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Large family wants to tour Alaska after cruise...


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We are a family of 32-40 including some children who will be cruising Alaska in 2017. One way from Vancouver - we end up in Seward. Most of us would like to do a tour at the end, but for some, the cost of adding 3-6 days through the cruiseline is cost prohibitive.

Is there an easy way to set up our own tour? With possibly more than 35 people, I would think it would be less expensive per person that the cruisetours. Can we arrange for a small bus to pick us up in Seward and take us to Denali? And then ? Are there companies that specialize in independent tours including hotel arrangements? This is just the beginning of our planning so I have no idea what to put on the must see list other than Denali. Any suggestions appreciated.

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This is off topic from your question - but make sure when you book your cruise to get group space. With a group that size, you should be able to get group amenities and probably 1 cabin free (which can be spread out across the group for savings). Usually it is one person free per 8 cabins based on 2 people per cabin.


There is plenty to do in Seward for all ages, you may want to plan to spend one night there before heading off to Denali.


Dog camp: http://www.ididaride.com/?gclid=CNOWg8WFo8oCFYJEaQodddsPhg

Kenai Fiords boat ride: http://www.kenaifjords.com/?gclid=CKWV36qGo8oCFQ2OaQodUOMKtQ


Alaska Sealife Center: http://www.alaskasealife.org

Exit glacier


Good luck!

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We are not allowed to recommend travel agencies here. However if you do a Google search on "Alaska Private Group Tours" or else else contact the companies that offer open-to-the-public tours and tell them what you want, there is a good chance that someone can put something together for you. I did a quick search and found several possibilities.



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Our cruise is already booked under group rate and we will, indeed, get one free cabin (so far). Could be more if additional family joins us. I will definitely do a google search for private group tours. I can tell booking the cruise was the easy part. :p I did reach out to one website that had a .org address so they might be helpful in finding many different options without being too commercial.

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Our cruise is already booked under group rate and we will, indeed, get one free cabin (so far). Could be more if additional family joins us. I will definitely do a google search for private group tours. I can tell booking the cruise was the easy part. :p I did reach out to one website that had a .org address so they might be helpful in finding many different options without being too commercial.


Did you reach out to the agency that you booked with? I would think most travel agencies should be able to assist with this. If you booked direct with a cruise line, you may want to transfer to an agent.

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I think you are ahead of yourself. :) I suggest, you become- VERY informed about Alaska, and make sure you know the details of areas. I would not suggest you go to an agent before doing this. Head to your library and, at the least- if you haven't already, read Alaska travel books. Fodor's Alaska and Frommer's Alaska are especially concise.


Then be certain- you get the input from your group. How many days, how much they want to spend, tour inclusions etc. With your group being interested in cost savings, be certain- with any "tour" you choose- have 2 nights at Denali AND no "tour bus" included. A group is never going to be on the same page. I would suggest booking the shuttle buses, with each family group deciding. Alternative with hikes, raft tours, various shuttle buses, sled dog demos, extra shuttle rides to Savage River- free. :) etc;

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Budget Queen.. you make an excellent point. I have started reading up on Alaska. We are still 1.5 years out, but I know VERY LITTLE about Alaska other than I want to see Denali. I'm not even sure how to go about trying to herd all 34+ people into one tour. Sort of like herding cats ! :p


We are booked directly with the cruise line. I did contact the big box agency before going directly to the cruise line, but they don't handle cruisetours in a group setting. The cruiseline would be able to break our group into smaller groups so each family group could select their own cruisetour, but this seems like the most expensive route. Since no one person seems interested in taking over the lead (I'd be more than happy to pass the torch!) they will probably be more willing to go along with what I set up.


It's all about logistics. How to get 35 people to Denali from Seward? How to make a reservation for 12 rooms at a hotel and not make ME responsible for the deposits? How to get from Denali to the next stop? I have thought about getting family groups to rent their own vehicles, but then getting a small bus to hold 35 might be more cost effective. When I said I'd get information, I did not think it would be that difficult with so many potential options.


So appreciate everyone's thoughts and points of view. Keep the ideas coming!!

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Budget Queen.. you make an excellent point. I have started reading up on Alaska. We are still 1.5 years out, but I know VERY LITTLE about Alaska other than I want to see Denali. I'm not even sure how to go about trying to herd all 34+ people into one tour. Sort of like herding cats ! :p


We are booked directly with the cruise line. I did contact the big box agency before going directly to the cruise line, but they don't handle cruisetours in a group setting. The cruiseline would be able to break our group into smaller groups so each family group could select their own cruisetour, but this seems like the most expensive route. Since no one person seems interested in taking over the lead (I'd be more than happy to pass the torch!) they will probably be more willing to go along with what I set up.


It's all about logistics. How to get 35 people to Denali from Seward? How to make a reservation for 12 rooms at a hotel and not make ME responsible for the deposits? How to get from Denali to the next stop? I have thought about getting family groups to rent their own vehicles, but then getting a small bus to hold 35 might be more cost effective. When I said I'd get information, I did not think it would be that difficult with so many potential options.


So appreciate everyone's thoughts and points of view. Keep the ideas coming!!


You need to work w a tour booking agent as there is no way that you can or should do it yourself. The tour booking agent will also give a group of your size perks that you will not get by doing it yourself.


My suggestion would be to book the point-to-point transportation as a group and then provide several options at each destination.


I hope that you realize that arranging a tour such as yours is like herding cats. Everyone will try to tell you what to do and what you are doing wrong. Your attitude has to be that they are stuck you with the arranging and if they do not like what you are doing, they are welcome to take over the arranging job or to make their own post cruise arrangements. Stick to this attitude and you may come out OK.


I wish you luck. You will need it.



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While I agree, you need to do research on what you want. Though if you are only doing 3 days, you don't have much of a choice.


I think you need to get your booking away from the cruise line. A real agent (not a big box store who sometimes is just an order taker) will help with hotel reservations and getting a small bus. Plus, you will SAVE money off of the cruise line. Booking with the cruise line is the most expensive way to book with most lines. But this is what a Travel Agent does - they will do book hotel bookings and find transportation!

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You've taken on quite the task ! I hope everyone appreciates the amount of research and effort this will take, especially on your part.


The State of Alaska Tourism has a web site and will send a free guide.



You'll find a list of planning resources on the Alaska forum of tripadvisor.com (the list is under TOP QUESTIONS).


http://www.alaska.org is a good resource. And most towns have their own web site to promote tourism and local vendors.

Edited by mapleleaves
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You only have 3 days? Does anyone have more? I'd hate to plan a "group" tour based on this too tight of a time frame.


An option, would be to do a caravan rental car idea. RV groups do this and have had rave comments. OR with your 35 bus thinking, use this for transportation only, since, frankly once you are at Denali or Seward, you don't need any agents to make reservations.


I'd look at directly contacting budget lodging and inquire what deals you can come up, comparing these with a booking agent will offer savings. An example- I like the budget lodging of the Marina in Seward and Denali Park Hotel in Healy.


I book for location in Anchorage, where "budget" might be more difficult?


I'd suggest at least 4 nights- with the rental car option allowing add on time for those who want it. 1 night Seward/1 night Anchorage area/ 2 nights Denali- with an overnight flight home.


You have plenty of time available and ideal for picking up those early cheap rental car deals the fall prior with round trip Anchorage.


Check out Magic Bus- I've found they are excellent and well run. they only do charters.


I'll also suggest, reading multiple, independent Denali trip reports. An edge for the car rental idea, since it is an advantage to have a car there, in my opinion. (can't use Denali Park Hotel without rental cars, since no shuttles) opens up more meal options and touring. Biggest advantage is the freedom, to stop when and where you want. Want to take the kids on a cheap dog cart ride? Stop in Wassila at the Sled Dog Headquarters, want to find Mayor Stubbs? Talkeetna, History- Eklutna Spirit Houses- probably could get a discounted short group tour? Stop at various pull offs? Drive the Park Road in Denali to Savage River? enjoy the guided ranger hike? Etc

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What I found when researching for our first Alaska trip was that there are very long distances between communities and that it was not worth going to Denali unless we had at least 2 nights there providing a full day in the park. We ended up focusing on the area between Seward and Matanuska Glacier. This year we return with a focus on Denali and decided the cruise tour was a reasonable value as we now need assistance with luggage etc. Perhaps you need to decide on what you want to do and then ask who wants to join in --with a date to make the commitment. I think you need to know numbers first. Some families may want to just travel as a unit and meet up with the larger group at specific destinations. With a large group I imagine you would have to use the larger hotels or take over a smaller one.

I am very happy on long distance trains. For us two days in Seward then the train to Denali (2 nights in Denali plus Eielson shuttle) and then back to Anchorage would be perfect. The Alaska Railroad offers rail tours as do Princess http://www.princesslodges.com/itinerary-3u.htm

Edited by Alaskanb
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I am very happy on long distance trains. For us two days in Seward then the train to Denali (2 nights in Denali plus Eielson shuttle) and then back to Anchorage would be perfect. The Alaska Railroad offers rail tours as do Princess http://www.princesslodges.com/itinerary-3u.htm


You are not mentioning the added details to do this without a car. Denali- You HAVE to have a lodge shuttle available, and you have to book your Denali Park shuttle tickets with those times known. There are limited car rentals. I don't find 2 nights in Denali with using the Alaska RR enough time and actually would recommend 3 nights. It's also a grueling schedule you are stating without 2 nights in Anchorage.

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You are not mentioning the added details to do this without a car. Denali- You HAVE to have a lodge shuttle available, and you have to book your Denali Park shuttle tickets with those times known. There are limited car rentals. I don't find 2 nights in Denali with using the Alaska RR enough time and actually would recommend 3 nights. It's also a grueling schedule you are stating without 2 nights in Anchorage.


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They said 3-6 days.....


with them wanting to go as a group, and if they are including everyone- it's going to be for the lowest number of day. The reference was the cost stretch for even 3 days, so not sure, if 6 is possible.


A lot unknown about the "group" and likely a drop out element, not mentioned.

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Have you considered contacting an established tour company like http://www.graylinealaska.com to give you a quote on group travel. You might be best to arrange transportation and lodging for Anchorage and Denali and let individuals plan their activities. They could make reservation for big shared outings like Kenai Fjords in Seward and transport to Anchorage by train or bus, overnight, transfer to Denali by train or bus for 2-3 nights, and back to Anchorage. If you want the shuttles into the park you could arrange that. You need free time in Denali so that people can choose their own activities (like rafting or flightseeing).


A tour planner can arrange a lodge at the entrance to Denali that has shuttles to the visitor's center.


Before you contact them you need to know what you want to do as a group. They can give you a quote for the basic trip and suggest group activities and let you know when you need to "firm up" your plans. For free!

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Have you considered contacting an established tour company like http://www.graylinealaska.com to give you a quote on group travel. You might be best to arrange transportation and lodging for Anchorage and Denali and let individuals plan their activities.


Grayline is a division of Holland America in Alaska. FYI - lots of connections by company owned hotels and busses.

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I'm still here! Trying to digest all your wonderful suggestions. And admit to being more than a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, I have plenty of time til our cruise in July 2017 to sort things out.


I checked Hertz car rental but they don't have prices for summer 2017 yet. I looked at the pricing for 2016 to get an idea and it's more than $500 per vehicle for 5 days, and one needed to call for pricing on mini vans. I am thinking this is not going to work into everyone's budget.


I have been in contact with several of the websites you all suggested and starting to get some information back. Also checked in with a local TA and asked her for info about setting up a private tour.


Baby steps!!


Don.. you make a great suggestion.. I will definitely keep this thought close. So far I have not met any resistance because no one wants to take it over. :p


I hope that you realize that arranging a tour such as yours is like herding cats. Everyone will try to tell you what to do and what you are doing wrong. Your attitude has to be that they are stuck you with the arranging and if they do not like what you are doing, they are welcome to take over the arranging job or to make their own post cruise arrangements. Stick to this attitude and you may come out OK


After speaking with one of the other "major players", we decided on 4-5 extra nights with 2 nights of those nights in Denali. Alaska has so much to see.. it's frustrating knowing we will see so little of this beautiful state. Hard to decide if we should do less, but with more depth, or more with merely a pass-by. Who knows when we will be back again. The age range of the group (1.5 to 80 years) makes it hard to get a one size fits all tour package so whatever we decide, there has to be flexibilty. In the end, it might be that taking a cruise line tour where each group picks the one that best fits their needs is the best way to go. But at least I will have tried.


Again, appreciate all your ideas and encouragment.

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Again, appreciate all your ideas and encouragment.

I echo Don's word's of wisdom. You are very brave :)

I like your idea of letting folks chose what cruise land tour they would like to do, or not do, according to their budget and lifestyle. You can then enjoy your time in Alaska to the max!

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