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Host Carolyn

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Since we are all one big community we collectively thought it would be a great idea to start a thread on each forum so that our members can have a place to socialize during this time of social distancing or "stay in place" that we are all doing.  Cruise Critic is a community and now is the time that we need to be able to socialize and show support for one another! All we ask is that you please, please show respect and kindness to each other and please also keep all politics off of this thread no matter where in the world you live.


Everyone is frustrated and stressed but I know as the host it would be wonderful to know how everyone is doing on the boards that I have talked to or simply read your posts over these 20+ years that I have been a member and host on Cruise Critic.


Best wishes and good health to all of you!  Be kind to each other....



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Everything in my parts of the woods seem normal.

The local supermarkets are restocked and now they have put limits of 1 or 2 of the same item.

The park is full of joggers and people strolling.

Traffic has been light which is a nice surprise.


All in all, everything seems fine.

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3 minutes ago, john91498 said:

Everything in my parts of the woods seem normal.

The local supermarkets are restocked and now they have put limits of 1 or 2 of the same item.

The park is full of joggers and people strolling.

Traffic has been light which is a nice surprise.


All in all, everything seems fine.


Isn't that entire state under a shelter in place order?

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Well, because of all this chaos, I've learned two things that I didn't know before, and I have been on more than 30 cruises, so I'm not a beginner. LOL!


1 - I learned there is such a thing as a PVP. When things get to cruising again, I will get me a PVP!

2 - I learned there is such a thing as a "Cellular Sea Offshore" program offered by AT&T which is perfect because they are my cell phone service providers.



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Things are far from normal here. Movie theaters are closed. Bars are closed. Restaurants are closed except for delivery and takeout. Many are closed anyway. Most stores that aren't food or convenience stores are closed. I don't see many people out shopping at the other ones. I feel like I'm in the movie "I am legend" when I walk through the outdoor shopping mall near my work. My company is closed. We have 1,000 employees...probably less than 50 of us have been working the past week. And I was informed yesterday the work and paychecks may stop after next week.



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Just now, Saint Greg said:


Just kind of surprised you said things seemed normal.


Compared to 2 weeks ago when there was a 2 hour wait to get into Costco and the parks were a waste land. Yeah, seems way more normal now.

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41 minutes ago, Saint Greg said:

And I was informed yesterday the work and paychecks may stop after next week.

Sorry your job is at risk, Greg.  

I live in Illinois where shelter-in-place is in effect starting today.  A lot of things going on in our personal life:

•my birthday was last week & my wife’s bday this week.

•With nothing else either open to do or relatively safe, close or affordable, we took Friday off work & spent the night in a hotel.  Was a bit surreal being at about 25% capacity (per the staff member).  They were kind & appreciated the business; that was part of the reason we went along with quiet alone time.

•My wife is a daycare co-Director & is likely out of work.  Too many hoops for the owner to jump thru to continue business with shelter-in-place (even to support essential worker’s kids daycare).

•I work in local government.  My job is safe for at least in the next few months.  Some employees were already sent home last week at full pay to create social distancing.  I’ll be at work again on Monday & really want to keep going.  We’ll be closed to the public which is the most unusual part.

•Another thing I did about a week ago was book an April flight to Texas to see family.  SWA has great rebooking terms & I again want to support businesses as much as possible.  Probably not going on date scheduled though.


Stay safe everyone!

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I'm in Los Angeles, Weve been home over a week, school work on line, working from home. Lines at store were insane last week, shelves empty but things at stores are better and getting back to normal. We are told to stay at home' "safer at home" meaning all non essential businesses are closed, work from home, school at home only go out for essential items- pharmacy, groceries, , healthcare and banking remain open. everything else is closed, we are not even to go to outdoor parks/playgrounds. we can walk outside, but away from people.  


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I am in Charleston, SC and I can see Carnival Sunshine off in the distance, docked I believe at the commercial area and not downtown like they usually do. There are 1000 crew on board and I am hoping after 14 days they let those souls off to shop and such. I work in a hospital that gets Covid cases and while lucky to keep working can’t help but feel the disparity of some who get to shelter at home at full pay while others are basically laid off with nothing.

DH and I are wondering about the cruise we booked out of here for April 18. Not cancelling yet because I’m hoping Carnival does it but my employer is saying if you cruise or fly you might be required to stay home 2 weeks when you get back. Car drivers on vacation don’t have that restriction, which makes no sense to me since you have no idea where the car driver went and with whom.


They have closed the local beaches because I guess the kids were congregating although nothing at all like in Florida. DH is a mailman and the mail is still running. Basically we work, come home, watch Hallmark movies and he reads while I troll the internet. Stores are hit and miss and the Costco here was crazy last time I went in. People with carts of water, clorox and paper products and all I wanted was bacon bits, lol, so I left.  Now they have heeded the statewide directive to limit number of shoppers so last time I drove by I saw a line snaked around the building with people waiting for one shopper to exit so the next could enter. I don’t need bacon bits that badly!


We’re  just taking it easy and trying to stay connected with neighbors, friends and family by that other not to be named site. We are not going to be able to retire now so looking at the bright side keeping working will prevent me from being a layabout I suppose!

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3 hours ago, Saint Greg said:


Just kind of surprised you said things seemed normal.


I think this is the "new  normal", certainly nothing like it in my 7 decades and unfortunately not going back to our "usual normal" in the near term . Here in Charlotte we are not on lockdown but it may come. some people aren't taking it serious enough. One friend who works in hospital near Asheville in quarantine.  My son's bar here has big outdoor area that can't be used now either --small business and they are open 5 hours a day for beer, wine, soft drink and snack takeout and burgers and hot dogs to go from 5-7pm.


They have no idea when they will get back to their house on Roatan but glad they changed air ticket 2 weeks ago or they would be there indefinitely. It's locked up tight, no flights at all.




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here in Colorado, restaurants are carry out, curb side or delivery. Our Governor just approved alcoholic drinks can be sold to go as well. It's very bizarre driving by the mall and all the chains are empty, however McDonalds must have had 20 cars waiting in the drive through. Our liquor stores and dispensaries are also packed. We picked a good month to retire. 

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25 minutes ago, coevan said:

here in Colorado, restaurants are carry out, curb side or delivery. Our Governor just approved alcoholic drinks can be sold to go as well. It's very bizarre driving by the mall and all the chains are empty, however McDonalds must have had 20 cars waiting in the drive through. Our liquor stores and dispensaries are also packed. We picked a good month to retire. 

About the same here as well. All you said above. All drive-thru eateries are open...no dine in at all.

Plus...today the governor ordered the closings of all hair salons, barber shops, and nail salons. I've not heard the updates on if they are closing liquor stores, as they are still open at this time, but that might be next.....EEEKKK! All convenience stores, gas stations, post offices, banks, government courts, are still open at this time.


All hospitals closed to all visitor, except the health care workers, plus the support staffs. 

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I'm in Central Florida and things are going ok. Except that the theme parks are all closed, the beaches are closed, restaurants are carry out or delivery only. We now have a curfew from 11pm to 5am daily which started 2 days ago and is in effect until further notice. Grocery stores close early to sterilize and restock items, certain items you can only buy 1 or 2 of per household. The only good thing is that I am still working and the weather is beautiful and we can at least go outside in our community and go for a walk. So we are not confined to just being indoors all the time and as long as it stays nice and hit we are able to go swimming in our pool. So I can at least act like I'm on a cruise sitting by the pool. Stay safe everyone!


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I live in Manchester Ct things are not as crazy as last week although everything is closed except grocery stores and pharmacies. I think my dance studio will close this week and my gym is closed, which are the two things I do just about everyday.



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6 minutes ago, shipbound2 said:

I live in Manchester Ct things are not as crazy as last week although everything is closed except grocery stores and pharmacies. I think my dance studio will close this week and my gym is closed, which are the two things I do just about everyday.




I just saw that choreographer Debbie Allen is doing dance classes on Instagram! Looks like my dogs and I have new activity....you might want to check out her virtual studo?!

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I work for state government in VT- front line cps worker. The district office is not closed, but there is a skeleton crew and we are being asked to try and work remotely when possible in order to promote social distancing. The unique ways this impacts the work I do is unprecedented. That said, even if there was a complete shutdown I would still be employed due to the nature of my work. Otherwise, everything is closed, closing or offering alternative accommodations (reduced hours, delivery/take out- even for restaurants that didn’t previously offer such services inclusive of take out single alcoholic drink purchases). All hair and nail salons, etc. must close. Local news reports area fire department is desperate for antibacterial products. Local distillers who make quality liquor are now making hand sanitizer and donating to public and fire departments. Grocery stores still can’t keep necessities on shelves and have purchasing limits on many products. 

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My husband and I are retired. We live in New Jersey where we have been told to stay at  home.  There is a curfew and all businesses are closed or open with very limited hours with a few exceptions like supermarkets, pharmacies, and of all things liquor stores!  Essential?  I guess after a month or two of this isolation, we will all need some alcohol.  We are fortunate that our income is fixed and we are not facing the problems of many Americans who don't know how long they will continue to get paid.   I can't even imagine how difficult that is going to be for families.  Since I am of a certain age (old-lol) and do have numerous conditions that make me high risk, I have hunkered down in the house for the last 12 days.  To say that I am bored is the understatement of the Century. Our local Stop & Shop supermarket has instituted senior hours 6AM - 7:30 every day for folks 60 and older.  This has been a blessing.  The store is fairly well stocked and my husband said it was all quite orderly.  Quite frankly, I do not believe all this will be over any time soon.  But, I need to find a hobby because the only one I have right now is eating - cakes, cookies, ice cream..... you get the idea?   Stay safe everyone,  we will get through this!!


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Dallas is closed but not the surrounding areas, people want the governor to close the whole state down. I'm in the I need a new hobby group too, though I play some online games, I'm very distracted feeling and wish we could get through this. My lifetime savings took a big hit and I bought a bunch of ccl stock so I sure hope it survives. I have to try not to look during the week when I see the stock market.


Only essential stuff is open. Essential workers cannot cross dallas county line to go to a job in another county which I find odd. Finally shut down churches. The largest group of new virus folks are aged 18 to 40 so they say old folks like me and my parents more so staying home, but the younger ones not. 


I'm good food wise, but you cant find beans and rice, or canned foods or paper products. Bread and meat limit of 1. 

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We live in a small rural town and our home is about 5 miles outside of town. We live on a farm so the farm life is good for social distancing. Grandchildren were here some last week and had a ball running thru pastures picking every buttercup in sight!

Our grocery stores are still open but certain items are hard to find. I think early mornings are best because they are restocking shelves and meat counters. The few restaurants in town have gone to pick up or drive thru only. Pharmacies are still open as are the hardware store and banks(they are only drive thru at this time).

The effect on our town is probably not as hard as big cities because we are used to fewer stores and activities. Folks here love to ride 4 wheelers on their farm and go fishing. I guess we practiced social distancing in a way before it was mandated!! 

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I am in Riverside county CA.  People just don't get how bad this is.  The beaches were packed on Saturday so now the Mayor in L.A. has closed all the parking lots at the beaches.  The pier in Malibu was also packed.  I wouldn't venture out for anything but groceries or medication at this point.  It's like a ghost town.  I heard from a friend in Pennsylvania they can't even get liquor.  Fortunately for us our supermarkets have all alcohol.  I know some states have strange rules about where you can buy it.

Other than not being able to get toilet paper everything is good for us so far.



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Oddly enough, liquor stores(we call them 'package stores' down here, are all still open. I guess it's because they are classified as and 'essential business'. :classic_laugh: Well, I'll drink to that!  Pet stores are open as well. Of course, all grocery stores and convenience stores are open as well, although with abbreviated hours. Several grocery stores open their doors an hour or 2 early, just for senior citizens, before they let the rest of the masses of panic buyers in. Target and Walmart(I believe) do the same.


Several of the smaller micro distilleries around here, that normally craft vodka, bourbon, rum and the likes, have converted to making hand sanitizer, as that commodity is as scarce as hen's teeth. Muchly needed too. 


Most all of the schools down here are closed until April 3. 


We have now started grocery store shopping online that let's us avoid even going in, keeping us inside more....less social distancing to worry about. We noticed a by product of online grocery shopping is that it has really cut down on the 'impulse buying' as we push the cart down around the isles. 👍


Dallas has just implemented 'shelter in place' orders effective today at midnight. In reading the order, it pretty much spells out what we are presently doing. Hunkering down, and staying in as much as possible. Our county(Tarrant county) does not have that, although I can see it coming. But here again, we won't be affected much, if any at all. Our Governor(Gregg Abbot) is highly resistant to issuing a statewide declaration. On the surface, one might think it's silly not to. But he made a good point yesterday in his briefing by saying that Texas has 254 counties, and of those 254 only 40 counties have confirmed cases of the disease. He's leaving it up to the individual counties to make their own decisions whether to implement such orders or not. 


Apologies for this being so long winded. I didn't start out intending this to be so long. I'm just bored silly. I must have played a thousand hands of microsoft solitaire in the past week or 2. LOL. Ok, vent time is over.

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Our governor in VA is a little late to the party. He just today closed gyms and theaters and made restaurants takeout and delivery only. He did close schools for the rest of the year. On a personal note my daughter's long  planned April wedding is postponed indefinitely as is our retirement and moving plans. 

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