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Okay we have the smoking thread, what about BALCONY MUSIC

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It's TECHNICALLY not against the rules to have loud, screaming sex on your balcony either, right?


Well it is is the balcony that I PAID FOR, and I should get to use it how I WANT, right? I mean we'll keep the sex to a level that we feel to be reasonable, so why isn't that enough for you?


If it bothers you so much, you can just wear earplugs.


There comes a point when a poster defending their point starts to come across as a someone having a conniption who is beyond reason.


We get it. You do not approve of music on the balcony.

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No if you have sex in your porch out in the open at your own home in front of other homes with no shades closes, it is an illegal act. Yes, even in your own home.


Thank you for removing your husband's affiliations. When he gets home, ask him about OPSEC and why you shouldn't post what you posted.

Edited by triptolemus
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(I believe the sex has already been put to bed {pun intended})


So about the reasonableness, I bring it up because that's a pretty decent test of right and wrong (a pragmatic form of the veil of ignorance so to speak). It would be reasonable to assume that noise will come from other cabins around us given our environment. Should we expect lots of cussing and yelling and fighting? No. Can we expect talking, laughing and or music at a normal volume? Yes (even more so when during the day the bands (or DJ) on the topic deck tend to be heard around the ship).


Though to somewhat put this to rest, according to RCL, you are not allowed to bring on "boom boxes or loud radios". So it seems even they side on radios of a usual volume. ^_^

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It's TECHNICALLY not against the rules to have loud, screaming sex on your balcony either, right?


Well it is is the balcony that I PAID FOR, and I should get to use it how I WANT, right? I mean we'll keep the sex to a level that we feel to be reasonable, so why isn't that enough for you?


If it bothers you so much, you can just wear earplugs.

I am sure that would be video recorded and posted for the world to see so go for it :D

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You are right, I don't consider other people when I don't wear headphones. That is because they hurt my ears, so I wear them as little as possible. And I especially don't wear them if I am sitting with another person. Now that would be extremely rude. My husband and I will enjoy sitting on our balcony, with our mini speaker, playing our music at a comfortable volume. Now, if my husband was sitting out there alone, he would be wearing his earbuds, because he routinely listens to them via his earbuds. I on the other hand, get extreme ear aches when I use my earbuds for any length of time.




Like you headphones hurt my ears and earbuds don't stay in (guess I need to keep shopping for some that fit better). I use my speaker for my classical music but keep it low. I hope this doesn't bother anyone. However, glad for the post so I am reminded that the majority of cruisers prefer silence on the balconies. Happy sailing! BTW, I do check with neighbors to make sure they are not bothered. Good thing it's my kids on both sides of me![emoji16]



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BTW, I do check with neighbors to make sure they are not bothered.

And this is all reasonable people ask. :) Ultimately, it's a pointless argument because there are folks who will always consider themselves first (and "right") no matter what.


Even if I was doing something perfectly legal and within my "rights", if I knew it bothered someone else I would stop doing it. I'm from the 'treat others as you would like to be treated' camp. Whether I am on a cruise or not.


As I mentioned several times upthread, luckily most of the world operates the same way and thankfully most people are generally kind and considerate of others. Which is why after dozens of cruises I have never encountered anyone playing music on their balcony. :)

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Exactly! While I try to always be considerate of others I am also reminded of something my brother told me. He said, "when you are cruising you have to be relaxed and not get up tight about everything--let things go and don't take things personally. After all, you're around different people, different cultures and different ways of doing things. If you're uptight you'll never have a good time!"

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Exactly! While I try to always be considerate of others I am also reminded of something my brother told me. He said, "when you are cruising you have to be relaxed and not get up tight about everything--let things go and don't take things personally. After all, you're around different people, different cultures and different ways of doing things. If you're uptight you'll never have a good time!"

Good advice - and I'll add that because of all the reasons your brother mentioned, it just adds more motivation to put in the extra effort to be careful not to offend others! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to revive this, BUT, we just got off the Escape this week. Great sailing and posted review on Board. One of the highlights for me was the German family above us that every port day, scrambled out onto the balcony to crank up some disco classics like "I need some hot stuff baby tonight" and "Bad Girls...Talkin Bout Bad Girls." It was loud and they did this even as we pulled into Miami. This was also interspersed with lots of shouting in German and in English "I will kill you" and "Do you want me to hurt you?" I think this was in response to one member of the family trying to turn down the music. Honestly, we all laughed about it and were singing hot stuff baby tonight all week. lol

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  • 1 year later...

This thread.


WOW! up tight?



There's a small, or actually large issue that seems to be overlooked.


When booking a balcony you need to realize one thing right off the bat: you'll have neighbors. Not only will you have neighbors but you'll have neighbors in extreme proximity to you.


In short, you've "rented" a extremely small studio apartment with neighbors usually less than two arms length away to the left, right, above and below.


It's a well known fact the walls are more or less paper thin. Our first and last inside room allowed us to hear our neighbors failed 3 hour attempt at intimacy, from 12am till 3am.


Did we cry about it? NO!! Why?


Because if we had a condition of zero disturbances we would have sprung for a higher end room, or not put ourselves on a ship where booze flows freely and people are letting loose ( you know, vacation? )


Simply put, you and thousands of others are crammed together as tightly as possible into a large floating apartment complex.


I've seen responses saying "go to the pool deck if you want music."


First problem, what if the pool deck isn't playing what we want to hear? Why can't we enjoy nice background music while enjoying the sites/drink etc from the balcony we paid for? If you have an expectation of relaxation, are we not allowed the same?


Secondly, what if we are with a group of people (and we have been twice now ) who want to enjoy our company with background music? Most pool deck bands don't really allow for casual conversation. Not to mention I've seen complaints about people playing thier own music over the supplied pool deck music.


Why can't you find another area of the ship to have "quiet time"? I wouldn't even think of asking you to go elsewhere.


We discovered on the ship we cruise most, aft has an actual "quiet" area. Never crowded, people reading, napping.


The statement seen over and over again "it's outrageous and rude to not use headphones/earphones/earbuds while listening to your music on YOUR balcony"


Again, you only need two people ( my long time girlfriend and myself ) to make this not feasible. We're there to enjoy each other's company while relaxing.


It's not lost on me how musical tastes can vary and will almost always exacerbate the issue. If 24/7 quiet is required you took the wrong vacation.


I think you'll find MOST people who are enjoying music comfortably on THIER balcony do so for reasonable amounts of time, and at reasonable hours. There will be outliers.


You're not entitled to 24/7 peace and quiet, as much as those playing music are not entitled to play music at unreasonable volumes and hours, regardless of the genre.


If 100% silence it's a requirement of a vacation, you really should consider another form of vacationing. Camping in the middle of a state forest might suit your needs. Never came across a tree holding a Bluetooth speaker blasting "to legit to quit"


Consideration should be applied by both sides. I feel it's perfectly acceptable to ask the music to be turned down if it's blasting. Hopefully most people would comply, likely not aware the music was that loud. Likewise you ( anyone ) should be more tolerant in reverse.


Lastly there is a lot of "me me me" A lot of unrealistic expectations here. I'll agree 100000% you have the right to enjoy your vacation. Obviously, you paid for the room. Scrimped and saved ( or haven't )and this should be refreshing for you.


Realize it's not all about you. 1000's of other people have also scrimped, saved ( or not ) to relax just as you want to.

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I love country music and I know a lot of people cannot stand it. So to enjoy my music I will wear headphones.


When I converse with my family I don't need background music. In fact one of the things I love out in the middle of the ocean is to look out at the beauty of our earth without audio stimulation. Sometimes. Other times music is nice. On our last cruise my sweet sister put together a playlist of cruisy-ocean songs. It was nice. Luckily our DOS balcony only had 1 neighbor and they were not there during this concert.


I also enjoy seeing and hearing others, even kids, having fun. But not constantly.



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This thread is absurd and has descended into pure name-calling and worthless drivel. Can this please get locked?



It had been dead for over a year. If it was going to be locked for name calling, it should have been back then.

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i bring a small bluetooth speaker and listen to music at a moderate volume in my cabin and on my balcony.

i make sure that i don't do it at night or too early in the morning when people might be sleeping...

haven't ever had a complaint but i also usually do a quick peek over the railing to see if there's anyone out on their balcony around me. if there are others out, i would place the speaker inside the room pointing out the open door instead of actually on the balcony with me.

IMO, if you're respectful there's no reason why you can't enjoy your music. balconies aren't designated "quiet zones" or anything like that.


Ditto and let me add I have had four adults on the balcony next to me really whooping and holloring up. My wife and I loved that they were having a good time with friends and family. Of course this was during a sail away not at 3 AM.

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To me you have to weigh how much something bothers you. On the confines of a ship with 3000 or more people there will be several times I will be annoyed by the behavior of others. I personally can't stand the shrill sound of young kids yelling and running into me but guess what they are just being kids so I overlook it. I don't like getting run over or into by someone in a scooter and then I thank God I don't need one yet. I don't like hearing one side of a cell phone conversation but I hope it will be over in a minute and I can go back to enjoying my meal. My point is I chose my battles wisely and try not to let the small stuff get to me. I enjoy music on my balcony, at a low volume and never for more than 30 minutes, usually less. I also make sure my neighbors are okay with it and I make sure they know I will not be offended it they want me to turn it off. If someone played it for hours on end I would have to ask why they bothered to spend the money for a cruise.

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I love to sit on my balcony and listen to music, but so I won't interrupt someone else's quite time (as a lot of people just love quite time ontheir balcony), I wear my earbuds. This way I can enjoy my music and they can enjoy their balcony without having to hear my music - it just seems like the right thing to do as far as I'm concerned, of course, others feel differently.

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It's TECHNICALLY not against the rules to have loud, screaming sex on your balcony either, right?


Well it is is the balcony that I PAID FOR, and I should get to use it how I WANT, right? I mean we'll keep the sex to a level that we feel to be reasonable, so why isn't that enough for you?


If it bothers you so much, you can just wear earplugs.




The music playing is a nice way to cover up the sounds of marital relations! And no peaking around into neighbors balconies.



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Outdoor space has its own unique characteristics and i think by its nature that you are setting yourself up for anxiety and disappointment if you expect silence while in the great outdoors whether you are on a ship's balcony, your balcony at home, your backyard or your shared rooftop terrace. Of course you expect voices and laughter (i haven't heard anyone answer yet the question over expectations that people are silent), sirens, traffic and street noise, crashing waves and neighbor activity whether it be lawn mowing, music, fighting or playing (all situation dependent). Socially, the norm tends to be that some of these sources of noise are unacceptable at night time, usually after 11pm.


How is a balcony on a ship with 4200 people any different? I was on the Escape in May and although i hadn't noticed it on the way to Bermuda, i found that during certain hours of the afternoon when docked, the music from 5 O'Clock Somewhere bar traveled easily from it's low deck position all the way up to my 15th floor balcony. The music was loud and the bar patrons singing along were even louder! To be honest it was a bit surprising but I didn't let it bother me because I was outdoors, so were they and that's life! I don't own or control the outdoor space.


I must say i would find it quite ironic and unwelcome if i were playing my own music at a reasonable level on my balcony at the same time when music is blaring from below for someone to consider asking me to turn mine down! I probably wouldn't hear them over the bar noise.


If you are vacationing among people in the great outdoors and have an expectation of silence, I would suggest perhaps a meditation retreat rather than a cruise!

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Here’s one for you. On the Escape last summer, my girls were playing music when sailing. Got a call from security to turn it down and they asked me next door about it. I went out on my balcony to have them turn their music down to where i couldn’t hear it and told them we’d apologize to the much older ladies next door when we saw them. Then, 20 minutes later security knocked on the door to tell them to turn it off. I’d been on my balcony the entire time. I heard nothing from my daughters’ room next door. I invited security onto my balcony and they couldn’t hear it either. At that point I’m sorry, I played the “I paid for my spaces too” card. Seemed ridiculous to me... cannot please some people. It was likely the OP!!!



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Here’s one for you. On the Escape last summer, my girls were playing music when sailing. Got a call from security to turn it down and they asked me next door about it. I went out on my balcony to have them turn their music down to where i couldn’t hear it and told them we’d apologize to the much older ladies next door when we saw them. Then, 20 minutes later security knocked on the door to tell them to turn it off. I’d been on my balcony the entire time. I heard nothing from my daughters’ room next door. I invited security onto my balcony and they couldn’t hear it either. At that point I’m sorry, I played the “I paid for my spaces too” card. Seemed ridiculous to me... cannot please some people. It was likely the OP!!!



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Small world ;)

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