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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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I have to update my vent:  The guy I did the runs for with his COVID tests had his "handler" give me a $20 just now.   He must have felt my aggravation remotely...   So, I can buy dinner to go with my Cali Red wine tonight.  I really feel like calling in "sick" tomorrow 😉

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Hi Kat, wow😲....vent all you want.........sounds pretty outlandish with how people handle things......I agree with Debbie, at least he gave you the 20 bucks.........yea, when was the last time you had a day off?


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1 hour ago, cruise kitty said:

sooo...  my granddaughter has covid...  I don't know why I'm shocked, but I'm completely shocked.    So far she's ok, watching Disney movies in bed, but yikes!  

Sorry to hear that, it seems like so many people I know have been testing positive recently that I am not sure anything would shock me.  My son is still in his ex wife’s basement😂, home antigen  tests are still positive and he has to pass a PCR test to fly back.  If he can’t pass an antigen test it is very unlikely he would pass a PCR.


Hope she is all better soon!



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23 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Glad to hear he had the decency to come through with a tip 🙂   When is the last time you had a day off?


I had Monday off.  next official day off is next Wednesday.  BUT, the big boss said, since I switched with boss last minute to do tomorrow morning shift, I can leave tomorrow when boss gets in.   It was another rough day today - 4 guests checkin, 2 owners check in and then 2 owners showed up unannounced.  And 5 of these showed up all at once!!  It was just me and the big boss so we were busy.  One departure today left the unit a real pig pen - there were here since Sunday and it looks like they never did the trash!!!  Trash, wine bottles, whiskey bottles, leftover food in fridge.  Big boss and I decided we never saw a unit in worse condition.  AND, we had a check in for it today!!!  AND I had a new person who is going to help us out part time start today.  I'm soooo tired.  I'm going to sleep as soon as I get off work tomorrow.  


Since our "AR" person is still out with COVID, we're trying to get by with me, boss and occasionally big boss.   Big boss gave me another bottle of wine tonight, so I'm good.   


OOTD:  my basic jeans and an olive green hoodie shirt.  I usually wouldn't go this casual, especially since these jeans are faded, but I didn't care today...  

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3 hours ago, sjb317 said:

Sorry to hear that, it seems like so many people I know have been testing positive recently that I am not sure anything would shock me.  My son is still in his ex wife’s basement😂, home antigen  tests are still positive and he has to pass a PCR test to fly back.  If he can’t pass an antigen test it is very unlikely he would pass a PCR.


Hope she is all better soon!



Thanks Sherri 🙂.  How are you doing?  Do you think you're going to have it from your son?  Best wishes for a negative test for your son so he can get home 🙂 

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17 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

sooo...  my granddaughter has covid...  I don't know why I'm shocked, but I'm completely shocked.    So far she's ok, watching Disney movies in bed, but yikes!  

Sounds like she’s little, hope she feels better soon

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11 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Thanks Sherri 🙂.  How are you doing?  Do you think you're going to have it from your son?  Best wishes for a negative test for your son so he can get home 🙂 

I think we are in the clear, it’s been 15 days since we were around Peter and we have tested 2x negative .  No one else in the family has had any symptoms except for his son but Ben’s tests have all been negative.  However, Peter did not have any symptoms except for a brief HA 3 days after his first positive test.  

Good news is Peter had a negative antigen test last night but he has to pass a PCR test today at the airport to be able to fly.  Thanks for the best wishes, I am definitely crossing my fingers!


How is your granddaughter doing?



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19 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

sooo...  my granddaughter has covid...  I don't know why I'm shocked, but I'm completely shocked.    So far she's ok, watching Disney movies in bed, but yikes!  

Hey Debbie, good morning.......how old is she? And tell her we are all sending our "get well fast" wishes to her🙂.....hope she is doing ok!

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Omicron knows no borders - young, old, vax'd, unvax'd.  Hope everyone who has it stays with a mild case and those around them stay uninfected!


Ugh Ugh Ugh.  Morning shift.  Almost didn't hear my alarm.  Saved my morning coffee until I got to work and made myself a nice double latte.  It's surprisingly quiet around here, even with the ski lift at our place starting up at 8:30am.  That's OK.  The less I have to do, the better!!


OOTD:  jeans and a white Vneck longsleeve T with black pinstriped.  It's a Sundance shirt, so it has a little upscale-ness to it.  Sure didn't feel like anything else today.

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Hi all, she's 3, will be 4 in a few months...  GS who is 6 & fully V tested positive today,  but he has zero symptoms, so yay vaccines 🙂.  GD is doing fine but DD says she's a grumpy pants, I will take that anyday over what could have been worse.  🙂 


Thank you so much for the good wishes & thoughts 🙂


Sherri, hoping your son gets his clearance to fly home, & lucky on you to have dodged this 🙂


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4 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Hi all, she's 3, will be 4 in a few months...  GS who is 6 & fully V tested positive today,  but he has zero symptoms, so yay vaccines 🙂.  GD is doing fine but DD says she's a grumpy pants, I will take that anyday over what could have been worse.  🙂 


Thank you so much for the good wishes & thoughts 🙂


Sherri, hoping your son gets his clearance to fly home, & lucky on you to have dodged this 🙂


You’re right, Debbie, symptoms could be a lot worse than just being a  grumpy pants! 😂. Sounds like she is doing well!

So, today’s news is Peter passed his PCR test at the airport so he is on his way back, he was very relieved and, I think, happy to be out of  the basement!  I didn’t I would ever be happy about him flying to Australia but I seemed to be this time.  And we are lucky to have dodged this, but I think, even with being careful, it is just a matter of time.  I am thankful for the vaccines!





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57 minutes ago, sjb317 said:

You’re right, Debbie, symptoms could be a lot worse than just being a  grumpy pants! 😂. Sounds like she is doing well!

So, today’s news is Peter passed his PCR test at the airport so he is on his way back, he was very relieved and, I think, happy to be out of  the basement!  I didn’t I would ever be happy about him flying to Australia but I seemed to be this time.  And we are lucky to have dodged this, but I think, even with being careful, it is just a matter of time.  I am thankful for the vaccines!





Hi Sherri, that's awesome he get's to go back home 🙂.   Yes, sorry to say it seems just a matter of time... but at least for our family, the shots have kept us from getting very sick... so that's good.


I have some lingering breathing issues, which seem to slightly improve each day...  it will be a while before I'm hiking or running again, but I wonder what I'd have been like if I caught this early on with zero protection, so I'm grateful.  


Happy flight to your son, I know it's a long one!

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Wow, a lot has happened since I checked in last. Debbie, so sorry to hear about Covid infections in your grands; I hope they continue to feel well (if grumpy!).  And Sherri, glad to hear your son is going to be able to head home.


Kat, your posts reinforce to me that I could NEVER work in a service industry. I don't think I could keep my mouth shut around "the entitled'.


The washer and dryer are in, yay. And I decided to let the floors go for now. I may just replace them down the road, but I need to keep this show moving. Official moving day will be about a month from today. We keep taking small loads over. Oh, and the woman who does estate/vintage sales will take my extra furniture, which is a big YAY!


We're expecting some snow/ice/slush tomorrow. Everyone is losing their minds; stores are already running low on things and now everyone suddenly thinks they need 3 weeks worth of milk, bread and eggs even though any possible weather event will likely be over in a day or two, at most....



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8 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:

Wow, a lot has happened since I checked in last. Debbie, so sorry to hear about Covid infections in your grands; I hope they continue to feel well (if grumpy!).  And Sherri, glad to hear your son is going to be able to head home.


Kat, your posts reinforce to me that I could NEVER work in a service industry. I don't think I could keep my mouth shut around "the entitled'.


The washer and dryer are in, yay. And I decided to let the floors go for now. I may just replace them down the road, but I need to keep this show moving. Official moving day will be about a month from today. We keep taking small loads over. Oh, and the woman who does estate/vintage sales will take my extra furniture, which is a big YAY!


We're expecting some snow/ice/slush tomorrow. Everyone is losing their minds; stores are already running low on things and now everyone suddenly thinks they need 3 weeks worth of milk, bread and eggs even though any possible weather event will likely be over in a day or two, at most....



I feel your pain!  We have found everything regarding our renovations is taking a long, long time.  I have been waiting for plantation style shutters since the middle of October and our new sliders for the balcony,also ordered  in October, should be here in March.   We ordered a new dishwasher in August, it arrived in November. We need to start working on the kitchen and bathroom but have decided to wait a few months hoping it might get easier.


It always made m laugh when we lived in Indiana and got a snow warning.  Even an expected inch or two would empty out the grocery stores!





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43 minutes ago, sjb317 said:

I feel your pain!  We have found everything regarding our renovations is taking a long, long time.  I have been waiting for plantation style shutters since the middle of October and our new sliders for the balcony,also ordered  in October, should be here in March.   We ordered a new dishwasher in August, it arrived in November. We need to start working on the kitchen and bathroom but have decided to wait a few months hoping it might get easier.


It always made m laugh when we lived in Indiana and got a snow warning.  Even an expected inch or two would empty out the grocery stores!






When my son ordered some furniture for his condo at the beginning of COVID (well, in April 2020), it was not all finally delivered until February 2021!  I thought things were getting better but apparently not by much... 🤷‍♀️


Plantation shutters are something in my planning also but I've heard the same thing -- that they are taking a long time for delivery.


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Good morning girls, the only thing we are getting is rain and from what I can tell, tomorrow morning is supposed to get down to the 30s........oh well.


Not sure if any of you saw that hostage news about the Synagogue outside of Dallas yesterday.......

thankfully everyone got out safely and the hostage taker was killed.   I continue to just have to shake my head about what is going on out there.............☹️ 


Cynthia, for some reason I thought you moved a long time ago😲....maybe that was just the closing?

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6 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Cynthia, for some reason I thought you moved a long time ago😲....maybe that was just the closing?


Yes, trust me to not do things too quickly, lol. I closed around Thanksgiving and ever since have been trying to get some things done in the condo before I move in. (Painting, closets, floors, etc.) As well as clearing out my house -- major downsizing; had to get rid of nearly 20 pieces of furniture! 


My "move in date" is officially mid-February. I'm going to arrange the movers for the Friday of President's weekend, that way I will have a three-day weekend to get sorted.

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4 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


When my son ordered some furniture for his condo at the beginning of COVID (well, in April 2020), it was not all finally delivered until February 2021!  I thought things were getting better but apparently not by much... 🤷‍♀️


Plantation shutters are something in my planning also but I've heard the same thing -- that they are taking a long time for delivery.


Our daughter ordered plantation shutters (made here in Colorado) the first week of December, measurements week they moved in (December15). They were ready last week & are being installed tomorrow 

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2 hours ago, awhfy said:

Our daughter ordered plantation shutters (made here in Colorado) the first week of December, measurements week they moved in (December15). They were ready last week & are being installed tomorrow 

Ours are supposedly made here in Florida but I am starting to wonder.



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Hi girls, Cynthia, we actually have sun but it is windy and I think it is about 45-50 degrees outside but feels closer to 35-40...........I am a wimp........I am not walking in these temps.

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My niece up in PA is getting slammed with snow and ice.  The snow is really slushy, so if they don't get it up off the roads FAST it's all going to ice over.  


All my myself again at work.   Our "AR" person returned today after 10 days, but still got a positive on Saturday.  She lasted from 8 until 1 - she was totally exhausted and I told her to go home since it's pretty quiet today.  


I got a nice bottle of Rose from Provence from a departing guest.  He said this was his favorite Rose, having lived in Provence for awhile.  I'll have to put it in the fridge and have it next in line after I finish off the 19 Crimes Cali Red I got for giving up a day off last week.  


We're partly cloudy today and 38 right now.  We're going to stay in the mid 30s for the rest of the month with no snow in the forecast, just either partly cloudy or sunny.  I love it, but our guests hate it.  The snow we had is getting ski'd out quickly. 


OOTD:  black leggings, teal Athleta hoodie and my 8 year-old Steve Madden tan moto boots.  I LOVE these boots.  Need to wear them more often with my leggings.  

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7 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls, Cynthia, we actually have sun but it is windy and I think it is about 45-50 degrees outside but feels closer to 35-40...........I am a wimp........I am not walking in these temps.

It’s 60 here in Colorado today!!!

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