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Live From May 1 2017 Caribbean Princess British Isles cruise


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This is a great review. Thanks for taking the time to let us enjoy


It looks like an amazing trip


I really hope that there is more of Joe but I guess not:')


I am sure the ladies will be willing to find you another Joe


Enjoy your trip.

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On cruises I normally go dance or see shows every night but this cruise for me is about the experiences on shore. I kept thinking today how I could have never seen this amazing area and how fortunate I am. My ankles are already swollen (wearing compression socks again tonight to get them back down) but it's worth it to see and experience it all. "Suck it up and go " is my mantra this trip [emoji23]







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I've had success with sticking the life vest under the mattress at the foot of the bed to elevate my feet while sleeping. If I forget to do this then my ankles are swollen when I wake up. Thanks for your review, we're cruising the British Isles on 8/17.

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Where did it pick-up please?


The Dublin shuttle was back and forth from the ship to the point at Merrion Square I described.


I think all the free shuttles on the previous itinerary -- Dublin, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge (the one to the port entrance only) -- were provided by their respective port authorities. The Princess ones provided concurrently were always pay per round-trip.

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We are using Odyssey Tours the end of May. Was their bus right as you got off the ship? Thank you for sharing.




Yes, it was In the port area



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Did Princess collect your passports at any point? In old reviews, it mentions collecting them for the Irish authority. But recent reviews don't... Just want to know what to expect.

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Yes, on the last cruise the passports were collected before Cobh, and returned a few days later (with a full-page stamp). Might get them back sooner on the current itinerary -- in our case, we also had a Hamburg stamp by then.

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Did Princess collect your passports at any point? In old reviews, it mentions collecting them for the Irish authority. But recent reviews don't... Just want to know what to expect.




Yes they collected them the first full day I think and we got them back today (first sea day)



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May 6th we arrived to Greenoch for Glasgow to yet another clear blue sky day. I have had amazing luck so far with the weather on this trip! Today I booked a tour with Timberbush tours. The Princess tour buses were inside the port and the private tour buses and cars were just outside the gate.


I'm mostly Irish and Scottish and I'd wondered where I got my orneriness from. Joe and Gail from Ireland were sweet, helpful and kind. I do have that side as well. After today, I think the orneriness is from the Scottish part [emoji38] Mark was checking folks in and they had at least 4 buses at this port. I was on his list but he started straight away that I couldn't go with him though. I knew he was messing with me but I tilted my head, gave him me best stare and said oh really? Just kidding, you can come along. And so the day of picking at each other began. What popped into my head was to say that I wouldn't be getting in a vehicle with a man with no kilt, but I decided to save that comment for later in the day. Mark was a great guide and a lot of fun. I did comment to him and a couple other guides who were picking on me later that I now know where the orneriness comes from. They were wearing kilts so that was the perfect time for the kilt joke. The other two thought it was hilarious. Apparently he's having a new one made.


This tour didn't meet until 8:45 so I got to sleep In a bit, which I was grateful for. We first stopped and Luss to see Loch Lomand. There were jet skis, kayaks and other small water toys available. We had about a 30 minute stop here so I took some photos and had some ice cream. The toilets were 30 pence to use so keep that in mind. On my walk to the Loch, a man was returning from the free restroom in the woods buckling his belt. He saw me and flushed red! I think he was a local though.


We drove through Dukes Pass and passed Marks favorite Loch, Loch Drunky. He said he was telling the truth and to google it, I'll need to when I get a chance. There was a lot of pastureland and tons and tons of sheep and lambs. There were three babies sleeping by a fence where we stopped so I was saying ahhhhh as he was saying yumm and he asked me if I'd named the yet [emoji23]


We stopped for lunch in a little town I apparently didn't write down. I had ice cream for lunch. The ice cream here is delicious and so creamy!


The next stop was Stirling Castle. Those on Timberbush tours got in for 12.50 pounds, normal price is 15. I think it's likely most tour companies have a deal with them. There was a very long line and from my research online, it wasn't the castle I wanted to see the most. Instead I opted to walk around and take photos.


I like details when taking photos so I'll take photos of a scene but also details of a statue, tree etc. a young man who worked there saw me framing a shot and we chatted for a bit. He told me how to find a path that goes along the perimeter of the castle that has great views and angles. Getting away from the crowd sounded lovely.


There were 4 other people who were locals the whole way. I got some awesome shots of the outside walls of the castle.... and a bit of peace and quiet. There was a young couple having a round of kissy face [emoji8] who jumped apart when they saw me approaching the area [emoji23] a bit later there was an older man bird watching who said hello so we chatted for a bit as well. I enjoy visiting sites but I also enjoy talking with locals. Telling them something I like about their home area has started many great conversations.


The path leads to a road which leads around to the front of the castle. I didn't know where it went so I turned around and went back. There is an old cemetery as well with lovely statues and headstones. While I was on the path, I heard someone playing bagpipes somewhere. Those at the castle and in the city didn't hear them so they must have been played somewhere behind the castle. I enjoyed looking up at the walls of the castle and the land below as I listened to them play. Of course once I had my phone out to record, the music stopped.


For those coming here, here's the way to the path. Facing the entrance, go to the left toward the cemetery. Go down the stairs and follow the path staying to the right. Around a curve there is a gravel path on the right. That is the path that follow. When you are on the road beneath the castle, the path is behind to line of the highest trees.


Once we finished at the castle, we headed black for a driving tour through Glasgow then back to the ship.


More later :) 6650ef6c2333661aef36aba4c9f34cd6.jpg8f87c40c9ac502e91c6d3381b6226167.jpg



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I've just discovered this thread and have read it from the beginning. We're very interested in spending more time on the British Isles but are debating land vs. cruise. This live from is so helpful. Great pics, too!


Thanks for taking the time to document your travels, and I'm so glad life has smiled on you to allow you the health to travel. You are an inspiration!

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I haven't posted much about the ship yet... mostly as I hadn't seen a lot of it this cruise. Wake , eat, go on tour, shower, eat, bed. That was pretty much my schedule the first several days. On cruises I normally go out every night to a show or dance but with full day tours 8 days in a row including London, I've been tired.


I've cruised Princess enough to have seen the shows and done the activities so this time I'd rather rest to be ready to go the next day. I did go to 50s night, where an Irish man swore vengeance on me [emoji23] there's a game they play (I won't spoil it for those who don't know) they pick 4 or 5 ladies to try it then the ladies pick men from the audience. I shouldn't be doing this activity because of the surgeries I'd had so I'm good at ducking out or I just tell them I can't. They gave my stick to a lady from China who didn't understand English well. When they said to pick a man she didn't understand and came to me. I tried to explain but she didn't understand so I took her to go find a man, and I wanted to find one who'd do ok. The first one would NOT look at me and I'm not quite that mean to go after him. The second was about 80 and not a good idea and was trying to hide behind his wife anyway. The third looked like he was going to cry when I looked at him! The 4 th looked right at me. Perfect, you are up buddy! I showed her how to "catch" him and off he went. His wife was happy and had her phone out in a flash to video him. While he was in stage he swore he'd get me back by the end of the cruise. ... twice Haha good luck with that [emoji256] .


The buffet area was refurbished and changed during the dry dock. The furniture is more comfortable I think and more modern. The food areas on the pool deck were changed and offer more food options. I tried the chicken tacos. They are ok to me. The grilled chicken sandwich was very good.


Today is the first much anticipated sea day so sleeping in and a dining room breakfast were great to enjoy! The cruise critic group did a cabin crawl where folks volunteered to show their cabins. We had a sideways inside and a window suite which are not common cabins. They did have the pub lunch today for free in the Crown Grill.


I did line dance class with the lovely Luci from Brazil.


I went to the penny whistle class which didn't go well. This is a basic wind instrument similar to a recorder. I asked uncle google before going as I didn't know what it was.


The teacher said Normally 5-10 people go to this, there were at least 70 people. I felt badly for the guy leading. He is the sax (I think he said) player in the orchestra and was overwhelmed with the number of people in the class. He'd planned to teach 3 songs and thought there would be a few classes during the cruise . While 70 people were making a cacophony of shrieks and squeaks I'm certain he was wondering what he'd gotten himself Into. [emoji23] to make matters worse, the entertainment director came In while he was trying to sort this out and apparently told him this would be the only class this cruise....I wonder if the photography department outside the room was threatening to abandon ship!! It truly was bad. I want to be clear this was not the band member's fault. I thought The class should have been limited to 10 people or so per teacher so he should have had more help or the class size should have been limited. He was being asked to do the impossible . They should have picked one song if they wanted a performance and it should have been a simple one. I have a feeling next cruise there will be changes to that.


I cut out early on that and went to the craft class. I think I'm better at the penny whistle then I am at making Celtic knots though. 5 tries later and I called it good enough. The instructions say to use needles but they weren't allowed to provide the needles as too many people...wait for it.... hurt themselves!! I know I'm terrible for laughing. I blame the Scottish ancestry again hehe!


Tonight is the marriage match game show, which I'm trying to get my table mates to sign up for. Other than, it's the usual -production show, live music, bingo and shopping. One trivia I haven't seen before is Harry Potter trivia. For dinner they changed to surf and turf to lobster and prawns. I'm bummed as I would get the filet only since I'm allergic to shellfish. I think there's beef Wellington too. I'm sure I won't starve!


Something else that is odd is the captain circle party isn't on a formal night, it's tomorrow night. I've only seen them be on formal nights so maybe there is an operational reason for the change. I'll try to remember to ask.


Tonight is the atrium balloon drop... at 10:45 pm ugggg. My tour tomorrow isn't until the afternoon so I may go. One of the darling cruise staff members said I'd better go....or she'd find me and then I'd be in trouble [emoji38] I should tell her that's my middle name.


The ship internet is taking way too much time to upload photos and is annoying me. I'll upload some here and there but will upload more when I get home.


Until next time [emoji568] 01355b116cff53b5e02303ed31a6a232.jpg0697e7297555ce8cb7e0d63c3d3a920b.jpg



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One more penny whistle crack before dinner.... I can play a few things like Mary had a little lamb, jaws, and the first Noel. It's a shame I can't play my heart will go on from titanic then teach people how then walk around the ship playing that!!! It's probably better this way.. there's likely a plank somewhere they'd find to make me walk hehehe !!



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Really enjoying your review thanks for doing it! Glad you are enjoying your trip. I have also booked with Odyssey for our July cruise and am wondering, did anyone get off when you were back in the Belfast city area? We have a late departure that night, I believe 9pm, and I was interested in seeing the murals. The person I have been emailing with from Odyssey said that we could get off in the city if we wanted and then we would just be responsible for getting ourselves back to the ship. Or did you get to see the murals from your bus tour? Thanks!

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Well folks our luck with the weather didn't Continue today. We were to port in Kirkwall for a stop In the Orkney Islands but due to high winds, we can not make it safely into port. Scara Brae was high on my wish list to see but I knew going into this trip this port is missed fairly often. So this means I'll need to come back!!!!


In other news, I have a lovely habit of losing my voice on cruises... I thought I'd get through this one without doing so but guess who sounds like a guy this morning ... yup me. We will see if I go full blown Minnie Mouse. I have methods to help it but in all the years I've had it off and on, never been able to stop it. It doesn't usually hurt, it's not contagious, it just annoys me. I have scar tissue in my vocal cords so the more I try to talk, the more they tighten up. One time my voice was gone the entire 7 days cruise. So wish me luck that it's only gone a day or two!!


Tour ticket costs are to be refunded and I'm sure port costs will be too. That's at least $100, guess who is going to Crown Grill!!!


I will report later on what they do for today since we can't port.



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The smart phone app was updated pretty quickly with the new events schedule and they also made announcements. My account is already credited with the excursion amount but not port fees yet. I will keep an eye on it and report how much that was.


They added bingo and a presentation on the Highlands this morning along with a few other events. They added a couple dance classes this afternoon I may go to. They are also having the pub lunch again.


I went down to the Crown Grill to review the menu and there were people complaining loudly at the front desk and the tour desk since we couldn't port. The Captain thoroughly explained earlier why we couldn't port and the steps he tried to take to get us to port. Of course I'm disappointed as well, but this is a part of cruising and especially in this area. The number one priority for the Captain is safety for the ship and those on it. If you book a private tour and it's not refundable, be sure to get insurance that covers it.


looking outside last night at the wind, swells and whitecaps told me missing the port today was likely. So many people in world will never get to see this beautiful area and I feel very fortunate to have had the amazing port days we've had so far.


I watched Collateral Beauty, what a beautiful movie. Will Smith is a phenomenal actor.


I did help someone yesterday before I lost my voice thankfully and wanted to share this for anyone who hasn't sailed on Princess yet. If you have you already know this bit so you can skip on by. In the shower there is a button on both knobs to push to get past a certain point. One is to make the water hotter. The other is to make the water volume higher. You should be able to push the button to keep turning the knobs. I went to show the person how to do this, but their button seems to be broken as I couldn't make it work so they notified their room steward to get it fixed.







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