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Apparently you CAN reserve deck chairs all day long

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Watch for a half hour.


Take towels off chair.




Use towels so chair hog can't return and then gets charged.


If someone comes back hours later, shrug your shoulders and feign ignorance.


Laugh and enjoy your drink as the angry chair hog turns around and huffs away.

Yes, do this ... except don't wait half an hour. Really, you should not have to stand around waiting to start your day just in case a jerk comes back to claim a chair. Also, don't feign ignorance. Tell 'em that the chair was not being used -- too bad.
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I wish it were true, but seriously doubt it. In the past 15+ RCCL cruises I've seen them putting stickers on chairs ONCE. At any time of day or night.

Shopnagain was right - we came off the Freedom on March 25th from an 8 day cruise and never once say a pool attendant remove towels that were left on loungers all day - probably while the towel owners were on an island - we only got off at St. Kitts so we were at the Solarium every day and saw many towels left for more than 3 or 4 hours. They were not using any type of sticker.

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... If I returned to my seat that had not only my towel, towel clips, bag with needed items and my scooter beside it and all was moved I would be mad ....
If you are clearly in the pool area /using the chair, I'd never in a million years touch your stuff. If I see your towel spread out, clearly having been sat upon ... your bag with your sunscreen ... your cover-up hanging over the back of the chair and your shoes tucked under ... I'd figure you're one of the people actually in the pool area.


It's the people who "claim" a chair with a towel and aren't actually in the pool area whose chairs I'll take in a heartbeat.

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By the way. Our party of 14 reserves only 2 chairs part of the day for the 2 disabled members of our group who will come out later. They are actually using the chairs while reserving them- so are not chair hogs. This is the way our family has chosen to deal with the chair hog situation. The chairs are constantly occupied by someone (even a child may want to sit a while) till the 2 disabled come out. The other adults in group, make do sitting on the ground or around pool and are busy with kids. I do not disagree with those of you moving towels sitting for long periods from real chair hogs. This is just the way we feel best about dealing with situation. If you do not like our way of dealing I DO NOT CARE. We feel more Christian about doing it this way. In reality it is once or twice during a 7 day cruise that we have any need of doing this. If people obeyed the rules and did not CHAIR HOG my son and son in law would not get their peaceful quiet time by the pool, where someone takes their order and hand delivers their breakfast to them. Likely the most peace they get the entire cruise. Traveling with kids in your cabin can get stressful. Son in law falls asleep w/i 5 minutes of sitting in the chair.

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By the way, one TA motioned she now gives out inexpensive lightweight bags for people to place with their towels to reserve chairs. She advises them to pack a throwaway paperback to place in bag for reserving seat. If looking for chair hogs, be on the alert for this scenario.

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I put my towel with shirt and shoes under the chair and never had any items removed.


A chair hog did not mark their space other than placing a towel . At a hotel its the same how do I know if that towel was there since 10 AM.

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By the way, one TA motioned she now gives out inexpensive lightweight bags for people to place with their towels to reserve chairs. She advises them to pack a throwaway paperback to place in bag for reserving seat. If looking for chair hogs, be on the alert for this scenario.


Oh I remember a couple of years ago on the Brilliance 12-night Med cruise there were a TON of ghosts who were reading tacky paperbacks and tabloid magazines.


At least that was my assumption walking by and seeing chair after chair with a towel, tacky cheap paperbacks, and/or tabloid magazines on them for hours. With no human I could see anywhere near the chairs. And no - these were not ON the pool deck, so it wasn't the "we're watching the kids" scenario.


So my assumption was ghosts or lots or people have invisibility cloaks. :P

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My "modest proposal": Attach a seapass-activated meter to each chair. The occupant swipes his card when claiming the chair and swipes it again when relinquishing the chair. Then, his or her account gets charged for the time between the two swipes and the chair is also reserved for that time. Nobody will occupy the chair for more time than they are willing to pay for and the cruise line will have one more source of revenue without having to convert public space to new rooms during dry dock!

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It feels so good to live in south Florida with a pool. People run to get those chair on sea days I just grab whatever is left and believe might not be by the pool but you will always find empty chairs



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We have someone stay there the WHOLE TIME till I come out. But once I do. I may go from one pool to another to watch different age grandkids in the water. Use some sense people.

We can all tell a chair that has been occupied and adults may be in the water with little ones for a while from a pristine reserved seat no one has been sitting in. It is obvious. I realize I am lucky to have family who will go out and stay in a seat for hours so that I can get a few hours outside. I think they are obeying the rules. I would not let them follow SOP on ships because I disagree with it. For those who do not have family willing to sit in a chair for hours to secure one for a loved one, Remove a towel, but do so from one that has been vacated for more than 30 minutes. When little ones get in the water, you can rarely get them out in 30 minutes. I am just asking for some common sense. If you take my other belongings will be complaining and bringing you to the attention of security onboard.



and if you are moving to a different pool, you need to be giving up your lounger at the previous one. It is one thing to be in the immediate vicinity of the lounger for more than 30 minutes and another thing entirely to have left the pool area altogether and away from it for 30 minutes. whether you are all the way at the windjammer our down by the splash pad at the far end of the pool deck.

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I plan on watching unattended chairs for 1 drink at the bar. If someone so much as runs by & grabs sunscreen it’s considered taken, otherwise I’m moving in. Fortunately I’m really good at looking totally bewildered when apologizing & that seems to diffuse things quickly. If I’ve really angered the chair hog gods I’ll just call on my husband, who is harmless but can be rather intimidating (tall, muscles, beard & he will just silently stare someone down until they wet their pants). I’m kidding of course, we’ll just send one person out early to stake our claim while the other gets the children moving & fed.

Edited by Janeille
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If you do not like our way of dealing I DO NOT CARE.


I was torn about your situation until I read this... since you 'DO NOT CARE', frankly neither do I and I hope neither do the people that will remove your stuff after 30 minutes (it is the rules)


if you had some empathy for others, maybe people will have empathy for you.


and don't come back to say you have empathy... 'I DONT CARE' is a sure fire way to show you have none.


you should care just like people 'should' care about your situation.


I cared about your situation and the circumstances until you showed that frankly you don't care about others' thoughts.

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and if you are moving to a different pool, you need to be giving up your lounger at the previous one. It is one thing to be in the immediate vicinity of the lounger for more than 30 minutes and another thing entirely to have left the pool area altogether and away from it for 30 minutes. whether you are all the way at the windjammer our down by the splash pad at the far end of the pool deck.




This, if you leave the pool area you do not need the lounger.




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I have never seen attendants tagging or removing items from chairs on the pool deck on any RCI sailing. I wish they would.


Like others, I am comfortable with removing items from a clearly not used in a while chair (setting them on a nearby ledge or bar table) and using the chair myself. Up to now the "owners" have never even returned before I left---sometimes an hour or more later, to complain. So clearly the towel/book owner wasn't around.


Similarly---I have no issues at all with couples of families getting seats in the theatre then taking turns using the bathroom; everyone is there really and heading to the restroom shortly before showtime, especially with kids, prevents interupting the show to getup midway through---but people who send 1-2 people to hold a whole row while the others are who knows where? I just sit where I want---if they complain (usually) I calmly tell them reserving seats is not allowed, then ignore them entirely.



I wish pool decks had cubbies poolside, where you could place your flip flops, towel, coverup, seapass, etc. without taking up a lounger while you're in the pool or hot tub. It would seem an efficient use of space.

I agree. Been saying this for ages.

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By the way. ....


you have several posts in here defending yourself as to why you're not a chair hog and why the way you do things is ok. No need - people talking about 'chair hogs' are typically referring to those who leave only a towel on a chair and don't come back for hours. Neither of these conditions appear to apply to you, so no reason to get defensive. Hope you enjoy your future cruises.

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I wish pool decks had cubbies poolside, where you could place your flip flops, towel, coverup, seapass, etc. without taking up a lounger while you're in the pool or hot tub. It would seem an efficient use of space.

This is an EXCELLENT idea! I don't really care where I sit, usually it's on my balcony. So I'll find a lounger somewhere other than on the pool deck. However every now and then I'll want to jump in the pool for a bit. Having a cubby to place my stuff would sure be great.

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I wish pool decks had cubbies poolside, where you could place your flip flops, towel, coverup, seapass, etc. without taking up a lounger while you're in the pool or hot tub. It would seem an efficient use of space.


Great idea!!


Never seen one person patrolling the deck for "reserved" chairs. Used to be they patrolled to serve drinks but even that is an anomaly now.

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By the way. Our party of 14 reserves only 2 chairs part of the day for the 2 disabled members of our group who will come out later. They are actually using the chairs while reserving them- so are not chair hogs. This is the way our family has chosen to deal with the chair hog situation. The chairs are constantly occupied by someone (even a child may want to sit a while) till the 2 disabled come out. The other adults in group, make do sitting on the ground or around pool and are busy with kids. I do not disagree with those of you moving towels sitting for long periods from real chair hogs. This is just the way we feel best about dealing with situation. If you do not like our way of dealing I DO NOT CARE. We feel more Christian about doing it this way. In reality it is once or twice during a 7 day cruise that we have any need of doing this. If people obeyed the rules and did not CHAIR HOG my son and son in law would not get their peaceful quiet time by the pool, where someone takes their order and hand delivers their breakfast to them. Likely the most peace they get the entire cruise. Traveling with kids in your cabin can get stressful. Son in law falls asleep w/i 5 minutes of sitting in the chair.


I do not understand why you keep bringing up the length of time of chair was abandoned vs others. If I wait around for 30 minutes, I'm going to pick a spot....not try to figure out which chairs were unattended for 30-45 minutes and which one for 2 hours. I don't know, all I know is there is no where for me to sit and I'd like to lounge around too. But like others have said, I don't think anyone is considering people in the pool as hogging a chair...so in that case your scenario doesn't apply.



And please, don't blaspheme Christianity by trying to use it as a way to get others to show you mercy for breaking the rules. WOW! I can't believe you said that. You go on and on about how "mad" having your towel moved would make you...and adding that you DO NOT CARE about how others feel. Does that sound like the answer to WWJD?

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No chairs available?


The simple solution - flash a little $ to deck patrol. Chairs will magically appear. Shouldn't have to pay, but you're on vacation so why get frustrated.


The no cost solution - remove personal items from unoccupied chair and place them on deck. Move chair to new location. Even if hog returns they'll have no idea where chair went. Hence no angry confrontations

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This is why I'm down on the promenade deck or my balcony. I don't get in the pool much, and if I do I don't really need a chair because I'm in the pool. I would love to sit for an hour or two in a pool chair from time to time but there is no way on earth I would ever partake in staking a claim or protecting it all day like that. Too stressful, and I've seen the fights that break out which can get ugly. I wish they had a one hour zone for people like me but they don't so I make do. I try to book cabins close to the stairwell/lifts so it's a quick trip for a drink to bring back to the balcony. I swear on Anthem there are people in the Solarium who probably should be checked for pressure sores. I like to keep moving so I walk through and check out the scene there from time to time. It's nice during first seating as people tend to clear out.




A 1 hour zone would be a great idea! I can’t take lying in the sun more then 1/2 an hour or 40 minutes. I would gladly enjoy the chair for some sun, then vacate it for the next person!!



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By the way. Our party of 14 reserves only 2 chairs part of the day for the 2 disabled members of our group who will come out later. They are actually using the chairs while reserving them- so are not chair hogs. This is the way our family has chosen to deal with the chair hog situation. The chairs are constantly occupied by someone (even a child may want to sit a while) till the 2 disabled come out. The other adults in group, make do sitting on the ground or around pool and are busy with kids. I do not disagree with those of you moving towels sitting for long periods from real chair hogs. This is just the way we feel best about dealing with situation. If you do not like our way of dealing I DO NOT CARE. We feel more Christian about doing it this way. In reality it is once or twice during a 7 day cruise that we have any need of doing this. If people obeyed the rules and did not CHAIR HOG my son and son in law would not get their peaceful quiet time by the pool, where someone takes their order and hand delivers their breakfast to them. Likely the most peace they get the entire cruise. Traveling with kids in your cabin can get stressful. Son in law falls asleep w/i 5 minutes of sitting in the chair.


I don't understand why you felt compelled to go into such detail on how your family gets and keeps lounge chairs. You DO understand this thread wasn't directed at you. Don't you? For someone who "doesn't care," you've done an awful lot of explaining. You're using your disability, kids, Christianity and group size to justify the actions you feel the need to defend. I am also disabled, and would NEVER ask someone to go to the pool deck and hold a chair for me at 7am. I do not feel that being disabled give me any more right to a lounger than anyone else has. On the bright side, at least I have a place to sit while I look or wait for a lounger - my scooter.

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I do not understand why you keep bringing up the length of time of chair was abandoned vs others. If I wait around for 30 minutes, I'm going to pick a spot....not try to figure out which chairs were unattended for 30-45 minutes and which one for 2 hours. I don't know, all I know is there is no where for me to sit and I'd like to lounge around too. But like others have said, I don't think anyone is considering people in the pool as hogging a chair...so in that case your scenario doesn't apply.



And please, don't blaspheme Christianity by trying to use it as a way to get others to show you mercy for breaking the rules. WOW! I can't believe you said that. You go on and on about how "mad" having your towel moved would make you...and adding that you DO NOT CARE about how others feel. Does that sound like the answer to WWJD?


These viscous board are a hoot! The only thing I stated I did not care about, is how someone feels about us not wanting to go around remove others towels in chairs after 30 minutes. I do not care about what you do. I am not playing it holier than thou. Fact is, on a previous cruise, with same family group (all us of the same faith) this question came up how we would deal with issue. I wasn't going to attempt going out for more than a ride around due to situation. An adult brought up removing towels that had been there a long time and a 10 year old grandson piped up exactly what you said WWJD and that he did not think it would be nice. Now after a 10 year old pipes up for all to hear, we adults had to come up with a solution we ALL could live with.I was extremely proud of my grandson when he said this. Yes, he doesn't truly understand how sad the chair hog situation is. But we adults would rather err on his side than the other. He will grow up and see how unfair the world is soon enough. By the way, for next cruise that 10 year old as well as 11 year old grandson has volunteered to sit vigil in those 2 seats with son and son in law. I do not mind being led by a little child. We are not breaking any rule whatsoever. I am not saying you are either. Not my place to judge you. RCCL needs a better system. Rather than tearing apart someone breaking no rule, your energy would be better spent offering a solution. BTW, I have had items stolen from pool deck on 2 different cruises.


I am now sailing on- this thread is too far off point.

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Has anyone ever tried to hold a sensible conversation with a chair hog and understand why they do it even when it’s against the rules? It’s a permanent frustration of mine as when I’m on my holiday we tend to sleep in a tad so by the time we have had breakfast all the chairs have already gone.

I would like for a chair hog to come on hear and explain why they do it. I bet none of them would have the guts to say that they are chair hogs.

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