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Keto and RC

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Also keto, for over two years. I find that omelets in the morning, a simple protein at lunch, and then whatever protein with no starch requested for the sides at dinner works well.


The "disease" mentioned above is ketoacidosis, which is a condition possible in diabetics when their blood sugar is too high.


Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a buildup of acids in your blood. It can happen when your blood sugar is too high for too long. It could be life-threatening, but it usually takes many hours to become that serious. You can treat it and prevent it, too.


Keto as a diet is very low carb, high fat, moderate protein. I have been on a modified diet, as I have body fat that needs to be burned, so I don't add as much fat to my diet. More info here: https://www.ketogenic-diet-resource.com/

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  • 11 months later...

I've only been on my keto journey for 7 weeks but have already lost 15 pounds!  I'm looking forward to maintaining "moderate" keto as much as possible on our August cruise - but plan to forgo the potatoes, rice and pasta with dinners.


I am also doing intermittent fasting so the big challenge for me will be forgoing breakfast.  Easy to do at home, but i'm sure it will be more challenging on a cruise.


Some of you mentioned keto desserts.  Are you just referring to the "sugar free" dessert options on the nightly menu or was something made that was actually keto-friendly?


Also, does anyone know if any of the bars carry sugar-free syrup for cocktails?



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5 minutes ago, Queen of Oakville said:

I am also doing intermittent fasting so the big challenge for me will be forgoing breakfast.  Easy to do at home, but i'm sure it will be more challenging on a cruise.


I IF 5-6 days a week. I feel like it adds a lot of flexibility when cruising. My hubby and son will go ahead and eat breakfast and I'll just have my green tea. If I am worried that we have a shore day or excursion where lunch is questionable, I'll go ahead and have an omelet. 


Overall, I find keto extremely easy to maintain while cruising. The only problem has been when my husband arranged for a "keto cake" for my birthday, and based on how bad we felt the next day...not keto...


We will also splurge on wine...but as others have said, any weight gain is gone within a week. 

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We are bringing on 4 four bottles, so hubby and I will enjoy our wine!  We are doing the refreshment package and will opt for mostly waters/sparkling waters.


I normally gain about 5 pounds on a cruise (I think it's all the pina colada's!).  I'm hoping not to do that on this cruise. 

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1 hour ago, Queen of Oakville said:

I am also doing intermittent fasting so the big challenge for me will be forgoing breakfast.  Easy to do at home, but i'm sure it will be more challenging on a cruise.



If you can believe it, I find it a whole lot easier to fast and miss breakfast on a cruise.  Just don't go, and drink coffee in the shops.  Easy.


The hardest thing to get over is the idea that you paid for something, so you need to indulge.  Don't think about it, and you won't have breakfast.  Done.

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5 minutes ago, alfaeric said:


The hardest thing to get over is the idea that you paid for something, so you need to indulge.  Don't think about it, and you won't have breakfast.  Done. 


Exactly!!!!  Especially with the refreshment package it will be hard to avoid the mocktails, knowing they are "free" lol.  But I really don't want to put these pounds back on so that will be my motivation.  I'm also one of those who likes to sample a few entrees ...hmmm maybe that is where all this extra weight came from!!!

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Ive been in ketosis since February 5.  Ive lost at least 30 pounds, have come completely off of BP meds and prescription Zantac.  I feel SO much better now!   I will know in July how my cholesterol and glucose is.   My "bad" cholesterol was a little high and my "good" cholesterol was a little low.  I was right at 100 on glucose.  Im hoping those #s have improved greatly.  Im still 102 days out from my cruise but I plan on staying the course.   Any alcohol intake will be something like a vodka and tonic or a extremely light beer.  I will continue to do as I do now when it comes to food.  I dont think it will be that tough.   What is gonna be hard to me is avoiding the sugary foo foo drinks like the Mango Mai Tai or Perfect Margarita that are 1000 calories and no telling how many hundreds of grams of sugar. :classic_blink:



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1 hour ago, Queen of Oakville said:

I've only been on my keto journey for 7 weeks but have already lost 15 pounds!  I'm looking forward to maintaining "moderate" keto as much as possible on our August cruise - but plan to forgo the potatoes, rice and pasta with dinners.


I am also doing intermittent fasting so the big challenge for me will be forgoing breakfast.  Easy to do at home, but i'm sure it will be more challenging on a cruise.


Some of you mentioned keto desserts.  Are you just referring to the "sugar free" dessert options on the nightly menu or was something made that was actually keto-friendly?


Also, does anyone know if any of the bars carry sugar-free syrup for cocktails?



I know that Park Cafe had sugar free vanilla syrup for my latte's.  I'd have them with heavy cream.  It's about as Keto friendly you can get for fancy coffee's

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On 6/11/2018 at 11:45 AM, Sugar67 said:



I have been keto for over a year and done one cruise on Carnival during that time. I didn't have a hard time maintaining my way of eating last cruise, will the dining room on Serenade be accommodating? Should I email before we go or head to the dining room when we embark and speak to someone there? Thanks for any insight you can offer 😃

When they bring that warm basket of their delicious roll and bread varieties to the table, just say no. I bet you can't! It's hard!

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9 minutes ago, johnjen said:

When they bring that warm basket of their delicious roll and bread varieties to the table, just say no. I bet you can't! It's hard!


Not as hard for me as saying NO to the chips at my local mexican restaurant 😂    

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Keto from mid-June 2018, Carnivore since Oct. 2, 2018.


Down 52-54 pounds to 178-180 (daily fluctuation).


Went on Asian cruise in April, and my wife (veggie, LowCarb/ModProtein/ModFat) special needs in advance. MDR staff were extremely helpful. Every morning I was greeted with smoked salmon and as many eggs as I desired, and my wife had a variety of meals created for her which included nuts, seeds and veggies. Every dinner I received steak or broiled salmon.


So, if Carnivoe WoE is accommodated, clearly RCCL can and does accommodate keto, and likely paleo dietary needs.

Edited by soflalaw
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I started keto on January 22 (the day after returning from a short cruise) and just got back from my first cruise while on keto.  It was the first cruise I've been on where I have not gained weight - and I did not forgo experiences I really wanted to enjoy.  I figure it will be impossible to stay on keto for the long run if I feel I am being deprived from something I really want.  That said, I have found that I no longer crave potatoes and pasta like in the past.


We were in Hawaii and I had 2 malasadas (Portugese donuts), shared several slices of decadent Hula pie with family members, a slice of banana bread,  a small key lime pie and enjoyed the odd pina colada or mai tai - and lots of wine.  For protein I ate fish or seafood exclusively for lunch and dinner along with a salad or vegetables.


Onboard ship I followed keto strictly as far as food goes but did have quite a few mixed drinks (mostly vodka and club soda with lime).  In the mdr, our waiter brought me steamed asparagus and/or broccoli every night in place of starchy sides and I had no breads and only one dessert (a sugar free mousse).


Lunch onboard in the Windjammer was actually the hardest - just because the salad bar was pretty pathetic and both the Caesar and ranch dressings were super watery.



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55 minutes ago, johnjen said:

When they bring that warm basket of their delicious roll and bread varieties to the table, just say no. I bet you can't! It's hard!

That's why I am on Keto diet now but  I now have learned how to say no.

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1 hour ago, ryano said:

Ive been in ketosis since February 5.  Ive lost at least 30 pounds, have come completely off of BP meds and prescription Zantac.  I feel SO much better now!   I will know in July how my cholesterol and glucose is.   My "bad" cholesterol was a little high and my "good" cholesterol was a little low.  I was right at 100 on glucose.  Im hoping those #s have improved greatly.  Im still 102 days out from my cruise but I plan on staying the course.   Any alcohol intake will be something like a vodka and tonic or a extremely light beer.  I will continue to do as I do now when it comes to food.  I dont think it will be that tough.   What is gonna be hard to me is avoiding the sugary foo foo drinks like the Mango Mai Tai or Perfect Margarita that are 1000 calories and no telling how many hundreds of grams of sugar. :classic_blink:



Good job!


BTW, the easiest thing we have found to do - lay down the "law" at the first dinner.  DO NOT BRING ROLLS.  


And we've been pretty lucky to find wait staff that understands what we are doing quickly, and start anticipating that we are going to substitute for the starch.


Drinks are tough- but I've been able to take my dry wine love and transition that to neat liquor- like bourbon and other whiskeys.  For us- that's the tough one for the diet- on my body, any liquor will pretty much shut down ketosis.  But it's brief, and not sugar.


As for desert- do not forget about the cheese plate.  🙂


Good luck to all who try this!!!!

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I’m also doing the Keto lifestyle of eating. On our last cruise I was able to get almond milk. Just ask and they’ll get some for you. I also asked the waiter at night for a few berries for my dessert. They were more than willing to oblige. Did not have the sugar free desserts as they use an artificial sweetener that is not recommended on Keto, just ordered the cheese plate minus the crackers that others have recommended. 



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As many people have written, it isn't too bad trying to live the keto lifestyle on a  cruise ship. My wife and I both do keto, and we made the smart substitutes that everyone here has written about. Servers at restaurants were great, and you can load on things like sour cream to your eggs and meat at buffet breakfasts! 🙂

We didn't actually feel like we were missing out on anything, and we even splurged a little--I had Ben & Jerry's ice cream several times. At the end of our 7-day cruise, my wife had maintained her weight, and I had lost 2 pounds! 

Whether you have to focus your diet because of health or to maintain nutritional ketosis, I have found the cruise ships we have been on to be very accommodating. 

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I've actually been on two more cruises since the last time I posted.  I don't even bother telling the wait staff anymore, just order stuff without the carbs. I don't don't drink any Foo-Foo drinks, soft drinks, or juice.  I do drink scotch/bourbon on the rocks, a little wine,  coffee, unsweetened ice tea and water. 


After being on keto for 2 years I've found that I am rarely hungry for breakfast,  just black coffee in the morning.  In fact I usually "break fast" around noon.  The routine on our cruises is usually getting up in the morning, walking the promenade deck for an hour or so or going to the gym. We never use the elevator only the stairs.  My wife will go to breakfast while I go do something else until lunch.  On port days, my wife will go to breakfast while I do something else until the excursion.   I usually take a big bag of almonds (from Costco) as a snack to munch on in the evenings and sometimes a couple bags of pork rinds.


I've maintained my weight for over a year. I have my WOE down to the point where I don't even count macros anymore. I just know what I can and can't eat.


BTW, there is a low carb forum  on CC




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16 hours ago, cruiselover04 said:

I’m also doing the Keto lifestyle of eating. On our last cruise I was able to get almond milk. Just ask and they’ll get some for you. I also asked the waiter at night for a few berries for my dessert. They were more than willing to oblige. Did not have the sugar free desserts as they use an artificial sweetener that is not recommended on Keto, just ordered the cheese plate minus the crackers that others have recommended. 




Berries and whipped cream is the perfect keto dessert.  Won't make me feel like I'm missing out while the kids are enjoying their lava cake 🙂


I will ask for that at the start of the cruise.  Though I doubt it will be real whipped cream, at least it will be some fat.

Edited by Queen of Oakville
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OMG, I’m so glad to see this thread.  My hubby and I have been ketoing for about 5-6 weeks now.  Between the two of us, we are down 15 lbs.  we have not been 100% faithful but at least 85-90% and we have done well.  I love the posts on here of successful folks.  To us, this is a way of life, not a diet.  We are 56 and 59 and we are very happy with how well and easy this works.  Best of luck to all on here that are ketoing. 😊

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I wouldn't say I'm keto...but I definitely watch my carbs. Try to stay between 30-50 a day...which is saying a lot for this Italian! Down almost 25 lbs in the past year and would like to lose another 12 before my cruise in 3 months so I need to tighten those carbs up even more!  

We are going to the Motherland (Italy) so as much as I would love to say I'll try to stay low-carb, this is my dream trip and I don't plan on passing up pasta or pizza while in Italy. 🙂


That being said, I will try and behave where I can on the ship...although I really do love my foo foo drinks. It's all about balance and not going overboard. Just because you have a taste doesn't mean you have to have the whole thing, right? 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Queen of Oakville said:


Berries and whipped cream is the perfect keto dessert.  Won't make me feel like I'm missing out while the kids are enjoying their lava cake 🙂


I will ask for that at the start of the cruise.  Though I doubt it will be real whipped cream, at least it will be some fat.


I believe someone reported that they will bring you real whipped cream if you ask for it!

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