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UBP Price Increase to 89$ pp pd?


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Something seems off about this to me. The current Free At Sea promo ends on October 2, 2017, with $79 pp/pd as the stated price of the Ultimate Beverage Package in the terms and conditions. I don't see how this date of September 29, 2017 could be correct, given that it's still within the time frame covered by the current Free At Sea promo terms and conditions.


Am I missing something here? Can someone please enlighten me if I am?

When the free at see promo gets extended on October 3, it will be updated for the new UBP price most likely. By having a few days gap between the new UBP price and the new extended free at sea promo, it allows them to update whatever system they are using

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I just completed 2 mock bookings for my Nov 26 sailing. Both of which were insides, the lowest rates possible, one with UBP and one without (ix category). The grand total difference was $440 ($220 pp). I find it hard to believe anyone ever buys the package, for us, NCL is almost always the best value.

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Booking the Haven outright with their new pricing model is very expensive these days. And despite the crazy price increase, they tack on service charges for the drink and dining packages for Haven guests too. Tacky.

Are you saying the Haven guest should not have to pay the increased service charges? I would think that if you can afford the Haven, then an additional $12pp or so wouldn't even figure into your decision.

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Are you saying the Haven guest should not have to pay the increased service charges? I would think that if you can afford the Haven, then an additional $12pp or so wouldn't even figure into your decision.


You are already paying a significant premium to stay in Haven. It is a little bit of nickle and diming to charge the service charges on items that used to be included. The rates for the Haven did not decline to adjust for this seperate increased cost, so it is not a case of a la carte pricing. It is a case of trying to squeeze more money out of a customer paying premium rates already.


Kind of like if they started charging 1st class airline ticket holders a per bag fee. The don't (yet) becasue the airlines know that they are already get a premium for that airline seat.

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I presume that Haven guests already pay the service charge on the UBP and UDP. So that is not changing. It's just a higher service charge, not a new fee correct? Again, $12pp for 7 days.... not much of % increase on say $4,000+pp.


Your per bag luggage fee example would indicate a new fee for 1st class passengers.

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Little off topic, sorry, but most people who are willing to pay the higher prices for The Haven do so because they find value in the Haven experience. I don't think it's so much about cheapness on their part, (the Haven isn't cheap after all) it's because there's no perceived value added in adding a fee that wasn't there in the first place.

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I presume that Haven guests already pay the service charge on the UBP and UDP. So that is not changing. It's just a higher service charge, not a new fee correct? Again, $12pp for 7 days.... not much of % increase on say $4,000+pp.


Your per bag luggage fee example would indicate a new fee for 1st class passengers.


You are partially correct. It is a new fee for Haven guests less than 6 months ago. When they first started adding the service charge on Haven suites the beginning of this year (I believe it was 4/1/17 but not positive) it was a brand new fee and at that time it did create a huge uproar. I actually booked and paid prior to that so my same booking (if placed now) is ~$250 more simply because of the UBP/UDP service charge. Now in less than 6 months they are increasing the charge. No, $25 increase (while it is >10% increase on the original fee) is not significant it is just another charge for absolutely no addl benefit.

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Little off topic, sorry, but most people who are willing to pay the higher prices for The Haven do so because they find value in the Haven experience. I don't think it's so much about cheapness on their part, (the Haven isn't cheap after all) it's because there's no perceived value added in adding a fee that wasn't there in the first place.


Yes. You are 100% correct. $200 on a 4-8K cruise is not much IF you actually got something for it.

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I wasn't aware the service charge on Haven bookings was a relatively new addition. I would guess that the change did not adversely affect booking enough to reverse the decision, so we will see if this increase will. The value of the Haven is obviously there for many folks.


Overall I think we can expect more, not less fees going forward.

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I wasn't aware the service charge on Haven bookings was a relatively new addition. I would guess that the change did not adversely affect booking enough to reverse the decision, so we will see if this increase will. The value of the Haven is obviously there for many folks.


Overall I think we can expect more, not less fees going forward.


I would agree with you on expecting more fees. If you go back and research some of the older posts on the topics there are several Platinum+ members that are stating they are simply getting priced out of Haven because of these addl fees when you get nothing else for it. When compared to other lines, NCL is no longer the deal it used to be 6-9 months ago for the premium cabins (especially when you look at food quality, Haven and equivalent amenities, shows, etc.). Kind of entertaining.


I think just like the airline bag fees, everyone screamed at first, but now that everyone does it, it has become the norm. Also partially explains why Southwest is still so popular though.

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Just face it.. nothing is free. NCL calling it free open bar is kind of silly. Maybe I am wrong, and please let me know what you think, but as a shareholder I would rather see the company offer a "Beverage Discount Plan" and just charge $14 or $16 or whatever. This would accomplish the same objective, but make NCL appear less greedy. Many People are turned off immediately when they see that cost of $79 or $89 per day, and this whole thing with charging 18%. Their immediate reaction is "I would never drink that much"!!, and they most likely wouldn't.


However, given the ridiculous drink prices onboard, and with 18% on top of that, if you go a la carte, it is worth it for anyone who consumes at least a couple of drinks each day.


Reminds me of grocery shopping at Shaw's and seeing the ridiculous prices they charge for some things, and then apply promotional savings (which they give everyone since there are no cards involved). Why not just charge the bottom line price, and not play games? They would save a lot of receipt paper, that's for sure!


I know their marketing department tells them that putting an $89 per day value on the plan, will make it seem like a spectacular value, and look like NCL is giving the house away. I could not disagree more!

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In other areas where costs are going up the operator/manufacturer avoids increasing the headline price by alternative strategies such as decreasing the product size or using cheaper materials.


Cruise lines don't operate for our benefit, they operate for their bottom line and to the benefit of their sharehodlers, and if costs go up/profits reduce then somewhere along the waythey need to incease their take, ideally without needing to increase the headline price. Upping the cost of the UBP to take in an extra two dollars or so on the service charge, and levying the service charge on Haven guests is one way of doing it. If an extra two dollars is paid by just half of the guests on a 2,000 passenger ship, that comes out at $100,000 pa, and a lot more on the big ships. I don't know what the net average profit is per customer, maybe somebody can tell us, but I suspect we would probably be surprised at how low it is, hence the need to increase the take where possible.

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I wasn't aware the service charge on Haven bookings was a relatively new addition. I would guess that the change did not adversely affect booking enough to reverse the decision, so we will see if this increase will. The value of the Haven is obviously there for many folks.


In less than a year, the following has happened.....


Haven prices have skyrocketed. Not just the usual "everything gets more expensive over time..." but huge price jumps across the fleet.

Haven guests are charged the 18% on the UBP/SDP when previously, NCL waived the 18% for suite guests.

The DSC for Haven/suite guests has gone from $15.50 to $16.99 pppd.

Now, the 18% on the UBP is going from $99.54 to $112.14 per person for 7 days.


Other than the price increase, the others (DSC increase, UBP increase) are relatively minor but Haven guests aren't given anything minor (extra) in return.



C'mon NCL, give Haven guests a reason to not jump ship and go to the MSC Yacht Club. ;)

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Just face it.. nothing is free. NCL calling it free open bar is kind of silly. Maybe I am wrong, and please let me know what you think, but as a shareholder I would rather see the company offer a "Beverage Discount Plan" and just charge $14 or $16 or whatever. This would accomplish the same objective, but make NCL appear less greedy. Many People are turned off immediately when they see that cost of $79 or $89 per day, and this whole thing with charging 18%. Their immediate reaction is "I would never drink that much"!!, and they most likely wouldn't.


However, given the ridiculous drink prices onboard, and with 18% on top of that, if you go a la carte, it is worth it for anyone who consumes at least a couple of drinks each day.


Reminds me of grocery shopping at Shaw's and seeing the ridiculous prices they charge for some things, and then apply promotional savings (which they give everyone since there are no cards involved). Why not just charge the bottom line price, and not play games? They would save a lot of receipt paper, that's for sure!


I know their marketing department tells them that putting an $89 per day value on the plan, will make it seem like a spectacular value, and look like NCL is giving the house away. I could not disagree more!


I agree with you. Someone in their marketing department came up with the slogan "Free at Sea" and they absolutely fell in love with it. Only one of the perks they offer is actually free, and that is the internet package. And even with that one, there is a one-time log-on fee of about $3.00 or so. (Really?) All of the other perks require that you spend money in order to use it. Even with the $50 excursion credit, there are few excursions less than $50 and even the ones that are less, most people travel at least as a couple, so the $50 still doesn't cover it.


I know, I know, nothing is really free. But you are already paying a higher price for your room just to qualify for the perks, and then the perks still cost you more. If you are going to charge more to qualify for the perks, shouldn't the perks actually be free? Or at the very least, call them "Spectacular Discounts" or something like that.

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I agree with you. Someone in their marketing department came up with the slogan "Free at Sea" and they absolutely fell in love with it. Only one of the perks they offer is actually free, and that is the internet package. And even with that one, there is a one-time log-on fee of about $3.00 or so. (Really?) All of the other perks require that you spend money in order to use it. Even with the $50 excursion credit, there are few excursions less than $50 and even the ones that are less, most people travel at least as a couple, so the $50 still doesn't cover it.


I know, I know, nothing is really free. But you are already paying a higher price for your room just to qualify for the perks, and then the perks still cost you more. If you are going to charge more to qualify for the perks, shouldn't the perks actually be free? Or at the very least, call them "Spectacular Discounts" or something like that.

Which word do you think grabs the average consumer (not the average CC user)?


"Free" or "Discount"

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Or at the very least, call them "Spectacular Discounts" or something like that.

When people see the word "free", it gets their attention. Make a slogan that rhymes and people remember it. Revamp an old song using the word "free" and people will book.


"...cause I'm free to do what I want and have a good time...":cool:- Pitbull w/sunglasses


The Spectacular Discounts song isn't catchy at all.:D

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When people see the word "free", it gets their attention. Make a slogan that rhymes and people remember it. Revamp an old song using the word "free" and people will book.


"...cause I'm free to do what I want and have a good time...":cool:- Pitbull w/sunglasses


The Spectacular Discounts song isn't catchy at all.:D

How about this? It's catchy.


"We're thieves; We do what we want. We nickel and dime." ;)

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I agree with you. Someone in their marketing department came up with the slogan "Free at Sea" and they absolutely fell in love with it. Only one of the perks they offer is actually free, and that is the internet package. And even with that one, there is a one-time log-on fee of about $3.00 or so. (Really?)

no, the internet package is really FREE free. in the terms and conditions for the free at sea promos, it says this:

Internet package includes activation fee.

the package should already have the one time log on free included.

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You are partially correct. It is a new fee for Haven guests less than 6 months ago. When they first started adding the service charge on Haven suites the beginning of this year (I believe it was 4/1/17 but not positive) it was a brand new fee and at that time it did create a huge uproar. I actually booked and paid prior to that so my same booking (if placed now) is ~$250 more simply because of the UBP/UDP service charge. Now in less than 6 months they are increasing the charge. No, $25 increase (while it is >10% increase on the original fee) is not significant it is just another charge for absolutely no addl benefit.



I was fortunate enough to book (sometime in May of this year) a 2 bedroom suite on the Jewel for January 2018 about one week before they added the service charges to the so-called free UDP and UBP... and then they also increased the suite and Haven cabin prices on top of that!.


I am currently very peeved at NCL... so much so that I also (like another commenter) booked a cruise on the MSC Seaside in the "Yacht Club"... and they matched my loyalty status. Will see how that works out, but this stuff was kind of the last straw for me for NCL... at least for now... or until things change for the better.


I still love NCL's suites and Haven, but just not at these prices. MSC is making it very attractive for loyal (at least til now) NCL-ers to try them out.

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In less than a year, the following has happened.....


Haven prices have skyrocketed. Not just the usual "everything gets more expensive over time..." but huge price jumps across the fleet.

Haven guests are charged the 18% on the UBP/SDP when previously, NCL waived the 18% for suite guests.

The DSC for Haven/suite guests has gone from $15.50 to $16.99 pppd.

Now, the 18% on the UBP is going from $99.54 to $112.14 per person for 7 days.


Other than the price increase, the others (DSC increase, UBP increase) are relatively minor but Haven guests aren't given anything minor (extra) in return.



C'mon NCL, give Haven guests a reason to not jump ship and go to the MSC Yacht Club. ;)

Completely agree.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Forums mobile app

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The whole thing is just a marketing gig to be people in the door.


The Haven guests are the ones paying the most to get the least. Let's have a comparison.


NCL Getaway (5 year old ship) next October to the Caribbean.


Haven Aft Facing Penthouse suite (H6) = $7,096 and you get all 4 perks


MSc Seaside (inaugural year) next October to the Caribbean.


Yacht Club Deluxe Suite = $4,027 and you get unlimited drinks (including bottled water etc), an internet package, $150 OBC



Who thinks that an Aft Penthouse suite on the NCL Getaway is worth 75% more then a Yacht Club Deluxe suite on the brand new MSC Seaside?


So you see, it's all a marketing gig. NCL will keep pushing the button until they see bookings dropping off.

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Who thinks that an Aft Penthouse suite on the NCL Getaway is worth 75% more then a Yacht Club Deluxe suite on the brand new MSC Seaside?

It's amazing that you mentioned those 2 ships.


In 2016, I booked Seaside for 2018. My plan was to do a Seaside Yacht Club/Escape Haven b2b. NCL hadn't released summer 2018 dates then so I fugured that I'd just wait.


NCL then announced the Escape to NY for that summer. I saw what NCL wanted for the Getaway H6 and refused to pay it. The only things stopping me from doing a Seaside b2b were not being sure that I'd like MSC (never sailed with them) and my Royal Suite was booked for the following week.


Bliss from Miami and (hope) Escape returning to Miami and Project Leonardo are keeping me with NCL but MSC Seaside, Meraviglia and MSC World Class could earn my money very easily in the future.

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It's amazing that you mentioned those 2 ships.


In 2016, I booked Seaside for 2018. My plan was to do a Seaside Yacht Club/Escape Haven b2b. NCL hadn't released summer 2018 dates then so I fugured that I'd just wait.


NCL then announced the Escape to NY for that summer. I saw what NCL wanted for the Getaway H6 and refused to pay it. The only things stopping me from doing a Seaside b2b were not being sure that I'd like MSC (never sailed with them) and my Royal Suite was booked for the following week.


Bliss from Miami and (hope) Escape returning to Miami and Project Leonardo are keeping me with NCL but MSC Seaside, Meraviglia and MSC World Class could earn my money very easily in the future.


I've heard mixed reviews about MSC but it seems like with the Seaside they're turning things around to have a better understanding and cater better to the North American crowd. Europeans see MSC as the RCL of Europe but the Seaside is supposed to be a beautiful ship build specifically for the Caribbean. MSC could really give NCL a run for their money next year...

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Having only sailed with Carnival, we were impressed with the Free at Sea promotion that NCL offered and so we decided to give them a shot. We are on the Escape in December and very excited about it. For us we feel like we are getting a much better value with the NCL offer. UBP at 14.22/day or the new price of $16.02 is not a bad deal IMO. Would I pay what they are asking for it, well heavens no! Matter of fact, we've never had the UBP because we couldn't justify the cost that CCL asked for it either.


Nobody like changes, especially when they don't feel the value is there. We've vacationed at Disney for close to 20 years and the value to us has fallen year after year because the price just keeps climbing. Still their resorts and parks are packed, so someone must find it valuable-much like I feel I'm getting a good deal on NCL, lol.

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no, the internet package is really FREE free. in the terms and conditions for the free at sea promos, it says this:


the package should already have the one time log on free included.


Does anybody actually buy the UBP? I imagine the vast majority of people who have it got it as a perk.


So for most cruisers, the real news is that there's a $1.80 per day increase.


I agree!!

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