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Keith, we are very much enjoying your blog and reports as always.  I have a question in regard to the size of the Mozart.  You have mentioned a number of times that the Mozart is much wider than other river cruise ships.  I was under the impression that the width of the ships were quite limited as they need to go through narrow locks.  Is the Mozart therefore limited in where it can sail?



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29 minutes ago, boblerm said:

Keith, we are very much enjoying your blog and reports as always.  I have a question in regard to the size of the Mozart.  You have mentioned a number of times that the Mozart is much wider than other river cruise ships.  I was under the impression that the width of the ships were quite limited as they need to go through narrow locks.  Is the Mozart therefore limited in where it can sail?




They can only go in the widest part of the Danube (between Passau and Budapest)

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1 hour ago, kent9xxx1 said:


They can only go in the widest part of the Danube (between Passau and Budapest)

I believe it can go to Vilshofen. We were supposed to go there though due to low water levels, we spent another night in Passau. 


Amawaterways recently released a new ship (AmaMagna) that is similar in size. The Mozart is still slightly larger.


Here is a map I had gotten off of Crystal's website:


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10 hours ago, koko's_mom said:

Wow....it all sounds wonderful!  It makes sense not to have as many choices due to size of the vessel and number of guests.... but it sounds like everything is fresh and special due to the same!  


On a more somber note, I appreciated reading about your tour of the Mauthasuen-Gusen  concentration camp memorial.  I am sure it is difficult to see first hand, and has to make a lasting impression.  I will put this experience on the top of our list if we ever make a journey such as yours.


I am spending some time searching the Crystal calendar for a return stay on the Serenity, or a new adventure on the Mozart!  

My best to you and Anne Marie,


Thank you Caryn.


Se send our best to you and Stan  as well.


For a special occasion consider Mozart.  It is  a different  experience from Serenity  (no Paddle Tennis, etc.)  but  has  similarities  with the on board ambience and a different feel and some new places to see.



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4 hours ago, boblerm said:

Keith, we are very much enjoying your blog and reports as always.  I have a question in regard to the size of the Mozart.  You have mentioned a number of times that the Mozart is much wider than other river cruise ships.  I was under the impression that the width of the ships were quite limited as they need to go through narrow locks.  Is the Mozart therefore limited in where it can sail?



Bob, this is correct.


Since it is double the size of most RIver Cruise Vessels, the largest sailing in Europe and the second largest in the world it has limitations where it can be deployed so it sails very specific itineraries such as the one  we are on.


Just like Ocean Vessels size is a factor in the experience.  There  are things you can offer on Mozart that are not on the other  Crystal River Vessels such as one of the dining venues and you have more open space on Mozart.  The downside is limited itineraries.  Like most things pluses and minuses if you  will.


Some would be very happy on either size vessel while others might prefer one  over the other. 

Again  same with Ocean Vessels.



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Good early morning from Crystal Mozart as we are sailing to Bratislava, Slovakia.


We enjoyed  a leisurely afternoon  of  viewing the sites on the Danube after we left  Passau.  We  are returning on the same route we came in on and we will be going past Vienna.


We saw the scenery from various vantage points on the ship such as from our room and Waterside  and also since the Palm Court is forward we had a nice view as we entered the Lock.  Being such a  wide ship we just fit in several of the locks and sometimes touch the sides but  we have rubber on the sides with devices that look like tires. 




For those of you who are familiar with the Crystal Ocean Vessels last evening before dinner was a Crystal Society Party. 








There was a large turnout for it.  A difference is that Caviar is served and a very generous portion indeed and I thought the quality was excellent.  It was served to each person already in a nice dish.  I thought I had taken a photo but messed.  Mark Farris entertained before, during and after the event.  Thee parties were recognized.  The first couple had somewhere between 10 and 20 Crystal Milestone and they are from Bermuda.  We spoke with them afterwards and I believe they are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.  Our honeymoon was in Bermuda so we reminisced about that.  The second party is a woman who we have met before on Serenity and we have some friends in common.  She is from Hong Kong and celebrating her 23rd milestone.  We were recognized last by Crystal Society Hostess and Future Sales Consultant Alexandria. 


We met some people for the very first time before the event began and during the party and sat near two couples we  have gotten to know on this voyage.  We've met  lots of nice people and you can see in the past couple of days how the bonding that takes place on certain voyages. 


We left the reception about ten minutes after dinner began and you can see that many were hungry as there were several people already seated.  We enjoyed continued views of the scenery during dinner.


At one point after we ordered we smelled a smokey smell and and didn't know if it was coming from outside or inside the ship.  DId something catch fire in the kitchen?  Well it turned out it was from an appetizer that someone ordered as discovered when our appetizer arrived.  I had the  Applewood Smoked Alpine Beef Crudo.  When the waiter placed the item which comes in a bowl with a lid on the table and removed the cover there was smoke and an aroma of Applewood coming from the dish.  A terrific presentation and delicious.  When the modern cuisine menu first debuted on the Ocean Vessels several of the appetizers came out with smoke or foam but that has changed.  It might be with the complexity of preparing them in larger quantities.  Anyway delicious.





Anne Marie had a consomme.  This was not on the menu.  Talking about attention to detail at the end of dinner we visited another table and we were speaking with the couple and their family member traveling with them and the Executive Chef asked Anne Marie if she was feeling OK because she went with soup over the other appetizers on the menu. 


We both had the salads on the menu but for the first time changed out an item which was asking if we could have it with Spinach instead of Arugula.  We could see from lunch that they brought on Spinach otherwise we would not asked them if they could change this for us.  The salad was accompanied with various pieces of fruit. and vegetables and a nice presentation on top.



We both enjoyed the entrees.  I had the Darude Fish and Anne Marie had the Veal.  The Veal was prepared in a sauce different than say Prego but very tasty indeed.  My Darude was simple.




We ended with some dessert.  Anne Marie had a small scoop of ice cream and I had the cheese plate once again.  I like that on the menu they list what cheese they will serve that evening.  For those of you who follow our travels you know that often we end with coffee for Anne Marie and fruit for me so we are trying more items for dinner.


Speaking of food we mentioned the rolls and they are incredible.  For those of you familiar with Prego we have the dark roll that you will see in Prego.  However on Prego it is pretty hard whereas on Mozart it is tastier and softer.  I will have to ask why.


The after dinner entertainment was more unique and was a DJ playing 50's, 60's and 70's music.


All in all a relaxing and enjoyable 24 hours.





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Something I have been meaning to mention is the Internet has been superb and the fastest we have ever experienced on a vessel.


Reflections had noted that when you are in locks that internet outages might occur.  So far it has not been an issue.



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7 hours ago, Keith1010 said:

Speaking of food we mentioned the rolls and they are incredible.  For those of you familiar with Prego we have the dark roll that you will see in Prego.  However on Prego it is pretty hard whereas on Mozart it is tastier and softer.  I will have to ask why.


I have to say there was a cheese roll that I absolutely loved at lunch. Best roll I have had on a ship (on left).




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Speaking of food, this is the menu for this evening.


For those of you who follow my Ocean Blog and posts on CC I think you can guess what we will be having as an entree and for sure Anne Marie's choice.



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19 hours ago, kent9xxx1 said:


They can only go in the widest part of the Danube (between Passau and Budapest)


They can also sail the Eastern (Lower) Danube at least as far as the Iron Gates. That is the cruise were supposed to go on last September, cancelled due to no water at Budapest!

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7 hours ago, acwmom said:

As JP said, my husband and I did this hike. We took the easy way up and the challenging way down. Will post pics when I get to work.




6 hours ago, Keith1010 said:

I see that you will likely be getting an answer to this.  But once  you do if you would like to continue on this subject would you kindly start a new thread  as I would like to keep my thread on topic

Thank you.




New thread started here

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1 hour ago, kent9xxx1 said:


When I came back and shared the caviar pics to my friend, he was aghast.  Metal spoon with caviar, the nerve!  


My thoughts exactly. I was surprised to see that a line of Crystal’s quality would be using metal spoons for caviar.  

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Let me provide a simple view on the Caviar.


It was delicious and this is not my first rodeo.  In other words I think I have a good view of what good Caviar tastes like.


The caviar was plentiful.  In other words you could have more if you liked.


As to the spoon, personally I didn't think anything about it. 


Let me ask?  How many River Cruise ships offer Caviar and if so is it at this quality.  My  guess, no no.


Life is short.  Just enjoy IMHO.

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I wish I could find my source - when looking at going on the Mozart, I remember reading about farm to table, locally sourced food and that the 2 things that they do bring in special for the ship are the Maine Lobsters and the Caviar. I have to agree with Keith, one could eat as much caviar as they wanted during our gathering. I did not hear one person complaining.

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Ok - Crystal is flawed by using the wrong spoon. We are all flawed in some way. I was having a difficult time coming up with something that Crystal didn't do well. Now we know.

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Good morning  everyone.


Let me begin with the caviar.  The caviar was offered that night at the party only and at the party you could have more if you would like.  For anyone who sails Crystal if there is something they don't  like , or feel an improvement is in order  my recommendation is  to make  your suggestion known while you are on the ship by speaking  with  someone such as the Hotel Director and/or when you are home via the quality assurance survey.  I always  think it's a good opportunity to discuss these things on board first.  In my  case if the spoon was an issue (it is not for me) I would just ask about it.  For example, rather than telling the HD it's wrong I would approach it by asking why is a metal spoon used over a plastic one and that you are asking because that is a first for you or you are asking because that is something you didn't think was the way  it should be done.   Then listen for the feedback and go from there.  From there if you don't like the response or think further feedback is in order it can be provided via the quality assurance survey.  This doesn't mean something will change based on one comment but the more comments along the same item the greater the chance it gets addressed.  Crystal IMHO  is good about listening to feedback and when they can (they can't always) making adjustments.  Are they perfect?  No.  Is anyone perfect?  No.


I really  don't want this thread to become a debate over the caviar though.


Stickman1990, yes an interesting item to happen while I am on board.  I was looking at booking another Mozart Cruise but will now focus on one of the four other vessels.



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As I write this we are on our way to Budapest.


We continue to have a wonderful time on Mozart.  In fact, maybe too much time as I need to find more time for sleep.


I'll give a high level from our day.  Up early yesterday, breakfast, workout, scenic cruising, lunch, tour for me while Anne Marie stayed on the ship, got back from tour, showered, went to Palm Court to see local entertainement featuring two brothers who play instruments and sing, dinner, touring around the ship, a nightcap at Palm Court and to sleep at Midnight.  I'm up and skipped the workout for now.


OK, now a few details.


I took a three hour tour in Bratislava.


The tour offered a mix of Jewish related sites (a very unique cemetery where Rabbis were burried and where much of it had gone through destruction, a tour of a Jewish Museum (very impressive), a visit to the former Jewish Quarters , visit to the Bratislava Castle (toured outside not inside),  and concluded with a tour of the old town.  We were given the option earlier to return by bus and skip old town or walk old town and return to Mozart.


Only eight people on the tour including one person from the ship escorting a guest who is physically challenged. 


Tour guide was good but for me provided way too much  information.


I prefer getting less information, and having more time to absorb what it is we learn.


Sometimes less is better.


The Jewish Museum fit that mode.  It  wasn't a large museum.  However, the displays  were  very compelling  and because it does not have massive rooms I remember all we saw and have many takeaways from it.  Give me too much information and at some point I turn it off.


In spit of this a good tour.  I learned some items that we knew. 


It got emotional as well when the Holocaust came up along with the number of deaths .


Some photos from tour.




Because River Cruise vessels are small you really get to know the people and I already knew all of the people on our tour from seeing them either on a previous tour and/or on the ship.


Entertainment before dinner was two local performers who are brothers.  It had humor and some nice music.  Not the type of show I would normally go to but nevertheless enjoyable.





Dinner was terrific.  Blog will have more details on who we dined with when I update it later today.


On voyages of 10 or more days they will have fresh lobster one evening and it was on the menu last night.  That is a favorite of my wife.  I learned from one of our table mates that the beef is from Austria and quite good. I don't eat beef very often so I had the Lobster and asked the waiter if I could get a piece of beef that was on one of the other entrees and he said absolutely and would make it a surf and turf entree. 





My wife had Onion Soup which she enjoyed for an appetizer (well they made it her second course) and I had a herring dish which was enhanced with the sauce that accompanied it.  We both had Caesar Salad and asked for it to come very light with the dressing which is did.  Closed with cheese for me and ice cream for Anne Marie.  We normally don't have four courses as often as we have been doing on this trip.


I can't remember the name of it but we had a local white wine at the show.  It was a mix; some Chardonnay and some Riesling and one or two other items.  Very good.  I'll see if I can write down the name tonight.  For dinner I went with an Austrian Pinot Noir which I have been enjoying.  I normally prefer Cabernet or Merlot.  At the hotel I didn't care for their red wines other than the Pinot Noir.  On the ship I have enjoyed many of the inclusive red wines (some local and some from California) but again the Pinot Noir has been a favorite of mine.  Maybe a good reminder to continue to vary wine selection.


As I mentioned after touring around the ship we ended back at Palm Court for a nightcap so it was a late night for us.


The trip is winding down but we are ending on a very positive note.





IMG_6237 2.jpg

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28 minutes ago, Stickman1990 said:


Keith - thanks for clarifying the availability of the caviar onboard. I have only ever heard great comments about the food on the river ships 


Speaking to those on Symphony at the moment that have cruised Mozart they say they will miss her and would have booked to cruise again on her 

Terry, I was sad when I heard the news. 


I spent a couple of hours in the morning trying to figure out another Mozart voyage that would work for us.  Our challenge was finding a time when we could add the trip.  In fact, we started the process for an open booking which is done a little differently on board the river cruise vessels.  Since the shipboard account is done in Euros but the bookings are done with USA dollars they don't charge the ship board account but actually run your credit card through the reservation system. Anyway,  there was a technical difficulty on that so the plan is to do that today.  When home we'll look at the other itineraries on the other ships to see what makes sense.  I received some good recommendations at dinner last night.


I do love Mozart though.  It comes the closest of reminding us of our experience on the 200 guest Seabourn Vessels and like the size of it and features it has that are not on the other four vessels nor on most river cruise vessels as I understand. 


Either way we will return for another river cruise on another Crystal vessel.  We are getting to see places that we couldn't see on an Ocean Voyage and are enjoying the fact that it combines items such as service and cuisine that we have experienced on Crystal Ocean Vessels with the opportunity to visit places that we wouldn't have seen and also do it in a unique way such as on small tours and being with just a small group (small is relative I know) of fellow guests.



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