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3 in 10 cruisers won’t cruise again


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37 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

The death toll as of today stands at 20,732.  That's bad enough Harry with out adding nearly another 10,000 just to make a point.


According to the Telegraph,  Avril  the number of Covid-19 deaths in care homes was estimated by Care England to have reached 7,500 a week ago, and the Government is under pressure to start publishing a daily tally of coronavirus-related deaths in care homes.


Government published figures carefully exclude care homes and deaths at home. The real figure is likely to be well in excess of 30,000 when these inconvenient figures are included.


Very sad, but true I'm afraid. 



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15 minutes ago, NoFlyGuy said:


ICU beds - seems like we have coped well with that unless you believe that both the government and all the senior health pros are lying. It seems we have far more capacity than we need at the moment.

Maybe you think that's another failure - wasted money on Nightingale hospitals etc.

Talk about bending the facts to fit your views!

That will be the political argument for later when this is over. "All the money the government wasted on ICU beds and kitting out new hospitals that we're never used"  This government, because of its colour, will never do anything right for some. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. I'm so fed up of this terrible pandemic being used as a political tool. Thousands of people are dying for goodness sake and the media still sensationalise and Boris bash at every turn. He tried to keep going as long as he could to get us through this and it could have killed him, and quite frankly the remarks made by some of the opposing party about his days in ICU  were utterly disgraceful.  This virus has no political affiliation it just kills. 


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10 minutes ago, zap99 said:

I can understand why most threads start with a topic and rapidly turn to covid and it's effects on cruising. I get that. What others seem to not get is the request of this site not to bring politics into posts. Not that hard to understand is it? Have a look at the green bar at the top and please let me know if I have got it wrong.🤔

Discussion of Coronavirus in a thread about people returning to cruising is inevitable,  and discussion of whether it's being handled effectively is equally inevitable.  It's not so much political as a discussion of what actions we've taken, and when, as against the actions of other countries. 

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1 minute ago, Harry Peterson said:

Discussion of Coronavirus in a thread about people returning to cruising is inevitable,  and discussion of whether it's being handled effectively is equally inevitable.  It's not so much political as a discussion of what actions we've taken, and when, as against the actions of other countries. 

Coronavirus yes. Banging on about politics distracts from the discussion of cruising. I'm sure there are political discussion boards. Boriscritic, perhaps.

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15 minutes ago, zap99 said:

I can understand why most threads start with a topic and rapidly turn to covid and it's effects on cruising. I get that. What others seem to not get is the request of this site not to bring politics into posts. Not that hard to understand is it? Have a look at the green bar at the top and please let me know if I have got it wrong.🤔

I know what you mean and we're all guilty of it. There are a certain few that like to turn every thread into a political argument. The trouble is you read it, it annoys you or you agree, so you answer back. A slippery slope


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2 minutes ago, zap99 said:

Coronavirus yes. Banging on about politics distracts from the discussion of cruising. I'm sure there are political discussion boards. Boriscritic, perhaps.

Come on, there is no cruising! And the one thing preventing cruising is Coronavirus.  No surprise that discussion involves whether it's being tackled effectively.  Please feel free to return the subject to cruising, but since there isn't any, one of the nostalgia threads might suit better. 😊

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6 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I know what you mean and we're all guilty of it. There are a certain few that like to turn every thread into a political argument. The trouble is you read it, it annoys you or you agree, so you answer back. A slippery slope


Balearics , Canaries and Greece are talking about opening up tourism by August and extending their season into November. Still some hope yet.

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2 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Come on, there is no cruising! And the one thing preventing cruising is Coronavirus.  No surprise that discussion involves whether it's being tackled effectively.  Please feel free to return the subject to cruising, but since there isn't any, one of the nostalgia threads might suit better. 😊

Thanks, but I'll pass. Bye🤪🚢

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1 hour ago, Harry Peterson said:

I don't in any way disagree with you about the Labour far left, Momentum, Corbyn and Abbott.  I've never been of that persuasion - far more just left of centre.  Keir Starmer will, I hope, cause normal service to be resumed - New Labour proved very electable for three full terms, and lost in 2010 only because they failed to deflect the very clever Conservative tactics blaming them, instead of an international financial crisis, for the worldwide economic crash.


Do the vast majority really think the government has handled the situation well?  Not according to the latest published poll:




And as for failing to prepare, this tells a damning story about failure and cover up in 2016 - cuts had, of course, to come before public safety:





Harry, your continued harping on about NHS cuts has proved spurious in view of the NHS response, and the way the govt has ensured that ICU beds were rapidly increased.  As for PPE this is a worldwide concern to all counries, the demand is outstripping supply and every country has concerns about providing adequate equipment.

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1 minute ago, zap99 said:

Balearics , Canaries and Greece are talking about opening up tourism by August and extending their season into November. Still some hope yet.

Ah, and optimist like me. It's nice to meet you 😉.   I'm hoping to still be able to go on our November cruise. I have to have something to look forward to. It makes this lockdown easier.


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11 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Come on, there is no cruising! And the one thing preventing cruising is Coronavirus.  No surprise that discussion involves whether it's being tackled effectively.  Please feel free to return the subject to cruising, but since there isn't any, one of the nostalgia threads might suit better. 😊

There's no reason to be rude Harry just because zap was posting on the correct thread. 



Edited by Adawn47
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2 minutes ago, zap99 said:

Balearics , Canaries and Greece are talking about opening up tourism by August and extending their season into November. Still some hope yet.

Yes I  read yesterday about that but the Spanish tourist minister said  ....August would be the beaches for locals only and if all goes well without infection then they would open them up for the Spanish nationals,later in the year.

The rest of the internationals would then follow if all  went well but stressed it was all "see how it goes."

Think it's all to soon for countries to plan any better than that yet .


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4 minutes ago, kalos said:

Yes I  read yesterday about that but the Spanish tourist minister said  ....August would be the beaches for locals only and if all goes well without infection then they would open them up for the Spanish nationals,later in the year.

The rest of the internationals would then follow if all  went well but stressed it was all "see how it goes."

Think it's all to soon for countries to plan any better than that yet .


At least some positive news would enable us to make some plans for 2021. If it blows up again later this year, early next we will have to deal with that. Cruise companies seem to be a bit more flexible on their booking terms.

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1 hour ago, kalos said:

Some very good points have been put forward on this thread and I do agree that politics/colour is not

very helpful at the moment. Most of the opposition who have been on TV also say the Government is doing a very 

difficult job with the outbreak.

One thing that seems missing out of this thread is the public, no not us who are isolating or the ones staying at 

home following the lockdown rules .No we are talking of the UK selfish who on the first ray of sunshine go out

not giving a second thought for others .Look in most papers and the photos of them laid out in parks and beaches

is there to be seen .

This does not happen just in our country , USA figures are going through the roof and again look in the papers and 

look at the photo's of Daytona beach and others and you begin to understand why, when you see how many people

they are .

We need to look forward and learn from countries like South Korea, they learnt a hard lesson from the MERS outbreak.

They were not going to go through anything like that again ,so the first sign of this they were onto it and more importantly their public were prepared to follow advice and stay indoors until testing and other plans were made .

A very good article about South Korea https://www.wired.co.uk/article/south-korea-coronavirus



Good points Kalos.

We went out for our walk today in Silverstone as usual - it's a big village but usually very quiet in the middle of the day.

Could not  believe the number of private cars we encountered on a minor road between Silverstone and a Abthorpe .

If you are going out for groceries to Towcester or Brackley why are you driving down this road - it just leads to small villages.


Got back to our road and our neighbour from two away was helping someone  load something onto a trailer - no social distancing! Maybe should have said something rather than just look at each other and seethe.


What do people not understand about the rules!

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1 hour ago, NoFlyGuy said:


ICU beds - seems like we have coped well with that unless you believe that both the government and all the senior health pros are lying. It seems we have far more capacity than we need at the moment.

Maybe you think that's another failure - wasted money on Nightingale hospitals etc.

Talk about bending the facts to fit your views!

The only reason we have sufficient ICU  beds, is because all other surgery is being cancelled. You need a stent - sorry,  we need the ICU bed for a possible CV19 patient. You need a kidney transplant- sorry, we need the bed for a possible CV19 patient. Does anyone see a trend here?

There are more people that will die in the future, because of the way hospital admissions, surgery,  referrals etc are currently being handled , than will due because of CV19. 

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1 hour ago, kalos said:

Some very good points have been put forward on this thread and I do agree that politics/colour is not

very helpful at the moment. Most of the opposition who have been on TV also say the Government is doing a very 

difficult job with the outbreak.

One thing that seems missing out of this thread is the public, no not us who are isolating or the ones staying at 

home following the lockdown rules .No we are talking of the UK selfish who on the first ray of sunshine go out

not giving a second thought for others .Look in most papers and the photos of them laid out in parks and beaches

is there to be seen .

This does not happen just in our country , USA figures are going through the roof and again look in the papers and 

look at the photo's of Daytona beach and others and you begin to understand why, when you see how many people

they are .

We need to look forward and learn from countries like South Korea, they learnt a hard lesson from the MERS outbreak.

They were not going to go through anything like that again ,so the first sign of this they were onto it and more importantly their public were prepared to follow advice and stay indoors until testing and other plans were made .

A very good article about South Korea https://www.wired.co.uk/article/south-korea-coronavirus


Kalos - not easy to read your post.  But, as a matter of interest, if, I go for a walk with my wife, why are we not allowed to sit on a bench or on the grass?

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1 minute ago, wowzz said:

Kalos - not easy to read your post.  But, as a matter of interest, if, I go for a walk with my wife, why are we not allowed to sit on a bench or on the grass?



because you are not in the club, Twats are us!


Do what you have been told, and support all of the rest of us.


Which, I think you are doing.anyway.


Need to be strong and live at this time and tomorrow!


God Bless



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3 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Kalos - not easy to read your post.  But, as a matter of interest, if, I go for a walk with my wife, why are we not allowed to sit on a bench or on the grass?

Or a snack washed down with lashings of Ginger beer. We live near a lake. It takes about 35 minutes to walk around, so not too small. That's our walk about every other day. Most days there is an old chap with a walking frame sitting by himself on a bench, another is a couple, the lady is obviously recovering from a stroke. Mums with a kid sitting on the grass feeding the ducks. All social distancing. Yet it seems if you set out to walk for 30mins in the countryside, sit down,have a drink and a sandwich and walk back you should be locked up an your name posted on the notice board.Most grownups can figure out for themselves what is the correct thing to do. Not all, but most.

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19 minutes ago, NoFlyGuy said:


Good points Kalos.

We went out for our walk today in Silverstone as usual - it's a big village but usually very quiet in the middle of the day.

Could not  believe the number of private cars we encountered on a minor road between Silverstone and a Abthorpe .

If you are going out for groceries to Towcester or Brackley why are you driving down this road - it just leads to small villages.


Got back to our road and our neighbour from two away was helping someone  load something onto a trailer - no social distancing! Maybe should have said something rather than just look at each other and seethe.


What do people not understand about the rules!

It's complacency. They understand the rules they just don't think they apply to them. I've noticed more traffic in our area as well and on Friday, I couldn't believe the number of motorbikes tearing around. We hadn't heard any for about 3 weeks and suddenly they were all over the place. Unbelievable. 


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3 minutes ago, mercury7289 said:



because you are not in the club, Twats are us!


Do what you have been told, and support all of the rest of us.


Which, I think you are doing.anyway.


Need to be strong and live at this time and tomorrow!


God Bless



No idea what you are talking about. 

Just explain why I cannot sit next to my wife on a park bench.

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12 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Kalos - not easy to read your post.  But, as a matter of interest, if, I go for a walk with my wife, why are we not allowed to sit on a bench or on the grass?

It's quite simple really. Getting back to cruising/holidays we often walk miles and, of course, take a seat from time to time. That's because it's an outing. The rules now are we don't do 'outings' but go out for exercise only and in our vicinity - i.e. don't go off driving in our cars to some beauty spot.

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1 minute ago, wowzz said:

No idea what you are talking about. 

Just explain why I cannot sit next to my wife on a park bench.

Same reason that when I pay £50 to sit next to my wife on the plane,she logs on and pays £50 to sit somewhere else. Wozz, we need to look in the mirror. 😁

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2 minutes ago, zap99 said:

Or a snack washed down with lashings of Ginger beer. We live near a lake. It takes about 35 minutes to walk around, so not too small. That's our walk about every other day. Most days there is an old chap with a walking frame sitting by himself on a bench, another is a couple, the lady is obviously recovering from a stroke. Mums with a kid sitting on the grass feeding the ducks. All social distancing. Yet it seems if you set out to walk for 30mins in the countryside, sit down,have a drink and a sandwich and walk back you should be locked up an your name posted on the notice board.Most grownups can figure out for themselves what is the correct thing to do. Not all, but most.

Totally agree. We walk a loop around the Trent most days.  Takes 90 minutes or so (sorry Michael Gove). If we were to sit down on a bench to admire the view, in theory, the local plod (not that they are ever around) would move us on. I can't see the difference between walking and sitting. Hopefully someone will enlighten me.

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7 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I couldn't believe the number of motorbikes tearing around. We

Agree totally with you. Mainly men suffering a mid life crisis.  Unfortunately the police seem too busy checking our shopping trollies rather than stopping these imbeciles. 

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