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question about name card on mailbox/door


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One reason they do it is to help the Stewards address you by name.


Hogwash! If their stewards need names attached to walls to identify the occupants, they need better stewards. No other cruise line I have ever been on does this, and those stewards do just fine without the name signs.

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Can I ask which other lines do so? We've cruised HAL, Carnival, Cunard, Royal and Celebrity - and none of them have the names on the outside of the cabin. And on none of them have room stewards had a problem knowing our names...


I too want to know who else does this since in my experience most, if not all, of the others don't.

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Hi All


The name tags are important,


it easy if you have taken a few cruises to go onto


auto pilot when making your way back to a cabin, its not the first time I have


gone to the right cabin but on the wrong deck, or have gone to a cabin I had


the last cruise, now I have never tried to get in, because I saw the name tag,


but I would think if there was no name tags at all, loads of folks would be


wondering around lost knocking on doors.


yours Shogun


Me too. Those name tags are important to me. Usually I cruise with family and friends and finding all their cabins sometimes can be a chore. Especially if they move them at the deck. I'll bet the people that got their cabin were annoyed at all the phone calls. I had made a phone book for our group with deck, cabin and phone number.

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Hmm...interesting. Maybe they were newlyweds or newly dating or just really in lust....they could be married and have different last names and still be lovey dovey. I admit your story is cute - but different last names doesn't mean they aren't married or they're having an affair.....

It's not the culture or norm all over the world to change your name (as a lady) when you get married....


As I said, there were other signs. :rolleyes: Why are we making an issue about this silly little story?

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As I said, there were other signs. :rolleyes: Why are we making an issue about this silly little story?


My guess, the same reason this thread keeps going on and on about having name labels on the mailbox. :D:rolleyes::)

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Can I ask how '20 minute man' got his name?


On our last cruise, our cabin was assigned around 3:00PM

the day before embarcation.


We did not get a name tag.


Part way through the cruise, some miscreant went down the hallway,

and tossed a bunch of name tags on the floor.


After that, we had a name tag, but it was for someone else.


Sure, that one was the only crew member, the rest were passengers. I didn't even know his name at the time but I danced with him a couple times at the Halloween party which was the first night on that sailing. We were chatting a bit once the party was over. Nothing exciting, where we were from, how long he'd been on ship, no flirting at all. I said I was going to my cabin, he asked if he could come with me. I knew he was serious but laughed it off as I knew he could get fired and no dude I just met and I don't know you name, not gonna happen. I said Haha, you're so funny. He said something like oh yeah....I'm coming with you. I again said haha, you're funny, good night. Then he said "just for 20 minutes". To which I said more sternly, no, have a good night.


I told my cruise critic friends I was hanging out with and he became 20 minute man the rest of the 10 days. Hours of jokes! I had to make the guys swear not to confront him though haha. He didn't come near me the rest of the cruise and he found out I was on cruise critic, at our meet and greet, which 11 senior officers came to...including the Captain. I thought he was going to pee his pants. I set it up so all the senior officers talked to me often the rest of the cruise and He was sweating bullets the rest of the cruise. I made sure he sweat a little extra when I was talking to a ship officer and he was nearby. I think he learned a lesson. :D I can be a bit evil and I thought that was more effective to torture him than just tell the CD since it would be my word against his.

Edited by pkt1976
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Sure, that one was the only crew member, the rest were passengers. I didn't even know his name at the time but I danced with him a couple times at the Halloween party which was the first night on that sailing. We were chatting a bit once the party was over. Nothing exciting, where we were from, how long he'd been on ship, no flirting at all. I said I was going to my cabin, he asked if he could come with me. I knew he was serious but laughed it off as I knew he could get fired and no dude I just met and I don't know you name, not gonna happen. I said Haha, you're so funny. He said something like oh yeah....I'm coming with you. I again said haha, you're funny, good night. Then he said "just for 20 minutes". To which I said more sternly, no, have a good night.


I told my cruise critic friends I was hanging out with and he became 20 minute man the rest of the 10 days. Hours of jokes! I had to make the guys swear not to confront him though haha. He didn't come near me the rest of the cruise and he found out I was on cruise critic, at our meet and greet, which 11 senior officers came to...including the Captain. I thought he was going to pee his pants. I set it up so all the senior officers talked to me often the rest of the cruise and He was sweating bullets the rest of the cruise. I made sure he sweat a little extra when I was talking to a ship officer and he was nearby. I think he learned a lesson. :D I can be a bit evil and I thought that was more effective to torture him than just tell the CD since it would be my word against his.


Ow! I/m aching with laughter at how you neatly dealt with him! The ship's officers WOULD have noticed something was happening, in their position they'd be very good at noticing without seeming to be aware of what's going on!

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Sure, that one was the only crew member, the rest were passengers. I didn't even know his name at the time but I danced with him a couple times at the Halloween party which was the first night on that sailing. We were chatting a bit once the party was over. Nothing exciting, where we were from, how long he'd been on ship, no flirting at all. I said I was going to my cabin, he asked if he could come with me. I knew he was serious but laughed it off as I knew he could get fired and no dude I just met and I don't know you name, not gonna happen. I said Haha, you're so funny. He said something like oh yeah....I'm coming with you. I again said haha, you're funny, good night. Then he said "just for 20 minutes". To which I said more sternly, no, have a good night.


I told my cruise critic friends I was hanging out with and he became 20 minute man the rest of the 10 days. Hours of jokes! I had to make the guys swear not to confront him though haha. He didn't come near me the rest of the cruise and he found out I was on cruise critic, at our meet and greet, which 11 senior officers came to...including the Captain. I thought he was going to pee his pants. I set it up so all the senior officers talked to me often the rest of the cruise and He was sweating bullets the rest of the cruise. I made sure he sweat a little extra when I was talking to a ship officer and he was nearby. I think he learned a lesson. :D I can be a bit evil and I thought that was more effective to torture him than just tell the CD since it would be my word against his.


I'm still wondering how this even has any relevance to the mailbox name tags. Seriously, hanging out with the guy relates how to the mailbox name tags? I'm pretty sure your messing with him may have something to do with the situation. Maybe??:confused:


Mailbox name tags are responsible for this, how?

Edited by ar1950
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I have an odd question.


If I go down to passenger services, would they print out a name card for me with a male name?


I know it seems odd, but I am traveling solo and don't want to advertise that I am alone so I will either pull my name card out or I wonder if the passenger services would print me out a new card with a male name on it so it will look like there are two people in the cabin.


I may be paranoid, but better paranoid and safe.


You are not paranoid, I could tell you a story from my last cruise, that had a person hauled before security, for harrasement.


Cpl tips, when going back to your cabin, sort of take a roundabout route.


When you are back at your cabin for the evening place 2 or 3 empty beer cans outside your door.(advise your steward why)


Don't leave your cruise card lying around so it can be read, and if on a lanyard slip it between 2 blank pieces of paper.


Try and sit with cpls at bars and theatre.


Never walk the upper decks alone late at night.


When you do your laundry, take a Cpl of boy-leg (male) underwear with you.


P/s harrassement and stalking is not just a male thing, females are quite capable as well.


Do the name-door tag thing.


Wear a cheap wedding set.


Wear a dumb tee-shirt that's says My Boyfriend bought me a Mansion(you get the picture)


Openly tell people, that your job is in law-enforcement.


Try to hook-up with gay-males as companions, and friends.

Edited by mrs and mrs
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I'm still wondering how this even has any relevance to the mailbox name tags. Seriously, hanging out with the guy relates how to the mailbox name tags? I'm pretty sure your messing with him may have something to do with the situation. Maybe??:confused:


Mailbox name tags are responsible for this, how?


I'll be happy to answer you. I never said name tags had anything to do with this particular story so not sure why you are confused. i did see the version before editing too.


#1 someone, who was NOT you asked specifically for the story and so i shared it.


#2 Perhaps you didn't read my post about why I remove my name tag when sailing solo so I'll post it for you again.

"It is NOT odd. I seem to have the amazing super power to attract the attention of at least 1 creep per cruise when I sail solo. yeah....I have some stories. I name them- A few are Fox boy, scooter man, 20 minute man, MBA man, 80 year old "virgin".


I did have one find my cabin and start trying to call me and knocking on my door. I had to get security involved because despite telling him to leave me alone and threatening to tell his wife, he kept doing it.


After that, if I sail solo, I remove the name card.


It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, you need to do what makes you feel safe. If you think you'll forget your cabin, put a decoration up"


#3 I was not "hanging out" with him. His job is to dance with guests. Crew members are not allowed in the guest rooms. Crew members are not allowed to do the horizontal mambo with guests on the ship (which was what he wanted). There was a bit more that he did I didn't share because it shouldn't matter. I gave him not one but 2 outs and he still went for a third. 2 dances and a 5 minutes where are you from conversation does not mean you are coming to my cabin no matter who you are.


trust that clarfies

Edited by pkt1976
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This brought out some really interesting and educational stories. I do understand the need to be cautious particularly for women traveling alone. I am a male and traveled every week in my job staying in countless hotels and driving rental cars. I remember the countless times I tried to open my hotel door only to realize I was at the wrong room. I often wondered what someone inside might think when they heard the noise. Same went for rental cars when many times I have tried to open the wrong car because I had forgotten what rental car I had that day. It happens when every week you have a different room or car.


Now for my funniest story. I had parked my rental car and gone into a big box store. When I came out I attempted to unlock my car only to find out the key did not work. I tried again and still it would not work when I glanced inside and noticed articles inside that did not belong to me. Realizing I had the wrong car, I turned to walk away when standing there was the owner! Red faced I attempted to explain what had happened but I am not sure he bought the story. I just slinked off looking for my rental car terribly embarrassed. Did it ever happen again you might ask and the answer is yes of course.

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Can I ask which other lines do so? We've cruised HAL, Carnival, Cunard, Royal and Celebrity - and none of them have the names on the outside of the cabin. And on none of them have room stewards had a problem knowing our names...



My experience too.

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Thanks everyone for all of your help and feedback. I'll take the name card down and leave it at that.


Thanks also for those who are encouraging and understand. Better a little bit too cautious, but safe.


For the few who didn't seem to get it, all I can say is that you are obviously not a female solo traveler.

Well, I'm a female solo traveler and I don't get it. Remember, your cabin door actually locks, which is traditionally a very effective method of keeping out unwanted visitors. It's not like the presence of a name tag with a single name on it somehow magically opens the door from outside.

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Well, I'm a female solo traveler and I don't get it. Remember, your cabin door actually locks, which is traditionally a very effective method of keeping out unwanted visitors. It's not like the presence of a name tag with a single name on it somehow magically opens the door from outside.


So, Annie, the hallway outside your door doesn't become clogged with would-be suitors? ;)

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This brought out some really interesting and educational stories. I do understand the need to be cautious particularly for women traveling alone. I am a male and traveled every week in my job staying in countless hotels and driving rental cars. I remember the countless times I tried to open my hotel door only to realize I was at the wrong room.


On more than one occasion when checking into a hotel I was assigned a room that already was occupied by someone else.


I was lucky when opening the door that either the person was not there at the time or that I realized so fast it was occupied I could leave before I was spotted by the occupant.

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Now for my funniest story. I had parked my rental car and gone into a big box store. When I came out I attempted to unlock my car only to find out the key did not work. I tried again and still it would not work when I glanced inside and noticed articles inside that did not belong to me. Realizing I had the wrong car, I turned to walk away when standing there was the owner! .


You were fortunate that the key did not open the car.


There are a limited number of ways of making the keys, so a key can open another car if by coincidence you happen upon that other car.


A friend once gave me his car key and asked me to get something from his car in the parking lot. I went to a car that looked just like his and his key opened it. I soon realized it was not his car and then found his car elsewhere in the parking lot. Luckily, the owner of that other car did not show up while I was inside of it.

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Well, I'm a female solo traveler and I don't get it. Remember, your cabin door actually locks, which is traditionally a very effective method of keeping out unwanted visitors. It's not like the presence of a name tag with a single name on it somehow magically opens the door from outside.


Lucky you. A locked door doesn't always work. People have keys and all in room "extra" locks can be over-ridden if you know how. It's why I carry a plastic door stop.


I hope that you never have to experience anything that changes your world view for the worse. Blessed Be.

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Lucky you. A locked door doesn't always work. People have keys and all in room "extra" locks can be over-ridden if you know how. It's why I carry a plastic door stop.

Not really necessary but a nice idea for extra protection. Just lightweight anyway.

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