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5-13-21 Thursday Weigh-In---Least Not Friday The 13th--- Just Weigh-In Day


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Depends on how you did Today

You might think it's Friday


Other's will think it's a Happy Day

Because they had a loss this Thursday


We're losing weight for our Cruising Days

With all the news on cruises---WHEN? What Year, What Month, What Day


Guess we will have to just lose to stay healthy Each Day

Know it's right for health but we want Cruising Days


C---Crying For All Of Our Lost Cruises🙁

R---Remember The Fun Times--Trivia--Show--Ports--Food

U---Usually Walking The Decks Looking At The Sea🌝

I---Inches Lost--Inches Gain--Which Is More Fun

S---Sailing Soon I Wish😎

E---Eating Not--All The Cruise Food

S---Soon We Will Be Cruising


PS---Can you tell I'm sad? Just had FIVE cruises canceled today. 43 days GONE!

  All Balcony's--Great Ports! Great Prices! Never get these Good Deals Again I bet!


PSS---I know other people have worst problems and I pray for them but losing my

cruises still hurts.  I thought July could be canceled but didn't think October would be.

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Belle thanks for the poem.  I can’t believe  you had 5 cruises cancelled at one time.  That is horrible.  Which cruise lines?   I have a TA for my  River cruises.  She has been able to maintain my cost when I’ve had to change dates on my cruises.   I’m surprised about your October cruise.


My car is sick.  The repair shop went to move my 2013 Ford Edge from parking lot to repair stall.  It wouldn’t start for them (great they experienced my issue) had to push vehicle.  It was late so they checked yesterday morning .  Bad news it started every time they tried to run diagnostics.  Without diagnostics they can’t make a recommendation.  After a long collaborative conversation decided to replace the starter - its the most logical problem.  Going to also get 60k check and fix dent on front bumper.  
I will start shopping for new suv NOT a Ford. Thank goodness  my granddaughters extra car is at my house to I’m not stranded ( my guardian angel is taking of me)


Im down  3.2 sounds like a lot but considering last weeks gain on scale it is really on track.  So far for month I’ve lost  2.2 lbs  which is just a hair short of goal of 1.25 a week..   My BMI has gone from 38 To 25 .  I can seen the light at the end of this long tunnel . Only 15-20 more to go. 

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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting the thread. So sorry you lost all those cruises, how disappointing when we look forward to cruising again.


Izena ~ isn't that always the way with cars, not showing the problem when you take it in.

Wow, you've done great!! What a reduction in your BMI!


I'm up 0.8 lbs as I went shopping yesterday, bought snacks then sampled them all! When will I learn?!!


ANyhow got to go exercise.

Stay safe & have a nice day.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Belle, no new cancelations for me but I'm anticipating that my 2021 Queensland cruise won't go


Izena, that's what my 1st Saturn would do!!!! So frustrating.  But on a good note, I had borrowed enough against it to pay off both kids' cars before that started. Then it was into Saturn so many times they bought it back for what I owed + $1000 on a replacement.  Turned out it was a 'synovial valve,' whatever that is. After they totally worked it over it was found alongside Hwy 80. I know this bc California wanted me to reclaim it. Nope. Done with that car


Izena! BMI in the good range! Congrats on getting to the magic 25🥳


Yes, Jo. I also love snacks --- maybe that's why 25 BMI eludes me


Starting part 2 today. Refinishing cooktop / adjoining tile / inserting removable cutting board to the left of cooktop. The board will be 24×20". So necessary when we are all prepping for family meals. 



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Belle, sorry for the cancellations.


Izena, congrats!


Jo, sorry for the gain.


Ombud, your kitchen is going to look great when it's all done!


Susan, Congrats on the grandbaby!


Don, I haven't said welcome yet. Welcome!


I'm down 1.1 this week. I have about 3 pounds left to get back to my recent low. This morning I checked my progress against my goal for this year, and I'm still on track.  


It has been raining all week - not a great start to summer vacation for the kids. Today the sun's out though, and someone is actually here working on the pool! I'm going to take the kids bowling this afternoon - I would think it shouldn't be crowded on a Thursday afternoon. Then tomorrow we'll hit the zoo.


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Hi all!  A quick note tonight.  I have been pricing andmoving stuff all day in preparation of our estate sell.  It starts in am so I will be up and going at 5am.  Down 1.5# this week.  I had told my dh that I would try and stay on the nutrisystem until our next cruise.  With July cancels our next one is in September.   That won't be happening.  Finally firmly in the 160s again...here I come 150s!

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Jo -= I do the same thing .  Over do snack food when I get home.  I’ve gotten better over the last 10 months. Your doing okay seem to be steady where you are at - great no over all gains


Mel  congrats on the loss. Sorry weather has been variable.  Weather in Spring has been beautiful last few mornings have been cool 60’s. Occasional rain at night. Glad your having good outings with the kids.


Susan great loss.  How do you like the nutrisystem food?  Estate sales are a lot of work,    hope you do $$well.   

I was thinking it would be nice if the cruise lines  allow unvaccinated  passengers  in the next year their. ID TAGS  Should be different.

everyone have a safe. Weekend.


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Susan, nice loss! Good luck with today's sale!


Izena, thanks. We wound up not going to the zoo today. They were supposed to be here to work on laying the deck pavers today, so we decided not to go. Of course it's almost noon now and no one is working. 🙄


I walked this morning (have been good about it all week), and then I just couldn't stand our backyard anymore. We can't get the lawnmower back there with all the construction, so I used the weed eater on the whole thing. The weeds and grass were taking over, and I'm worried the dogs or I will find a copperhead back there. Went through two batteries - I want a gold star! 

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On 5/13/2021 at 4:29 PM, Belle said:

C---Crying For All Of Our Lost Cruises🙁

R---Remember The Fun Times--Trivia--Show--Ports--Food

U---Usually Walking The Decks Looking At The Sea🌝

I---Inches Lost--Inches Gain--Which Is More Fun

S---Sailing Soon I Wish😎

E---Eating Not--All The Cruise Food

S---Soon We Will Be Cruising



Love it.....they are all spot on...


Have stayed the about the same weight for about two weeks which is OK,

going away for a break on Tuesday for 16 nights which will be great.

not taking scales or measuring tape, we are on the coast so lots of walking track, which one will be using... it will be cold about 10-15 deg C   so gloves, beanie, jacket with hood, to stay as warm as toast while walking enjoying the views, which will be great.

So relax, long walks, and not too much food ....lol


Cheers Don

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Congratulations to Izena & Susan for getting into the 150s. 


Susan, how'd the sale go?


Don, sounds like a great trip. 10-15°C?? When I was in Melbourne it went from 40c blowing like a tornado down to 20c without winds while I was in the bank last November. Layers - layers - layers


Mel, bet the yard looks so much better with all those tall weeds gone. At least the contractors returned too



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Ombud I'm not to the 150s yet.  But hopefully will be sooner than later.  The estate sale was a success in that so many of Mom's things got placed with people that will appreciate them.  The weather could not have been any better for us.  It was a lot of work but it did help empty the house some.  We got above listing offer on our Bham house.  Might be under contract before end of weekend.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday....Susan

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Didn't work on kitchen today ----


Drove into SF. Went to Crissy Fields to play ball with kids & dog. Then walked through Fort Mason to Fisherman's Wharf for late lunch at Boudins (bought souvenir bread), listened to street musicians, watched street artists (biker was GOOD), onto Ghirardelli Square for hot fudge & caramel sundaes (yes bought souvenir chocolates), ubered back to Crissy Fields and headed home at 6. Left bread with my daughter & split chocolates (1/3 each to S, dtr, me). So nice to get out of hot weather into 60s.

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Hello All. Sorry I haven't been on for a few days.  Life!

Seems like everyone did pretty good this week, no big gains,

mostly loss's.  I stayed the same.


Izena---Sure was surprise Oct. was canceled. It was to Europe. No reason.

Have an Nov. to Mexico and Dec. to Hawaii see if they go. Things seem to

be getting better. Wish CDC would of got their act together sooner. Trouble

is the cruise lines haven't said anything about vaccines. Think they should

have them for everyone, no brainer!

Sorry about your car and congrats on your loss.


Jo---I think with snacks--We learn sometimes and then forget there are

healthier snacks we can have but like the sweet and salty better. Small gain, you'll

get it off.


Ombud---At this time we never know what cruises will sail and which ones won't

and never know the reason.  Nice job working on your kitchen. Nice you took the day

off to enjoy the day in the city with the kids and dog. What fun and the good 

food was enjoyed by all.


Mel---Congrats on your loss.  Sorry you missed the zoo. Your were suppose to have the

pool done by now? They sure are dragging their feet.   for you doing all that yard work!


Don---Enjoy your trip, sounds like you will be doing lots of walking. Good exercise.

You lost a lot body just resting for now, then will start again.  Aren't you going to be starting

your winter there as we start our summer?


Susan---Congrats on your loss. Your doing good, don't need the system till Sept.

Glad your Estate Sale went well and will be selling your house. Is it a 2nd house

of yours or was it your mothers?  Remember when had to sell my parents house, prices

were low then, now so high.


Everyone enjoy their Sunday. Like Don going away Tuesday but only 4 days, not 16.

(lucky Don) So need someone to start the thread again on Thursday.  Thank You.

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Jo -= I do the same thing .  Over do snack food when I get home.  I’ve gotten better over the last 10 months. Your doing okay seem to be steady where you are at - great no over all gains


Mel  congrats on the loss. Sorry weather has been variable.  Weather in Spring has been beautiful last few mornings have been cool 60’s. Occasional rain at night. Glad your having good outings with the kids.


Susan great loss.  How do you like the nutrisystem food?  Estate sales are a lot of work,    hope you do $$well.   

I was thinking it would be nice if the cruise lines  allow unvaccinated  passengers  in the next year their. ID TAGS  Should be different.

everyone have a safe. Weekend.


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Should get SUV. Back on Tuesday.  Sooo lucky to have an extra car to drive.   

I think I’ve decided on new suv.  This is a good time - I can still get good trade in $$.  I was checking on suv dealerships within reasonable distance.   At this time I think it will be a suburu. Forester.  Was checking colors and bingo there it was they have a green.   It is Jasper green ( have to get it dogs name is Jazzper lol)


Scales messing with my mood.  Food intake <1000 calories, no cheating.


Anxious trip.

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I have officially canceled my December cruise. I wanted the deposit back as FCand the OBC transferred (it was from the 1st cancelation before Pause 1 so would disappear if PCL canceled it). Now looking at December Hawaii on Ruby Princess. 


Izena, sometimes a new car is warranted. Especially if they can verify but not test for a malfunction. And I agree with trading it in rather than selling it. Whoever gets it needs to be able to get a warranty.  other topic:: driving to Montana?

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Ombud crazy with the cruises and CDC changing things but not really.

They change mind so fast on things. The Nurses think to early to stop masks.

When will cruises start? Sorry you had to cancel yours.


Hope everyone has a good week.  Take care.

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I’m flying to Montana— it would take 3 days to drive. It takes a long day just to drive out of Texas via the panhandle.


what is everyone’s favorite  line.  Cruise lines.mic there are any solo. Travelers which is best for you. . 

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I hope everyone had a good weekend. It started raining Saturday night and will continue off and on for 9 days straight. I don't expect any work to get done this week. The sun's out this afternoon, so the kids and I took advantage and got out for some exercise. With so much rain in the area, it was terribly humid.


Susan, I'm glad the estate sale was a success!


Ombud, do they still give free sample squares at Ghirardelli? DH and I went to Napa and SF for our honeymoon. We want to go back for an anniversary, probably won't be this year though. Sorry about the cancelled cruise.


Belle, enjoy your upcoming trip!


Izena, glad you have had access to a car while yours has been out. Congrats on finding one the right color for Jazzper. I loved visiting old town Spring when I lived there. I tried to explain Wunsche Bros. squash casserole to my kids the other day, and they were so confused by the idea of it. 😆  We sail Royal Caribbean, but DH and I would like to go Celebrity without the kids.



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Hi all!


Izena ~ I have sailed most of the popular cruiselines but for me NCL is the best as they have the studio cabins for solo cruisers & also the studio lounge plus a host for at least an hour each evening. He/she, depending how good they are, might arrange at least meals together in the MDR, good seats in the theatre for shows & possible other fun things to do. NCL also have good food options, free or pay.


I also like Carnival as it is so much fun (I don't hang out at bars or pools so don't see any nonsense if it is going on). I regretted listening to the party ship atmosphere talk so didn't sail on them until 2013.

I like comedy & the food options they have eg Guy's Burgers & assigned seating choice in the MDR unlike NCL.


Anyhow  I still haven't learned the don't buy the junk food message & did bake a rhubarb-strawberry pie that DH doesn't eat, so don't hold out much hope for good results on Thursday!


Have a nice evening & stay safe.


~ Jo ~😊

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2 hours ago, retiring soon said:


I also like Carnival as it is so much fun (I don't hang out at bars or pools so don't see any nonsense if it is going on). I regretted listening to the party ship atmosphere talk so didn't sail on them until 2013.

I like comedy & the food options they have eg Guy's Burgers & assigned seating choice in the MDR unlike NCL.


~ Jo ~😊

It's really sad that people believe that Carnival is just a party ship. We've done over 30 cruises on Carnival and have never seen any crazy stuff. 

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Hello all.  So happy to be joining you in this post.  A little about me, I lost 40 pounds 4 years ago.  Decided to become a health coach.  I say that hesitantly, as I don't want anyone to feel like that is why I joined in.  We all need accountability, even health coaches. I have mostly maintained my weight loss.  Covid has been a bit challenging though. We own a bakery, and I do farmers markets and trade shows for a living.  We still had markets, but trade shows were gone for the last year. I count on the set up, working, take down, of the booths to give me the exercise I need.  That being gone from my life has made a difference on the scale and in my reflection in the mirror. Farmers markets are upon us and shows are coming back. My body will follow suit, as I have more activity.  Nice to have an outlet with fellow cruisers. 

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I like carnival for a quick getaway.   I’ve sailed about 5 x— first was in late 80’s .  A lot has changed since then.  Last time I cruised with them was 2016.   I think they are good for everyone.  I’m more of a hermit- but like to people watch .  Great for families

ive done 1 American cruise line.  Like the intimacy of a small group abt 150.  There are no bells and whistles.  Pools do not work for my  fair freckled Irish skin.   

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Hello All


Welcome my kids mama and good to see you Cruise42


I've cruise on most cruise lines and now mostly Princess and Holland.

Like both, certain things I like on each. One main thing now why I really

like them, sending me free cruises.(even free still pay tax, insurance ect)

someone sharing cabin me gets the free cabin too. Other wise have to pay double

as a solo which I've done the most and will do again. Sad thing some of the free cruises 

have been canceled, few more left. Hope they sail.

(  In one way not really free I gamble in casino!😄)


I've never had a bad cruise on any line. Some cruises I did like better then others.

I'm a Happy cruiser on any cruise line or cruise!


See you/talk -- this weekend, leaving Tuesday Morning.  Take care Everyone.

Hope you all have a Good Thursday.

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