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Absolutely appalling behavior from a Diamond member

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Jerks are jerks. Status is just an extra tool in their tool belt to pull out when they don't get their way. Doesn't matter if they're Gold or Pinnacle or anything in between.


Thanks Aquahound for saying what I was going to. Many other good comments here by other as well.

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Jerks are jerks. Status is just an extra tool in their tool belt to pull out when they don't get their way. Doesn't matter if they're Gold or Pinnacle or anything in between.

I missed AH's post with this, but love the reply. Being Diamond I was just a little offended by this post and you know you can't offend anyone anymore without consequences! ;), and in a totally unrelated note, I am thinking of titling my future trip reports - BLUE COLLAR DIAMOND CRUISING sails on........



Sadly these employees see this frequently and our use to it. The worst I have ever seen was in Belize, We had a snorkeling excursion. We waited at the pier for almost 2 hours for the boat to show up. There was an Explorations person there keeping us updated. Finally the excursion was canceled and the guy told us to go to the Explorations desk for a 125% refund of the excursion price. I was in line at that desk when a fellow, status/ nationality/ sexual preference unknown, launched into the worst tirade I had ever seen using all the stereotypical threats. The German lady just stood emotionless until he left and turned to me and said, "Next". I explained what I was told, she credited me with the amount stated and I moved on, but not after feeling like I had to apologize for my fellow passenger's tirade.

Edited by BillOh
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This may be true, but in my own past experience, the only reason I would KNOW their status in the first place is because they FOUND a reason to point that fact out. And usually it has nothing at all to do with the conversation I'm having with them. I find that to be an immediate turn off from wanting to get to know that person further. I find many people lately looking for ways to tell me their status - and believe me, I NEVER ask, I don't care.


As for the pins, I don't mind someone wearing their pin on their shirt, or lapel - but I got a big kick out of the woman on my last cruise wearing her pin on her bathing suit!


And how many times has that actually happened?


I'm 100% sure that I've met more Pinnacles that haven't told me than have. I found out later at another reception who they were.


More importantly, how many of the people you have met have tried to use status as a "weapon".


We hear about the one person who is dominating the concierge's time, or that is checking that people are ok to be in a lounge (neither of which, I've ever seen), but that's one person out of the entire lounge. And it's also one person out of the entire ship who can be in the lounge- since there's many who can go to the lounge, but don't.


Again, one person does not define a group. It defines themselves.

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we are on the Harmony now and there is a person running around with her "pinnacle pin" very prominently displayed. I'm thinking that's interesting and I wonder exactly why it is being worn. Hoping that the staff will somehow treat them differently? that other passengers will be impressed? At the "top tier" recognition event earlier in the week the ship gave out the bubbly to the three passengers with the most points. this person ended up being in third place.


It really is unfortunate that folks feel the 'need' to berate others and I agree it has little to do with status which was inevitably PURCHASED and everything to do with self-esteem levels.

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It's too bad she didn't experience my Star Class treatment this March. D+ and poor embarkation day treatment, she would have blown a gasket for sure. :')

Maybe she is "Napoleon's" wife!

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I witnessed a lady at Guest Services stamping her feet, pounding her hands on the counter, screaming she wanted a supervisor/manager - all because she put her pillow in one of those 99 cent reusable grocery bags, sent it through with her luggage, and one of the seams got ripped. The seamstress that works on the costumes came out, with the grocery bag, and told her she would repair it, but that wasn't good enough. The passenger wanted money and extra OBC - which she didn't get. Her husband was standing off to the side trying to act like he didn't know her. It was ridiculous.

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I knew someone would take offense to my apparent singling out of Boise, Idaho [emoji849]


For the record, I have never been there, but since I have a dream of visiting all 50 states someday, I will be delighted to see all of its various delights when I'm, oh, 92.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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And how many times has that actually happened?


I'm 100% sure that I've met more Pinnacles that haven't told me than have. I found out later at another reception who they were.


More importantly, how many of the people you have met have tried to use status as a "weapon".


We hear about the one person who is dominating the concierge's time, or that is checking that people are ok to be in a lounge (neither of which, I've ever seen), but that's one person out of the entire lounge. And it's also one person out of the entire ship who can be in the lounge- since there's many who can go to the lounge, but don't.


Again, one person does not define a group. It defines themselves.



I agree, I started a thread in the Diamond Group when I became Diamond titled, "Diamonds I've met" it discussed the first two Diamond people I met and the contrast between them. Both of those interactions that I talked about where very memorable to me. The point and conclusion of the thread was there are many more nice Diamonds than not.

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Hi all,


We were on the Allure last week (I will post a more detailed review later) but I wanted to bring up an experience we had at guest services.


We were in line (for something really minor, mind you) and there were only two VERY overworked people at the desk. The lady in front of us got up to the front and started SCREAMING at the poor lady, calling her names, swearing, demanding compensation for having to wait, and following it all up with, "I'm a DIAMOND member, and I pay YOUR paycheck." Thankfully some people, including ourselves, told the lady off and to leave the poor attendant (who looked like she was about to cry) alone.


Just...don't treat customer service people like crap. I don't care how high of a level you are, but please don't treat customer service workers like they're subhuman.

OMG what arrogant and shocking behaviour guest services are just doing a job and they like everyone else do not deserve to be spoken to like that.

We always find that if you are respectful and calm more often than not people will do the best they can for you.

We will be Diamond+ for our June cruise but would never dream of lording it over anyone.


43 cruises and counting.

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Isn't that the entire reason for people walking around with their Pinnacle pins on? My friend and I just laughed on Harmony every time we would walk past them. As we quietly would say 'oh yeah? Well I'm gold!'

TBH i wouldn't know what the pin looked like but i have time for everyone if they are friendly but if they act snooty i make my excuses and leave.


43 cruises and counting.

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read on Disney boards/not here, people talking about how thankful the staff is for their family pictures, and bags of candy left in place of cash tips. They also brag about bringing their "old" clothes and donating them to the adoring staff members who fall over themselves thanking the rich American cruisers for their generosity of used clothes. Idiots..

Really just checking its not April 1st.


43 cruises and counting.

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But in reality, these people don't want the issues resolving, they want to be seen screaming and shouting and in their minds, looking important.

If they had been on P&O, they would have been removed at the next port.

Or made to walk the gang plank lol.


43 cruises and counting.

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First, I don't see anything wrong with someone acknowledging their C&A status, in passing, but not for things like this. I am (finally) a diamond and do enjoy some of the misc perks that come with it (lounge, balcony discounts, etc..). With that said, I do NOT feel I am entitled to any preferential treatment or am better than any other passenger on the ship. ALL the crew work hard and need to be respected. They are who make our wonderful vacations possible .


Obviously the individual that the OP is referring to seemed to forget all those lessons we needed to know about life that we learned in kindergarten. Either way, kudos to the OP and the other passengers for (hopefully) setting the rude guest straight.



Hear,hear. Very well said.


43 cruises and counting.

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Jerks are jerks. Status is just an extra tool in their tool belt to pull out when they don't get their way. Doesn't matter if they're Gold or Pinnacle or anything in between.

Speak nice and more often than not you will be pleasantly surprised with the result.


43 cruises and counting.

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I do recall reading several DIS posters who thought they were the cat's meow for bringing aboard bags of candy for the crew, but those weren't in place of cash tips, they were in addition to the tips and for crew members like the youth counselors who weren't supposed to accept cash tips. I don't care if someone wants to bring some candy or trinkets onboard for the crew members, just the ones who act like it makes them a better person than the rest of the cruisers who are giving the crew cash tips and only cash tips.


I don't recall seeing anybody saying that they donate their used clothing to the crew. I would have remembered that one.


DCL gives you a lanyard to wear with your status on it. Of course you don't get much for status on DCL. I wonder if I'm supposed to wear a lower status one on purpose so it won't look like I'm bragging. I don't like lanyards anyway, but I'll lose my key card if I don't use one.

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Hm, this is an interesting observation and indeed shows a new anger quality onboard Royal. I was educated by smarter people here on CC that this behavior typically is to be found only with Pinnacles. Now we see this unacceptable behavior spread to the commons.


I have "merely" Platinum status and will likely never reach Pinnacle status. That said, every person I have ever met who had Pinnacle status was very kind and helpful. I enjoyed hearing about their experiences to get to Pinnacle and some of the "insider" tips and tricks that only a truly veteran cruiser can share about the various ships.


I seldom know who is Diamond, Diamond Plus or Pinnacle unless it is brought to my attention in some way. I certainly don't ask others for their "status" or volunteer mine in a usual "getting to know you" conversation.


Rude people are rude people no matter how much money they have, or how many times they have cruised. Maybe some of those who have achieved Pinnacle status know better than to accept the "can't do anything about it" dismissive canned responses that are sometimes received. Maybe their persistence is perceived as rudeness. Or maybe they really are just rude people.


Loyalty status has nothing to do with attitude. If you are a miserable human being, you are going to be a miserable human being from first time cruiser right up through Pinnacle.

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It could've been any one at ANY status that acted like that passenger did. The person is an idiot. There are idiots everywhere and at every level in C&A. Being a Diamond Member isn't such a big thing at all. It doesn't take much to get there so it's nothing to brag about IMO.

The person clearly doesn't know the proper way to get her message across.

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I do recall reading several DIS posters who thought they were the cat's meow for bringing aboard bags of candy for the crew, but those weren't in place of cash tips, they were in addition to the tips and for crew members like the youth counselors who weren't supposed to accept cash tips. I don't care if someone wants to bring some candy or trinkets onboard for the crew members, just the ones who act like it makes them a better person than the rest of the cruisers who are giving the crew cash tips and only cash tips.


I don't recall seeing anybody saying that they donate their used clothing to the crew. I would have remembered that one.


DCL gives you a lanyard to wear with your status on it. Of course you don't get much for status on DCL. I wonder if I'm supposed to wear a lower status one on purpose so it won't look like I'm bragging. I don't like lanyards anyway, but I'll lose my key card if I don't use one.


One of my favorites posts there was someone who invited the room service guy onto their veranda to see the view. They said he was so thankful because he never got to see the outside. Another poster said they brought fruit back from the buffet to give to their room steward.

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You started well, noting that there are people out there who think it's ok to be angry and make sure everyone else around knows it- so they can get their way.


Then you ruined it by the idea that it's only Pinnacles that act like this.


The action by this person has nothing to do with their status- they are using it as a weapon. Jerks are jerks no matter if it's their first cruise or 300th.


It makes me cringe when I see people label people with cruising status as bad people- we've been on plenty of cruises, met a lot of Pinnacles, and still haven't seen one that is a massive jerk like the OP saw.


The reality of the world is that people in the OP's story are (thankfully) few and far between. But it was good that others stood up to them. It's far from actually common. The problems is when it happens, everyone sees it, and then makes huge assumptions of a group of people. When, in fact, it's just one.


If you want to choose to get offended by people who like to have a Pinnacle name tag or a Diamond member who likes to wear their pin- fine, go for it. But you judgement may mean you miss out meeting some very cool people. And all you are really doing is finding ways to make YOU upset on a cruise. Even if it's minor and/or a joke- it's still in your mind.


And how many times has that actually happened?


I'm 100% sure that I've met more Pinnacles that haven't told me than have. I found out later at another reception who they were.


More importantly, how many of the people you have met have tried to use status as a "weapon".


We hear about the one person who is dominating the concierge's time, or that is checking that people are ok to be in a lounge (neither of which, I've ever seen), but that's one person out of the entire lounge. And it's also one person out of the entire ship who can be in the lounge- since there's many who can go to the lounge, but don't.


Again, one person does not define a group. It defines themselves.


Very well said!!! Pretty much exactly what I wanted to say! Worded much nicer than I probably would have been able. We have met some of the biggest jerks (who just happened to be Pinnacle). With that being said 99.99% of the Pinnacles we have met have been awesome! Some we knew were P because they were wearing their pins. (the crew had asked them to do so). We have met some of the nicest people around and then later found out they are P! Had no idea while we were speaking with them! We also have met some of the rudest, most annoying folks around to then only "hear" that they are Gold, Platinum, Emerald, etc! I agree tier level does not made you a bad, ugly, rude person!!!

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Your post reminded me of a guy we had breakfast with one morning (and made sure to avoid the rest of the cruise!)... He introduced himself by saying "I'm Gary and I'm a diamond plus". Then he went on to talk talk talk all about himself, leaving no breaks in the conversation, and bragging about all of his perks. It was a super fun breakfast?

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