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X's New Advert To Air Tonight....


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No walls, No borders. Great. Let's do away with those deplorable separations between the verandas.


I really hate the walls that keep all those lowly Haitians from YOUR private paradise in Labadee.


Why in heavens name do we have a special section fenced off in Jamaica from the rest of the Jamaican people?


Keep YOUR politics out of my vacation.


Moved two cruises from you to Royal Caribbean and am now waiting to see if they drop the second political shoe. IF SO bye bye to both.




b - sorry that you are unhappy with it all, it was never my intent for this to become 'political' I only wanted people to enjoy or not enjoy the advert based on it alone and not where or how it is airing.


Sounds like you are moving on and that is fine.


Enjoy your new line.


bon voyage

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What, specifically, do you find so offensive in the ad? Being inclusive? Breaking down walls? Celebrating diversity?

I wish someone would explain the offense.

I think the offended are fans of building walls, but still being able to go where they want, when they want.


I see nothing wrong with the ad and hope even if it doesn't gain cruisers for X people will take what they say and digest it into their minds.


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I'm disappointed in Celebrity for producing this commercial. let's hope that common senses prevails and they decide to dump this ad before it airs tonight. The references to "building walls" and "keeping people out" are very much part of an anti-Trump movement.


I don't have any Celebrity cruises booked at this time and I've been pondering Princess. This seals the deal for me, my next cruise won't be on Celebrity. :mad::mad::mad:


Funny, this ad invokes the exact opposite reaction from me. I was thinking about Disney and am now 100% supporting X in the future.

Enjoy Princess!

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All a part of the strategy to go edgie. First the CEO separated us by the new dress. Now we are separated by politics. Bye bye Celebrity. See ya when the CEO is gone and replaced by someone who will not gut the entire Cruise line. After 30 cruise on Celebrity it is time to move on. Really no need for this type of advertising. Is this woman trying to run off her loyal customer base. I don't get it. What is she up to. RCCL needs to fire her!! I am gone. Cunard, Oceania here I come.........


C - I Am sure you will be missed. I Am also sorry that the advert reminds you of politics which may not jive with yours or that the new style of dress code introduced is really not a hit for you.


I trust Cunard and Oceania will meet your needs and requirements on going.


bon voyage

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I figure I might as well chime in now before I have my afterwork martini and wine with dinner :)


I first saw the ad posted on Facebook. Personally, I loved it and thought it was very tasteful. Did I find it political? Yes. Do I find it risky for Celebrity run such a commercial? Perhaps. However, my assumption is they have weighed out the pros verse cons. I believe this will appeal to a wide audience, especially if played outside of the US.


Is the ad meant to appeal only to younger generations? No, I don't think so. I think it is very broad and strikes a broad message across generations and even party lines. I am part of the "millennial" generation that Celebrity might be trying to attract so maybe I am biased. Though I must say, not only do I vote, but I also more than support all the ancillary income Celebrity strives for on each cruise :roll eyes: and will continue to do so for years to come. :eek::cool: They always seem to get much more than the cruise fare out of me.....:confused:


All jesting aside, aren't we in an awesome position? Think about it; some are upset and may take their cruise dollars elsewhere. Some love the ad and can't wait to sail on Celebrity next month or next year. Some will switch cruise lines and some will become more loyal. At the end of the day ALL of us on this board are incredibly lucky to be able to take the cruises we do, see the places we see, and meet the people we do. We're all entitled to our opinion, but in the process of expressing it, let us not forget how truly lucky we all are.


Cheers and Happy Cruising!

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I suggest FaceBook for one. Already see the comments multiplying on their Celebrity page.


I also went to their website and sent an email to them:



I feel better just saying what I think even though I'm sure they are hell bent on doing whatever fits their agenda. I noticed a big change in Celebrity "view" on some social things since the new CEO took over and some of her views and those of her C-suite team aren't positives for us. We have 2 cruises booked with Celebrity but who knows....



tt - I Am not familiar with the 'view' you are speaking of, but that is not an issue, for me at least.


I select my cruise line of choice based on itinerary, on-board service, passenger types and cost...


Thank you for your input and thoughts, again, I personally never meant for this thread to become 'political' only about the advert...


bon voyage

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I am happy I have been to Istanbul prior to problems faced today. With this new ad by Celebrity and the open door policy I must assume they will reinstate cruises everywhere in the world. Otherwise, the ad is misleading. Book those cruises most every other cruise line will not go to ASAP. Or call their bluff ;-)

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To quote MLK -

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."


Bravo to X! Continue to be fearless!




From Cruise Critic article:

In the release, the ad campaign is called an "unapologetic declaration of company ideology," with Peter Giorgi, Celebrity's chief marketing officer, saying "it feels like the right time to speak up" and "we're encouraging people to be fearless."

I say:

Thank you for your convictions and courage Celebrity. You ARE the type of company I want to do business with. Carry on the good work.



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From Cruise Critic article:

In the release, the ad campaign is called an "unapologetic declaration of company ideology," with Peter Giorgi, Celebrity's chief marketing officer, saying "it feels like the right time to speak up" and "we're encouraging people to be fearless."

I say:

Thank you for your convictions and courage Celebrity. You ARE the type of company I want to do business with. Carry on the good work.



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.... and rather we, as individuals, like it or not, every company has a political identity rather it be public or not. Best to know up front than be upset because one found out later.


Some posters have indicated they are upset by X being a foreign flag carrier, some about its' CEO politics, some about when the advert is being aired.... ad nauseam


Save for safety reasons, there is no real reason not to sail on X's fleet in my opine.


Thank you for your post...


bon voyage

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Ah, see, now I disagree with you there. In that sense it might be quite savvy...Trump is pretty much regarded as a dangerous joke across Europe and much of the world, we watch with increasing incredulity at his successes politically.


I believe people in the United States who support Trump do so for similar reasons why people in the UK supported Brexit. It's an ANTI establishment, political machine. Other than the slanted media and the political elite many of the main stream electorate wants to throw out both political parties.


Why do you think that the Republican party fought Trump tooth and nail until he won the nomination and they couldn't do anything about it?

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I think it is very poorly timed.

Her personal political views do not need to be expressed in a commercial for the brand.

Out stock fell over $1.50 today--wonder why?


No correlation whatsoever with the stock price. The markets were down across the board. CCL 1.67%


I hope everyone not happy with Celebrity and are promising to leave have also looked at all the Companies that share the same view, cancelled your Facebook account yet? There's 100s of them. There's nothing wrong with spending your money how you see fit. Personally I wouldn't give a nickel to anyone with bigoted, racist and homophobic views, luckily, we have choices.

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I am happy I have been to Istanbul prior to problems faced today. With this new ad by Celebrity and the open door policy I must assume they will reinstate cruises everywhere in the world. Otherwise, the ad is misleading. Book those cruises most every other cruise line will not go to ASAP. Or call their bluff ;-)


This is a ridiculous concept. Of course Celebrity will continue to protect the safety of its passengers and stay away from any areas that are experiencing political unrest or otherwise under state department cautionary travel places. To do otherwise would be gross negligence.


This new message is merely a branding and marketing plan that is taking advantage of the political debate. My point is that this CEO should not be interviewing, without her marketing people writing her quotes or giving her sound bites, because she chooses her words very poorly.

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Those of us who have been around long enough in a corporate environment realize that corporations should never become political (at least if you are not a boy wonder who struck it rich with an internet start-up and can be a spoiled brat). Anyone who denies that this is overtly political is missing the boat (sorry I could not help myself with this comment).


My guess is that her day of reckoning is coming and the parent company corporate board will be involved with changes within the Celebrity Group. It has been bad enough how this cruise line has cut service levels and simultaneously raised prices; now this nonsense.

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Bone head play by X. With the latest polls showing an almost dead heat, this political statement by a business will offend about half of the people in the US that are watching the debate.


However there is a silver lining here. If enough of the offended people cancel and/or refuse to book X, Lisa will be forced to lower the rates to fill the ships. What a great gift to those of us who do not care which of the two clowns win.


Sorry about the stockholders

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This is a ridiculous concept. Of course Celebrity will continue to protect the safety of its passengers and stay away from any areas that are experiencing political unrest or otherwise under state department cautionary travel places. To do otherwise would be gross negligence.


This new message is merely a branding and marketing plan that is taking advantage of the political debate. My point is that this CEO should not be interviewing, without her marketing people writing her quotes or giving her sound bites, because she chooses her words very poorly.


I was being facetious when I wrote that. I understood her plan and her marketing strategy and agree totally with what you just stated. I believe this could be a YUGE mistake for her.

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I do think that this advertisement is quite appropriate for the debates. If a wall is built between the US and at least one neighboring country, do we believe that the neighboring country will welcome American tourists and American companies? The unrest in Turkey is hopefully a temporary situation, in any case, few Americans have traveled to Turkey, but many Americans do travel to our neighbor to the south. If you shareholders are upset now, how will you potentially feel in a couple of years when RCCL has to cut more and more destinations from world-wide itineraries? Do you think stock prices will go up? I applaud Celebrity for running this ad, but I think that the potential economic implications had a big part in this ad.

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The thing about Queen Lisa's position is that she only selected two left leaning networks and then will follow up with only extremely liberal newspapers. Therefore the bulk of conservatives won't be exposed to her liberal venom. If she was really so confident in her position, she should pepper the conservative media outlets with the same ads. Then she would prove she has the cahones she proffers to her lemmings.

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r - thanks for your post. Overall, I expect only a few targeted political references, as there have been already.


You're kidding, right? I happen to agree with the ad, and changed my party affiliation this year due to the candidate that has, as a cornerstone of his campaign, the promise to "build a wall." I am in the "never" camp with that particular candidate.


X has essentially said that about half the country should avoid them (shockingly, the polls are about 50/50 now, a fact that distresses me no end). It is stupid, stupid, stupid to run this ad during a political debate; what else will it be considered but a political statement since they purposefully chose to use one candidate's exact position to disparage, and then air that ad to a highly polarized audience that has chosen sides already?


"Celebrity: Only Democrats Need Apply" might be a better title for the ad. Stupid, stupid, stupid ad.

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The thing about Queen Lisa's position is that she only selected two left leaning networks and then will follow up with only extremely liberal newspapers. Therefore the bulk of conservatives won't be exposed to her liberal venom. If she was really so confident in her position, she should pepper the conservative media outlets with the same ads. Then she would prove she has the cahones she proffers to her lemmings.

I wouldn't say CNN or ABC are very left leaning. That is MSNBC. I think it was wise picking two of the more centrist news outlets.


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Bone head play by X. With the latest polls showing an almost dead heat, this political statement by a business will offend about half of the people in the US that are watching the debate.


However there is a silver lining here. If enough of the offended people cancel and/or refuse to book X, Lisa will be forced to lower the rates to fill the ships. What a great gift to those of us who do not care which of the two clowns win.


Sorry about the stockholders


We have about 6 Celerity cruises scheduled over the next 2 years so would love to take advantage of her "unintended consequences". I hope you are right! Also I suspect this will bring close scrutiny by the Board of Directors to determine which bonehead made this decision after the price slashing begins.

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Since the CEO doesn't care if we reject her branding border less world view, she won't care if she loses some cruisers.


Even in the forums, these new ads and Lisa's attitude has added to the divisiveness -- has anyone noticed?


I've enjoyed my cruises with Celebrity but not THIS Celebrity.



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t4 - I believe we as the posters have become divisive in lieu of just thinking about the commercial, which has proved to be too difficult for many to do, so it appears. I can appreciate that now.


While I do appreciate many of the comments pro/con, there are a few who take it beyond the pale of my intent.


It may be too late to move this from the politics and who said what, when and where and focus on the advert only.


I hope we can get back on topic, sans politics, but we are entrenched already...


"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' (Dylan Thomas) and bon voyage

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In today's corporate world, diversity is actually something to be very proud of and considered good governance.

X's messaging is spot on.

Again, I challenge someone to explain what exactly they find offensive about this ad's content. "Political" is not a valid response.

Don't be afraid to let them show. Your true colors.





Those of us who have been around long enough in a corporate environment realize that corporations should never become political (at least if you are not a boy wonder who struck it rich with an internet start-up and can be a spoiled brat). Anyone who denies that this is overtly political is missing the boat (sorry I could not help myself with this comment).


My guess is that her day of reckoning is coming and the parent company corporate board will be involved with changes within the Celebrity Group. It has been bad enough how this cruise line has cut service levels and simultaneously raised prices; now this nonsense.

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