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What is being done about coronavirus.....


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Orvil - I think the former posters were referring to the annual Flu vaccine not one for the Coronavirus.   


Our flu shots are not put into our yellow health card...but I think I will ask our doctor for a statement saying we have had them, just in case.  You never know...


have to say I was delighted to read on another thread that serving oneself from any buffet is now out.  Staff will serve everyone.  Oceania has been doing this for years and I think it is a lot more "sanitary".    However I wonder what happens with the coffee machines?  Who will push the buttons?

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Pushing a button for a coffee machine is probably far more sanitary than pushing the button in the elevator to get to the coffee machine in the first place. 🙂


Probably easier to have one of the staff wipe the buttons down with some cleaner every 15 minutes or so. It's all down to risk management.

Edited by slidebite
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So distressed. Leaving in three days on the Regent Voyager out of Bali to Hong Kong! Regent is not on board with any sort of cancellation or options if we choose not to travel into this whole southeast Asia area, even though 100% of the stops are infected by fairly large numbers. We are not concerned about getting sick [though maybe we should be] but about all the distress about being in the area, the temp taking, other people coughing etc. Would love to cancel but Regent offers no refund or carry over to another cruise!

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Yes, rssc has been silent.  I did not receive the email others mention regarding corona virus.   I am not particularly concerned,  don't have any desire to cancel, just surprised about the sound of crickets...

Heading to Bali!

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8 minutes ago, Dorl said:

So distressed. Leaving in three days on the Regent Voyager out of Bali to Hong Kong! Regent is not on board with any sort of cancellation or options if we choose not to travel into this whole southeast Asia area, even though 100% of the stops are infected by fairly large numbers. We are not concerned about getting sick [though maybe we should be] but about all the distress about being in the area, the temp taking, other people coughing etc. Would love to cancel but Regent offers no refund or carry over to another cruise!

I think if I was in your place, I would go for it.   Given you have no gaping wounds and an intact immune system, carry the noro virus hand sanitizer, wash hands frequently, and keep your hands away from your face.  There is always risk, our job is to minimize it the best we can.  I hope you enjoy your cruise.  We loved that part of the world, especially Bali.  This was sunrise from our balcony on Voyager.   Temple bells and morning prayer in the distance. 


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I'm due to board the Voyager in Bangkok on March 27.... that's the leg of the trip following the Hong Kong-to-Bangkok segment.  Thailand has more cases of the coronavirus than Hong Kong so I wonder where that leaves us.  Also, to get to Bangkok for the cruise, I'll be changing planes in Hong Kong.  I see that the current cruise is due to spend two days in Bangkok (Feb 19 & 20).  Wonder if that will occur as scheduled.

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Just read a letter from Regent.  In order to avoid spreading any illness (especially Coronavirus), they are taking “code red” type measures.  In other words, passengers can not serve themselves at buffets, etc.  This should help but there is still the airborne issues.

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It would be nice if we were given a choice to travel or not, just saying...all the pros and con stories in the world doesn't overide one's anxiety of going on the trip....and take away from truly enjoying it.

Anyone on the ship, whether me or otherwise, will be afraid they may get a cold, fever or cough that is not even the Coronavirus!

'code red' says it all!

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On Explorer now. No “code red”. I believe if a “code red” is issued someone has been diagnosed with some illness.Has not happened. Precautions being taken with crew serving pax. No paper menus, s&p still on tables, etc, what ever that means.

‘Regent taking pax in best interest and doing a wonderful job. 

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We're committed to going and making the best of an uncertain situation, but agree that a lot of anxiety will ensue among passengers, particularly with respect to possible/likely travel adjustments for those debarking in HK or a diverted port to return home.  It strikes me that Regent is being short-sighted in not offering some sort of option. This cruise and the number of passengers impacted and made anxious is surely not a very large part of RSSC's book of business, but could have a long negative tail for the cruise line's goodwill.  Certainly hope this is not a ship of fools!

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12 minutes ago, Mjflowers said:

On Explorer now. No “code red”. I believe if a “code red” is issued someone has been diagnosed with some illness.Has not happened. Precautions being taken with crew serving pax. No paper menus, s&p still on tables, etc, what ever that means.

‘Regent taking pax in best interest and doing a wonderful job. 


I did not say that Explorer (and now all of the ships) are in "code red".  I said that it was similar to what they do in a code red situation! with food being served by the crew (buffets and likely the Coffee Connection).  The ship is also being cleaned more than under "normal" circumstances.

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3 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:


I did not say that Explorer (and now all of the ships) are in "code red".  I said that it was similar to what they do in a code red situation! with food being served by the crew (buffets and likely the Coffee Connection).  The ship is also being cleaned more than under "normal" circumstances.

Sorry for the misinterpretation. I guess I missed the word “similar” in you’re original post of “code red” type measures.

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13 hours ago, mrlevin said:

Ice cubes and cold compress before boarding; just to be on the safe side.  As for those sinks in La Verandah, a terrible design flaw.  Imagine time if everyone stopped plus I don't think they are automatic; you need to touch the soap dispenser.



Ice cubes and cold compress? Is your strategy to somehow fool the cruise line into letting you on board,  just in case you have a fever?  Is that fair to other passengers?

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1 minute ago, BarbarianPaul said:

Ice cubes and cold compress? Is your strategy to somehow fool the cruise line into letting you on board,  just in case you have a fever?  Is that fair to other passengers?

But you see what can happen?!

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2 minutes ago, Pcardad said:

Contact your insurance company and see what they say?


ALthough they typically only ensure against loss, not against potential loss.

Not easily for this....at least not for full amount. 

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Typical insurance covers up to 100% for medical but 50% - 75% for "Cancel for any reason" but that usually has to be called in 72 hours before leaving.


You still have a FAR greater chance of dying from the regular flu than from this...go and have fun. I just grabbed a cabin myself so see you there!

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Just now, Dorl said:


But you see what can happen?!

Maybe I just don’t understand. So if you’re sick, and have a fever, you’d use ice cubes and a cold compress to fool the cruise line into thinking you’re in good health so you would be allowed on the ship. At which point you would probably infect a few hundred other passengers, and ruin the cruise for a good percentage of your fellow cruisers. 
Am I the only one not amused?

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49 minutes ago, BarbarianPaul said:

Maybe I just don’t understand. So if you’re sick, and have a fever, you’d use ice cubes and a cold compress to fool the cruise line into thinking you’re in good health so you would be allowed on the ship. At which point you would probably infect a few hundred other passengers, and ruin the cruise for a good percentage of your fellow cruisers. 
Am I the only one not amused?


43 minutes ago, Fran&Steve said:

No.  Not amused @ all. 


I didn't take the remark as meant to be amusing.  I thought it was a sarcastic way of pointing out that some people will go to any length to prevent from being denied boarding.  It's a sad commentary on the lack of social ethics of some folks.  I don't know the initial intent of the poster, but that's was how I chose to interpret it.

Edited by 1985rz1
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7 hours ago, slidebite said:

Pushing a button for a coffee machine is probably far more sanitary than pushing the button in the elevator to get to the coffee machine in the first place. 🙂


Probably easier to have one of the staff wipe the buttons down with some cleaner every 15 minutes or so. It's all down to risk management.


Ever since our first code red (that is more strict that the current rules), I’ve used my knuckle to press elevator buttons.  Not perfect but, in my opinion, it is better than using a finger that you could accidentally use to touch your eyes.  


On Explorer (do not remember if this is on other ships), there are two disinfectant dispensers right in the area where you get food in La Veranda/Sette Mari. While they are currently serving guests, when we serve ourselves and use the utensils to get food, I always disinfect my hand(s) prior to returning to the table.    


A new issue could be simply moving the chair out at your table so you can sit down.  Everyone has to do that - right? Still thinking about a solution before our cruise next month.


In terms of getting the flu from the flu shot, that is an old wives tale and has been disproved.  Anyone that would put ice on themselves in order to get on the ship should likely not even be cruising on Regent (especially not during the current medical crisis in the world).  

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4 hours ago, BarbarianPaul said:

Ice cubes and cold compress? Is your strategy to somehow fool the cruise line into letting you on board,  just in case you have a fever?  Is that fair to other passengers?

It's not at all fair to other passengers. I completely agree with BarbarianPaul. I thought this suggestion from the OP was not sarcastic at all, and was totally inappropriate.

Mrlevin is suggesting that people who are sick should try to get onboard, even if they know they are ill, by avoiding detection of their illness.

We saw someone do this on a cruise. On the bus from the airport to the ship, a woman was so sick that she needed to ask the bus driver to pull over so she could run off the bus and vomit. On arriving at the port 10 minutes later, she was headed right onboard, having filled out her form and handing it to the nurse saying she had no health problems that day. We were right behind her in line, and "told" on her. Two other couples behind us agreed with what we said. They sent someone to track her down,  but we don't know what happened. Could have been norovirus, or just food poisoning,  but I'm sure there's plenty who will try what Mrlevin suggested to get onboard with corona virus.

A few days ago, I read a suggestion on another website from someone leaving China to a destination that was screening for fever that included Mrlevin's suggestions, as well as taking a large does of fever lowering medication.

We should all be taking this seriously, and jokes or sarcasm are not good responses.

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38 minutes ago, SWFLAOK said:

It's not at all fair to other passengers. I completely agree with BarbarianPaul. I thought this suggestion from the OP was not sarcastic at all, and was totally inappropriate.

Mrlevin is suggesting that people who are sick should try to get onboard, even if they know they are ill, by avoiding detection of their illness.

We saw someone do this on a cruise. On the bus from the airport to the ship, a woman was so sick that she needed to ask the bus driver to pull over so she could run off the bus and vomit. On arriving at the port 10 minutes later, she was headed right onboard, having filled out her form and handing it to the nurse saying she had no health problems that day. We were right behind her in line, and "told" on her. Two other couples behind us agreed with what we said. They sent someone to track her down,  but we don't know what happened. Could have been norovirus, or just food poisoning,  but I'm sure there's plenty who will try what Mrlevin suggested to get onboard with corona virus.

A few days ago, I read a suggestion on another website from someone leaving China to a destination that was screening for fever that included Mrlevin's suggestions, as well as taking a large does of fever lowering medication.

We should all be taking this seriously, and jokes or sarcasm are not good responses.

We also experienced a similar situation last fall. A couple boarded in Australia for a 2 week cruise to New Zealand, a segment of a 33 night cruise we took from Honolulu to Auckland. One of them was apparently sick, but managed to pass it off as food poisoning. Within three days the entire ship was in code red because of norovirus. They were confined to their cabin, as were many others, but decided to sneak out for a shore excursion in Tasmania because "the cruise was so expensive," and they felt entitled to. The Captain threw them both off at the next port, but by that point it was too late...the disease was all over the ship, and the code red was a huge pain, and it stayed that way until we debarked in Auckland.


Now imagine someone sneaks on board using "ice cubes and a cold compress" to hide a fever. If it winds up diagnosed as coranvirus, we're talking about 2000 people (assuming its a medium sized ship), quarantined for two weeks onboard. No ports. No leaving their cabins. No shows, No lectures. The ship's entire season thrown into disarray. What a nightmare! Whoever did it would be caught. And it might even be regarded as a life threatening, criminal act. Not so funny if the cruise line decided to sue you for damages.





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That's the problem, some people think they are privileged and rules don't apply to them.  What's even worst they don't care what happens to others---they also are the first ones to complain of what they didn't get, what someone else got and so on.  I'm glad to see Regent stepping up for this, if you have a temp and you still try to get on the ship and they don't let you, who cares how much to you loss.

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6 hours ago, BarbarianPaul said:

Ice cubes and cold compress? Is your strategy to somehow fool the cruise line into letting you on board,  just in case you have a fever?  Is that fair to other passengers?








If I am running a fever it is usually from running around, not the flu.  I am not going to take a chance that I get kicked off even if I don't have the flu.  I don't think fever by itself should be a determination.


I remember a post on CC around 15 years ago by someone that was rejected by China from entering because he was HIV positive.  He was honest so he missed the cruise and, as far as I know, did not get reimbursed.  Why didn't he just say no.

Edited by mrlevin
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