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Traveling to France…vaccine questions.


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Can anyone tell me what an American traveling to France will need as far as vaccine status? The person I am

asking for us not cruising, but you guys are a wealth of knowledge so I thought I’d ask here. 
I’m reading this here… so from what I understand is that you need to have received your booster within 9mo than of your second dose to be considered fully vaccinated? 



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48 minutes ago, kelkel2 said:

so from what I understand

You understand correctly. Many, if not all, European Union countries have this new requirement for you to show evidence of a booster, if your final (first or second) jab was more than 270 days prior.

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28 minutes ago, Harters said:

You understand correctly. Many, if not all, European Union countries have this new requirement for you to show evidence of a booster, if your final (first or second) jab was more than 270 days prior.

Is France actually open to leisure travel? The site I linked above made it sound like it still wasn’t from the US because of the US being an “orange country” 

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20 hours ago, kelkel2 said:

Is France actually open to leisure travel?

It's certainly currently open to me. Maybe not to Americans, based on your understanding.


If that's so and it continues, it could have a significant impact on our Oceania cruise in June which includes  5 French ports and, I presume, would have many American travellers

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  • 1 month later...

I am having questions about this as well.  Our Cruise had the departure port changed from Copenhagen to Southampton.  I had already previously purchased our Business Class flights on Delta outright into Copenhagen.  I am trying to minimize our additional costs as the only business class flights on Delta to London Heathrow were more than double what we originally paid.   I was able to book a flight terminating in CDG at close to our original cost and then booked a separate one way ticket on Air France from CDG to LHR for nominal cost. 


We are US citizens and had both vaccinations in March 2021 and our Booster in October 2021 (we are traveling in August 2022) .  I have entered our vaccination records into the Delta flyready app on the delta website and it is errs out and tells me our vaccinations have expired???


I'm Trying to figure out what is happening here. I researched previously and it showed it could be done but in hindsight I didn't factor in Covid.  I found that because we are booked on two separate tickets that France considers us entering France because we will have to exit planeside to collect our luggage and recheck it and I now need to meet France's covid entry requirements.  I can't get another booster at this point, will an antigen test suffice?  


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Interesting issue on the expired vaccinations.   You could call Delta for an explanation, but be prepared to wait on hold for hours or simply request a call back.  France recently suspended most of their COVID rules.  But there has been a lot of confusion around a requirement (that exists in quite a few countries) that says that in order to be considered fully vaccinated you must have a booster shot within 9 months of your initial vaccination (the 2nd shot or the 1st J&J shot).  But once boosted we are not aware of any further vaccine requirement (this could change at any time).  


Since you are not traveling until August you need to keep abreast of the changing rules.  It is always possible that France might decide to require a 4th shot, but that is not currently the case.


But all of us travelers need to keep in mind that the airlines are essentially the traffic cops when it comes to vaccines.  If the airline insists that you do not meet the necessary requirements at your destination, they can and will refuse your boarding.  So even if Delta has this wrong it would be vital to get it resolved long before your flight.



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23 hours ago, peagreenid said:

I am having questions about this as well.  Our Cruise had the departure port changed from Copenhagen to Southampton.  I had already previously purchased our Business Class flights on Delta outright into Copenhagen.  I am trying to minimize our additional costs as the only business class flights on Delta to London Heathrow were more than double what we originally paid.   I was able to book a flight terminating in CDG at close to our original cost and then booked a separate one way ticket on Air France from CDG to LHR for nominal cost. 


We are US citizens and had both vaccinations in March 2021 and our Booster in October 2021 (we are traveling in August 2022) .  I have entered our vaccination records into the Delta flyready app on the delta website and it is errs out and tells me our vaccinations have expired???


I'm Trying to figure out what is happening here. I researched previously and it showed it could be done but in hindsight I didn't factor in Covid.  I found that because we are booked on two separate tickets that France considers us entering France because we will have to exit planeside to collect our luggage and recheck it and I now need to meet France's covid entry requirements.  I can't get another booster at this point, will an antigen test suffice?  


For France:

To be classed as fully vaccinated, travelers must have had two doses of one of the four EU-approved vaccines, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. The second dose must have been administered at least two weeks prior to travel. Those who had their second dose more than nine months ago will not be considered fully vaccinated unless they've had a booster jab.

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11 minutes ago, yogini06 said:

For France:

To be classed as fully vaccinated, travelers must have had two doses of one of the four EU-approved vaccines, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson. The second dose must have been administered at least two weeks prior to travel. Those who had their second dose more than nine months ago will not be considered fully vaccinated unless they've had a booster jab.

Well that is exactly how I read it. I just can't figure out why they are denying our Covid vaccination records and saying it is expired when uploading it into the Delta Fly Ready app.  We have uploaded our records to several different apps (ArriveCAN, CLEAR, and the cruiseline apps)  I thought maybe I wasn't understanding the timing.  I had read other comments from folks that said that your booster couldn't be more than 270 days (9 months ago)  We will most definitely get another booster if it is authorized in the US but at this point we can not.  We gave ourselves a lengthy layover in CDG (5 hours) to compensate for having to retrieve luggage and re-check for the Air France flight.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are flying to Marseille on Delta through Amsterdam on April 19, this month. We will be on Air France from AMS-MRS. I have tried 3 times recently to upload our vaccination information on Delta Fly Ready and I constantly get an ERROR message that says I can't upload. I know we are up-to-date on our vaccination requirements at the moment, so I will just take all documentation when I check in on our flight. Much can change between now and when you travel, so I wouldn't get too worried about Delta's unreliable FLy Ready program, as long as you know you are meeting all requirements and allow yourself enough time when you check in for your flights. 


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We have been underwhelmed by the various airline apps and have stopped wasting out time dealing with the finicky software.  The one time we completed every step of VeriFLY we still needed to show our vax documents and complete another attestation form at the airport.  The apps are often not much if a time saver at the airport so we always have hard copies of needed docs (smartphones are nice until they are not).    Also keep In mind that rules change on a frequent basis so keep up with the rules for each country you will visit including transit rules if you must change planes.  Am cruising around Europe now and not had any problems.





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On 4/11/2022 at 9:03 AM, Hlitner said:


  "Am cruising around Europe now and not had any problems."

We just booked a last minute cruise on RCL to England with two ports in France. If I am vaxxed and boosted, do I just carry my card around in France?




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12 hours ago, Markanddonna said:


We are not sure if that will be necessary.  When we get to Nice (next Saturday) I will try and remember to post an update. But my “hunch” is that since France eliminated their Vaccine Passport requirement there would be no reason to routinely carry around documents.


I can say that in the Portuguese and Spanish ports we have visited, nobody has ever asked to see proof of vaccinations.  It does seem that while some folks are still concerned about COVID most are simply “over COVID” and moving on with their lives.


Today we will be in Gibraltar and the advice from our ship is that we should at least carry a picture (on our phones) of vaccine documents



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10 hours ago, Hlitner said:

We are not sure if that will be necessary.  When we get to Nice (next Saturday) I will try and remember to post an update. But my “hunch” is that since France eliminated their Vaccine Passport requirement there would be no reason to routinely carry around documents.


I can say that in the Portuguese and Spanish ports we have visited, nobody has ever asked to see proof of vaccinations.  It does seem that while some folks are still concerned about COVID most are simply “over COVID” and moving on with their lives.


Today we will be in Gibraltar and the advice from our ship is that we should at least carry a picture (on our phones) of vaccine documents



Good advice, as always. Thanks.

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Just an update.  Today we docked at Ajaccio (part of France) where our ship was quickly cleared (as in all of our ports).  Going ashore was normal with no checks.  Nobody wears masks outdoors and indoors masking is hit/miss.  The indoor market near the port was normal with neither the merchants or most visitors bothering with mask. We stopped for lunch at an outdoor restaurant where nobody wore masks and everything was as normal as before  COVID.  

I want to emphasize that since departing from the USA a month ago nobody has ever asked to see vaccine documents, there have been no temp checks, no screening as we went ashore in various ports, etc.  Some folks aboard did get COVID (likely carried aboard in Miami) but those folks were quarantined and life aboard continued as normal.  Most of

the onboard COVID folks were “ out of jail” in a week and back in the bars.  A few were disembarked at Lisbon to complete their quarantine and we assume continue home or on with their trip plans.


We disembark at Monte Carlo tomorrow with no testing or vaccine checks required.  DW and I have a private transfer over to Nice where we will continue our independent European trip which will likely have us in France, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany.  


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So here is the update I promised.  We checked into our Nice hotel today on a somewhat dreary rainy day.  There were no formalities when disembarking in Monte Carlo.  Our ship was cleared within 30 min and folks were free to walk off.  There were no Passport or Vaccination Card checks and no required testing.  France is now mask free except on public transit.  It is life as normal and , for now, COVID is an afterthought in this country.  We spent part of this rainy day in the Chagall museum where very few folks bothered to mask.  The Nice Flower Market was operating as normal and crowded even on this somewhat wet day.


Check in at the Hyatt Regency was also very normal with the staff and guests not bothering with masks or any social distancing.  We were asked for our Passports during the check in procedure ( normal practice in Europe) with no request for our vaccination cards.  Bottom line is that nobody seems to have any concern about COVID.  The big issue here is tomorrows Presidential election.  If Le Pen were to win we would expect some major disruptions within the country.



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In France the only place that has a mask mandate is on public transport.  This morning we grabbed an Uber to the Nice Airport and did need to wear our masks in the car.  Once we arrived at NCE the masks came off as there is no masking required in the airport.  We are not sure whether we will need to mask for our flights to Amsterdam and on to Prague.  It is refreshing to be sitting in an airport lounge with no masks in sight and the usual food/booze buffet.  

Nobody in Europe has ever asked to see our vaccine docs and other then a short online health form from KLM there has been no mention of COVID.



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A few more observations.  When we boarded our KLM flight to Amsterdam we had to again put on our masks.  Once we arrived at Schipol it seemed like masking was optional since many did not bother with the things.  But we were required to wear masks as we boarded our short KLM Flight to Prague.  But once airborne and clear of the Dutch airspace the masks quickly came off with the flight attendants leading the way.  In the Czech Republic there apparently is no masking at all.  Not even in taxis.  Folks here have obviously adjusted to a world without COVID rules.  



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A couple of days ago we drove over to Germany.  That country is currently using masks on public transport and airplanes.  Otherwise we noticed very little masking or other restrictions in the Dresden area.  Since arriving in Europe nobody has asked to see any COVID documentation.  It seems like the USA is lagging much of the Western world in eliminating COVID restrictions.  Life i n Western Europe seems to have returned to nearly the pre COVID norm.  


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On the other hand, a friend returned from France five days ago. She came down with COVID yesterday. (Bad sore throat and positive PCR test.) She suspects she got it in the flight home, since she was traveling in the countryside and being careful. And yes, she is vaccinated and boosted. 

So, it could be a good idea to keep masks on while onthe plane.

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This makes me wonder if my group all need to do the PLF.  I have completed mine. Our cruise starts in Italy, where it is no longer needed and we'll be heading to Spain, where it is no longer needed.  It would only be needed for the stops in Malta and France.


I was also hoping the US would end the mandatory testing to return, so holding off on getting more tests to bring along. Not a big deal, just would save a bit of money.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/5/2022 at 10:14 AM, mnpurple said:

This makes me wonder if my group all need to do the PLF.  I have completed mine. Our cruise starts in Italy, where it is no longer needed and we'll be heading to Spain, where it is no longer needed.  It would only be needed for the stops in Malta and France.


I was also hoping the US would end the mandatory testing to return, so holding off on getting more tests to bring along. Not a big deal, just would save a bit of money.

How far in advance did you fill out the PLF for France?  We will be flying to France after we have been on a week long cruise.   I have read conflicting reports on when to fill out the form.   


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Just a reminder that all the rules keep changing and there have been some new changes today vis a vis masking on European flights.  We have been traveling in Europe for three weeks and have never needed a PLF (even in France).  Today when we flew from Prague to Munich was the first time anyone has ever asked to see any COVID document and that was only because we are flying back to the USA later in the day.



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@Hlitner Have you found a specific web site you go to that provides the best information or just go to each countries site as you travel? We fly from NYC to Madrid, but then go onto Naples, Italy the same day. We filled out a form for our family for Spain (sent by Iberia). I looked at doing a PLF just for our stop to Marseille during our cruise, but it said to use if you were arriving via air. 


We will be leaving from Rome back to Madrid after our cruise, so I think we will probably need to do the same form on a return, but not sure. From what I found, Spain doesn't require the PLF any longer.


We all have proof of vaccination, so I'm hoping that is sufficient. Mine is digital from my clinic, but the rest of the family just have the hard copy. 

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