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9-2-20 Thursday Weigh-In---First Weigh-In Of September


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Happy belated birthday Belle!  You share your birthday with my nephew who turned 50 yesterday.  

My weight stayed the same this week.  Oh well....packed and ready to go on first cruise and dh has stared having sinus issues.  He had PCR done yesterday just to make sure.  Won't know results for a day or two.  I sure hope we don't loose a 14 day comp cruise due to popping a positive test.  After waiting for a year and a half that would be very disappointing.  The good thing is that we were vaxed and hopefully he won't get extremely ill even if he does show positive.  

Hope everyone had a good week and the next is even better!

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Happy BD Belle. Thanks for good words.


Ombud great job with waistline.


Susan no gain is good.    Have a wonderful cruise.


im down 2 lbs.  Still walking every morning but lost some motivation and endurance. 


I hope everyone on east coast hasn’t been impacted by storm.  And west coast  hope fires are contained.i 

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Belle - thanks for starting the thread and the poem.  Hope you had a good birthday - Miss the days of the dancing guys, and the virtual all you can eat food.  


We had relatives here for the week and I seem to have spent a lot of my time eating!  I unfortunately am up 0.8#  Hopefully it will come off!


It is raining here so it is a dreary day.  We do need the rain though - the sun will probably shine tomorrow!.  Jan

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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting the thread. Hope you had a nice birthday. Was there cake?


Alabaster Cruiser ~ hope all goes well for your cruise & you have a great time.🤞


Izena ~ great loss, I think I know where some of it went, lol!

After that lovely time with my sibs I'm up 1.4 lbs. MIght have been those ooey, gooey buttertarts!

Yesterday I went to a newly opened British store & noticed all the things I bought have pastry, like sausage rolls, Cornish pasties & steak & kidney pie. Maybe I'll just eat the fillings.😉


Jan ~ food & company go together!  It's really cooled down here, only 50 so far! Guess summer's over.


Have a nice day & stay safe. I got a worrisome email from my TA about my MSC cruise, test, insurance etc.  Might have to look for an alternative to it if they do cancel Canadians.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes. Day older for sure--Day wiser who knows!

Weigh the same think would of had a loss but ate "Birthday Goodies" for a few days.


Ombud---Glad your back to your waist measurements of precruise. Good job!

Glad you had a good time . Thanks for the information and pictures how Princess was doing

things now. Know some things will be different on other Princess ships but some things the same.


Susan---Your nephew must be special🙂 Hope it's only sinus with your husband's  and you will be sailing. What's the date your sailing?  This weekend?  Think it was Celebrity.


Izena---2 lb loss,  That's great. Weren't you trying to maintain? Did you change your mind and

want to lose more? Great your keeping up the walking.


Jan---That's a small gain for having company all week. You did good. Hope you don't get

to much rain like other places.  Calif. sure needs rain. Not getting it.


Jo---Sorry your up but glad had a good time with the sibs. You'll get it off if you eat just

a little each day of the food from the British store.🤭


Yes their making it harder for us to cruise now want a 2 day testing instead of 3 and we

hope we get them back in time. Only few places here and not doing rapid only next day.

If don't get back in time, no cruise. Crazy!  Only one cruise starting it, will they the all follow it?

Only a suggestion from CDC, will they make it a rule? If so cruise lines should offer the

tests at the port like they did in the 1st cruises in Europe and the Caribbean.


Hope to see more people coming in Friday and the weekend.  Enjoy The Labor 3 Day Weekend!

Jo know you have it harder, you need a test before you can fly home



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Yes, Susan, waiting for that antigen or pcr test is tense. Hope he just has allergies. Or smoke congestion.  Enjoy your cruise!!


Izena, 👍on the loss 


Jo, do you have to test for MSC?


Jan, stay safe. I heard a hurricane is coming up the coast


My daughter's car is dead. $4800 for a new engine + installation + not sure if that'll fix a 10yr old Hyundai with 170k+ miles. And boy are used cars expensive these days! Fortunately I didn't travel last year so I can cover her shortfall. Ugh. Not what I want to blow $$s on

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HI all!


Ombud ~ no I don't have to test for MSC as they have cancelled cruises for Canadians!!!

I'm on hold for ages with Carnival trying to book my same cabin using  some of the deposit I got back from cancelling the SUnrise cruise. It'll be neat doing a BTB with 2 different itineraries which of course have changed from the originals. No Cozumel anymore so have to cancel that excursion, now no need for FTTF so will cancel that too if I ever get through!! The tests are a big worry. I need the PCR test for the flight home.


Have a nice weekend & stay safe. Please couldn't this just be over !!!!!


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hello Ombud and Jo and everyone.


Ombud sorry about your daughters car,  nice you can help her but a bummer 

that you have to spend the money. Maybe shop around and can get fixed for less.

Lot of miles on it.


Jo sorry MSC just cancelled for Canadians. Did they Why? Because of testing coming back?

Glad you have cruises on Carnival. Hope you get everything worked out. This cruising is

getting more of a hassle each day. Now a 2day testing and hoping you get the results

back in time.  I have only one place to get mine on the day I need. If need, I cruise Nov. 7th

and testing till Oct. 31. Hoping they won't extend it but think they will.


Hope everyone is having a good day. Any plans for the weekend?

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I'm going to try really REALLY hard to not stress eat this weekend.


I bought a car for my daughter. She started work the day after hers died a little over a week ago. 170k+ miles on her last used car. Needs an engine (4800) + maybe transmission (?) so I wouldn't help with that. $20,995 for a 6 yr old used Honda Accord with 32,658 miles. She had saved 5k for repairs so I'm only out 16k but I won't put my money into fixing a car with more than 150k miles. I paid less than 20k for my 2014 Honda Civic new!!!! What's up with these crazy prices??


Agreed to drive GD1 to the charter school 3 days a week. Plus their school vacation doesn't sync with the April cruise with the granddaughters so I will have to cancel that. 


Koda is on vacation with S. So when I really need a snuggle dog, he's gone. 

Think that's enough


Jo, I'm thinking of switching to Carnival. I've got a gold color card in the drawer from them (circa 2010). What do you think of their newer ships? 


Missing the others on this thread but it is a 3 day weekend 

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Ombud -  yes car prices are crazy.  I got $12000 for my 2013 Ford Edge with 60k miles.  I’ve purchased a few cars for my TX son — his dad would get him unreliable used cars -  I’m sure to stick me with bills.  Did it once after that I bought him 2  economy cars (he is a single dad and required dependable cars). 

I cruise in 2 months.  Can’t wait.  Apprehensive something will happen, cruise cancellation or not all of our group won’t make it.

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Afternoon All


Ombud yes car prices are crazy.  You can sell your own car for more then you bought it

but as you see if you buy one you pay more then you would of before.

Can your DD get someone to drive GD1 to school that week of your cruise?


Izena like you hope my cruises go, son going on one now didn't get testing back yet

and he still has the 3 day. Has a back up plan because spending night. The 2 day is

to short if have to have in Nov.


Hope everyone can watch their food intake this 3 day weekend so no gains on Thursday.

Will make us happy.

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“Light like a feather I’m not.”



18A5B1A0-9CFD-474B-BA52-D9E033DFBC16.thumb.jpeg.c0665381b085866eb288cd8a8a7a8739.jpegBelated birthday wishes Belle. 

Keep up the hard work everyone. 

I’m down slightly from last week but still up from my weigh-in on 08/14/21. What’s irritating is that yesterday when did my unofficial scale check I was 1.5 pounds lighter, then twenty-four hours later I go right back up. I biked hard this week, 99.95 miles to be exact, and I still barely lost. No soda, no alcohol, two espressos, two miniature French doughnuts, no pizza (since I gained last week), a lot of salad with a “healthy” dressing, four bite size KitKats spread out throughout the week, a banana for dessert to get rid of excess salt, one Happy Meal from McDonald’s, no chips or salty snacks. I don’t know how much strict I can be and still just tread water at the same general weight. 


Good luck in the coming week. Try and make good decisions at the cookouts, etc. 

Edited by optimusprime82
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Opti---I know so hard to lose weight but easy to gain.


I think (but not a doctor and don't even play one on tv) but exercising and riding

the bike many miles gaining muscle (which hold water they say) and losing inches I bet.

Remember your clothes are fitting better.

Also you did lose weight this week and you will lose more weight since your trying.

Might be slow now but don't give up!


Enjoy your cookouts but with weigh-in in your mind.😊

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Optimus stick with the plan,  your body will eventually drop the weight.  Most people me included think all we have to do is modify diet and calorie intake and it should just melt off.  Doesn’t happen . My goal for awhile was 5 lbs a month which then changed to 3 lbs. Focus on developing habits you can stick with forever.

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Hi all!


Ombud ~ I have a gold card too. I did the TA on Carnival Vista in 2016 & really liked it. Horizon is newer but similar so should be great. I really like Carnival & am sorry I waited so long to try them, having listened to the badmouthing about them being party ships. I don't hang around bars or the pool so if there is anything shady going on I don't see it.


We have hardly any experience with buying cars lately as ours are from 2001 & 2004. DH keeps them going just like he does our appliances. Everything we have is so old!!!


Have a nice day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Belle, Anna will probably be dropped off at my son's house when I'm gone. He lives a block from her school. Until then she's asked if she can stay here 3 nights a week. Makes sense as DD lives 9 miles away from her closest neighborhood (20 houses in her cluster but that's not much). I'm staying on the sidelines until I know what's up


Jo, that's good news about Carnival.  They have more options during the summer. 


Optimus, I'm ramping up my salads like you. Trying hard to cut back on dressing.


Izena, yes, easier to keep single parents in cars than to have a boomerang adult kid with kids. 

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Hello all.  Dh test was negative so we are with grand again.  The 3 month old is almost 4 month now and is as sweet as ever.  

Jo we had a Carnival get canceled this last week.  We got 2 "free" from Hard Rock that we had not booked so now have 3 Carnival cruises to book.  It will have to be next year.  We are diamond with Carnival and now live closer to Mobile so booking will be easy for little short cruises.

We just booked a rapid test for Wednesday.  If we turn out negative we will be ready to cruise for 14 days on Celebrity Edge on Saturday!  So excited!  I am already packed so I know I can't splurge on food because I have to fit into them.

Everyone have a nice Labor Day!  Will be back later....Susan

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I waited to see if anyone would post the last two days  and only Susan did.

Is this site falling apart? Do you only want to weigh-in on Thursday and that's all?

I miss the talking but tired of seeing only my name up on this thread that's why

I haven't talked much this week.



Susan sure your test will come back neg. unless you think otherwise, so you will cruise on

the Edge for 14 days.  Bon Voyage!  See you on Thursday with a loss?

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Belle, I might not post, but see all the posts .... I don't thin the site is falling apart ... I need to be able to see what others have posted .... I might not post a lot as I don't have much to say, but I do need to see what others are doing ..... So sorry that I haven't posted much .... I really care about everyone!!!  Jan

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Hi Jan and Ombud---

Glad you both read and came in. It's not just because it's a holiday that people

aren't coming in.  Not coming in much at all, that's why wondering if just wanted just a

weigh-in Thursday.


Jan like you I like to come in and see how people are doing in their lives, their cruises

and mainly how their doing losing their weight they want. If they need help, tips whatever.

If I/we want help or just to vent was/is nice coming in here.  I hope that we see others

still want to come in during the week. I think it helps, read a post that day and might stop you from eating that cookie or two saying --yes I want to lose this coming Thursday. No cookies for me today!

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I seem to have discovered potato chips lately --- I have tons of girl scout cookies in the freezer and haven't had a single one.  


Not doing much here.  Made a really nice dinner last night - It was almost healthy - lots of salad with cucumbers and tomatoes from the garden.  Summer squash also from the garden.  A pork tenderloin with sage, rosemary, thyme, basil - herbs from my garden also.   Unfortunately I also made some of the Pioneer Woman's "crashed potatoes" - I added a little cheese also.  I have been stuck on trying to cook - really don't seem to be excited about it lately.  


DD is coming over with the newest GS this morning (GS is now 2 1/2 months - he has learned how to smile).  He has am amazing head of hair - It almost looks as if he needs a haircut --- he is just so cute.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday.  Jan

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