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things stolen - what would you do?


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20 minutes ago, champagne123 said:


Ok...I originally clicked the "see their activity" and only the same four posts showed when clicking on the Avatar...but then followed your continued instructions.  You were correct and I apologize.  I find it strange though, that when I click on my profile, I don't have to do all of that.  They automatically come up and I just tried yours....they also automatically popped up.  Very strange.



 Hi champagne,


I just did the same for yours.

Yep, direct to the full McCoy, same as mine.

But not the OP's.

Strange indeed, one of the wonders of technology .:classic_huh:


JB :classic_smile:



Edited by John Bull
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2 hours ago, sparks1093 said:

Price one of their suites and tell me that all NCL cruisers are budget minded😉 (and if you actually price any of their offerings "budget minded" doesn't seem to apply, either, although at one point I believe it did apply). I agree that the story sounds fishy though.


NCL accommodations may not be “cheap” in absolute terms - but certainly among cruise lines they are lower end.  Their marketing clearly is aimed at the “budget minded” — emphasizing “FREE” drinks, specialty restaurants packages, or tips — when the customer is clearly paying for such things when buying the package.


That sort of cheesy marketing is precisely aimed at the “budget minded” end of the market.

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9 minutes ago, navybankerteacher said:


NCL accommodations may not be “cheap” in absolute terms - but certainly among cruise lines they are lower end.  Their marketing clearly is aimed at the “budget minded” — emphasizing “FREE” drinks, specialty restaurants packages, or tips — when the customer is clearly paying for such things when buying the package.


That sort of cheesy marketing is precisely aimed at the “budget minded” end of the market.

Shine a bright enough light in someone's eyes and you'll blind them, that's my opinion of NCL's marketing. They haven't been the most affordable option in many years (for us, anyway).

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1 hour ago, John Bull said:



 Hi champagne,


I just did the same for yours.

Yep, direct to the full McCoy, same as mine.

But not the OP's.

Strange indeed, one of the wonders of technology .:classic_huh:


JB :classic_smile:



And, interestingly, OP was on the site 26 minutes ago, but has not returned to post further on this thread.

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>But also rather dis-jointed, and perhaps posted in haste.

yes it is true

i am traveling on business ... now i have only my ipad ... posting this and replies from it ...

mom is on the ship

and posted a doze facebook messenger 1 minute recording on this asking for advice ...

it is best nfo i could put together ...


at dear @CruiseGal999

>"I do not believe you when you say that security can NOT view their OWN security footage.  That is #1 where this falls apart. "

i never wrote that

it was a misunderstanding / loss in what i meant / What you interpreted .... likely my mistake as i should have explained something like this in as much detail as i could

what i meant was that my mom requested to see CCTV with them!
but the declined this request

the security watched this on their own

my mother then made a formal request in writing
and requested a formal reply in writing as to why not

I am not sure i guess back home in much of US a victim can not just request to see CCTV

a police officer / detective must ...?

anyone knows the details

do citizens have this right? i guess it must go though legal process..

well here is the thing CCTV would make it clear
and clean

#1 if my mom walked into a room with a coat
#2 walked out with nothing
#3 new guests come
#4 my mom shows up - and the guests claim they do not know anything

it would implicate them
it would cause drama
NCL or anyone wouldn't want drama
they just want everything to be dandy on the sail ...

or possibility B
it shows a stewart walking out with the coats
what then
also drama

so NCL quietly keeps this CCTV to them selves

and no NYPD will likely not be allowed to see it
will they?

do citizens lose their rights on a cruise?

addressing 2nd and 3rd point:

>Secondly, WHY would someone/anyone put their personal belongings in a cabin that was NOT their own cabin!  That doesn't compute ... on any level."

again i should have went into delicate details on this
my mom and her friend waited on a pier
were both hungry ...
wanted to eat ASAP
they found their cabin to be locked

so they found ANY cabin that was not
and made a BIG mistake - i guess  thinking they were at a merry house party where everyone is your good neighbor

@Flatbush Flyer

>Two(!) $2000 coats and they're on an NCL cruise? 👀

As mentioned by the previous poster, the entire story sounds bogus. 

i didn't get the exact exact prices of each coat and prices
yes i guess i should have somehow looked up the exact price for coat A
and B
all i know that it was ball park range

so all people who are NCL can not afford a coat?




i wasn't there

but i worked for many banks and we made errors in millions and millions of dollars
all the time

just like say a self driven car can make a mistake ...

humans make errors
humans who program machines make errors
machines make errors
exceptions can happen all the time...

i wish i knew why their door was locked or what the exact reason was ..

i wasn't there ...


@John Bull

thank you 
thank you dear John Bull

yes i wasn't there

but then none of us were ..

i am missing exact details ..

but i was just curious of general advice

what can be done
what should be done


>And on the matter of "we're not permitted to view our CCTV", 

again i didn't write that

i wrote that

>mom asked to review the CCTV (with them) but security said it is not that simple as it is in US

meaning they have their own rules
a passenger is not allowed to see CCTV

or you might be right
that section was off / full / cam broken / on hold / in port / HD maintenance ... etc ... a dozen or two other reasons
when you are running hundreds or thousand+ cameras ... i wouldn't be surprised




my mother sailed many times and never had a problem
and was under the impression i guess that it is one good house party

on top of that a secure house party
with CCTV - apparently worthless

with security - who are also apparently worthless - who in a long talk confessed that even if they did find the perpetrator law would forbid them from taking direct action ... lawsuit might arise ...

she would not leave say her phone or rings or other valuables

but a huge huge coat


i feel so bullied
and bad needing to defend on here

i didn't expect to be accused

i shouldn't have posed

i guess if it is not about merry good times... then it is not welcome on here

OMG psychologically that is probably what it is

it is like i would tell a patient that eating that cake full of sugar is bad for them while they were eating it ... and its their favorite cake ... which cruising is for many of us ... a blessed safe .. sacred experience ..... it should be

i wanted to ask advice

now i even though it might of have been good to share to give other heads up on any cruise .. anywhere ...

but i wish i never did
i will likely ask legally for CC to remove this


>This is truly where the story doesn't hold water.  Not only Bahamian law, but international maritime law, and even the cruise line ticket contract, gives the cruise line the right to search any cabin at any time, with or without the passenger's consent or knowledge.  

yes exactly
a captains decision is final
so if it is not of greater convenience of the ship (and i understand it and respect that), the crew, the passengers

a loss for one is acceptable over a loss for many

so say they show my mom that other guests took the coat on CCTV
my mom would request that they follow international law or us law

and perhaps just perhaps it would require by law to put that guest behind bars for theft of (again approximately) $2000 + $2000 items

how does that make NCL look

maybe just maybe that even opens them up to a lawsuit - because as you know there are dime a dozen (no wait for free) trigger happy lawyers ready to find a cause and take the case... to settle outside the courtroom...

(they even said: sure if it was a missing child for instance it would be another case)

again i wasn't there
i wish i heard and could post an audio recording of what exactly they told my mom

if she even had it

and it would be illegal probably for her to record
or for me to post

so by trying to explain this ..m i am begining to see and understand how complex this is ...

it is better not to take any action
because any action
could make the situation worse
much worse


but thank you for the info on
>Finally, crimes against US citizens, while on a foreign flag cruise ship, while the ship is in US waters or in international waters, must be reported to the FBI, and the US has claimed extra-territorial jurisdiction over these crimes.


@ Flatbush Flyer
>But, everyone does have to admit that even the "well-to-do" probably wouldn't have/take a $2k coat on a cruise ship mostly populated by very very budget-conscious folks.

friend was visiting NYC from Europe - it is cold - yes with a good coat
and cruise is just part of it

so sorry that they picked a cheap cruise on which they can not go on with best coats they had


>Wow, I am used to your condescending comments about mass market cruise lines, but can you get any more insulting by implying that 'very budget-conscious' folks are more likely to steal from their fellow passengers? Or maybe you are saying the 'well-to-do' wouldn't want to make the rest of the passengers feel bad?  Either case is a new low.

thank you 
thank you 


@George C

thank you 


>But I guess the first few responses have put them off.

Possibly for life.:classic_sad:

yes yes

thank you 

>Maybe the coats will magically reappear at some point. After all IF their neighbors have the coats it is not like they can go walking around the ship with them on.

but apparently nothing prevents those folks from walking out with them in their cases

no on can or will search them


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49 minutes ago, sparks1093 said:

Shine a bright enough light in someone's eyes and you'll blind them, that's my opinion of NCL's marketing. They haven't been the most affordable option in many years (for us, anyway).


I did not say that NCL were the “most affordable” - only that NCL markets towards the “budget minded” — which they clearly do.  


Very often the “budget minded” - especially those who wind up paying more than the minimum - are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.  Which might explain the thinking (more precisely the lack thereof) involved in leaving expensive coats in someone else’s stateroom (that is, of course, if there is any truth whatsoever in OP’s tale). 

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1 hour ago, donaldsc said:

IF this post is for real and I doubt it and if they really brought 2 fur coats which I also doubt, what they did was so off the wall stupid that they deserve to lose them.  Do I see an fake insurance claim being set up here?




so sad to hear this 


from what i thought w.....


they know - and so does anyone that thinks that there is CCTV on there


why would anyone do it on CCTV on a ship 

on a secure ship


on the first day!


what you suggesting - i can not imagine but best is to just say they were mugged on a street of NYC without a CCTV!

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41 minutes ago, champagne123 said:

Mmmmm.......interesting.....to say the least.

also keep in mind somone might come back


start reading replies 


and be pulled away for work

for an hour or two or 6 

and then fall asleep from exhaustion ...


but do not think i can sleep well after replies like this


shocking and sad


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was trying to fix the readability of my post


and i got: This comment can no longer be edited. It may have been moved or deleted, or too much time may have passed since it was posted for it to be edited.




and can no longer be edited 😕


so here here it is...


PS: I wanted to say my last post on here ...



>But also rather dis-jointed, and perhaps posted in haste.

yes it is true

i am traveling on business ... now i have only my ipad ... posting this and replies from it ... sorry for formatting ...

mom is on the ship

and sent half a doze facebook messenger 1 minute recordings on this asking for advice ... as you might know WiFi is limited...

it is best info i could put together ...


yes a person can afford to get one good item/coat ...


i shouldn't have ever mentioned the exact price ... as that put people on a hostile ...



my most important replies




#1 i feel so bullied

and bad needing to defend on here


i didn't expect to be accused


i shouldn't have posed


i guess if it is not about merry good times... then it is not welcome on here


OMG psychologically that is probably what it is


it is like i would tell a patient that eating that cake full of sugar is bad for them while they were eating it ... and its their favorite cake ... which cruising is for many of us ... a blessed safe .. sacred experience ..... it should be


i wanted to ask advice


now i even though it might of have been good to share to give other heads up on any cruise .. anywhere ...


but i wish i never did







>gives the cruise line the right to search any cabin at any time...


exactly give a right ... but does not mandate for a search ... nor or mandate for any protocol to be followed


and that is right - a captains decision is final

so if it is not of greater convenience of the ship (and i understand it and respect that), the crew, the passengers


a loss for one is acceptable over a loss for many


so say they show my mom that other guests took the coat on CCTV

my mom would request that they follow international law or US law


and perhaps just perhaps it would require by law to put that guest behind bars on the ship for theft of (again approximately) $2000 + $2000 items


how does that make NCL look? maybe even some newspaper would love to make a joke out of it ... or say tonight show...


maybe just maybe that even opens them up to a lawsuit - because as you know there are dime a dozen (no wait for free) trigger happy lawyers ready to find a cause and take the case... to settle outside the courtroom... i am referring to seek compensation for a thief if are "mistreated"


this reminds me of a story where a father stabbed a thief in his own house at night .... and was sentenced ...


(they even said: sure if it was a missing child for instance it would be another case ... but this theft is best to just hope things turn up )


again i wasn't there

i wish i heard and could post an audio recording of what exactly they told my mom


if she even had it


and it would be illegal probably for her to record

or for me to post


which makes me even wonder about this post ...


so by trying to explain this ... i am begining to see and understand how complex this is ...


it is better for NCL not to take any action

because any action

could make drama ... and the situation worse

much worse for NCL ... hence what has happened ...



my replies chronologically 




at dear @CruiseGal999

>"I do not believe you when you say that security can NOT view their OWN security footage.  That is #1 where this falls apart. "

i never wrote that

it was a misunderstanding / loss in what i meant / What you interpreted .... likely my mistake as i should have explained something like this in as much detail as i could

what i meant was that my mom requested to see CCTV with them!
but the declined this request

the security watched this on their own

my mother then made a formal request in writing
and requested a formal reply in writing as to why not

I am not sure i guess back home in much of US a victim can not just request to see CCTV

a police officer / detective must ...?

anyone knows the details

do citizens have this right? i guess it must go though legal process..

well here is the thing CCTV would make it clear
and clean

#1 if my mom walked into a room with a coat
#2 walked out with nothing
#3 new guests come
#4 my mom shows up - and the guests claim they do not know anything

it would implicate them
it would cause drama
NCL or anyone wouldn't want drama
they just want everything to be dandy on the sail ...

or possibility B
it shows a stewart walking out with the coats
what then
also drama

so NCL quietly keeps this CCTV to them selves

and no NYPD will likely not be allowed to see it
will they?

do citizens lose their rights on a cruise?



addressing 2nd and 3rd point:

>Secondly, WHY would someone/anyone put their personal belongings in a cabin that was NOT their own cabin!  That doesn't compute ... on any level."

again i should have went into delicate details on this
my mom and her friend waited on a pier
were both hungry ...
wanted to eat ASAP
they found their cabin to be locked

so they found ANY cabin that was not
and made a BIG mistake - i guess  thinking they were at a merry house party where everyone is your good neighbor


@Flatbush Flyer

>Two(!) $2000 coats and they're on an NCL cruise? 👀

As mentioned by the previous poster, the entire story sounds bogus. 

i didn't get the exact exact prices of each coat and prices
yes i guess i should have somehow looked up the exact price for coat A
and B
all i know that it was ball park range

so all people who are NCL can not afford a coat?




i wasn't there

but i worked for many banks and we made errors in millions and millions of dollars
all the time

just like say a self driven car can make a mistake ...

humans make errors
humans who program machines make errors
machines make errors
exceptions can happen all the time...

i wish i knew why their door was locked or what the exact reason was ..

i wasn't there ...


@John Bull

thank you 
thank you dear John Bull

yes i wasn't there

but then none of us were ..

i am missing exact details ..

but i was just curious of general advice

what can be done
what should be done


>And on the matter of "we're not permitted to view our CCTV", 

again i didn't write that

i wrote that

>mom asked to review the CCTV (with them) but security said it is not that simple as it is in US

meaning they have their own rules
a passenger is not allowed to see CCTV

or you might be right
that section was off / full / cam broken / on hold / in port / HD maintenance ... etc ... a dozen or two other reasons
when you are running hundreds or thousand+ cameras ... i wouldn't be surprised




my mother sailed many times and never had a problem
and was under the impression i guess that it is one good house party

on top of that a secure house party
with CCTV - apparently worthless

with security - who are also apparently worthless - who in a long talk confessed that even if they did find the perpetrator law would forbid them from taking direct action ... lawsuit might arise ...

she would not leave say her phone or rings or other valuables

but a huge huge coat


i feel so bullied
and bad needing to defend on here

i didn't expect to be accused

i shouldn't have posed

i guess if it is not about merry good times... then it is not welcome on here

OMG psychologically that is probably what it is

it is like i would tell a patient that eating that cake full of sugar is bad for them while they were eating it ... and its their favorite cake ... which cruising is for many of us ... a blessed safe .. sacred experience ..... it should be

i wanted to ask advice

now i even though it might of have been good to share to give other heads up on any cruise .. anywhere ...

but i wish i never did


>This is truly where the story doesn't hold water.  Not only Bahamian law, but international maritime law, and even the cruise line ticket contract, gives the cruise line the right to search any cabin at any time, with or without the passenger's consent or knowledge.  



My reply:

yes exactly
a captains decision is final
so if it is not of greater convenience of the ship (and i understand it and respect that), the crew, the passengers

a loss for one is acceptable over a loss for many

so say they show my mom that other guests took the coat on CCTV
my mom would request that they follow international law or us law

and perhaps just perhaps it would require by law to put that guest behind bars for theft of (again approximately) $2000 + $2000 items

how does that make NCL look

maybe just maybe that even opens them up to a lawsuit - because as you know there are dime a dozen (no wait for free) trigger happy lawyers ready to find a cause and take the case... to settle outside the courtroom...

(they even said: sure if it was a missing child for instance it would be another case)

again i wasn't there
i wish i heard and could post an audio recording of what exactly they told my mom

if she even had it

and it would be illegal probably for her to record
or for me to post

so by trying to explain this ..m i am begining to see and understand how complex this is ...

it is better not to take any action
because any action
could make the situation worse
much worse for NCL


but thank you for the info on
>Finally, crimes against US citizens, while on a foreign flag cruise ship, while the ship is in US waters or in international waters, must be reported to the FBI, and the US has claimed extra-territorial jurisdiction over these crimes.


@ Flatbush Flyer
>But, everyone does have to admit that even the "well-to-do" probably wouldn't have/take a $2k coat on a cruise ship mostly populated by very very budget-conscious folks.

friend was visiting NYC from Europe - it is cold - yes with a good coat
and cruise is just part of it

so sorry that they picked a cheap cruise on which they can not go on with best coats they had


>Wow, I am used to your condescending comments about mass market cruise lines, but can you get any more insulting by implying that 'very budget-conscious' folks are more likely to steal from their fellow passengers? Or maybe you are saying the 'well-to-do' wouldn't want to make the rest of the passengers feel bad?  Either case is a new low.

thank you 
thank you 


@George C

thank you 


>But I guess the first few responses have put them off.

Possibly for life.:classic_sad:

yes yes

thank you 

>Maybe the coats will magically reappear at some point. After all IF their neighbors have the coats it is not like they can go walking around the ship with them on.

but apparently nothing prevents those folks from walking out with them in their cases

no on can or will search them


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A Captain's decision is not final, any more than a police officer's decision about a crime is final, or a lawyer's decision about a crime is final.  The Captain has to uphold Bahamian law, whether he likes it, or the company likes it, or not, or he can lose his license (earned over many years) and be held financially responsible for any mistakes.


Sorry, still don't understand how if your mother had cruised "many times" she believed that it was a "merry house party", any more than you would consider a hotel to be a "merry house party".  This is patently ridiculous.


Yes, ship's security can, and will search passenger's luggage, if there is probable cause.


And, as I've said, since this cruise is still ongoing, you need to seek legal representation as soon as possible, if you really think this case has merit, and the lawyer will be able to contact the FBI for any filings with them, and to obtain any evidence or documentation that is available.  Since you have not commented on my recommendation to seek legal representation, it appears that you don't want to possibly front money for resolution of this incident, but only to get money from the cruise line, and so from my experience working on cruise ships, this leads me to believe this case has many holes in its claims.

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36 minutes ago, navybankerteacher said:


I did not say that NCL were the “most affordable” - only that NCL markets towards the “budget minded” — which they clearly do.  


Very often the “budget minded” - especially those who wind up paying more than the minimum - are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.  Which might explain the thinking (more precisely the lack thereof) involved in leaving expensive coats in someone else’s stateroom (that is, of course, if there is any truth whatsoever in OP’s tale). 

I equate "budget minded" with "affordability" and as I said I don't think NCL has met that definition for a number of years (and yes, I would agree that they try to market themselves that way). 

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12 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

A Captain's decision is not final, any more than a police officer's decision about a crime is final, or a lawyer's decision about a crime is final.  The Captain has to uphold Bahamian law, whether he likes it, or the company likes it, or not, or he can lose his license (earned over many years) and be held financially responsible for any mistakes.


Sorry, still don't understand how if your mother had cruised "many times" she believed that it was a "merry house party", any more than you would consider a hotel to be a "merry house party".  This is patently ridiculous.


Yes, ship's security can, and will search passenger's luggage, if there is probable cause.


And, as I've said, since this cruise is still ongoing, you need to seek legal representation as soon as possible, if you really think this case has merit, and the lawyer will be able to contact the FBI for any filings with them, and to obtain any evidence or documentation that is available.  Since you have not commented on my recommendation to seek legal representation, it appears that you don't want to possibly front money for resolution of this incident, but only to get money from the cruise line, and so from my experience working on cruise ships, this leads me to believe this case has many holes in its claims.


a captains decision is final at that point in the water


what ever happens later ... happens later


if he says they are searching a cabin they are ... if he says they are not ... they are not...


they did approach the captain at the meet and greet about this and he said do not worry we will handle this ... thks was on day 4 or so


so head of security again apologized and said they will do their best


at this point a formal request to see CCTV is made

awaiting for a formal decline


all possible info is collected...

have no idea to whom the claim can be made ... if ever ...


you are right about the FBI ... will call them up ... seek their help .. i imagine they have other things ... much like NYPD if you call about theft ... eventually someone will question and cause more stress and make some report ...


thank you everyone ...




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OK , so my question has more to do with boarding procedures on NCL -- a cruise line that I've never sailed on. How was it that the OP's mom could not access her own cabin (locked) upon boarding, but could get into an adjacent unlocked (unoccupied?) cabin? On Royal and Celebrity, access to all of the cabin areas is closed and locked, until they announce that the cabins are ready. In most instances, you can't even get into the hallways, until that announcement comes over the PA system. And, during that time, the cabin doors themselves are not locked -- since the rooms are still being cleaned and prepped. So, if you did happen to stumble into a cabin area, before the announcement, all of the doors would be unlocked. Bottom line: if you couldn't access 'your' cabin, you most likely wouldn't be able to go into the one that was adjacent to it. Can someone please explain to me how they do things on NCL?


Still trying to get my mind around why anyone would go into someone else's cabin -- much less leave something of value there -- just because their cabin door was locked. Their key-card should have unlocked the door -- if it really was their cabin. But here again -- I know nothing of how things work on NCL.:classic_unsure:

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1 minute ago, wwcruisers said:

OK , so my question has more to do with boarding procedures on NCL -- a cruise line that I've never sailed on. How was it that the OP's mom could not access her own cabin (locked) upon boarding, but could get into an adjacent unlocked (unoccupied?) cabin? On Royal and Celebrity, access to all of the cabin areas is closed and locked, until they announce that the cabins are ready. In most instances, you can't even get into the hallways, until that announcement comes over the PA system. And, during that time, the cabin doors themselves are not locked -- since the rooms are still being cleaned and prepped. So, if you did happen to stumble into a cabin area, before the announcement, all of the doors would be unlocked. Bottom line: if you couldn't access 'your' cabin, you most likely wouldn't be able to go into the one that was adjacent to it. Can someone please explain to me how they do things on NCL?


Still trying to get my mind around why anyone would go into someone else's cabin -- much less leave something of value there -- just because their cabin door was locked. Their key-card should have unlocked the door -- if it really was their cabin. But here again -- I know nothing of how things work on NCL.:classic_unsure:


NCL works the same way as all the other mass market cruise lines...and just as you state, the main doors are locked.

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24 minutes ago, InGearX said:


a captains decision is final at that point in the water


what ever happens later ... happens later


if he says they are searching a cabin they are ... if he says they are not ... they are not...


they did approach the captain at the meet and greet about this and he said do not worry we will handle this ... thks was on day 4 or so


so head of security again apologized and said they will do their best


at this point a formal request to see CCTV is made

awaiting for a formal decline


all possible info is collected...

have no idea to whom the claim can be made ... if ever ...


you are right about the FBI ... will call them up ... seek their help .. i imagine they have other things ... much like NYPD if you call about theft ... eventually someone will question and cause more stress and make some report ...


thank you everyone ...





Not sure why you think the FBI will do anything. Based on what you said, the coats were deliberately left in someone else's cabin. The only people who have any responsibility in this is the owners of the coats who thought it was a good idea to deposit very expensive coats in an area that wasn't theirs. And the continued claim that their own cabin was locked is questionable. If that was their cabin, they would have key cards to unlock the door. 


Your mother and friend need to accept responsibility for their mistake and quit blaming everyone else for their poor judgment. At their ages, I would think they would have learned that my now. 


You mentioned banks making mistakes of millions of dollars as an excuse for your mother's mistake. If the bank made the mistake, they would be responsible for it. Not someone else. Same in your mother's situation. 

Edited by sloopsailor
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2 hours ago, InGearX said:

do citizens lose their rights on a cruise?

With regards to this question, yes, you do, just like when you travel to any other country, your rights are the rights of citizens of that country (in the case of a ship, the flag country), not the rights of a US citizen.  US laws do not extend beyond the borders, and the border at sea is 12 miles out.  Your country of citizenship has very little to do with what "rights" you have on a foreign flag ship.

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26 minutes ago, sparks1093 said:

I equate "budget minded" with "affordability" and as I said I don't think NCL has met that definition for a number of years (and yes, I would agree that they try to market themselves that way). 


There is a world of difference between someone being “budget minded” and their purchases having “affordability”.   Being “budget minded” simply means trying to buy something on the cheap;  while “affordability” means something is within ones ability to pay, and has nothing to do with quality or whether it offers objective value for the money. 


 NCL is certainly at the low end of the price spectrum - their accommodations are generally priced at or below the prices charged by other lines for COMPARABLE accommodations.   

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11 hours ago, John Bull said:

Hmmm - are the previous posters guilty of shooting first & asking questions after?


Yes it all sounds very strange, but perhaps that's in part down to the second-hand telling.


There are certainly times on embarkation day when folk don't have access to their cabin.

And cabins most certainly aren't always locked, especially but not solely on embarkation day.  I've walked past dozens of cabins with the doors wide open as stewards are going about their duties. Hellfire, how many times have you been as nosey as me to glance in to see what other cabins look like?


And on the matter of "we're not permitted to view our CCTV", altho that argument sounds ridiculous - especially on the high seas - we need a professional like Cheng or Heidi  to give their informed opinion.

But in all walks of life  I've come across misguided and officious jobsworths who don't employ common sense in their replies. Classic case in point - just last week when I phoned to arrange delivery of goods from a store I was asked for my phone number - I gave it and asked for it to be read back to me, as I always do to ensure that it wasn't mis-heard. "I'm sorry, I can't do that, by law I'm not permitted to give out information". Not permitted to confirm the phone number I'd just given??? 


Or mebbe it's as simple as the crew-member not wanting to admit that their CCTV wasn't in working order.


Yes, there are  few things that don't make sense.

For instance....

Leaving coats in the adjoining cabin. Did they do that to avoid the bother of carrying them back to the public areas? Or did the OP misunderstand, & in fact they'd put the coats in the adjoining cabin mistaking it for their own?

And did the OP's mum ask that security check that cabin? Or did she ask that she be allowed to do it?


The OP has enough posts under their belt to be taken seriously, without accusations of "bogus".

So how about asking, rather than accusing?


JB :classic_smile: 

JB - totally agree with Cheng, this is so implausible that it is hard to believe it isn't a troll/hoax, or the OP has been provide erroneous/incomplete information.


Use of CCTV is governed by Flag State laws and I have only ever sailed on UK or Canadian ships. When I left UK we didn't have CCTV coverage, so don't know those laws. In Canada, we must post signage that areas are covered by CCTV, but we have no restrictions on reviewing/monitoring the recording.


In the event of an incident, we got our Security Dept involved and they dealt with the legal issues with the authorities. I see no reason why the Master and/or Security Officer can't view the CCTV, but agree it probably can't be shared with passengers.


With man-overboard situations, many that are not witnessed are confirmed by reviewing CCTV footage.

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WOW, my cabin is locked so I think I'll put two expensive coats in someone else's cabin and hope they are there when I return, if not I'll complain they are stolen. Sorry, no sympathy here. As Forrest said, stupid is...

I can't even imagine an experience cruiser thinking such a thing. 

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