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Carnival loses luggage and doesn't care!

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She offered us a credit to start buying clothes onshore. :mad:


How much of a credit did they give you? (If you answered this already, I apologize - didn't read every post on all seven pages!)


I was on a cruise in March where the airlines lost our luggage. We got it back the afternoon of day five! Luckily, I had a few essentials with me, RCL gave us some refundable OBC, and we had travel insurance that covered $500 each for replacement items.

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I have a solution to this lost bag problem. Someone needs to invent a device with a timer which you can set for, say 8 hours. After the timer elapses, there is a loud beep every 15 seconds or so. Like the smoke detector in the house.




There is no way that bag is going to stay "lost" very long with that annoying beep!



Lost Luggage Tags





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Again, some idiot kept the luggage for the week, yes the wife was "inconvenienced" without fresh bra's and underwear, Carnival came through and gave them opportunity to purchase new items for a significant discount, luggage returned, and still want more. Maybe we can set up a "go fund me" account to replenish your items....which you have back...


So please tell me..exactly....what more do you want Carnival to do for you.....free cruises, refund your cruise, monetary compensation above and beyond your cruise fare...so I can sleep tonight

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That wouldn't really work. It connects via bluetooth to your phone and once it's out of range, you don't get an accurate location. The best you get is its last known location. In the case of cruise luggage, you'll be out of range as soon as you drop it off with the porter and walk into the terminal. So the last known location will be outside the terminal. It does update the location if anyone with that same system comes within range, but what's the likelihood of someone else near your luggage having it too? Not to mention the construction of a cruise ship would interfere with the signal badly.
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It's must be very uncomfortable for your wife, it would ruin your vacation mood that you expected to be enjoyable. I'm sorry to heard that.

On my last cruise, we received the letter about missing luggage, it's the last day. We both wonder why the ship wait until the last day and send out the letter.

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Again, some idiot kept the luggage for the week, yes the wife was "inconvenienced" without fresh bra's and underwear, Carnival came through and gave them opportunity to purchase new items for a significant discount, luggage returned, and still want more. Maybe we can set up a "go fund me" account to replenish your items....which you have back...

So please tell me..exactly....what more do you want Carnival to do for you.....free cruises, refund your cruise, monetary compensation above and beyond your cruise fare...so I can sleep tonight



I’d say they are looking for the 100% refund if indeed this actually happened. Op can easily be one of these multiple name guys that make these 1st post stories up. Happens more than you think.




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I’d say they are looking for the 100% refund if indeed this actually happened. Op can easily be one of these multiple name guys that make these 1st post stories up. Happens more than you think.




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But just because something "could be" doesn't mean that it is ... Many people make suppositions but that doesn't mean it's correct or true. You can be making up incorrect post yourself ...doesn't mean 'cause I stated it doesn't mean I should go run off and accuse you of making things up 'cause I don't know. If you don't believe it ...than don't believe it. But you can't build truth out of what you think unless you KNOW it's true.



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Why does the title say "Carnival doesn't care"? Sure sounds like they care with all the credit they offered. Along with a future discount. It stinks it happened to them, but I think they truly care. imo

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Can we all just agree that the most important lesson learned from this whole thing is... don't wear underwear?

I don't see the issue here. You can wear underwear twice, then turn it inside out and wear twice more. Only then is it necessary to not wear underwear.

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I don't see the issue here. You can wear underwear twice, then turn it inside out and wear twice more. Only then is it necessary to not wear underwear.


Ewww! I hope you are being fully and completely sarcastic :rolleyes: If not are you one of those who can't smell themselves but everyone else can?

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So, when the airline lost my luggage, they never said “maybe the passenger sitting by you in 2B took it by accident and so you need to hold them accountable, not us.” Nope. They simply accepted blame and acted accordingly. Immediately. Why is a cruise line different? No excuses. Because what is most likely? They lose luggage and they act accordingly.


And what is with the OP MUST be WRONG and the cruise line right? I had a wonderful, stress free carnival cruise but that doesn’t mean the OP did as well...



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Now thinking about this, when flying, you turn your luggage over to the curbside or inside check in, where its tagged and put on a conveyor belt, going through who knows what and where, many opportunities ( I would guess) to have it become dislodged, and perhaps fall off and put back on the wrong conveyor to your plane. How many times have you been waiting at your gate and literally saw luggage fall off the trucks. Once we let it out of our sight, it is at the mercy of those tarmac people to get it on the "right" flight. AND if it doesn't make your plane, who knows what plane it goes on and where it ends up. Then you have the cruise ship....you turn over your bags to the porters, who put it in cages to be loaded onto the ship....only ONE ship (I can't imagine how other ships luggage can be put on the wrong ship) Unless a bag mysteriously disappears into a nook or cranny in the terminal...all luggage is therefore put onto the ship. SO if a piece of luggage goes "missing" its on the ship "somewhere" not on another ship floating in the opposite direction.

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Okay. Let me start by saying thanks to the individuals that really seemed to show empathy to our plight and understand the frustration that was endured. Some of you have offered sound advice for future travels, thank you. To the others let me try to answer your questions.

1. Sorry I didn't understand or did not read anywhere that my first post in Cruise Critic was supposed to be a glowing review of a ship, my bad.

2. Yes a complete stranger did give my wife a bathing suit and in fact her daughter gave her the flip flops she was wearing at the time. Not sure what purpose or implied goal I would have to make that up.

3. Carnival has compensated you with discounts on clothing at their store. Again Carnival did not even wish to open their store for us until we left the first port. They made no offer. I had to go through 4 customer service agents and wait 45 min until a white suit arrived to have them open the store and that was done very reluctantly. My wife was able to obtain a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and an ill-fitting bathing suit. The ship stores do not carry underwear.

4. They found your luggage, whats the problem? They found nothing. My luggage pops up the night before the trip is to end. Could it have been in another room? Possible. I'm more inclined to think that as the ship was preparing for debarkation and items are being shifted around in the hold my wife's bag shows up. As stated our room steward knew nothing, his co-workers knew nothing, their supervisor knew nothing and security knew nothing. Its rather hard to give them credit when no one knows or sees anything. If some jerk had it, would they really risk taking it out of their room and bringing to ours with the aspect of getting caught with it?

5. What do you expect from Carnival, a free cruise? No I don't expect a free cruise. Right now I would rather have a letter from from Mickey Arson stating were sorry and we have failed you on this trip. It could have been handled better, we could have done more for your wife...excursions, spa treatments. You shouldn't have had to go thru so many people to get something done. We should have gone out of our way to make the trip better. You shouldn't have had to wait for 45 min for a supervisor to show up. We shouldn't have waited until the 4th day of the cruise to send out a letter to the other guests. Yes we are a big company, yes we make mistakes but we need to have a better plan in place for these unfortunate events.

6. Did Carnival give you money. Yes they did. They gave my wife $200 dollars to try and purchase items from the islands. As stated we were able to find underwear on our 5th day of the cruise. Did they offer up the money easily? No they didnt. I had to fight for that also.

7. Your wife could have washed out her underwear in the sink. Yes that was done. Didnt really think I needed to state that up front in regards to Carnivals failure but there you are.

8. Yes our luggage had all of its tags on it, including the Carnival tags. Nothing had been removed. As far as we can tell the suitcase also had not been tampered with or open based on the locations of the items packed.

9. Your wife was inconvenienced get over it! Not really sure how to even address that one. Your statement says more about you then me.


In any case, no I'm not someone who is going to camp out here and post a lot. It just seemed like a good forum to make others aware of what to expect from Carnival customer service. Essentially nothing.


Again Thanks to those of you that offered concerns and genuine helpful advice. May all of your future trips be carefree and enjoyable. As far as me and mine we will look elsewhere to spend our money and time.

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We just returned from Glory last Saturday. 2 pieces out of 3 were lost. Our steward told us that there is a room next to guest services where they store lost bags. Ok, we waited till 9 pm, then tried guest services (the lost luggage room was not marked anyhow). There was a loooong line and my toddler was exhausted. Luckily I overheard one conversation and followed a lady and a crew member to a room marked ''Private" - voila, our 2 bags and the lady's one bag were there. It was some kind of office. Our bags were missing its tags for some reasons.

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The cruise line owes nothing for lost luggage. Who's to say the dock worker didn't accidentally drop it into the ocean, In addition, people would just claim "lost luggage" without there being any luggage actually lost. I don't think people get receipts from the dock workers (DH & I just roll in our carry-ons) proving that the suitcase really exists.


Anything they give is a bonus.


However, I think the ship should keep an inventory of basic things (underwear, sweat pants, t-shirts) available in various sizes, including unique sizes for people just in case their luggage is lost.

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Okay. Let me start by saying thanks to the individuals that really seemed to show empathy to our plight and understand the frustration that was endured. Some of you have offered sound advice for future travels, thank you. To the others let me try to answer your questions.

1. Sorry I didn't understand or did not read anywhere that my first post in Cruise Critic was supposed to be a glowing review of a ship, my bad.

2. Yes a complete stranger did give my wife a bathing suit and in fact her daughter gave her the flip flops she was wearing at the time. Not sure what purpose or implied goal I would have to make that up.

3. Carnival has compensated you with discounts on clothing at their store. Again Carnival did not even wish to open their store for us until we left the first port. They made no offer. I had to go through 4 customer service agents and wait 45 min until a white suit arrived to have them open the store and that was done very reluctantly. My wife was able to obtain a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and an ill-fitting bathing suit. The ship stores do not carry underwear.

4. They found your luggage, whats the problem? They found nothing. My luggage pops up the night before the trip is to end. Could it have been in another room? Possible. I'm more inclined to think that as the ship was preparing for debarkation and items are being shifted around in the hold my wife's bag shows up. As stated our room steward knew nothing, his co-workers knew nothing, their supervisor knew nothing and security knew nothing. Its rather hard to give them credit when no one knows or sees anything. If some jerk had it, would they really risk taking it out of their room and bringing to ours with the aspect of getting caught with it?

5. What do you expect from Carnival, a free cruise? No I don't expect a free cruise. Right now I would rather have a letter from from Mickey Arson stating were sorry and we have failed you on this trip. It could have been handled better, we could have done more for your wife...excursions, spa treatments. You shouldn't have had to go thru so many people to get something done. We should have gone out of our way to make the trip better. You shouldn't have had to wait for 45 min for a supervisor to show up. We shouldn't have waited until the 4th day of the cruise to send out a letter to the other guests. Yes we are a big company, yes we make mistakes but we need to have a better plan in place for these unfortunate events.

6. Did Carnival give you money. Yes they did. They gave my wife $200 dollars to try and purchase items from the islands. As stated we were able to find underwear on our 5th day of the cruise. Did they offer up the money easily? No they didnt. I had to fight for that also.

7. Your wife could have washed out her underwear in the sink. Yes that was done. Didnt really think I needed to state that up front in regards to Carnivals failure but there you are.

8. Yes our luggage had all of its tags on it, including the Carnival tags. Nothing had been removed. As far as we can tell the suitcase also had not been tampered with or open based on the locations of the items packed.

9. Your wife was inconvenienced get over it! Not really sure how to even address that one. Your statement says more about you then me.


In any case, no I'm not someone who is going to camp out here and post a lot. It just seemed like a good forum to make others aware of what to expect from Carnival customer service. Essentially nothing.


Again Thanks to those of you that offered concerns and genuine helpful advice. May all of your future trips be carefree and enjoyable. As far as me and mine we will look elsewhere to spend our money and time.

Don't worry, you weren't wrong to voice your frustrations here. That's part of why this forum exists. Chances are very good that all of the ones who took cheap shots at you have come here themselves to complain about far less things that supposedly ruined their cruising experience. It's getting to the point where too many people would rather fire off insults, condescending remarks, and rude comments rather than have a civil discussion. They don't have anything worthwhile to contribute to some threads, but refuse to simply skip over them. I guess acting that way online makes them feel better about themselves and superior to others. :rolleyes:


You have every right to be upset with how you and your wife were treated. But if I can offer any consolation, try to think about the thousands upon thousands of bags they handle every cruise, across the whole fleet, all year long. As terrible as it was, your experience is rare compared to the big picture. That probably doesn't make you feel any better, and I certainly don't blame you because it probably wouldn't me either, but what I'm trying to say is, if you give it another try, the odds of it happening again are extremely slim. I would suggest giving it one more shot, at least, because you deserve to see what a cruise really has to offer. You can use some of the advice you've seen here and adjust accordingly to prevent a repeat of what happened. Maybe even buy FTTF next time so your cabin is ready as soon as you board so you could take all of your luggage as carry-ons. I hope you and your wife get a chance to take a good cruise.

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We just returned from Glory last Saturday. 2 pieces out of 3 were lost. Our steward told us that there is a room next to guest services where they store lost bags. Ok, we waited till 9 pm, then tried guest services (the lost luggage room was not marked anyhow). There was a loooong line and my toddler was exhausted. Luckily I overheard one conversation and followed a lady and a crew member to a room marked ''Private" - voila, our 2 bags and the lady's one bag were there. It was some kind of office. Our bags were missing its tags for some reasons.
They could have easily been torn off accidentally. This is how they load the luggage onto the ships...




Paper luggage tags can easily be ripped off in that pile. If you don't already, I recommend putting clear packing tape over each tag, at the very least. It makes them much stronger and waterproof. Or purchase some of those reusable luggage tag sleeves. We got the kind from Amazon that attach to the bag handle with a steel wire.

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Sorry you had such a bad first experience. I love Carnival and have no complaints. Thank you for making us all aware of how easily our luggage can be lost and to perhaps pack a little extra in our carry on.

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I am shocked at the ignorance and lack of empathy of these replies.


When I think about what my clothes on a cruise are exposed to (salty air, sweat, sunscreen, smoke from the casino, even maybe the occasional spilled drink), the idea of wearing the same clothes over and over again (even if washed with some frequency) makes my skin crawl, and I'm just about the furthest thing from OCD that there is. I just wouldn't feel comfortable in my own skin. I feel for your wife -- that must have been extremely unpleasant for her to the point of ruining the trip. This is completely Carnival's fault, and while "cross-packing" may be a good practice for minimizing the chances of it happening again, chalking it up to, "Well, now you have learned your lesson for the next time" is nothing short of misplacing the blame and shaming the victim.


If Carnival delivers to the wrong room, they are completely responsible. If a suitcase is delivered to the wrong room, the guests of that stateroom have an ethical responsibility to return it, but Carnival has a financial responsibility to ensure it gets delivered to the right room in the first place. The fact that they even have a reimbursement policy in place for lost luggage in the first place -- even if it is only a meager $50 -- implies they know they are financially at fault if luggage entrusted to them goes missing. They slip that little stipulation in to protect themselves from exorbitant lawsuits. But asking for more than 20% off a future cruise is far from exorbitant given the circumstances -- their cruise was ruined. Remember, the $50 reimbursement is a LOWER bound -- they can reimburse as high as they want to, and 20% isn't much better. 20% off most 7 day cruises is at most $100-$150 per person. They certainly suffered more than that in inconvenience. These customers paid full cost for a cruise that they only got (at best) half the enjoyment out of due to a Carnival mistake. Carnival should have done more. Heck, Carnival has offers for about 20% off a cruise for everyone if you book at the right time. I personally wouldn't have been satisfied with less than 50% off a future cruise.

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Which Itinerary does carnival have to where it's first stop isn't until 5 days later? I would go crazy.




Hawaii, Sydney-Hawaii-Vancouver.


No idea what the Conquest itin was but OP did state that the first few ports there was no shopping to be had, other than souvenirs.

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