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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Lois, that was a nice bday surprise!


Kat good news on bone scan. I need to schedule one too


i had my splint cut down to just below the wrist.  Looks odd, but much more comfortable 

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Good morning! This has been a busy week, we are in the early stages of meeting with kitchen designers  and getting estimates.  All of them have said it will be late summer before construction will begin as everything is still taking longer than usual.  Our balcony sliders we ordered in October will finally be installed in 2 weeks.  And my husband decided to redo the half bath so he is slowly, slowly

working on that! 

Cynthia, it sounds like you are having a great time with your granddaughter, she is at such a fun age!  You’ve gotten really lucky with the weather in Minnesota!  Our 16 year old grandson lives in Minneapolis, we’ve been up there during snow storms in May!  We were there for Ben’s birth in late January, 2006, the weather was so sunny and warm that it forced the cancellation of the annual ice sculpture festival.  You just never know! 

Lois, that was really a nice birthday surprise at the restaurant!  I hope the rest of your day was fun, too.


Kat, I, too, enjoy reading about your planning and am looking forward to your trip reports.  I am not a planner at all which is why I think I like cruising so much since we just book it and go.😂


OOTD: Currently dressed for my morning walk, then it looks like husband is ready for me to paint the bathroom so old paint splattered shorts will be my afternoon outfit.  Fun day!







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Sherri,  planning a new kitchen, how much fun that will be. It’s too bad that it will be awhile before you can enjoy it.  Maybe for the holidays?


yes we are having a lot of fun with our GD but she wears us out! We are trying to give our DS and DIL a bit of a break and OMG it can be exhausting. Guess I’m not as young as I think I am?  We too have been here in Jan with warm temps and during the Polar Vortex in Jan 2019.

hoping this nice weather holds out until after we leave. 

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Tried to post this earlier but it didn’t work. Trying again…..


Melody, looks like you are progressing well. Nice that splint is now more comfortable.


Lois, yes it would have been fun to join in on your birthday lunch. Glad that we could at least read about it.


Kat, too bad about the not so exciting adult selection. Nice that you are stocked at home.

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3 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Sherri,  planning a new kitchen, how much fun that will be. It’s too bad that it will be awhile before you can enjoy it.  Maybe for the holidays?


yes we are having a lot of fun with our GD but she wears us out! We are trying to give our DS and DIL a bit of a break and OMG it can be exhausting. Guess I’m not as young as I think I am?  We too have been here in Jan with warm temps and during the Polar Vortex in Jan 2019.

hoping this nice weather holds out until after we leave. 

Who knows?  One thing I have found about construction in Florida is it always takes longer than they originally tell you.  This was true before covid but worse now.  

I know what you mean, Sharon(just realized I called you Cynthia in previous post, you would think I could get Sharon right😂).  Our youngest grandchild is 6 and he is the most active, energetic boy I have ever seen.  Loves to run and jump and climb and has no fear at all, except for spiders which he tells me “freak him out”.  We are babysitting him for a week in June and I will sleep well after he leaves!  Have fun with your granddaughter, they grow up much too fast!





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Sherri, how fun you are basically getting a new kitchen😃....hope it all comes to fruition just like you want it too.


Well, I will be calling Blue Cross AGAIN on Monday.😲......I decided to check my account this morning and there is an adjustment but it is only another 6.00😫.  I am not sure what they are doing or who is doing what, but I will be asking for a supervisor........this is ridiculous!!!

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2 hours ago, awhfy said:

Kat, I too am not fond of seltzers. Try mixing with cranberry juice & coconut rum, makes them palatable!

I've got 2 co-workers who take them.  I stick to any craft beers left over, wine, vodka and rum...  


Got an email from my Nurse Practitioner about my bone scan.  She said nothing to worry about, but to keep taking my Vit D, add some Calcium and get more weight-bearing exercise.  Heck, I do 2 miles+ a day and 6+flights of stairs at work - how much more???


Hey, anyone looking for a sleeveless summer dress:  American Giant just put out their sleeveless T dress in 4 colors.  $80.  All cotton.  Would be easy to pack and dress up/dress down. 


By myself again since 3pm.  And, I have to open tomorrow at 8am.  Ugh.  I hate the mornings.   The boss is taking the next 3 days off since her mom is in town, so I'm the designated "responsible adult".  Fortunately, only 1 arrival each day and 1 departure each day.  


OOTD:  jeans, white/black stripe long sleeve T, my gray Patagonia knit zip vest.  And, you know what is on my feet!!

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Hi everyone, I'm spending my weekend getting my taxes in order. Fun, right?  I love my tax pro so much that I'm meeting with her even though she is located close to where I work, not where I live. (She prefers meeting face-to-face, even though we've done it remotely the past two years.)  And she loves me so much that she's willing to meet with me on a Sunday afternoon, lol.  DS is tagging along and we're planning to eat in a fave restaurant in that vicinity.


OOTD will probably just be some navy Talbots chinos and a 3/4 sleeve tee.  It's that time of year here where the weather is variable so I'll also toss either a light jacket or sweater in the car just in case.


The house was listed Friday and my agent says we have had dozens of showings and at least one offer on the table. She's asking for serious offers by end of today. I love this market!!!  (And the offer in hand is already above listing price.)  🤩 



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Loved your funny, Lois. Good laugh to start the day. Good luck with your insurance, you shouldn’t have this hassle along with your other concerns.


Cynthia, sounds like you are making a “party” out of an otherwise not so great chore.

Lots of showings and an offer already-sellers market for sure!



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Hi again......well, I spoke with the insurance company and the gal sees what I am asking about....but unfortunately, there is nothing she can do......it shows the claims dept has the paperwork and is "researching".........Customer service cannot call claims. (no phones from CS to Claims).......so basically it is just a waiting game😲.  I just hope when the gal in accounting calls me again for money for the upcoming surgery will take this all into consideration. I won't hold my breath though.......but it was the insurance company who made the error, not me.

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3 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi again......well, I spoke with the insurance company and the gal sees what I am asking about....but unfortunately, there is nothing she can do......it shows the claims dept has the paperwork and is "researching".........Customer service cannot call claims. (no phones from CS to Claims).......so basically it is just a waiting game😲.  I just hope when the gal in accounting calls me again for money for the upcoming surgery will take this all into consideration. I won't hold my breath though.......but it was the insurance company who made the error, not me.

Lois, what a PITA on top of everything.... I hope they sort it out soon 🙂 

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Cynthia - you absolutely picked a good time to sell!!!!   When I got divorced, it was at the bottom of the market and took an absolute bath on selling our house (from $1.5 to $850).   Even the condos where I work benefitted this year - 6.2 mil full price after 2 years of sitting and them 4.2 CASH after 2 weeks on the market!!!!  


A recurring theme - all by myself.  The girl from the Home Office opened up until I got here at 11.  It's just me.  Same tomorrow.  But, easy peasy work - 1 arrival today and no departures and then the same unit checking out and checking in tomorrow.  I'd love to get more money, but honestly, this is the best job I've had, I can wear what I want, I don't have to act pompous, and the work isn't all that hard again this year.  I may ask if I can have the $1500 towards a stay at one of our places we manage in Palm Springs, but I think the head honcho is pretty stiff on things like that - if you are full time year-round you get that benefit.  And, with the owners asking me to come back, well, that's pretty nice, too.


OOTD:  jeans charcoal striped Woolx hoodie, and the ever-popular hi-tops.   Similar clothes the rest of the week - it's supposed to be sunny and getting warmer each day, up to 63 on Saturday before falling back down to low 42s and maybe a little rain/snow overnight Monday.


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Lois - your insurance thing infuriates me.  Like you have a plethora of free time to sit and wait and get the wrong info and sit and wait and...  well, you know.  Next time, ask for the supervisor's manager's number and don't be nice about it.  

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I have another vacation question for you all (or all'yall from the Southern US):

I'm thinking I'm going to have 1 night between my time in Bologna (and Modena/Parma) and getting to Florence.   Again, too many things to process.  It could be actually 1 night/1full day, depending on when I leave Bologna.  I may or may not have a car by then, I'm thinking I will.  


Doesn't have to be sightseeing - even something relaxing could be good since this would be just about the halfway point of the trip.   I was thinking hitting up one of the beach towns between Portovenere and Livorno.   But neither of those due to potential thousands of cruisers...  Even food porn would be good - someplace with something worth stopping for. 


I think I found my Florence hotel - the last piece.  Some women on another women's travel site mentioned liking the Globus Hotel.  It's near the San Lorenzo Church.   There is another hotel with the same group, but newer - the Market Urban Hotel.  It's a 2-minute walk from the Globus closer to the Mercato Centrale and the train station.  I've been in the area a lot during days, but never evenings.  Any of you been around there at night?  I'm always a little leery of near train stations.  The hotels both look pretty cool, are 4 star and pretty darn cheap for 1 person - even better than the AirBnB I was looking at!

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Hi, thanks for all the empathy from everyone.🙂  I appreciate it. 


I had my pre-op Dr's appt today........the surgery is Friday, April 1st.  The Dr had me sign some paperwork and went over the whole process with me.  I actually never knew the size of our wonderful internal organs (some are quite small)........she explained the Robot and how they remove everything.......ovaries, uterus and cervix......and all the stuff that goes into the surgical process. I only have to stay overnight in the hospital. 

They give you 2 packages those big wipes for the night before the surgery and the morning of (before we leave for the hospital).   It even says to change your bed sheets and they specify your pillow case too LOL


As for the insurance and that payment, I will just wait to see what happens when the accounting dept calls me back but I am not going to make myself crazy over it. 

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8 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Lois, did you mention the insurance snafu to your surgeon?  She doesn’t want you stressing 

I did but as nice as she is? She knows nothing about the insurance/money part............I spoke with her nurse though and she said she would email someone she deals with in billing.........will see what happens.

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11 hours ago, Lois R said:

I did but as nice as she is? She knows nothing about the insurance/money part............I spoke with her nurse though and she said she would email someone she deals with in billing.........will see what happens.

They’ll take care of it

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48 minutes ago, awhfy said:

They’ll take care of it

Good morning,  Not so sure of that........I guess we will see because the surgery is less than 2 weeks away and I know they are going to want some type of pre-payment. I will give it a few more days.

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17 hours ago, slidergirl said:

I have another vacation question for you all (or all'yall from the Southern US):

I'm thinking I'm going to have 1 night between my time in Bologna (and Modena/Parma) and getting to Florence.   Again, too many things to process.  It could be actually 1 night/1full day, depending on when I leave Bologna.  I may or may not have a car by then, I'm thinking I will.  


Doesn't have to be sightseeing - even something relaxing could be good since this would be just about the halfway point of the trip.   I was thinking hitting up one of the beach towns between Portovenere and Livorno.   But neither of those due to potential thousands of cruisers...  Even food porn would be good - someplace with something worth stopping for. 


Looking at a map, I can't see much that is directly between the two that I am familiar enough with to recommend. Are you planning to have a car at this point? And you are already planning to visit Modena and Parma?


Ravenna is wonderful and just under an hour's drive from Bologna but in the opposite direction to where you want to end up -- and you really need more than a day there.


I am not a beach person, but I like the coastal beaches (scenery) more on the Adriatic side. You could go to Rimini and then cut back over to Florence. Didn't Stanley Tucci go there in his series?  It's likely to be really crowded at the peak of summer when you're going, though...


Frances Mayes "Under the Tuscan Sun" wrote a book a couple of years ago that gives a lot of recommendations for off-the-beaten track towns and places, and she is especially good at noting good restaurants. You might check out here book "See You in the Piazza".



17 hours ago, slidergirl said:


I've been in the area a lot during days, but never evenings.  Any of you been around there at night?  I'm always a little leery of near train stations.  The hotels both look pretty cool, are 4 star and pretty darn cheap for 1 person - even better than the AirBnB I was looking at!


I've stayed around the train station (at the Grande Hotel Minerva on a great off-season rate just after they finished a major renovation). This was in 2018 or 2019, so not that long ago. Walked around every night headed to dinner and back. It was very quiet at night and the area around the station is much nicer than, say, in Rome. I wouldn't hesitate to stay in that area again. I liked the convenience because I had several day trips planned using the train. 


I know you know the mercato. You've got to eat a lunch at Trattoria Sergio Gozzi. An amazingly still-authentic experience. I first read about it on Chowhound. It's about equidistant from the train station and the Accademia.


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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

Good morning,  Not so sure of that........I guess we will see because the surgery is less than 2 weeks away and I know they are going to want some type of pre-payment. I will give it a few more days.


I hope you have good luck. My dad has struggled so much with the various hospital and doctor's bills with his insurance. It seems like such a runaround game. Their job (as it seems to me) is to pay as little as possible and you have to really pester them at times to do anything. 

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