogy that gets tossed around isn't quite apt because it implies a change from transaction to transaction, not within the transaction. If I go to the grocery store and grab a bottle of milk, and by the time I get to the check out, its increased by $.30, I'd be annoyed and probably seek out a different store for any further milk purchases. Of course, if the milk is still cheaper/better than other stores' then I might still shop there, notwithstanding my annoyance.[/quote]

Your basic analogy is good -- regardless if the time between selection and getting to the counter is quite different than an advance cruise booking, as others have argued. Another difference is that we haven't just taken the cruise off the "shelf" -- we've actually paid for it -- in full for me, when this change came up. Various forms of this conversation have come up before, in other threads, so I'm not going to go into a lot of rehashing of that, but it's never going to be acceptable for a company to diminish the product, fully paid in advance, prior to fulfilling their end of the deal.

If one looks at each change as an individual situation, most don't seem worth making a big stink about -- but what we are actually seeing is a steady, and fast, reduction of value for something we bought, and are just waiting for "delivery" on. When you take all of the changes together, it's unsettling, and will make me think twice about any advance bookings in the future. Which is a shame, because I had several in mind. Now I'm not so sure.
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[quote name='3kidsncats']Your basic analogy is good -- regardless if the time between selection and getting to the counter is quite different than an advance cruise booking, as others have argued. Another difference is that we haven't just taken the cruise off the "shelf" -- we've actually paid for it -- in full for me, when this change came up. Various forms of this conversation have come up before, in other threads, so I'm not going to go into a lot of rehashing of that, but it's never going to be acceptable for a company to diminish the product, fully paid in advance, prior to fulfilling their end of the deal.

[B]If one looks at each change as an individual situation, most don't seem worth making a big stink about -- but what we are actually seeing is a steady, and fast, reduction of value for something we bought, and are just waiting for "delivery" on. When you take all of the changes together, it's unsettling, and will make me think twice about any advance bookings in the future. Which is a shame, because I had several in mind. Now I'm not so sure.[/B][/QUOTE]

This, right here. The "You're going to quit cruising on NCL because of this one little thing?" argument suffers diminishing returns after it's [I]twenty or thirty[/I] little things. Edited by perditax
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[quote name='perditax']This, right here. The "You're going to quit cruising on NCL because of this one little thing?" argument suffers diminishing returns after it's [I]twenty or thirty[/I] little things.[/QUOTE]

How many little things does it take to make a big thing?
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[quote name='Va. Plumber']Oh My God! the world is coming to an end. NCL stopped serving lobster tails
(which I never quite figured out what all the excitement was about) and everybody went nuts. They briefly tried serving them in the buffet and it was like pigs at the trough. Have any of you outside of New England tried to buy a
1-1/4 to 1-1/2 lb. lobster in a restaurant for $20.00?
Good luck with that.

Likewise, how many 16 oz. cuts of prime rib have you bought for $15.00?
Our favorite upscale steakhouse gets $25.00 -30.00 for a quivering slab of beef. There again, the prime rib served previously was nothing to write home about. Personal note: Who the hell needs to eat 16 oz. of meat anyway?

I sail NCL for the choices it gives me. I can sail for what I've always found to be a reasonable price and not spend any more money other than the DSC. I can choose to eat in the specialty restaurants if I want to but don't need to have a perfectly nice trip.

NCL is only trying to cater to the market. Like it or dislike it. It's not the end of the world.[/quote]

Happily, this is not a site dealing with the end of the world. Surprisingly enough, it's a site for discussing cruise travel -- so you shouldn't be surprised that people are discussing their feelings and thoughts related to cruise travel.

And, haven't seen anyone complaining that large cuts of meat and seafood aren't available as included in our fare -- because they never were. We are complaining that what we expected (smaller cuts of a certain type of meat) when we booked and paid is now not available to us. Huge difference.
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[quote name='3kidsncats']About this many[/QUOTE]

Enough of them this year, that's for sure!

I don't understand why a vocal minority on here are dead against people getting what they have paid for, as if that's a sin? Do they not comprehend or what is it? Why are they so defensive of the company but have no empathy for fellow cruisers. If they don't care about their own wallet, so be it, but to claim that every little change doesn't detract from value is ridiculous. taken as a whole the value I am getting for my thousands of dollars is less than the day I booked.

Right on with you!
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[quote name='LMaxwell']Enough of them this year, that's for sure!

I don't understand why a vocal minority on here are dead against people getting what they have paid for, as if that's a sin? Do they not comprehend or what is it? Why are they so defensive of the company but have no empathy for fellow cruisers. If they don't care about their own wallet, so be it, but to claim that every little change doesn't detract from value is ridiculous. taken as a whole the value I am getting for my thousands of dollars is less than the day I booked.

Right on with you![/quote]

I don't get it either --I find it almost boggling. The only thing that I can think is that they really don't have to budget like I do -- and maybe they don't realize how disrespectful and condescending they appear. I have a party of six I'm paying for -- several of whom would want the prime-rib -- so that $15 extra is now $30, $45, $60, etc. for us to enjoy something we would have gotten (yes, a smaller portion which we would be delighted with) as included had we been able to pick an earlier sailing date.

I keep seeing the word "choice" related to paying for the upgrade or not, it's your choice. When for me, the choice was to buy the cruise in the first place, with the understanding that certain things were included. A "choice" that comes along later, requiring me to pay for what I already feel like I paid for, isn't really a choice. Edited by 3kidsncats
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[quote name='3kidsncats']I don't get it either --I find it almost boggling. The only thing that I can think is that they really don't have to budget like I do -- and maybe they don't realize how disrespectful and condescending they appear. I have a party of six I'm paying for -- several of whom would want the prime-rib -- so that $15 extra is now $30, $45, $60, etc. for us to enjoy something we would have gotten (yes, a smaller portion which we would be delighted with) as included had we been able to pick an earlier sailing date.

I keep seeing the word "choice" related to paying for the upgrade or not, it's your choice. When for me, the choice was to buy the cruise in the first place, with the understanding that certain things were included. A "choice" that comes along later, requiring me to pay for what I already feel like I paid for, isn't really a choice.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you guys on the mind boggling part.

1. You pay for something you want.

2. The company takes your money.

3. Before deliivery of said product things change, prices are raised more than once, things that were included when paid for, are now extra.

Choices are one thing. The only choice you have is to sail this line or not. It's paid for...of course you're going to sail them....this time.

I have visions of some on here walking around with their wallets wide open saying....here....more money?? Ok...no problem... take it all...I'm on a cruise....it's ok. Edited by janpo
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[quote name='3kidsncats']I don't get it either --I find it almost boggling. The only thing that I can really think is that they really don't have to budget like I do -- and maybe they don't realize how disrespectful and condescending they appear. I have a party of six I'm paying for -- several of whom would want the prime-rib -- so that $15 extra is now $30, $45, $60, etc. for us to enjoy something we would have gotten (yes, a smaller portion which we would be delighted with) as included had we been able to pick an earlier sailing date.

I keep seeing the word "choice" related to pay for the upgrade or not, it's your choice. When for me, the choice was to buy the cruise in the first place, with the understanding that certain things were included. A "choice" that comes along later, requiring me to pay for what I already feel like I paid for, isn't really a choice.[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for other but I can definitely tell you for myself - I know that 1) things/policies/rules change at any given time without notice, so either pay it up or don't. And 2) when stuff changes like every other week /month and one think it's for the worst before their trips months down the line - that should be the anvil-dropping hint to go elsewhere / run like hell; whether it's a cruise line or a land vacation....

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
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[quote name='3kidsncats']
I keep seeing the word "choice" related to paying for the upgrade or not, it's your choice. When for me, the choice was to buy the cruise in the first place, with the understanding that certain things were included. A "choice" that comes along later, requiring me to pay for what I already feel like I paid for, isn't really a choice.[/QUOTE]

You put into words how I have been thinking. Yes, if NEW choices were added, that's fine. But to take away something is included (so what if the free cut was smaller, you can always ask for more) and making it a for a fee optional extra, isn't really a choice at all.
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[quote name='maywell']I can't speak for other but I can definitely tell you for myself - I know that 1) things/policies/rules change at any given time without notice, so either pay it up or don't. And 2) when stuff changes like every other week /month and one think it's for the worst before their trips months down the line - that should be the anvil-dropping hint to go elsewhere / run like hell; whether it's a cruise line or a land vacation....

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Consumers have every right to expect a company to fulfill its advertised promises.

Are you telling me any company can promise me ABC, take my money, and has NO obligation to give me ABC, or can just give me XYZ instead, and make ABC an additional fee extra?
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[quote name='maywell']I can't speak for other but I can definitely tell you for myself - I know that 1) things/policies/rules change at any given time without notice, so either pay it up or don't. And 2) when stuff changes like every other week /month and one think it's for the worst before their trips months down the line - that should be the anvil-dropping hint to go elsewhere / run like hell; whether it's a cruise line or a land vacation....

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk[/quote]

Except I can't do that -- I'm past the window when that is an option for me, unless I also want to walk away from several thousands of dollars. That would be pretty stupid to do. I do have the option of voicing my opinion here, on a comment card, etc., as well as decline to book future travel with this line. And when a company offers a product with certain benefits, and accepts payment in advance for it, they actually can't just change whatever they want. They might get away with it because it's not worth a legal battle for most, but it's not their right to do it.
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