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Under 500 Calories Meal in MDR?


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Really? So if you eat cake only for breakfast, lunch and dinner that wouldn't matter? That makes about as much sense as everything in moderation. Some people are twigs and get away with eating whatever they like. Others are not so lucky.


It's all math. If you eat only 3 pieces of cake a day at 500 calories a piece then likely you won't gain any weight. You'll be starving but you won't gain on 1,500 a day. Smaller portions is key when eating out.

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One HAL ship library had the book "French Women Don't get Fat". Her tip was eat no more than three, well-savored bites of anything. Then move on and finish eating before you feel full.


I think some of us of a certain age still struggle with the clean plate club and the starving children in Europe threat. Ha, now it is the slim Europeans who look at American portion sizes in amazement. How can we eat that much food?


I always felt bad at first when the waiter with a pained expression assumed I did not like something, after I left part of it behind. Now I tell them up front I want only "baby size portions" so no arguments any longer when it still comes out too large of a portion and gets left behind.


But I still squirm with the guilt of a dyed in the wool clean plate clubber if I do leave anything behind. Sometimes it is best to just divide up the plate at the start and then just push half of it aside where it will never be intended to be eaten anyway.


One thing we have noticed recently is HAL portions have gone down but quality has often gone up - this is a far better choice to make.

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I agree with the advice to decide how much to eat depending on the quality of the item. Last few cruises on HAL it was not difficult for me to eat small portions.


To the OP, hats off to you for your diligence.

Eat lunch in the Lido and try white meat rotisserie chicken, frequently available. It is nicely seasoned and pretty good. Look for carving station white meat turkey.

For dinner in the main dining room there is an always available grilled chicken breast, lean but not very flavorful. Roasted turkey dinner is excellent, ask for gravy on the side. Baked potato always available.

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I'm a WW member, so I understand your concern. I order broiled or grilled chicken or fish with no sauce. I ask if there are 'steamed vegetables' (they aren't on the menu any more, but the galley has them). Salads are "dressing on the side". Desserts are usually the fruit plate, occasionally sherbet or sorbet. Since we have fixed seating our wait staff gets used to my orders and after a couple of evenings they bring the steamed vegetables (they have a whole plate of them, so I share with our tablemates) automatically. They like to tease about the dessert, but they are used to people with all kinds of dietary restrictions.

One thing I'd recommend is to make sure you know what a serving size looks like (hand, fist, finger, etc.). Use all of your WW skills and you should be fine. I did a 19-day cruise and only gained a pound, so it can be done.

Beware of the cookies in the afternoon!

We have rules when cruising. The main one is the Highland dessert rule. From the Highlander movie, "there can be only one."


So if we have a cookie in the afternoon, forget dessert at night. (The cookies on Royal Caribbean weren't very good anyway.) We even have that rule at home now. But our waiters on cruise ships think we're nuts. So, I tell him I need to watch my sugar.


Leafy green salads are out, diverticulosis. But I do load up on the non-leafy greens salads in the Lido.


I also do the half entree trick.

Edited by knittinggirl
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As a WW member myself, I lean towards the "power foods" - broiled salmon, chicken, and steak on the Everyday Menu; plain baked potato, steamed vegs, salads with dressing on the side, fruit plate, etc. There are lots of choices. Rather than trying to get the NI, you would be better if you just looked up entries such as "4 oz. cooked chix breast, no skin" and get the points that way.


At breakfast there is fruit, poached or boiled eggs, toast and Eng. muffins with no butter, etc. Lunch can be the salad bar along with a grilled or roasted meat.


5 oz. wine = 6 Smart Points :D



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On a longer cruises, in the MDR, I find it helpful to cut everything on my plate in half and eat only half. That way I get to enjoy everything that is served. Of course all bets are off when we eat in the Pinnacle or do the Cirque where everything gets eaten. It also helps to do laps on the deck and use the stairs when possible. 98% of the time I have a salad for lunch in the Lido. I do break down and have a hot dog and fries periodically. On the upcoming cruise our roll call group has three Pinnacle lunches planned so breakfast will be minimal on those days.


On our upcoming cruises, which total 40 days (33 days plus 7 with a two day break in between) I expect that I may gain five pounds.

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One HAL ship library had the book "French Women Don't get Fat". Her tip was eat no more than three, well-savored bites of anything. Then move on and finish eating before you feel full.


I think some of us of a certain age still struggle with the clean plate club and the starving children in Europe threat. Ha, now it is the slim Europeans who look at American portion sizes in amazement. How can we eat that much food?


I always felt bad at first when the waiter with a pained expression assumed I did not like something, after I left part of it behind. Now I tell them up front I want only "baby size portions" so no arguments any longer when it still comes out too large of a portion and gets left behind.


But I still squirm with the guilt of a dyed in the wool clean plate clubber if I do leave anything behind. Sometimes it is best to just divide up the plate at the start and then just push half of it aside where it will never be intended to be eaten anyway.


One thing we have noticed recently is HAL portions have gone down but quality has often gone up - this is a far better choice to make.


We were brought up with the starving children in China, not Europe. But eating out anywhere is pretty challenging. I lost 10kg ten years ago and have regained 5kg. Each one of those 5kg I can link to a longish European holiday when our kids were living in London. Italian sweet buffet breakfasts were my downfall.

At home I try to only eat out two nights and one or two lunches each week to keep some control over what I eat. But the problem of the Anglo world was brought home this week when we had Thai locally. The young Thai waitstaff were so slim (and beautiful) to a degree that would seem abnormal if they were anglo.

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Is this an suggestion that the purchase by Carnival Corporation was the reason HAL might have dropped lower fat & calorie foods? A lot of things have been added and changed since purchased happened in 1989,, which is well over 15 years ago.




Try 27 years ago!

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As a WW member myself, I lean towards the "power foods" - broiled salmon, chicken, and steak on the Everyday Menu; plain baked potato, steamed vegs, salads with dressing on the side, fruit plate, etc. There are lots of choices. Rather than trying to get the NI, you would be better if you just looked up entries such as "4 oz. cooked chix breast, no skin" and get the points that way.


At breakfast there is fruit, poached or boiled eggs, toast and Eng. muffins with no butter, etc. Lunch can be the salad bar along with a grilled or roasted meat.


5 oz. wine = 6 Smart Points :D



I had to look the wine up again. Our book says 4 SP. Wonder what's going on. I marked 2016 on our new Smart Points Books so I wouldn't confuse them w/ the others. Isn't alcohol one of the items we must use their figures, because they don't calculate? At least that was the way it was w/ Points +. Harvest wine is higher! Actually, the fine wines should be lower since the yeast eats up all the sugar.


If they don't show nutritional info on their menus, I don't need to bring my calculator.


Our "Light" Coconut Cream Cake recipe is double s-points! W/ that in mind, I don't want to know what the original costs in POINTS.

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Some people are twigs and get away with eating whatever they like. Others are not so lucky


The quote above from another poster reminded me of something I learned when I was looking to maintain a 50+ pound weight loss a couple of years ago.


Studies have shown that thin people naturally reduce their calories after indulging. Their bodies do it for them, it's how they are wired. I'm not wired that way but I've made myself do the same, if we go out to eat or have ice cream, etc. I cut down in calories the next day (or two). It's worked and I've maintained my reduced weight with minimal effort for the first time in my yo-yo dieting life.


Like a previous poster, when we're on a ship we have fruit and maybe a whole wheat roll or turkey sausage in the morning, then a salad with a protein of some kind (no sauce), both from the lido and then we eat what we want for dinner...including dessert.

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Some people are twigs and get away with eating whatever they like. Others are not so lucky


The quote above from another poster reminded me of something I learned when I was looking to maintain a 50+ pound weight loss a couple of years ago.


Studies have shown that thin people naturally reduce their calories after indulging. Their bodies do it for them, it's how they are wired. I'm not wired that way but I've made myself do the same, if we go out to eat or have ice cream, etc. I cut down in calories the next day (or two). It's worked and I've maintained my reduced weight with minimal effort for the first time in my yo-yo dieting life.


Like a previous poster, when we're on a ship we have fruit and maybe a whole wheat roll or turkey sausage in the morning, then a salad with a protein of some kind (no sauce), both from the lido and then we eat what we want for dinner...including dessert.


The people I know must be cutting down on the sly. I've watched for years as my colleagues ate twice as much as I did. I rarely eat sugar and I got to watch them all indulge in cakes, cookies etc while I sat there and watched. That's not fun. It's not like I'm a thin person. I'm a chunky gal just like 98% of my relatives. My mom battled with her weight her entire life. Now in her 80's she close to a normal weight but she eats next to nothing. It's a well proven fact that some folks burn calories faster then others. I'm an avid exerciser as well so it's not like I'm inactive. My ex husband ate like a horse. He never cut down on what he ate and he was of normal weight.

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The people I know must be cutting down on the sly. I've watched for years as my colleagues ate twice as much as I did. I rarely eat sugar and I got to watch them all indulge in cakes, cookies etc while I sat there and watched. That's not fun. It's not like I'm a thin person. I'm a chunky gal just like 98% of my relatives. My mom battled with her weight her entire life. Now in her 80's she close to a normal weight but she eats next to nothing. It's a well proven fact that some folks burn calories faster then others. I'm an avid exerciser as well so it's not like I'm inactive. My ex husband ate like a horse. He never cut down on what he ate and he was of normal weight.


Hmmm...we're actually saying the same thing. Naturally slim people have the genes, metabolism, whatever you want to call it to stay slim, while others have to work at it. All I'm saying is that if you do the same things they do (stay more active, adjust calories, build muscle mass) you can maintain your weight.


I did find when I was losing weight that I grossly (!) underestimated how much I was eating each day and how many calories were in that food. I started tracking on myfitnesspal.com (still do), what an eye opener. I also overestimated the calories burned during exercise.


I lost the weight using the 5-2 diet plan, WW never worked for me but kudos to the OP for sticking with it!

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Hmmm...we're actually saying the same thing. Naturally slim people have the genes, metabolism, whatever you want to call it to stay slim, while others have to work at it. All I'm saying is that if you do the same things they do (stay more active, adjust calories, build muscle mass) you can maintain your weight.


I did find when I was losing weight that I grossly (!) underestimated how much I was eating each day and how many calories were in that food. I started tracking on myfitnesspal.com (still do), what an eye opener. I also overestimated the calories burned during exercise.


I lost the weight using the 5-2 diet plan, WW never worked for me but kudos to the OP for sticking with it!

My ex never exercised once in the 15 years we were together. Me, I exercise at least 5 days a week. All thin people do not have good habits just like chunky people don't all have poor eating habits either.

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One HAL ship library had the book "French Women Don't get Fat". Her tip was eat no more than three, well-savored bites of anything. Then move on and finish eating before you feel full..


I loved this and will look it up! I usually starve myself before the cruise, eat and hit the gym during the cruise, and feel guilty after the cruise. I admire every one that has the actual willpower to go through a cruise without gaining a pound. I'm weak.


So thanks for the three bite tip - suits the glutton in me - I'll give it a shot next time!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm going to offer my opinions as a ww lifetime member who has maintained for 4 years. I think I have been on 2-3 HAL cruises in that time.


There have been some great posts from fellow ww. Avoiding white things is something that really help me.


I increase my steps. I set a goal for walking around the promenade and keep it. It is a very low goal but it seems to help. I also walk the 5k they have once a trip.


Remember, You have three choices as a ww. Follow the plan and track, kind of track or eat what you want. Choose before you leave and don't feel bad if you gain weight. It was your choice and you need to live your life. I never stay on plan on a cruise and don't feel guilty. Also, I have never gained anything beyond my normal weight fluctuation range.


Be sure and go to a meeting as soon as you get back for accountability and to get back to tracking. If you gain five pounds, that is okay. It feels better if you decide what you want to do before you leave. You can lose it in a month.


If you track, be prepared for a little stress because you can't do it perfectly. Do the best you can.


As far as food selections, since fish and seafood are such a sp bargain I would eat lots of them. There are especially nice point friendly appetizers like tuna tartare, shrimp cocktail and smoked salmon. Order two. Stay away from the cold soups they are literally melted sherbet. I think the salads are interesting enough to eat with out dressing if you chose. I get the dressing.


As suggested, you can get a grilled chicken breast at every meal, along with a baked potato...easy to track. .


I run by the lido and preview the desserts before dinner and choose what looks worth it to me. The ones with sponge cake are not very good.


If I am trying to lose weight on vacation, I will eat one meal that is nutritionally dense but low point such as two boiled eggs and fruit.


I also have an either drink or eat dessert rule. If you want to drink you could get a flavored vodka with soda water. I think someone in my meeting said that was 4 sp.


Mention it in your trip in your meeting and ask for ideas.


You totally have this!

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Many times,I put together meals under 500 calories. Esytto do. Caesar salad wfth always available grilledxhkenien. You'lll have to do your own weightwagtchers digvuringf. Can'gt expect a cruise ship chef gto know every'one's speific wsedigvhg controlfol diet details. How manweiresftaurants where you live procid ewight watchers facts?

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Many times,I put together meals under 500 calories. Esytto do. Caesar salad wfth always available grilledxhkenien. You'lll have to do your own weightwagtchers digvuringf. Can'gt expect a cruise ship chef gto know every'one's speific wsedigvhg controlfol diet details. How manweiresftaurants where you live procid ewight watchers facts?


Sail, please understand I am not asking this out of rudeness, but.........


Are you OK?


I've noticed lots of spelling errors, words that make no sense and your normal bolding of your words missing.


I am worried about you and I don't know how else to ask you:( Emails and Facebook are unanswered.... Are you OK?



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Does HAL have an under 500 calorie meal in the MDR? If so, do they also include the nutritional information so I can calculate Weight Watcher Smart Points?

I don't know about Smart Points - I'm still on the old point system and I can get it to work.

My plan:

I get the Ceasar salad - but instead of the usual dressing I get balsamic vinegar on the side and put on my own. After a few nights I find that it is on the table waiting for me!


I order fish or chicken. No sauce or sauce on the side. I ask for steamed veggies on the first night and usually get a nice serving of them every night. I ask them to leave the starch off the plate each night.

I don't eat dessert so it's easy for me to pass on them. I will get the cheese plate or a bowl of berries if they have them available. The servers shake their heads when you say that you don't want cream with the berries!

I have found it difficult in the Lido at lunch time, tho. They want to ladle the dressing on the salad so thick that's all you can taste. It's hard to get them to understand that you want the dressing on the side but be persistent.

You can do it!! (Don't make a big deal about it and no one will know what you are up to.)

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