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What do you think about compensation?


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Actually, I did not ask for anything. I just laughed at the thought of handing out bottles of red wine to someone with a drinks package, etc. (Also, what if a recipient is a recovering alcoholic?) It was the person at Reception who said she would see what she could do.


You have obviously not read this thread through completely if you think I expect a free cruise replacement. In an earlier post I mentioned 4 other things that the line could have offered, things like a free dinner at one of the specialty restaurants. Seeing these are generally not full, it would not have cost the ship much.

I think the problem here is cultural differences. If you look at those that have supported your comments and actions, in the majority they are from this side of the pond (with a couple of exceptions which is heartwarming to read), whereas the comments which were basically that it was bad form to return the gift (I don't think it was bad form btw) or that stuff happens and you should just put up with it, are from the other side of the pond.


You have been berated for mentioning about showering and the sexual orientation of your travelling companion. That's because some people are extremely uncomfortable about discussing subjects like that, whereas we Brits aren't. There were many bits of advice of how this should have been handled, like go shower elsewhere, sit in the balcony. It has absolutely nothing to do with those commentators, your privacy and comfort was impacted and you were just describing the situation. You didn't deserve the smart a** remarks provided. They weren't there in that situation, you were.


To all those who said you should have done X,Y or Z, hindsight is a wonderful thing. There's a first time for everything and if you haven't experienced it before, you don't always make contingency plans.


This is the first example I have seen of Celebrity cheer leaders defending their beloved line despite the cruise lines failings. And that saddens me, because I thought those who cruised on this line were a little more dignified to not get into mud slinging like others lines I have experienced. But obviously not.


My advice is don't get drawn into defending yourself because there are keyboard warriors on cc with whom you will never win.


I hope you get compensation from Celebrity because in my mind you deserve it. I've been in hotels that have lost power, had no hot water, actually no water, or given the wrong room, but they have always compensated me in one way or another.

Edited by peteukmcr
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I think the problem here is cultural differences. If you look at those that have supported your comments and actions, in the majority they are from this side of the pond (with a couple of exceptions which is heartwarming to read), whereas the comments which were basically that it was bad form to return the gift (I don't think it was bad form btw) or that stuff happens and you should just put up with it, are from the other side of the pond.


You have been berated for mentioning about showering and the sexual orientation of your travelling companion. That's because some people are extremely uncomfortable about discussing subjects like that, whereas we Brits aren't. There were many bits of advice of how this should have been handled, like go shower elsewhere, sit in the balcony. It has absolutely nothing to do with those commentators, your privacy and comfort was impacted and you were just describing the situation. You didn't deserve the smart a** remarks provided. They weren't there in that situation, you were.


To all those who said you should have done X,Y or Z, hindsight is a wonderful thing. There's a first time for everything and if you haven't experienced it before, you don't always make contingency plans.


This is the first example I have seen of Celebrity cheer leaders defending their beloved line despite the cruise lines failings. And that saddens me, because I thought those who cruised on this line were a little more dignified to not get into mud slinging like others lines I have experienced. But obviously not.


My advice is don't get drawn into defending yourself because there are keyboard warriors on cc with whom you will never win.


I hope you get compensation from Celebrity because in my mind you deserve it. I've been in hotels that have lost power, had no hot water, actually no water, or given the wrong room, but they have always compensated me in one way or another.


First of all this thread was titled "What do you think about compensation?"

Sir, I think most of us just think a bottle of wine and a letter of apology was perfectly appropriate compensation for the situation. The lights went out at MIDNIGHT and were back on before dark the next day. I can only assume that you think there was not enough compensation.


As far as receiving a bottle of wine when one has a beverage package, I think most reasonable people would agree that wouldn't be inappropriate. It's a gift and an apology.


Many people with drink packages also buy or bring bottles of wine for their cabin. I've received many bottles of wine as gifts and since I always have a beverage package as part of my loyalty status and am not really much of a drinker, I can always find some joy in giving my bottle to someone else to enjoy. When someone gives you something you may not use do you confront them and demand something else? Just my opinion but I consider that inappropriate. What kind of compensation do you believe is deserved?


Finally, contrary to people believing she should have just put up with the situation, it seems that most of the responders to the question thought she should have contacted the desk again in the morning rather than thinking the staff are mind-readers.

Edited by Ma Bell
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To the original poster.


I agree with you that your compensation was insufficient. You paid for something that wasn't delivered and should be compensated. I'd figure out your nightly rate, maybe half that for every day without power would be appropriate. A bottle of wine that probably cost them a few dollars is an insult.


Two recent personal experiences you can compare yourself to:


In a Royal Suite, reservation for an alcove on my birthday was lost. There were none left. I survived. Received $500 each future cruise certificate; we didn't ask for anything, and felt the only reason we got these was because the suite was so expensive.


In a Sky Suite, I noticed the balcony partition was unhinged. I immediately called in the problem, no response. I watched it flop around (at sea) and called back. A half hour later the door shattered; soon enough I had a load of uniforms in my room surveying what happened. I had the drink package too, and when they tried to send me a bottle of red wine, which I didn't drink, I said no thanks. They asked me what they could do, and I suggested

something small.


I wish you the best.

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I understand the belief that some have that returning gifts is possibly rude and shouldn't be done but this wasn't a birthday gift of a scalf from grandma.


My relationship with Celebrity is a commercial one. One In which they seem to hold the aces. They can cancel my cruise at short notice and charter it to someone else. They can drop ports for any number of reasons. They can alter terms and conditions after you book (Aqua water, Luminae opening hours) , they will let me pay full price for a speciality restaurant yet yards away cut a deal with someone else to pay half that - purely on the basis that they haggled and I didn't. I know all this, I'm relatively comfortable with this but I don't confuse my relationship with Celebrity as anything other than a business relationship.


it can be worth clarifying the purpose why a "gift" has been offered. If it's without prejudice, fine. If, however, the company sees it as full and final settlement of an issue then you need to understand that when accepting it.

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On our very first cruise, Celebrity - Infinity to Alaska we had a serious smell issue in our cabin. It was making us sick. Maintenance first tried to fix it and then refused to acknowledge it (rudely.) I also had another more personal issue story for another day.) I was FURIOUS. I wound up in the office of the head of customer relations, who moved us to another cabin and comped us for for a dinner and drinks. He could not have been more apologetic and I could not have more delighted. Much to my surprise on the night before we were to arrive back in port, we were presented with two certificates for $500 each to cruise again. It was totally unexpected but so appreciated. I was not sure if were going to ever cruise again. But of course this gave us the incentive to try again and now were are cruisers for life (and lovers of Celebrity of course.) Earlier this year because of circumstance we tried NCL and said never again. Back to Celebrity for us.


Side note to this general discussion: Staff lie. They repeatedly lied to me on the Millennium about the smell affecting our suite. The lies were worse than the smell. They really hire idiots, thinking that their passengers are not smart enough to understand what is really happening.


We finally got $800 OBC and a $1000 future cruise certificate. We resolved never to sail again on their M-class "rust buckets," but we have enjoyed ourselves once again on their S-class ships.

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Thanks Peteukmcr. I too had noticed the cultural differences in this thread. Very interesting. Thanks for your kind words.


JFontaine, thank you for your experiences. It's nice to know that the company can be generous on occasion.


I wondered if the reason they were less than generous this time was because they had already had to pay out so much due to the change of final port from Istanbul to Athens. They may not have been making their usual profits.

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Thanks Peteukmcr. I too had noticed the cultural differences in this thread. Very interesting. Thanks for your kind words.


JFontaine, thank you for your experiences. It's nice to know that the company can be generous on occasion.


I wondered if the reason they were less than generous this time was because they had already had to pay out so much due to the change of final port from Istanbul to Athens. They may not have been making their usual profits.


I actually think the problem is that cruisers these days seem to expect compensation for every inconvenience, and it dilutes the cruise lines' response when there are genuine problems that need to be dealt with. If people would stop demanding compensation and berating staff for silly things, like a port missed due to weather or a piece of meat that wasn't cooked to their liking the cruise lines might be faster to respond.


Please understand I'm not passing judgment on whether compensation is warranted in your case -- that's between you and Celebrity as you're the only two parties that really know what took place. I wouldn't have asked for it, but that doesn't mean it's not appropriate. I do, however, think sometimes things just happen, and as a society we're not very good at distinguishing between a disappointment/inconvenience and a real problem. Not everything is compensable.

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Thanks Cindy. Actually, I don't think I asked for it if my memory is correct. I think it was staff members who thought something would be forthcoming and therefore raised the expectation.


I also think that the litigation culture makes this difficult. Here in the UK we are used to small but reasonable gestures and that's what we expect. In the USA there is a big litigation culture and so many people either expect huge compensation or are utterly against the litigation culture and make an outcry at any mention of something. It is difficult to get a middle road when you are faced with stories of huge law suits against a restaurant for someone slipping on spilled coffee - when she spilled it herself!


I received an email last night from my UK Celebrity agent. I had written to him on my return to thank him for all his help in getting us a room with a great balcony, etc. Because of the great relationship we've built up in the last 6 months (him telling me about his holiday, me telling him funny stories about mine, etc.), I told him of the lack of power. He was amazed at the lack of response and said he would talk to Customer Relations. I don't expect anything to come of it, but again it goes to show how different people react.

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I agree that this is the main issue and I also got the impression from the OP's original post that it was the main issue for her.


For the safety of the rest of us in the future this should be brought to corporate's attention.


Thanks Cindy. Actually, I don't think I asked for it if my memory is correct. I think it was staff members who thought something would be forthcoming and therefore raised the expectation.


I also think that the litigation culture makes this difficult. Here in the UK we are used to small but reasonable gestures and that's what we expect. In the USA there is a big litigation culture and so many people either expect huge compensation or are utterly against the litigation culture and make an outcry at any mention of something. It is difficult to get a middle road when you are faced with stories of huge law suits against a restaurant for someone slipping on spilled coffee - when she spilled it herself!


I received an email last night from my UK Celebrity agent. I had written to him on my return to thank him for all his help in getting us a room with a great balcony, etc. Because of the great relationship we've built up in the last 6 months (him telling me about his holiday, me telling him funny stories about mine, etc.), I told him of the lack of power. He was amazed at the lack of response and said he would talk to Customer Relations. I don't expect anything to come of it, but again it goes to show how different people react.




I'm feeling a little defensive about living on this side of the pond and want to point out that not everyone was so quick to judge. :o


I think what a lot of people forgot (in addition to the safety issue of being in the dark) was that you had gotten a bottle of wine as an apology already for another incident. I know that if I had received that second bottle I would felt that it seemed to be an automatic response without any real thought put in.


I might be feeling a little wistful this morning of the 9/11 anniversary but I wish everyone would think before typing a response about the feelings of the person you're responding to.



(And as an aside - we first started sailing with Princess, who have no nightlights in their bathrooms. I now bring a battery operated tea light with me in addition to a flashlight wherever we go. Too late for the OP but might be a thought for future trips.)

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I'm feeling a little defensive about living on this side of the pond and want to point out that not everyone was so quick to judge. :o


I think what a lot of people forgot (in addition to the safety issue of being in the dark) was that you had gotten a bottle of wine as an apology already for another incident. I know that if I had received that second bottle I would felt that it seemed to be an automatic response without any real thought put in.


I might be feeling a little wistful this morning of the 9/11 anniversary but I wish everyone would think before typing a response about the feelings of the person you're responding to.



(And as an aside - we first started sailing with Princess, who have no nightlights in their bathrooms. I now bring a battery operated tea light with me in addition to a flashlight wherever we go. Too late for the OP but might be a thought for future trips.)


I am so sorry Chamima. I did think of those of you who had been supportive, which is why I deliberately used the words 'many people' when talking about the two extremes, hoping that those of you who didn't judge would realise you are not part of the 'many'. I think sometimes in my attempts to be brief, I think through my wording too carefully and it becomes a shorthand that is not picked up by people. I really am sorry as I hate it when posters miss out on people.

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You speak of UK residents expecting small & reasonable gestures. Resonable is a word that is open to interpretation, is it not? Again, i have to say that YOU asked what people thought about compensation. People said what they thought & now its become what the UK population thinks vs. what the North Americans think. Many here think the compensation was fair, many do not. You asked for opinions & you got them. How about if we all just move on.

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I think sometimes in my attempts to be brief, I think through my wording too carefully and it becomes a shorthand that is not picked up by people. I really am sorry as I hate it when posters miss out on people.


Or people just honestly disagree with you. You asked for people's opinions and you got them. It appears you were actually not really interested in what others think, unless of course they think just like you.

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Or people just honestly disagree with you. You asked for people's opinions and you got them. It appears you were actually not really interested in what others think, unless of course they think just like you.


I'm happy to accept your comment. I just wish it had not been posted along with a quote from a personal apology to Chamina. I feel that your comment has nothing to do with that apology.

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I think sometimes in my attempts to be brief, I think through my wording too carefully and it becomes a shorthand that is not picked up by people. I really am sorry as I hate it when posters miss out on people.
I'm a little confused. The title of your thread was What do you think about compensation? and in the thread you said I have just returned from the Equinox. Two issues occurred. I felt I was given too much compensation for one but not enough for the other. I would be interested in the views of other people. You obviously wanted more compensation and some posters agreed with you and some posters disagreed with you, but in the end you got exactly what you were asking for - posters' opinions on how well they think you made out or if you deserved more.


I hope in your email to Celebrity UK, you told them how disappointed you were with the bottle of wine, so that they can ask corporate to give you more to what you were looking for in the form of compensation for your issue.


I really don't think that Guest Services or whoever ordered the bottle of wine for you checked to see if you had the beverage package, I'm sure they thought it was a nice gesture, since they really didn't have to do anything but say I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Sorry if I sound harsh, but my pet peeve is folks that feel they need to get compensation for every little thing, but maybe that is because I live here in the states and not all of us feel we are owed something every time something goes wrong, as I feel an I'm sorry works wonders.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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These cruise lines make a living charging for "every little thing" and not by giving out services that weren't paid for. So why should customers pay for something they don't get?


Maybe instead of sending money as final payment, we can send in a cheap bottle of red wine along with a note that says "things happen, please accept this as our final payment."


If they can mark up a beer 600%, they can offer more than a cheap bottle of wine when they fail to provide a service you've paid dearly for.



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Contrary to some perceptions, I do not think that the responses to the questions asked ie ‘What do you think about compensation’ and ‘am being unreasonable in thinking that Celebrity should have acted more generously in a situation that put me in physical danger?’have anything whatsoever to do with cultural differences. Indeed, there was a discussion on TV only the other day about the increasing compensation culture in the UK and how it has driven up insurance premiums, and this story serves to reinforce this.


It is my belief that the preponderance of what have been called ‘negative’ comments are the result of seeing the situation for what it was – a relatively minor inconvenience, and having the ability to travel the world knowing that stuff happens, and getting on with life . I’m failing to understand how the OP was ‘put in physical danger’. A ‘slight cut ‘ to the knee was sustained, not a leg lost! Surely it is common sense to feel your way in unfamiliar surroundings if it is pitch black .


Sorry OP but I’m with the majority – Yes, you are being unreasonable to expect anything at all (other than an explanation and apology – both of which I understand were forthcoming).

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Side note to this general discussion: Staff lie. They repeatedly lied to me on the Millennium about the smell affecting our suite. The lies were worse than the smell. They really hire idiots, thinking that their passengers are not smart enough to understand what is really happening.


We finally got $800 OBC and a $1000 future cruise certificate. We resolved never to sail again on their M-class "rust buckets," but we have enjoyed ourselves once again on their S-class ships.


I can (almost) accept idiots.. I was manager for the government. But it was attitude that was almost bad as the smell. My husband tried to give me break and deal with the issue but he is way to polite (he is English.) Finally he warned them that he was siccing the dogs of war on them (me.) I had 51 weeks a year or so to deal with people's crap and b.s and I go on vacation to get away from it (and be treated nicely.) I have to say on the rest of my Celebrity vacations I have few complaint.

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Side note to this general discussion: Staff lie. They repeatedly lied to me on the Millennium about the smell affecting our suite. The lies were worse than the smell. They really hire idiots, thinking that their passengers are not smart enough to understand what is really happening.


We finally got $800 OBC and a $1000 future cruise certificate. We resolved never to sail again on their M-class "rust buckets," but we have enjoyed ourselves once again on their S-class ships.


Interesting screen name, based on this post.:rolleyes:d

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I still don't get it, someone asks for opinions, doesn't like some of them so it must be a cultural thing, I don't think so, it's just differing opinions in general.


As to the guy who said about some folks not being comfortable talking about showering or sexual orientation, lets not forget it was the OP who gave all this info in the first place.


Life is too short, off to do something more constructive.:D

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I have found this a really interesting thread, but it does not relate to cultural differences or different views, although where cultural differences may come into it a little, is consumers are afforded far more protection in the UK than in the US - it is therefore perhaps not surprising that many US citizens are a little more caveat emptor, and all that


This is a very simple issue


If you pay for an internationally traded product you have the right to expect that product to be fit for purpose - buy a faulty iron from a multinational company in Germany, and it can be dealt with in Australia if that is where you reside


If a cabin is not up to acceptable standard, the cruise line has a responsibility to provide a similar or superior cabin that is of acceptable standard


A bottle of wine to a consumer that already has unlimited wine available to them is not nearly satisfactory

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Ever have the power go out at home? Thunderstorm, tree falls on a power line, some idiot drives into one...what does the electric company give you for compensation?


Thought so.


Stuff happens, and it was not as if it was the whole cruise. Her lights were out for it sounds like a night and part of the next day (correct me if it was longer). She had alternatives to shower (at the spa) or not (no one ever died from not bathing one day). Often on cruises if we're going to the beach or pool we don't bother until we get back.


She chose to make it an ordeal. She even had her wind-up torch (which reminds me what a great idea to pack a small flashlight).


My less than useful "compensation" story - one cruise it was my husband's birthday, so I asked the Maitre d' in Blu if we could have one of those little cakes the next night. "Absolutely, no problem, my pleasure!"


Dinner the next night comes and goes with no cake. On the way out I mentioned how disappointed I was. Deer in the headlights look "Oh, I am sooo sorry I forgot". Got back to the cabin later and there was a cake. And ANOTHER the next night at dinner. Did I say "who in the world needs two of the same cake on back to back days?" No, I thanked him profusely for his kindness and told him all was right.


I don't think it's cultural, I think it's just differing personalities.

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These cruise lines make a living charging for "every little thing" and not by giving out services that weren't paid for. So why should customers pay for something they don't get?


Maybe instead of sending money as final payment, we can send in a cheap bottle of red wine along with a note that says "things happen, please accept this as our final payment."


If they can mark up a beer 600%, they can offer more than a cheap bottle of wine when they fail to provide a service you've paid dearly for.



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Well said. bravo.

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Ever have the power go out at home? Thunderstorm, tree falls on a power line, some idiot drives into one...what does the electric company give you for compensation?


Thought so.


Of course after the electric company doesn't give me any compensation I have to come back and buy more electricity from them because they are the only game in town. They are a monopoly where I live, so unless I want to spend huge amounts of money to get off the grid my electric company can treat me and all their customers like crap. My cable and land line phone companies used to be that way but they have both gotten 'nicer' in recent years.


Unfortunately for the cruise lines they operate in a very competitive business (as cable and land line phone companies have recently experienced) . If they treat their customers like the electric companies do, those customers can easily buy their next cruise ship or vacation electricity (ie. vacation experience) from another provider.

Edited by DirtyDawg
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