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Has anyone ever asked at Butler to....


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But back to the original poster's question of having the butler (or concierge) take the children to the initial registration, it is clear that is not allowed at this time. /QUOTE]


Actually you misinterpreted my question - this was not in regards to initial registration, nor did I mention that anywhere in my post. Not sure why it was interpreted as such. This is in regards to the day to day wait for 30 minutes plus at lunch and dinner - taking up to 2 hours a day to wait for drop off and pick up (showing up 15-20 minutes early then waiting 10 minutes until checkin complete) after breakfasts before lunch after lunch before dinner after dinner. It's time consuming and annoying.


When you do the initial registration, whether the first day or some other day, they have you designate the people who are allowed to check the kid in or out if they are below the age where you can authorize the kid to check themselves in or out so you would have to have the butler be there to be part of that initial registration if this type of thing is even allowed. I know at one point they only allowed you 2 authorized people but maybe that has changed.

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But back to the original poster's question of having the butler (or concierge) take the children to the initial registration, it is clear that is not allowed at this time. /QUOTE]


Actually you misinterpreted my question - this was not in regards to initial registration, nor did I mention that anywhere in my post. Not sure why it was interpreted as such. This is in regards to the day to day wait for 30 minutes plus at lunch and dinner - taking up to 2 hours a day to wait for drop off and pick up (showing up 15-20 minutes early then waiting 10 minutes until checkin complete) after breakfasts before lunch after lunch before dinner after dinner. It's time consuming and annoying.

So it is time consuming and annoying to you, but you would be okay with taking 2 hours a day out of the Concierge or Butler's schedule requiring him/her to work longer hours to get their normal work done, because believe me the Concierge or Butler's other passengers are not going to be sympathetic to the Butler or Concierge and stop asking for things because you don't want to be annoyed dropping your child off at daycare.
Edited by NLH Arizona
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But back to the original poster's question of having the butler (or concierge) take the children to the initial registration, it is clear that is not allowed at this time. /QUOTE]


Actually you misinterpreted my question - this was not in regards to initial registration, nor did I mention that anywhere in my post. Not sure why it was interpreted as such. This is in regards to the day to day wait for 30 minutes plus at lunch and dinner - taking up to 2 hours a day to wait for drop off and pick up (showing up 15-20 minutes early then waiting 10 minutes until checkin complete) after breakfasts before lunch after lunch before dinner after dinner. It's time consuming and annoying.


Yes...I must have grossly misinterpreted the question. Thought originally it was just an inconvenience to initially register your children. Now I see that it is an inconvenience to have to potentially wait so long (potentially, since for each cruise, the delays may be different than with your last) to check in and check out the children.


I think for the teens (13 to 17), they can self check in and out after the initial registration--assuming the parent allows that. I'm just taking a wild guess that the children here are less than 13.


I think if a person pays enough, most things are doable. I would check with the pre-concierge first for any advice.


The rules does say that a parent can designate up to 4 adults to take care of the drop off/pick up process: "Who and how many can be authorized as drop-off and pick-up people? Parents or Primary Guardian (if children are not traveling with their parents) may select a total of four (4) people (including themselves) to drop off/pick up their child(ren) from Guppies Nursery (Escape) and from Splash Academy (Fleetwide).

The authorized drop off and pick-up people are the same people and must be listed on the child's profile at the time of registration and must be 18 years of age or older."




Perhaps prior arrangements for a fee to the concierge or one of his assistants could make this work. I think the safer way is to go with the fee upfront since most concierges aren't likely to rely on a person's "I'll tip you good later." So if a parent were to pay say $50 each time the concierge or his/her assistant does this, I think that there will be more willing NCL staff that would do this for the parent to help relieve the inconvenience. But again, this is a highly unusual request...so I would check and be willing to pay up front for the service.

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So it is time consuming and annoying to you, but you would be okay with taking 2 hours a day out of the Concierge or Butler's schedule requiring him/her to work longer hours to get their normal work done, because believe me the Concierge or Butler's other passengers are not going to be sympathetic to the Butler or Concierge and stop asking for things because you don't want to be annoyed dropping your child off at daycare.


I doubt other passengers see it as an inconvenience to me when they request 2-3 meals/ day in their suite, whereas I do not use this service. Similar to the posters who ask their butlers to bring coffee in bed and then serve breakfast, or posters who have the their concierge bring them to each evening entertainment, I'm wondering how to best use my vacation hours. Otherwise we'd all just say that butlers & concierges are too busy and never ask for anything.

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I doubt other passengers see it as an inconvenience to me when they request 2-3 meals/ day in their suite, whereas I do not use this service. Similar to the posters who ask their butlers to bring coffee in bed and then serve breakfast, or posters who have the their concierge bring them to each evening entertainment, I'm wondering how to best use my vacation hours. Otherwise we'd all just say that butlers & concierges are too busy and never ask for anything.




The butler and concierge are quite capable of managing their own time. They do not need pax to do that for them. They are not idiots.

Edited by triptolemus
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I think if a person pays enough, most things are doable. I would check with the pre-concierge first for any advice.


So if a parent were to pay say $50 each time the concierge or his/her assistant does this, I think that there will be more willing NCL staff that would do this for the parent to help relieve the inconvenience. But again, this is a highly unusual request...so I would check and be willing to pay up front for the service.


It would totally be worth an extra $300-$400 for the week.

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I've been following this thread and commented at one point but the more vitriolic and judgemental comments are actually crisping up a solid view for me.


happytotravel speaks of expectation amazement, the fact is people staying in suites / Haven pay handsomely for extra services and pampering and have every right to expect said extra services and pampering. So, until NCL creates a definitive list of what butlers and concierges will and won't do those same butlers and concierges will have to adjudicate requests. Notwithstanding the logistics of ensuring a butler or concierge are able by policy to fulfil such a request, the request in and of itself is far from unreasonable especially given that the long lines are a completely avoidable situation created by the cruise line in the first place.


In fact, the most logical solution I've read here is a separate check in line for the kids of suite / Haven patrons given that the same type of benefit is afforded in many other instances (initial embarkation, final debarkation, priority tendering, special entertainment seating, etc). That said, this won't likely happen so I think - as a result of this thread - I'll politely ask the butler / concierge team on my family's next cruise if this is a service they could provide (likely more on a "from time-to-time" basis in our case then an "every time" basis).


Despite txagfan inferring the OPs question was dumb and unreasonable, the fact is this is very much in a realm of a reasonable and intelligent request. I still think most butler/concierge teams will find a way of replying with a polite no but that should not preclude asking.


But - by all means - let's continue the trend of being rude while hiding behind the anonymity computers in a way we (with some exceptions) would never in a face-to-face environment.

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The butler and concierge are quite capable of managing their own time. They do not need pax to do that for them. They are not idiots.


Exactly, which is why if one asks for an additional service, they can manage their time as necessary. Saying they're too busy so no one should ever ask for anything is silly.

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The way DCL does this is wonderful! I believe that this may be a really good conversation to have with NCL some how, perhaps there is already this option for Haven pax already and it just isnt used as often especially in the summer or vaca times I know if my boys were younger I would have "someone" ie concierge escort my kids to kids clubs. Thankfully my youngest is 15 and he was very responsible on DCL to check himself in and out- its great when they get old enough to do this! but one caveat was he HAD to check in with either dad or myself if he wasnt in the club. OP - how old are your kids? maybe I have missed that in this thread.

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I doubt other passengers see it as an inconvenience to me when they request 2-3 meals/ day in their suite, whereas I do not use this service. Similar to the posters who ask their butlers to bring coffee in bed and then serve breakfast, or posters who have the their concierge bring them to each evening entertainment, I'm wondering how to best use my vacation hours. Otherwise we'd all just say that butlers & concierges are too busy and never ask for anything.

Those items you mentioned don't require the Butler to be unavailable for 2 hours or 20% of their work day (considering a 10 hours work day) babysitting someone's children.

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It sounds like they almost need to go with a pager system like they do for the restaurants when they are full. Go pick up your pager, do something other than stand in line for 20 minutes and when you are just a person or 2 away from the front of the line they can buzz you. They can also create a certain window of time for you to show back up or you forfeit your spot or simply just become the next one in line if it is within a reasonable amount of time.


Just a thought.

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Those items you mentioned don't require the Butler to be unavailable for 2 hours or 20% of their work day (considering a 10 hours work day) babysitting someone's children.


Again, their schedule and workload simply is not the problem of the passengers. I'm a passenger...not a manager.

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I don't have a horse in this race but wouldn't this be more of a concierge request? And if so, could this be inquired about through a pre-cruise concierge?


I too have no horse in this race, but I see the butler as being pretty much responsible for what goes on in your suite, whereas the concierge takes care of things outside your suite.

That said, there is generally one concierge plus 3-4 helpers for nearly 100 Haven suites plus platinum members. So they may not be able to perform these duties.

We usually book an H6 Aft-facing penthouse, and from what I recall, a single butler serves all 14 of those.They, I know, are swamped. If you are in the Haven proper, you may have a better ratio.


My suggestion: Ask the Haven concierge when you get on board what he recommends. You never know.

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Why don't people just answer questions instead of getting all judgmental. Asking if something can be done isn't a crime.


Because if people do not call out ridiculous requests, they tend to proliferate.


The "butler requests" are often beyond the pale.

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Nothing against any butler (our last one was great), but I just wouldn't want them to take my child around the ship full stop. In the kids club it's different as they are trained to do that specific job. That said to the OP ask away, you have nothing to lose :-)

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I would question whether NCL would allow this, because of the legal implications. Who would gladly offer up their child to a stranger?

I also don't think Butler's will do this. Butler's typically are for in suite services


Sent from my B1-730HD using Tapatalk

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The butler is there to handle ALL of your requests. Think of them as a facilitator. While actual tasks of reservations and whatnot the concierge directly handles, the butler is your one-stop shop for everything. Whether he/she handles them directly or delegates (you know, like a real butler).


As for taking your kid to the kids club, no harm in asking. Answer is always no unless you ask; however, I'd be prepared to hand him a $20 bill as a tip.

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The butler is there to handle ALL of your requests. Think of them as a facilitator. While actual tasks of reservations and whatnot the concierge directly handles, the butler is your one-stop shop for everything. Whether he/she handles them directly or delegates (you know, like a real butler).


As for taking your kid to the kids club, no harm in asking. Answer is always no unless you ask; however, I'd be prepared to hand him a $20 bill as a tip.


Actually I think it's the other way around. The concierge is the one stop facilitator of everything concerning suites. The Butlers all report directly to him/her. It is understood that questions/problems regarding inside the suite are typically first directed to the Butler, escalations go to the Concierge. Since this is an out of suite request, similar to priority disembarkation, dining etc, I would go to the Concierge. The pre concierge that has been suggested has in reality no way to handle this request other than to mail it to the ship board crew (Concierge). I suggest the OP ask the Concierge on board and will almost certainly be turned down. The Concierge is a ships officer and will likely not feel inclined to become a baby sitter for some suite guest. Good luck.

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Actually I think it's the other way around. The concierge is the one stop facilitator of everything concerning suites. The Butlers all report directly to him/her. It is understood that questions/problems regarding inside the suite are typically first directed to the Butler, escalations go to the Concierge. Since this is an out of suite request, similar to priority disembarkation, dining etc, I would go to the Concierge. The pre concierge that has been suggested has in reality no way to handle this request other than to mail it to the ship board crew (Concierge). I suggest the OP ask the Concierge on board and will almost certainly be turned down. The Concierge is a ships officer and will likely not feel inclined to become a baby sitter for some suite guest. Good luck.


I'm currently waiting to sail on Escape in a 2br Haven. If the arrangement is as you say then this definitely doesn't work. Butlers are to be your main go-to person for ALL requests. The concierge being a supporting cast member. If NCL truly sets it up that the butler reports to the concierge then that arrangement definitely wouldn't work for us -- and is inconsistent with how butlers are SUPPOSED to operate.


Seems I need to do some more research on NCL's use of butlers. :)



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The concierge is not an officer.


This would be accurate. Ships officers report up to the captain and are responsible for the running + safety of the ship (think things like engine, security, HVAC, etc.). The director of hotel operations, on the other hand, has everyone else (the 1,000-2,000 F&B, entertainment, casino, hotel ops, etc.) -- including the concierge.

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