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7-18-19 Thursday Weigh-In.... Sun's Up..Time To Weigh


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W...Weight Down Is The Goal
E...Eating Less
I...I Will Not Eat............(fill in the blank)
G...Greens Are Good For You
H...Have Enough Water During The Day

I...I'll Not Give Up
N...New Healthy Foods..Try


T...Talk To Myself
H...Happy Thoughts
U...Up And Down Days Are Normal
R...Reach For Your Goal
D...Day By Day
A...Always Know Your Worth It
Y...Year From Now Your Thinner

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New to here.  Have a cruise coming up in 73 days.  Will be out of town for 10 days (going to brother & niece's) before cruise and pretty sure won't be able to do low carb during that time.  Not sure how much I'm supposed to share about how much I weigh and what my weight loss goals are so help me out if you would.  I can't exercise much (if any) due to neurological issues.


Started dieting about 2 1/2wks ago and have lost 10lb.


This past week I lost 3lb. 


I know I'm loosing quicker d/t early in diet.

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Hello everyone,


I lost 1 lb, back now to pre-cruise weight from April.


Belle, great poem.


Jasonmom, welcome. Each Thursday Belle starts a thread. We come in and report if we lost, gained or stayed-the-same. You can say what you weight or not, up to you. 


Great start on the losing. Congrats.



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Jasonmom - great loss congratulations !   Diana - Nice that you are now down to pre-cruise weight!


I am still up from my April cruise ... Didn't lose anything this week ... finding it more difficult to stick with the journey, but I will keep trying.


Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Jan

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Hi everyone! I've only been conscientiously dieting since Monday and am down 3 - probably water weight. I have a goal of 22 to go before cruise day if possible. Then another 20 plus whatever I gain on my cruise before my next cruise in April.


Belle - Good morning and thank you for the fun poem! And my fill in the blank for what I will not eat is …. excess Carbs. 


Jasonmom - my cruise is in 73 days too!! Where are you sailing to? Congrats on your loss so far! I'm doing low carb too!


Diana - Good for you, getting to pre-cruise weight. Are you going to keep losing or maintain?


Jan - every week bring something different, maybe next week will bring a loss. 

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Lost 30 lbs. last year doing Keto but have been stuck for many months. Hope I can get back on track otherwise new cruise clothes won't fit. I"ll have to resort to elastic waist clothes. LOL

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Jasonmom - welcome 😊


Diana - Congrats on losing another pound


Robin - 👍


Jan & Bum Bum - you're not the only ones finding it hard to stay focused. Struggling over here too


Found a new Moscato and cheese which derailed me. 9 days before my cruise. But we'll get back on track



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Sorry I've been MIA. Changed it up on Friday the 12th. Down about 3lbs. Strength training is going great and I feel good. I know I'm losing inches because my clothes are fitting better.

Friday the 12th - 729 calories WAYYYY too few

Saturday - 1115 calories but burned 801 at the gym 

Sunday - 1070 calories burned 670 in the gym

Monday - 1042 calories burned 371 in the gym

Tuesday - Rest day I was soooo sore - 1022 calories

Wednesday - 782 calories (Again too few) burned 456 at the gym

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I am afraid that I joined and went hiding! No weight loss in several weeks but that could be because I am not following my WW. Went to the gym tonight and measured out my dinner. Got to restart somewhere! Hope that you all are doing well!

And if not, I hope that you find different results next week!




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Morning all, 


Down 3lbs to 226 - very, very satisfying to be getting the expected results after being rigidly disciplined all week. 


Tonight is D'Backs baseball. They let you bring in darn near anything - so we bring nothing but good stuff like veggies, lunch meat, etc. I take pork rinds as a treat, and will indulge in a diet soda too. 


In 2 weeks we get our new windows installed, and a storage shed built - can't wait as we'll finally square away the garage and side yards and be officially, fully, moved in lol. And carrying all that stuff around will be another good workout. 


After that, I believe I'm going to put grass in the backyard and redesign some things. Should also be a good bit of exercise. 


Hope all of you are well. Good to see new (and the regular) folks. Have a great weekend. 

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Robin, good loss. I'm always working on going lower in weight but have a very hard time getting there.......Will probably try to stay where I am. My weight is 15 lbs. less than it was a fews years ago which I'm happy about.


Good to see others are losing. Seems we all work have to work so hard and should be losing more. It's never as easy as it should be. 


Have a nice day everyone.





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After watching a YouTube video showing each and every meal aboard the Pearl last night I would need an extremely strong willpower to push myself away from the table so have to definitely show a loss before the ship sails. It's 32 degrees Celcius where I live right now with a "feels like" temp of 42C which cuts the appetite but am retaining lots of water - my rings are really tight. I will get this done though. Carry on mates !!!👍

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On 7/18/2019 at 11:00 AM, RobinCruiser said:

Hi everyone! I've only been conscientiously dieting since Monday and am down 3 - probably water weight. I have a goal of 22 to go before cruise day if possible. Then another 20 plus whatever I gain on my cruise before my next cruise in April.


Jasonmom - my cruise is in 73 days too!! Where are you sailing to? Congrats on your loss so far! I'm doing low carb too!




Hello Robin Cruiser.  I will be on the Breakaway leaving Sept 29.  I would love to be 199lb by time of cruise.  Big goal I know because it's been over a year since I've been there.  I think If I could get down to that it would help me want to not eat so much on cruise.



17 hours ago, winewanderer said:

I'm always working on going lower in weight but have a very hard time getting there.......Will probably try to stay where I am. My weight is 15 lbs. less than it was a fews years ago which I'm happy about.




I think any time your weight is lower than a few years ago you should be very proud of yourself.  Amazing.



On 7/18/2019 at 12:13 PM, Ombud said:


Found a new Moscato and cheese which derailed me. 9 days before my cruise. But we'll get back on track




I do not want to know what this is.  I love Moscato.  I've told myself none till I get below 200lbs. 



A little more about me I guess.  I'm 49 years old.  Have always been a big girl, even when in the Army.  I was considered overweight by the scale, but was within range with the size of my frame.  Weigh 225lb this morning.  Have gained up from 170-175lb five years ago partially due to accident / injury. 


I tore my shoulder 5 years ago putting a labor patient onto a surgical table.  It was an emergency.  I was the only one in the room (others getting washed up / sterile).  Patient weighed over 320lbs but I got her moved.  It had to happen & I did it.  I was the mother's nurse, but knew I would be one getting baby because I was only one working that shift who dealt with sick neonates.  The doctor did an amazingly quick c-section and I was able to get baby back (yea it had no heart beat or respiratory effort when handed to me).  It was only after the pediatrician arrived and I knew someone else had the baby (and another nurse had taken over the mom who was fine) that I knew I was hurt.  Adrenaline. Would I do it again - absolutely.  Baby went home 4 days later.  I ended up having to have surgery on my shoulder (completely tore labrum from bone).  Anyone who has had shoulder surgery it takes a long time to recover.  I gained weight because I was inactive.


I was about 2 weeks from being released from light duty at work to go back to L&D when an elevator fell with me.  Yep, you read right.  An elevator fell with me.  Broke my back.  I'm no longer supposed to lift over 12lb.  I'll never work as a staff nurse in a hospital again.  Again activity restricted and I gain weight. 


About 14 months ago I was at work (working in clinic owned by hospital) and I started feeling weird.  Went to walk my first patient of the day down the hall and started bumping into walls like a drunk person.  When I went to write up the patient's information I was having problems writing.  I left work and ended up in hospital for a few days.  Stroke (what they thought I had) - ruled out.  They still don't know what is wrong with me, but my activity is still low.  Along with many cognitive problems (I haven't been able to drive a car in a year) I have balance and spacial orientation issues.  Have to walk with a cane to keep from falling down (and get embarrassed).


Well, there it is.  My excuses for gaining about 60lb in last 5 years.  I think they are good excuses, but still excuses.  


My mom was recently in the hospital and I stayed for 6 nights in room with her.  One of the days that I came home to shower I stepped on the scale and saw 235lbs.  I can't weigh this much.  It's more than I weighed when pregnant - and I was huge.  I'm afraid I will just give up and keep gaining at this point.  I have got to loose weight.  Any help received on here will be appreciated.



Thanks for the warm welcome from everyone.

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Hi, everybody,


I've been MIA for a couple of weeks - just started a new job, and whoo boy, I've been busy!  Still figuring out new schedule, and lucky me, I've been assigned to an Asia project, which means lots of night-time meetings - never good for my sleep and my weight loss efforts.  So I don't have any loss to report, just wanted to check in and try to get myself back on track.


Jasonmom, welcome, I just read your story.  You've sure gone through a lot.  But it says a lot about you that you are determined to take your health back - keep checking in here, this is a really supportive group!


Here's hoping everyone has a great weekend and we all have something good to report next Thursday!




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Happy Saturday everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend. I will be spending my weekend sewing (I have an Etsy store so gotta get my orders done) and helping DH rebuild our deck. Round two of DH Birthday dinners is tonight. I've decided to enjoy myself without guilt as it will be the last big family function before the cruise in September so I have plenty of time to buckle down.


Jasonmom - wow, you've definitely had a go of it these last few years. And yes, you certainly have very valid reasons for gaining weight. I wish you success in your journey! If we keep at it, together,  we will succeed!

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Life is always so interesting --- Jasonmom -- You have had more than your share of "interesting" ... Sounds as if you are a strong person and can get through a lot!!  


So glad that more people are joining in this journey.  I've been posting to these threads since 2003 --- there are times that I don't post ... which means I've gained lots of weight ... and then I have to get myself in the right place to start all over again.  I'm really hoping that this time I will be able to keep the weight off ... I got rid of all my "too big" clothes ... so, don't want to have to buy them all over again!  I've been having a problem for the past few months with cruises, vacations, etc. where I am up ... and have to keep reminding myself that I am down 26.4# since the beginning of November ... but, still struggle with the 3.6# that I gained ... and have to talk to myself a lot so that I don't end up derailing everything I've accomplished ... that is my biggest struggle ... when I lose sight of the big picture ... then I can think of a million reasons to say "forget this!"    (I think that is one of the reasons that (for me anyway) I need this group!)  I need to talk with people who understand.  


Hope everyone has been having an excellent weekend.  I went with my son yard sale-ing ... it was great fun and I bought small items that I really don't need (Christmas santa candles, a piggy bank, two nice cut glass high-ball glasses, a new wedding small photo album and a piece of costume jewelry.  I spent all of $6 -- I had fun!   Jan

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On 7/19/2019 at 7:11 AM, shootr said:


Tonight is D'Backs baseball. They let you bring in darn near anything - so we bring nothing but good stuff like veggies, lunch meat, etc. I take pork rinds as a treat, and will indulge in a diet soda too. 


 The best laid plans... 


I scored another upgrade at the ballpark - to the Pool Suite! 


So instead of towing the line I had a Carne Asada quesadilla and a beer. However I was yelling my lungs out all game so I like to think that burned a few calories... 


But it was so cool! 


(No I didn't swim, but sit at the jacuzzi for a while lol) 





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Jan, your comments really hit home for me. I've also struggled to stick to my weight loss goals.  Lately it has been really hard for me to be motivated.  More than once I've had those "just give it up and stay fat" thoughts.  But coming here and sharing in others' successes and struggle helps.  Reminds us all we're not alone, and we can all do this!


Shootr, those pics are awesome.  Glad you had a great time at the game.



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Robin Cruiser - what cruise are you on?  


Jan_in_Maine - yea, I'm one of those people that actually has crazy things happen to them.  More than I care to admit.  Wow, getting rid of too big clothes is major.  Keep it up.  I really enjoy yard sales, sounds like you got some good deals.


shootr - who knew places like that baseball stadium existed?


retiring soon - agree, any weight loss (or just staying the same) is better than weight gain.



My weight changes so much some times.  On Friday I had gained 5lb from weigh in on Thursday 🤔.  Finally today I am back down to last Thursday's weight.

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Hello All..Sorry I was MIA. Sometimes life and moods get in the way.


Jasonmom...Welcome. Good job on your weight loss so far. Sorry you've had so many

problems. Glad you have a cruise to look forward to. Yes our weight goes up and down each day.


Diana... Thanks. Nice you lost your pound. Now ready for your cruise in Aug.


Jan...Your doing good on your weight. You have done so good since Nov. Also want to say your

a Great Big Spender!:classic_biggrin:


Robin...Thanks. Any loss is a good loss. I think 3 lbs is great.


Bum Bum..You can do it. You did before, Know it's hard during summer with water weight.


Ombud...Sorry your having trouble..Put Down The Wine And Cheese!:classic_smile:


Jenny...Your doing good with your food and exercise. Lost 3 ls. Great job.


Cruises42...I bet you will have a loss next week since you did this week, 

sometimes it's delayed.


Tmc..Glad you came in. Get started again with us. You can do it.


shootr...Good loss this week Know you'll have more with all the work outside.

Looks like you both had a great time at the baseball park.


Tx..You didn;t gain so that's a good thing.


Andrea...Know you mention before you have to work during the day and do

phone calls at night. Know can mess with your schedule.  Guess eat less during the day and

save some food for late nights.


Jo...Yes any loss is better than a gain.  WE just have to try for more loss's then gains!:classic_rolleyes:


Everyone have a Good Tues. and Wed. and wishing good numbers on Thursday!

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Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you are all having a great week so far!


I have kept on track with dog walking and started doing one of my old Jillian Michael's DVD's Ripped in 30. I've also been meal planning and sticking with it. 


Jasonmom - I'm doing a 4 night Baja Mexico cruise on the Carnival Imagination. It's the same itinerary I did for my honeymoon 24 years ago this September! And we're adding a couple nights to visit Disneyland and Universal Studios. 

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