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Beverage Cards and Wine Packages - Heads Up


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We were given some $100 beverage cards for our Zuiderdam cruise last week from our TA.  We normally purchase a wine package when we cruise and  I had planned to use the beverage cards to offset that cost.


Unfortunately,  they would not let us use the beverage cards for the wine package.  There was some explanation about not being able to use them with discounted beverages, but I wasn't really following the logic.  I am sure if you purchase them yourself there is probably some fine print that explains the limitations,  but these were just given to us and I just assumed we could use them for any beverages.


 We ended up using them on individual bottles of wine and a few mixed drinks,  but it was pretty frustrating to not be able to use them on the normal wine packages.


Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone planning on using them for the wine packages.


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40 minutes ago, mdjohn5 said:

We were given some $100 beverage cards for our Zuiderdam cruise last week from our TA.  We normally purchase a wine package when we cruise and  I had planned to use the beverage cards to offset that cost.


Unfortunately,  they would not let us use the beverage cards for the wine package.  There was some explanation about not being able to use them with discounted beverages, but I wasn't really following the logic.  I am sure if you purchase them yourself there is probably some fine print that explains the limitations,  but these were just given to us and I just assumed we could use them for any beverages.


 We ended up using them on individual bottles of wine and a few mixed drinks,  but it was pretty frustrating to not be able to use them on the normal wine packages.


Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone planning on using them for the wine packages.


WE had $25 beverage cards on our cruise 3/16 on Oosterdam.  They wouldn't let us use them for a purchase of wine either.  We did try to use them for drinks on the Sea View deck, but the cards continually wouldn't work the bartender told us.  When I went to Guest Services, they claimed they did work and that the drinks had been charged to the cards, but the drinks were also charged to our cabin!  Beware!  When we left the ship, we all had balances left on those cards because they wouldn't work!

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1 hour ago, VTcruisenut said:

  When we left the ship, we all had balances left on those cards because they wouldn't work!


That's interesting. 


I thought I was being careful managing the cards...I had 4 to juggle...but on the last day I tried to use the last one and they told me the balance was 0.  I was confused, but just assumed I messed somewhere up and threw away the wrong card...but I bet I had the same issue.


Overall I am not a fan of the beverage card system.  Live and learn I guess.



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29 minutes ago, mdjohn5 said:

Overall I am not a fan of the beverage card system.  Live and learn I guess.



I had 3 beverage cards - $50 non-alcoholic beverage card, $50 general beverage card that I used for alcoholic beverages and a $50 soda card (purchased for $25). I wanted to see if a Quench package might somehow be worth it on a future cruise and what an "included" beverage package would really be worth to me.


At the end of the cruise I had about $8 left on the non-alcoholic beverage card. The balance was applied to our account. I used the last bit of the general beverage card to partially pay for a beer DH had. I didn't use quite all of the soda card, but the amount used was more than I paid, so nothing was refunded.


Beverage cards worked well for me, but next time I won't bother with the non-alcoholic one - just purchase a larger $ amount of the general beverage card.


But what works for one cruiser won't necessarily work for another.

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32 minutes ago, mdjohn5 said:


That's interesting. 


I thought I was being careful managing the cards...I had 4 to juggle...but on the last day I tried to use the last one and they told me the balance was 0.  I was confused, but just assumed I messed somewhere up and threw away the wrong card...but I bet I had the same issue.


Overall I am not a fan of the beverage card system.  Live and learn I guess.



Lesson:   HAl is not going to offer something they will loose money on  by making you think your saving....    Best to go day by day regular war without any gimmick cards.  HAL is slippery.... they still advertise cruises  without including the real cost  like Port and Tax and daily service fee pp !    Know who your playing with... and trust not.

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HAL has had that rule for years that you can not use a Beverage card to buy a wine package.  But you certainly can use the Beverage cards to buy bottles of wine.


We have bought and have gotten free Beverage cards for years.  Never had a problem using them.  If we had anything left over on the cards that we bought, it was refunded to my credit card at the end of the cruise.

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19 hours ago, fyree39 said:

I'm of a mind that I'll simply purchase OBC rather than the beverage card. I'd assume the OBC will cover everything and anything we want to purchase during the cruise, including gratuities.  Yes?

Suggestion...if you want to earn FF miles.    With the same money, why not pay after the cruise with your credit  card and earn valuable future travel benefits...   Get a 30 day interest free float from the bank..    Why give money in advance, which if you dont spend  you have to try and get it back.    .  Just one less step it seems

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20 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

Lesson:   HAl is not going to offer something they will loose money on  by making you think your saving....   

You clearly don't understand how a beverage card works.

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1 hour ago, Hawaiidan said:

Suggestion...if you want to earn FF miles.    With the same money, why not pay after the cruise with your credit  card and earn valuable future travel benefits...   Get a 30 day interest free float from the bank..    Why give money in advance, which if you dont spend  you have to try and get it back.    .  Just one less step it seems


HUH?  You can use a credit card with FF miles to pay for beverage cards or OBC. so, you get the same interest free window if you choose to buy these items in advance.


Both are refundable.  There’s no “trying to get it back”.  


Why is your way the only right one?  Lots of people do things differently and don’t need to be told how to do their finances.



55 minutes ago, RuthC said:

You clearly don't understand how a beverage card works.


You sure have that one right.

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 it is a great wonder why people would want to pre pay when they do not have to thats all and receive no tangible benifit.   Before or after yes you get the same points.. but after you still get the same without having to give your money  for someone to hold. That seems to me very un wise

The longer they have  someones money the more  things  that could go wrong.. based on everything I have  recently experienced.     

 I guess I am sensitive as I have been very distrustful of HAL  in all my recent dealings. as they continue to try to  change rates, fees and so on...   

I have seen in a 2 week period prices go up  then down then up as much as $700....  Sorry. I am a bit gun-shy about dealing with them.

I am still mystified why a beverage card can not be used for all beverage charges like wine bottles. and maybe corkage...   .... Again sorry for venting...        

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18 minutes ago, Hawaiidan said:

 it is a great wonder why people would want to pre pay when they do not have to thats all and receive no tangible benifit.   Before or after yes you get the same points.. but after you still get the same without having to give your money  for someone to hold. That seems to me very un wise

The longer they have  someones money the more  things  that could go wrong.. based on everything I have  recently experienced.     

 I guess I am sensitive as I have been very distrustful of HAL  in all my recent dealings. as they continue to try to  change rates, fees and so on...   

I have seen in a 2 week period prices go up  then down then up as much as $700....  Sorry. I am a bit gun-shy about dealing with them.

I am still mystified why a beverage card can not be used for all beverage charges like wine bottles. and maybe corkage...   .... Again sorry for venting...        


Then, my question is, why are you on the HAL board?  To warn us all away?  I have never had ANY trouble with HAL.  And I like to leave a cruise ship NOT owing any money to anyone.  I enjoy the feeling that my vacation is completely paid for when I walk off the ship. 


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1 hour ago, Hawaiidan said:

it is a great wonder why people would want to pre pay when they do not have to thats all and receive no tangible benifit. 

People have listed several reasons why they prefer to pre-pay. The great wonder is why you can't or won't accept the fact that your way isn't the only way and that there is no loss in tangible benefits by pre-paying.



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23 hours ago, pmcubed said:


Then, my question is, why are you on the HAL board?  To warn us all away?  I have never had ANY trouble with HAL.  And I like to leave a cruise ship NOT owing any money to anyone.  I enjoy the feeling that my vacation is completely paid for when I walk off the ship. 


I am on this board   because it has been a few years since I cruises HAL  and I wanted to get up to speed.     In the process of getting up to speed on the new HAL, I experienced a whole slew of  bad experiences caused by HAl.    The HAL of 10 years ago  is NOT the HAL of today..   It has colored some of my opinions       I too in the past have never had a problem with HAL of the past....Today is  the opposite, and something  I did not anticipate at all. .... This is all the more troubling as I have been traveling and cruising since 1973.  I am no new-be.

I understand your wanting to  walk off the cruise with no bill.         I dont have the same desire.    I like  get the most by managing my money and it has proved most profitable for me.     Its  not for everyone however, I am cool with that.   I only offer my experiences for others to consider, laugh or discount.    

Enjoy your life

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22 hours ago, Fouremco said:

People have listed several reasons why they prefer to pre-pay. The great wonder is why you can't or won't accept the fact that your way isn't the only way and that there is no loss in tangible benefits by pre-paying.



Oh  thats fine..... its your money  spend it wisely.    There are many ways.   I offer my way  as an option.   and yes prepaying can result in a very tangible dollar loss  depending on how you source your finances.      I realize that for the 7-10 day cruiser that may not be a factor.   I am a 28-36 day cruiser.   The obc required jumps from a few hundred  to  many thousands....   So consider that please

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10 minutes ago, Hawaiidan said:

Oh  thats fine..... its your money  spend it wisely.    There are many ways.   I offer my way  as an option.   and yes prepaying can result in a very tangible dollar loss  depending on how you source your finances.      I realize that for the 7-10 day cruiser that may not be a factor.   I am a 28-36 day cruiser.   The obc required jumps from a few hundred  to  many thousands....   So consider that please


You are quick to dispense advice and tell people that they should or shouldn't do something without taking into consideration that their circumstances might be entirely different than yours. Wonderful, you are a 28+ day cruiser and you have your own particular approach to doing things, but it's clear that you have tunnel vision when you make comments like the one below. 


23 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

 it is a great wonder why people would want to pre pay when they do not have to thats all and receive no tangible benifit.



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44 minutes ago, Fouremco said:


You are quick to dispense advice and tell people that they should or shouldn't do something without taking into consideration that their circumstances might be entirely different than yours. Wonderful, you are a 28+ day cruiser and you have your own particular approach to doing things, but it's clear that you have tunnel vision when you make comments like the one below. 




It is sound advice on what a person should consider, it is sound and can be applied to any and all circumstance.  But it does not change whetehr it is a 1 day or 100 day cruise.  The principals remain constant.   The gain/loss thus remains proportional to the individuals trip/cruise etc.     It is tunnel vision  not to realize that these principals some how only apply to special situations and  not lower levels of cruising.....   My hope is that  people  come to understand it applies to everyone  all the time.   You can ignore it but that does not make it any less real       There are a substantial bunch on these post who are  taking 14-28-36-50-80 day cruise  should we only given for people who sail 7 days or less?          I offer hard fact  for everyone with out regard.

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2 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

Oh  thats fine..... its your money  spend it wisely.    There are many ways.   I offer my way  as an option.   and yes prepaying can result in a very tangible dollar loss  depending on how you source your finances.      I realize that for the 7-10 day cruiser that may not be a factor.   I am a 28-36 day cruiser.   The obc required jumps from a few hundred  to  many thousands....   So consider that please



It would be nice if you  offered “your way” as an option but unfortunately you continue on and on and on like the Energizer bunny in more than one thread.


I’m a 24 - 33 day cruiser and prepaying my OBC and buying beverage cards works just fine for us thank you very much.  I don’t need your lectures nor your “supposed” expertise on finances.  My past life was one of a financial planner and I think I have an idea of what I am doing and why.


Not everyone is in your situation and what works for you may not work for others especially people like Fourmenco and I who deal with the exchange rate risk.  I know, that’s a lot to expect for you to comprehend that different people have different needs and different reasons for what they do, but different ways of doing things should be acceptable here no matter what your personal opinion is.


Different things work for different people.  I don’t walk in your shoes nor do you mine.  I don’t judge how you do things, but please don’t judge me or anyone else who has something that works.  And, it would be nice if the endless lectures stopped.  





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3 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

I offer my way  as an option.

"Offering" is one thing. The constant browbeating, with several posts in each of more threads than I can count, is another.

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3 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

 I realize that for the 7-10 day cruiser that may not be a factor.   I am a 28-36 day cruiser.   The obc required jumps from a few hundred  to  many thousands....   So consider that please


2 hours ago, Hawaiidan said:

It is sound advice on what a person should consider, it is sound and can be applied to any and all circumstance.  But it does not change whetehr it is a 1 day or 100 day cruise.  The principals remain constant.

Once again, you've contradicted yourself. It's hard to take someone seriously when they can't even make up their own mind whilst pontificating. :classic_cool:



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