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7-26-18 Thursday Weigh-In...Last Six Days Of July


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Oh Where Oh Where has the month gone this time

We want to enjoy it with lemonade or lime


How can we lose weight when the days go by so fast

Weigh-In here again the days didn't last


Get up, eat, drink water. maybe exercise, look at a book

And maybe work before you know it's dinner to cook


We need these summer months for the exercise they bring

Fresh air and trips to take this summer that make you want to sing


So here we go again it's weigh-in day

Then again do your eating and exercise for the week your way


Then it will be August maybe it will stay around longer for fun

For us to to lose weight, drink our water, and exercise in the sun:cool:

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Good morning guys. Guess I was mia last week. It wasn't a good week for me. Not with weight or anything, just life. Stopping the meds did miracles for me physically, but I do crash emotionally from time to time.

Anyway, I'm about the same as a couple weeks ago. I've made great progress in eliminating snacking after dinner. This time of year I quit work at 3 and have finished dinner by 4 or 4:30. So that works well for me.

It appears I'm going the way of shootr, at least as I understand shootr's position. I spent the majority of my life around 240 with years as much as 250. Looking back at this years weigh-ins I've been 190+/- 2lbs for the last 5 months. I'm tired of beating my head against the wall to go further and being disappointed when I don't. I feel fantastic, I'm doing the right things by exercising faithfully and eating right 90% of the time. I even do a hundred push-ups a day now. Who'd have thought that would ever happen? I guess the point is, I'm content. I'd love to get to 175-180, but I'm not sure thats going to happen any time soon. They say maintenance is the hard part, but I'm not sure I buy that. My intent is to just keep doing what I'm doing and I'm confident thats probably good enough for now.

I still intend to check in here, I think I'm just going through a change of philosophy. Apologies to shootr if I butchered his philosophy. ;)

I'll check in on you guys later. Have a great day.

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Oh Where Oh Where has the month gone this time

We want to enjoy it with lemonade or lime


How can we lose weight when the days go by so fast

Weigh-In here again the days didn't last


Get up, eat, drink water. maybe exercise, look at a book

And maybe work before you know it's dinner to cook


We need these summer months for the exercise they bring

Fresh air and trips to take this summer that make you want to sing


So here we go again it's weigh-in day

Then again do your eating and exercise for the week your way


Then it will be August maybe it will stay around longer for fun

For us to to lose weight, drink our water, and exercise in the sun:cool:



Thanks for the beautiful words to get us motivated Belle!


Good morning guys. Guess I was mia last week. It wasn't a good week for me. Not with weight or anything, just life. Stopping the meds did miracles for me physically, but I do crash emotionally from time to time.

Anyway, I'm about the same as a couple weeks ago. I've made great progress in eliminating snacking after dinner. This time of year I quit work at 3 and have finished dinner by 4 or 4:30. So that works well for me.

It appears I'm going the way of shootr, at least as I understand shootr's position. I spent the majority of my life around 240 with years as much as 250. Looking back at this years weigh-ins I've been 190+/- 2lbs for the last 5 months. I'm tired of beating my head against the wall to go further and being disappointed when I don't. I feel fantastic, I'm doing the right things by exercising faithfully and eating right 90% of the time. I even do a hundred push-ups a day now. Who'd have thought that would ever happen? I guess the point is, I'm content. I'd love to get to 175-180, but I'm not sure thats going to happen any time soon. They say maintenance is the hard part, but I'm not sure I buy that. My intent is to just keep doing what I'm doing and I'm confident thats probably good enough for now.

I still intend to check in here, I think I'm just going through a change of philosophy. Apologies to shootr if I butchered his philosophy. ;)

I'll check in on you guys later. Have a great day.


I totally understand! I think maintenance is very tough! I know this is an everyday, lifelong journey. Take a little while and see how maintenance goes. If you struggle, you may have to jump back on plan quicker. If you maintain well, it might motivate you to try for more. After your body takes a break, it might cooperate more on the loss.



As for me this week.....down but with a decimal again! Another 0.4 but at least it is the correct direction.


I am sure next week will be a not so pleasant report. We are out of town this weekend plus my birthday Sat and back in town late Sat night with church luncheon Sunday. To top it all off, my office will have multiple cakes on Monday to celebrate my birthday. I tried to talk the office manager out of it...but that didn’t work. So hard not to eat cake when she makes it specifically for my birthday.


Have a great week all. Stay strong and motivated!

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Thank you for the nice poem Belle.


I only managed to lose the .2 I had gained last week, although at this point I'm mostly focused on the health issues and not really the weight loss. I saw the PA at my neurologist's office yesterday as my neurologist is on vacation for 2 weeks. She is having my do a 6 day round of prednisone now plus she is upping my Topamax by 25 mg to try to get the migraines under control. I'm hoping this works as I have a little over 2 weeks left in this class so I have a lot of work to do on my final project.

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Sounds like an interesting week for all. Belle thanks for the poem.


I actually got up this morning and totally forgot to weigh myself ... I remembered after I had 2 cups of coffee and cereal ... decided that I will wait until tomorrow morning (first thing) ... I don't think I will see a loss. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and will have another appointment next week. I have back problems and realized a few years ago that when its acting up that I'm feeling pain as intense hunger ... so I've been "feeding" my back. Really doesn't help with the back or my diet!! :(


mdaviswv - maintaining can be very difficult, I always seem to slide, but, I think being content is wonderful ... I think that sometimes we forget about that and we become to judgemental of ourselves when he should really be happy with how far we've come and how good we feel.


Skiiergirl - have a wonderful birthday - enjoy your day (and don't eat all the cake!!). Jan

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I'm happy, happy. I lost another lb. I've now lost all 7 lbs. I gained on our 6 week cruise in the Spring. Talk about a snails pace.


Must lose more before the next cruise in September. So I can gain it back:'):).......:')


Belle, great poem.


Mike, you've done so well. You are at a great point.


Katmu and Skiiergirl, small losses but we have to be happy we go in the right direction.


Skiiergirl, Happy Birthday!


Katmu, hoping you are doing better soon.


Jan, back problems no fun. Been there myself. Hope you get some help.


Take care and have good day and good week everyone.



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Belle - thanks for getting us started:cool:


Mike - if you are feeling heathy that's more important than a number. 100 push ups a day :eek: you're a beast:D The charts say I should weigh under 135, but I think if I get back to 150 that will probably be good enough. I had a good energy level there and liked how clothes fit.

Keep an eye on your emotional health (and maybe find an accountability partner to help. Medications suck, but so does most of the ailments we take medicine for in the first place. Don't beat yourself up if you need to consider a different medication with less side effects.


Skieergirl - congrats on the drop and Happy Birthday! The church does love to feed people don't they:')


Katmu - to have a loss while on prednisone is impressive. Hope you get some relief and are able to finish your class strong.


Jan - hope you get relief from your pain:( I'm going to order an acupressure mat and see if it helps my back pain (plus get back into my stretches). Pain.is.no.joke.


Diana - great job losing all the cruise weight!


I'm down 1.4# this week - finally going in the right direction!! My running is getting better too - I've been able to start some actual light jogging with the speed walking. Mailed the registration for our September 10K so now I'm committed, plus registered the whole family for a 5K in October - it will be our first night race and Halloween themed, should be fun.


Next few weeks will be busy for me. We had steady rain since Saturday but the sun is finally out today. Some garage and basement clean-up in order from minor surface run off flooding. Son leaves at 1am Friday for his mission trip to Guatemala, so finishing packing. While he's serving there I will go to my Dad's and help with my sister to clean up the storage building. Then soccer season and back to school - where did summer go?

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Spot on except I lost motivation to watch what I eat and drink, and not doing any structured exercise lately.


Eating garbage, drinking too much Guinness, and relying on work or chores for activity. I work up a sweat easily in this heat (only 110 today!) but a gallon of water keeps things balanced.


After touching 220 a couple weeks ago, this week finally got a bead on things. Had to buy bigger pants just wear my pistol - that's the ultimate slap in the face to me. 216 this morning so the eating discipline is paying off - if I'd get off my butt and go for a ride it's probably be better. 200 by October would be cool - I'll see how it goes.


For now, just enjoying the new camper, the dog, the pool, having my son home for the summer, and focusing on how tight my clothes are when a snacking urge hits me.

Good morning guys. Guess I was mia last week. It wasn't a good week for me. Not with weight or anything, just life. Stopping the meds did miracles for me physically, but I do crash emotionally from time to time.

Anyway, I'm about the same as a couple weeks ago. I've made great progress in eliminating snacking after dinner. This time of year I quit work at 3 and have finished dinner by 4 or 4:30. So that works well for me.

It appears I'm going the way of shootr, at least as I understand shootr's position. I spent the majority of my life around 240 with years as much as 250. Looking back at this years weigh-ins I've been 190+/- 2lbs for the last 5 months. I'm tired of beating my head against the wall to go further and being disappointed when I don't. I feel fantastic, I'm doing the right things by exercising faithfully and eating right 90% of the time. I even do a hundred push-ups a day now. Who'd have thought that would ever happen? I guess the point is, I'm content. I'd love to get to 175-180, but I'm not sure thats going to happen any time soon. They say maintenance is the hard part, but I'm not sure I buy that. My intent is to just keep doing what I'm doing and I'm confident thats probably good enough for now.

I still intend to check in here, I think I'm just going through a change of philosophy. Apologies to shootr if I butchered his philosophy. ;)

I'll check in on you guys later. Have a great day.

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Congratulations to all who did well this week and the poem was again fitting and beautiful!


I would try accupuncture for the migraines, it worked for my daughter's it does take time to work and then a once a month type approach to keep your body aligned. If you can find a community based office by you it is much more reasonably priced, if you are interested.


I had no loss this week, I can't seem to keep on doing what I need to do and I am a bit disgusted with myself for it. I know what works for me I just have to stick with the plan. This week I will do my healthy non processed eating plan and walk everyday regardless of the heat! I can and will do this! No more excuses!!! Twelve weeks till my cruise and I have time starting now to be the weight I want to be on that ship and fit into my nicer clothes. I have done it before and I need to be more accountable so that this is the last time I need to get off weight.


I hope everyone finds the motivation they need to continue on their journeys to a healthier life, no matter the weight its the health goals that count.

Edited by Labmom3
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Hi all!



Belle ~ nice poem as usual, thanks.

Wow, some serious discussion going on here this week.



Mike ~ you have done amazing so maybe this is your new weight! Holy crow on the push ups!:eek:




skiiergirl ~ wishing you many more happy, healthy birthdays! To me it's not a birthday without cake even if I have to buy or bake it myself!:o



I'm down 0.6 & have no idea why but I'll take it. My Wii says I should be 116.6 lbs but that's never going to happen. I'm up in the mid 160's & was 147 for about 20 years before I retired so that's where I'd like to be.



BTW has anybody heard of, or tried "Rapid Tone"? It's supposed to get rid of belly fat quickly.

I'm nervous of taking meds to lose weight & have trouble with paying to do so as well.



Have a nice weekend.




~ Jo ~ :)

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Hey everyone. Good job with the losses!


I know what you mean pacruise. When weeks like last one happen, my wife eventually encourages the same. It would have to get pretty bad for me to reconsider meds though. And believe me, she’ll let me know if that happens. :)


Good to hear from you shootr. Going up a size would definitely be a motivation to get back on it to me. Thankfully I’m still down two sizes. Was hoping for 3 but that may or may not come.

Have a great weekend everyone.




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Hi all!



Belle ~ nice poem as usual, thanks.

Wow, some serious discussion going on here this week.



Mike ~ you have done amazing so maybe this is your new weight! Holy crow on the push ups!:eek:




skiiergirl ~ wishing you many more happy, healthy birthdays! To me it's not a birthday without cake even if I have to buy or bake it myself!:o



I'm down 0.6 & have no idea why but I'll take it. My Wii says I should be 116.6 lbs but that's never going to happen. I'm up in the mid 160's & was 147 for about 20 years before I retired so that's where I'd like to be.



BTW has anybody heard of, or tried "Rapid Tone"? It's supposed to get rid of belly fat quickly.

I'm nervous of taking meds to lose weight & have trouble with paying to do so as well.



Have a nice weekend.




~ Jo ~ :)

Re: "Rapid Tone" - seems like when I was researching belly fat pills and potions, the conclusion I came to is they are (mostly) based on fiber.


I take psyllium powder mixed with water twice a day, as well as fiber capsules morning and afternoon.


Physically, it is supposed to help more with internal fat, like around organs, but I don't eat enough natural things with fiber, hence the supplements. A nice side effect of the capsules is they swell up, and with a glass of water, curbs snack urges. (I put one in water to see what it does, and in a few minutes it was a fuzzy caterpillar lol)


Just my .02...

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Hello Everyone! Dang it, I stayed the same. Need to buckle down.

Went shopping today and bought some healthy foods. My trouble

is snacking at night. Tried to buy right food! It's those carbs and sugar!:eek:


Seems like everyone did pretty well this week. Congrats!

Nice to have "our men" back.


Mike...I hope you keep checking., even if maintaining. Would miss you.

Great on the pushups. WOW


shootr..Know it's so hard to keep at this. Your doing great trying to get back on track.

Glad your son is home for summer. Nice you have the pool in the heat.


Ski...Happy Birthday. Have fun this weekend. Hard not to eat one cake but they

will have more at work!:( They like you!


Katmu ...Hope your feeling better. Good Luck on your final project for your class.


Jan...Sorry your having back pain. Hope you get some relief soon


Diana..Happy for you that your at precruise weight. Now ready for next cruise.


Pacruiser...Sorry basement had flooding. All your running and walking. Great job!

cruise 42...Another good loss. Are you doing anything special? Did you tell me before

and I forgot. If you did. Sorry.


Labmom...I know so hard to get movtivated even if a cruise is coming up. Me too.

See like a few of us have cruises in our future..


Jo...I know what the charts say to weigh is way off. Had a doctor tell me once,

People maybe can get to the weight but can you stay there. He added about 20 lbs to what the chart said.

You can maintain that and look good. Still trying to get there!:evilsmile::eek:


Everyone have a good weekend. Come in everyday and say Hi. Maybe keep us of eating to much! if

we read and write!

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No night owls and now no day owls?:cool:


Hope everyone is having a good Sat. I'm having an exciting day.

Making chicken and salads. Trying to have "good" food around.

Don't know if I can take all the Excitement!:eek:


Tell me what you are doing. Are you having an exciting day as me?

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Hey Belle. Typical Saturday here. House cleaning, then shopping, rest, exercise and bed. Today is a little different since we’re packing for a couple nights in DC. Considering it’s the closest big city to us (assuming you don’t count Pittsburgh, and most don’t) it’s a wonder we don’t go there more often. In fact this will be my son’s first time since he was 2! He and I are going to a concert Monday night in Silver Spring then home Tuesday. So that’s a nice break from ordinary. [emoji846]



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Sounds like an interesting week for all. Belle thanks for the poem.


I actually got up this morning and totally forgot to weigh myself ... I remembered after I had 2 cups of coffee and cereal ... decided that I will wait until tomorrow morning (first thing) ... I don't think I will see a loss. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and will have another appointment next week. I have back problems and realized a few years ago that when its acting up that I'm feeling pain as intense hunger ... so I've been "feeding" my back. Really doesn't help with the back or my diet!! :(


mdaviswv - maintaining can be very difficult, I always seem to slide, but, I think being content is wonderful ... I think that sometimes we forget about that and we become to judgemental of ourselves when he should really be happy with how far we've come and how good we feel.


Skiiergirl - have a wonderful birthday - enjoy your day (and don't eat all the cake!!). Jan




I'm happy, happy. I lost another lb. I've now lost all 7 lbs. I gained on our 6 week cruise in the Spring. Talk about a snails pace.


Must lose more before the next cruise in September. So I can gain it back:'):).......:')


Belle, great poem.


Mike, you've done so well. You are at a great point.


Katmu and Skiiergirl, small losses but we have to be happy we go in the right direction.


Skiiergirl, Happy Birthday!


Katmu, hoping you are doing better soon.


Jan, back problems no fun. Been there myself. Hope you get some help.


Take care and have good day and good week everyone.




Thanks to both!

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Belle - thanks for getting us started:cool:


Mike - if you are feeling heathy that's more important than a number. 100 push ups a day :eek: you're a beast:D The charts say I should weigh under 135, but I think if I get back to 150 that will probably be good enough. I had a good energy level there and liked how clothes fit.

Keep an eye on your emotional health (and maybe find an accountability partner to help. Medications suck, but so does most of the ailments we take medicine for in the first place. Don't beat yourself up if you need to consider a different medication with less side effects.


Skieergirl - congrats on the drop and Happy Birthday! The church does love to feed people don't they:')


Katmu - to have a loss while on prednisone is impressive. Hope you get some relief and are able to finish your class strong.


Jan - hope you get relief from your pain I'm going to order an acupressure mat and see if it helps my back pain (plus get back into my stretches). Pain.is.no.joke.


Diana - great job losing all the cruise weight!


I'm down 1.4# this week - finally going in the right direction!! My running is getting better too - I've been able to start some actual light jogging with the speed walking. Mailed the registration for our September 10K so now I'm committed, plus registered the whole family for a 5K in October - it will be our first night race and Halloween themed, should be fun.


Next few weeks will be busy for me. We had steady rain since Saturday but the sun is finally out today. Some garage and basement clean-up in order from minor surface run off flooding. Son leaves at 1am Friday for his mission trip to Guatemala, so finishing packing. While he's serving there I will go to my Dad's and help with my sister to clean up the storage building. Then soccer season and back to school - where did summer go?


Hi all!



Belle ~ nice poem as usual, thanks.

Wow, some serious discussion going on here this week.



Mike ~ you have done amazing so maybe this is your new weight! Holy crow on the push ups!




skiiergirl ~ wishing you many more happy, healthy birthdays! To me it's not a birthday without cake even if I have to buy or bake it myself!:o



I'm down 0.6 & have no idea why but I'll take it. My Wii says I should be 116.6 lbs but that's never going to happen. I'm up in the mid 160's & was 147 for about 20 years before I retired so that's where I'd like to be.



BTW has anybody heard of, or tried "Rapid Tone"? It's supposed to get rid of belly fat quickly.

I'm nervous of taking meds to lose weight & have trouble with paying to do so as well.



Have a nice weekend.




~ Jo ~ :)


Thanks to all!

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Hello Everyone! Dang it, I stayed the same. Need to buckle down.

Went shopping today and bought some healthy foods. My trouble

is snacking at night. Tried to buy right food! It's those carbs and sugar!:eek:


Seems like everyone did pretty well this week. Congrats!

Nice to have "our men" back.


Mike...I hope you keep checking., even if maintaining. Would miss you.

Great on the pushups. WOW


shootr..Know it's so hard to keep at this. Your doing great trying to get back on track.

Glad your son is home for summer. Nice you have the pool in the heat.


Ski...Happy Birthday. Have fun this weekend. Hard not to eat one cake but they

will have more at work!:( They like you!


Katmu ...Hope your feeling better. Good Luck on your final project for your class.


Jan...Sorry your having back pain. Hope you get some relief soon


Diana..Happy for you that your at precruise weight. Now ready for next cruise.


Pacruiser...Sorry basement had flooding. All your running and walking. Great job!

cruise 42...Another good loss. Are you doing anything special? Did you tell me before

and I forgot. If you did. Sorry.


Labmom...I know so hard to get movtivated even if a cruise is coming up. Me too.

See like a few of us have cruises in our future..


Jo...I know what the charts say to weigh is way off. Had a doctor tell me once,

People maybe can get to the weight but can you stay there. He added about 20 lbs to what the chart said.

You can maintain that and look good. Still trying to get there!:evilsmile::eek:


Everyone have a good weekend. Come in everyday and say Hi. Maybe keep us of eating to much! if

we read and write!


Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Today is my birthday so I am having 24 hours of non-diet food. Just trying not to go overboard on the “quantity” along with the “taste”. (Must save some allowance for church lunch tomorrow and then “cake sampler” on Monday.

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I had a two-pound gain but getting back on track beginning this pm.

Somebody asked where in PA I grew up -- answer Lehigh Valley area, about 1.5 to two hrs from Philadelphia. Beautiful dairy farm area, though lots of family farms have sold.

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Hello Everyone! Sounds like you had a nice Sat now ....


Mike have a nice trip and enjoy concert with son.

Ski enjoy your Birthday weekend

Diana stay cool

Etta you'll get it off with being on track


Now on to Sunday. Enjoy!

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Ugh, this picture says it all. What's really upsetting (but uber motivating) is exactly 1 year ago I looked 10 times better because I was 25 pounds lighter.


Dad's 87th birthday (and still doing great) at Black Angus. Had grilled chicken and wild rice, a shrimp cocktail and green salad for appetizer (900 calorie dinner but could have been way worse if I gave in to the bread, the dessert, and a big steak.)


Friday stunk as the evening snack devil visited - but it fouled up my system so much I'm happy to avoid that path in the future.


Exercise - somehow I have to get going but I just can't find the spark to get me into something. There opening a shiny new gym down the street soon - but it seems to be taking forever - I can see joining one again. 7 years ago when I dropped the 60 pounds, I enjoyed the gym because of the variety of equipment, and I was less likely to get bored.


Hope everyone else having a good weekend. Belle-I should get my wife in here. She's a night shift nurse so when not working, she's usually up all night anyways! See ya'!



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