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REVIEW: Planes, Trains, Automobiles & A New Cruise Ship: Our European "Odyssey" Without Our Kids

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Turkey Time



We sailed into Kusadasi this morning, a resort town in Turkey.   This was our "wing it" day.   We passed on the ruins tours, and the long bus trip to see a house that may or may not have been Mary's. lol
We said we'd walk around, take in the shopping area,  grab a bite to eat, maybe rent some scooters and tool around.   We walked into the shopping area and OMG  every single shop owner was on us.... like think about the shopping area in Ocho Rios you'd go through after the falls and multiply it by three.
We quickly got out of there and walked by a taxi stand where again we were approached and highly encouraged to hire a taxi for the day.   We said no thank you and kept walking....   until this one guy followed us down the sidewalk.  He introduced himself as "Mr. Special Deal"  and he worked us hard.... We finally caved and agreed for a half day tour as we have spa appointments that afternoon on board.
We asked for a place for great photos, and we got it.  A hilltop near the port afforded some amazing views.  We knew little to nothing about this city and it surprised us.
"Mr. Special Deal" educated us on life here, cost of living, the culture as he drove us around town.   He also told us that he won a bet my getting us in his cab. 
Apparently his boss said, "they're not going to book" and get him a "fish dinner"  if he could get us in the cab.  He succeeded.   I told him "FANTASTIC, I don't need to tip you now!"   hahahaha.
We loved this hill where all the apartments were painted in similar colors in rows, it looked like a rainbow on a hill.
Mr. Special Deal  brought us a bit outside of town to an rug making company.  We got a lesson on how they make rugs, and the work that goes into them. It was a very impressive process.  We were invited to stay for lunch on them and have some wine and suddenly I had visions of a rug time share sale pitch coming. 
We thanked and tipped them and said we had to get back for our spa appointment.
On the drive back we went through town and had Mr. Special man drop us off in an area with some restaurants were we could have a good lunch and then be within an easy walk back to the ship.   
We had Turkish coffee, and some amazing dishes our restaurant manager recommended....  We had drinks, entrees, coffees and the price of everything was like $30 for the 4 of us.   
We did a walk back along the beach and through the market.
We decided to do a bit of shopping. Brought back some Turkish tea sets, and bags for our daughters.
We got back on the ship and hit up the bar.  FYI --- on Odyssey they were doing something else different... movies by the pool both day and night.... with the sound up loud. 
It was tough to talk and enjoy the pool area because the movies were just so loud.   The ladies went up for nail salon time and Mark and I   decided to hit up the hot tubs in the solarium instead which was heavenly.  
Met some fellow cruisers and had some great conversations up there and enjoying the less crowded solarium while the ship was in port. 
Of course it was also a great time to have some fun with the lifelike lady statue that hangs out in the pool there. Before long it was time for my spa appointment. I have a massage prebooked.   
I was a bit annoyed because I wanted to add on some hot stones to my massage and that was allegedly a perk with my diamond plus status, but I was denied because I purchased the massage at home. 
Apparently buying it ahead of time is a discounted price (even though it doesn't say it is) and so you can't use your diamond perks with a discounted price.   Oh what hogwash.  
Anyway my massage was standard, wasn't lacking, wasn't great, but it did the job as intended
I took my oil covered self back to the room and slipped into some fresh clothes and went to Wonderland to meet the group for dinner.
The Molecular meals of Wonderland are a treat for sure.  We tried it on Wonder for the first time a few months ago, and were happy to bring our friends for a photo fun dining experience.  Many of you know I'm a journalist, and Mark my coworker is as well.  He's a photojournalist, one of the most award winning in the country.  He's amazing at what he does and loves photos and so I knew he would enjoy the show to come at Wonderland. 
It went off without a hitch the loved the meal, the show, and were huge fans of the short rib.  Mark and my wife were raving so much, and I wasn't as thrilled with my main so I switched,  wise choice.   It was wonderful.
We had a reservation on the NorthStar tonight, for a sunset showing. Wonderful views, it was windy but absolutely lovely and some great photo sessions up there as well.
We popped into the Bionic Bar and I didn't like the set up.  They had two ipads on one side of the bar and a line forming and you had to stand in line, put in your order, while the operator supervised.   and then go sit down and wait for your drink.  The line was long, and it just wasn't something I wanted to do.   
A few weeks earlier on Wonder everyone just sat and the ipads were passed around  table to table.  The operator helped but most everyone just used them and handed them off.  No long lines or anything you could relax and order without the pressure of people waiting behind you.     
We opted out and went to the Schooner bar instead.    Had wonderful drinks there,  Schooner is just a great comfortable spot for us.   
We headed back to the room where for the second time in a row I was hearing music pumping....  "the eye of the tiger"   It would vibrate the walls a little.   We had cabins above us and below, we just assumed someone was really rocking out. 
We wrapped up the night on the balcony, taking in that amazing Aegean Sea moonlit view as we make our way back North to Mykonos.
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22 hours ago, PSU said:

Can’t wait for the rest of the review.


Sorry for the delays...


This always happens, post vacation but when you were gone as long as we were the work at the office has piled up.


Between trying to get caught  up, getting the kids ready for back to school, and some issues uploading photos to cruise critic that don't come out upside down....


it's been harder to get the posts out.   Bare with me, I'm truly aiming for 1 post a day until we make it to the end.

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Loving your review and pictures--we did a similar cruise some years ago.  I will say that visiting Ephesus was one of the highlights of our whole trip, so try it if you go back!  I don't think I've seen more spectacular ruins, and I am a ruins/archeology buff!

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I have always enjoyed your cruise reviews and this one is no exception.  A Western Med cruise is high on my bucket list so this is a real treat!  

Thank you for taking the time to do this to let us “cruise” along with you. 

P.S.  The sunset photos of Santorini were spectacular!

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Today is a kinda quick and easy post!  


We woke up this morning docked in Mykonos.   How exciting. My wife ran down to 270 for breakfast, while I slept in.  She loved it down there and had made friends with the crew as it was not a busy area of the ship at all, no one was every really down there.  It was so funny she would see the 270 staff around the ship and they'd call her by name.




We gathered our goods for the day and made our way off the ship for our excursion,  this was our beach day.    



We channeled my love for Below Deck Med and  had chartered our own catamaran which I was so excited about.  It was no super yacht but hey.


We went do the dock where we sat waiting to meet our ride to take us to another marina to board our catamaran.  


We sat and waited a while before realizing our ride was already there, we go to get in the van and there's another family inside also going to the yacht. 




I was like *****  I thought I booked a private charter.  We got in and here's some photos my wife took during the drive, but I was buried in my phone.  I emailed the guy I did the booking with and he's like no it's shared.


I'm like what?  So I'm going back through my emails, and i clear as day told him I wanted a price for a private charter and he wrote me back a very very long email with all the details and pricing and buried in there once was the word "semi-private".


I was annoyed with myself, there were a lot of semi private tours and this one was far more expensive, i thought it was because it was private.  I kinda drove over in silence.  Nice job!




Anyway we got to the marina and it really did look like an episode of Below Deck, there were a yachts everywhere.  It was kinda cool to see this side of the island.




Before long the deck hands came over on a small tinder to pick us up,  ALL OF US.   Yep there wasn't just the one other family onboard, there were about 6-7 others.  *****.


Some were vacationing in Mykonos, others were onboard Brilliance (i believe)  which was also docked with us




 We got onboard the catamaran, took off our shoes and made ourselves at home.  The captain, stew, and deckhand couldn't have been nicer. 




We found a spot up top and enjoyed the ride out.   We sailed past several spots on the island, the captain giving us little history lessons, and telling us a bit about what we were seeing.  




Turns out the family in the van with us, was AMAZING.   Quite possibly the nicest folks you could meet, and two really smart and funny kids.   We were so happy to connect with them. 


I did feel a little bit of relief when they shared that they too taught they booked a private charter and were surprised by the crowd.   I was like OK it wasn't just me!  lol




We had lunch onboard, stopped for some snorkeling, and while I was still beating myself up for my fail, the others were having a very good time.







The ride back was insanely windy, like the boat was all over the place,  it was so bad the captain made the call to cancel their evening charter.   Everyone felt lucky that we had been able to go.


We headed back and the drive through town was great we got to see a bit more of Mykonos.  We talked about going into town instead of back to the ship, but majority  rules were to head back to Odyssey.




I may have been a grumpy tourist for my faux pas, (yes my shirt and trunks clashed like crazy and I hadn't realized until I rounded the corner and my wife burst into tears laughing, snapped this photo, and then put it on social media so all my friends could laugh too....


But grumpy tourist and all I was so relieved to see everyone had a great time...  My wife was smiling ear to ear and snuggled up with me on the couch and kept saying what an amazing afternoon it was.  


The lunch onboard the catamaran had things I was allergic to, and I had skipped breakfast so I hadn't eaten yet. I made my first trip to Sorrentos  this cruise. 




I got there in time to witness a lovely exchange between a young man and one of the workers.  There was a very long line for pizza, and she had about a pizza and a half left.  The guy in front of me ordered 4 whole pies.   The clerk was like I have pizza's in the oven but if I give them to you all of these people will have to wait for me to start over.   He said , "not my problem"    She said well I'm not really supposed to take orders by the whole pizza, but by the slice.   He says, well, I'll order 16 slices.   It's up to you, either make me my own pizza's or give me 16 slices.   Meanwhile as this all played out, the other worker had already slid 5 more pizzas in the over seeing him and the line growing.   The clerk finally gave up and gave him all her remaining slices and the next 2 pizzas to come out the oven.    I had to wait all of 45 seconds for the next, it was fine.  I hated to see that exchange though.




Headed back up to the balcony for sail away, because essentially this felt like the end of the cruise,   we have a sea day back, then naples, which is .like "rome south" 




After sailaway we got ready for dinner.   Giovanni's.   Now we went back and forth over this choice a while.   Our friends had picked Izumi first, and I talked them out of it, saying it's just like going to the japanese steakhouse at home,  same egg in the hat etc.  Mark's a big steak guy and I love the filet at Giovanni's.  My wife was annoyed she wanted to see the Izumi onboard, said it looked bigger and like less of the afterthought that it is on the oasis class ships.  


We had just tried the revamped Giovanni's on Wonder too which is why I understood her point, I tried to change it back 5 times  but they said no, lets stick with the plan.  Everything on this new menu is just so good.  Every single starter sounded great, so we said, "bring them all, except the  house and cesar salads"   Yeah really healthy of us.  


It was all sooo good. The wine bar kept amazing wines coming and we were are full before the mains came.  I can tell you the lasagna was fantastic, as was the filet... yeah I sampled both.  And the tiramisu.... i should have gone back for that every night. Everyone loved their food and we were so stuffed afterwards.. 


Between the drinking, the sun and heavy italian meal we couldn't keep our eyes open, everyone wanted to go straight to bed before tomorrow and our second sea day!







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On 8/6/2022 at 10:08 PM, Nebr.cruiser said:

Loving your review and pictures--we did a similar cruise some years ago.  I will say that visiting Ephesus was one of the highlights of our whole trip, so try it if you go back!  I don't think I've seen more spectacular ruins, and I am a ruins/archeology buff!


I feel very uncultured saying it, but ruins aren't my thing.  Fortunately my wife agreed, and we kinda wrote them off... except for Naples.... kinda.    You'll see soon. 

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On 8/6/2022 at 6:24 PM, RCCL Fan said:


Sorry for the delays...


This always happens, post vacation but when you were gone as long as we were the work at the office has piled up.


Between trying to get caught  up, getting the kids ready for back to school, and some issues uploading photos to cruise critic that don't come out upside down....


it's been harder to get the posts out.   Bare with me, I'm truly aiming for 1 post a day until we make it to the end.


No worries, take your time.


Your reviews are worth the wait.

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5 hours ago, RCCL Fan said:


I feel very uncultured saying it, but ruins aren't my thing.  Fortunately my wife agreed, and we kinda wrote them off... except for Naples.... kinda.    You'll see soon. 

You're not the only ones, we've been to Kusadasi several times and never fancied Ephesus. 

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9 hours ago, RCCL Fan said:

We channeled my love for Below Deck Med and  had chartered our own catamaran which I was so excited about.  It was no super yacht but hey.



I am a Below Deck addict. Love the super yacht.



9 hours ago, RCCL Fan said:

Turns out the family in the van with us, was AMAZING. 


That's so great. I could easily imagine what it would be like if the other families were not nice and obnoxious. What a way that would ruin an expensive charter.



9 hours ago, RCCL Fan said:

exchange between a young man and one of the workers


What a jerk!


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10 hours ago, RCCL Fan said:


I feel very uncultured saying it, but ruins aren't my thing.  Fortunately my wife agreed, and we kinda wrote them off... except for Naples.... kinda.    You'll see soon. 

I sometimes have to kind of drag my husband to such things, especially museums!  But even he appreciated Ephesus.

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Always love your reviews. We were on Odyssey last September and there were only 750 passengers. It felt empty at times but am concerned that it is going to feel too full when we sail again in February. We really enjoyed Izumi. But Giovanni's was our favorite on the ship. I, like your wife, love the 270 cafe. The staff at 270 were wonderful on our trip in September.

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SEA DAY -- Part Deux

So lets try this again!
We woke up this morning still feeling a little blah from our day before drinking in the sun and the massive meal we had the night before.   My wife was going hard in the gym that morning for sure.
Today I vowed I was going to enjoy the pool deck no matter what.  Before I went upstairs I decided to walk the ship a bit....  and as I expected it was kinda a ghost town.   Nothing really happening in the venues, not much in the bars, and the hallways were light with people.     So yeah I knew what that meant.
 So I went upstairs and sure enough PACKED without an empty chair to be found anywhere.  The pool deck was again where I think 70% percent of the ship was this morning.   Rather than be frustrated and disgusted like I was on the first sea day, I plopped myself down on a railing and just scanned the crowd waiting, searching for a chair to become available.
  It took a good 40 minutes and my friend found one, and then I sat next to him on the floor before another nearby opened up.    We took claim to our two chairs for hours, and drank and enjoyed our feet in the water, eventually we got a third and one person took turns walking and swimming. We made do. 
I had a lot of the same observations as the first sea day --- people soup in that see-through hot tub...   I just dunno why the water was so milky but I didn't want in. 
There was a movie or tv show going again by the pool, but the roar of the crowds on deck drowned out the loud speakers. 
drinks again were spectacular,  great job by the food and beverage manager on the ship.  I ventured into windjammer for lunch for the first time today and was impressed with the offering in there.    Windjammer was made significantly larger on Odyssey and Wonder, the new ships, and i think it's helped a ton.  Sure it's hectic like always but on these ships I felt the crowds flowed much better for sure.
We spent pretty much all day pool side once we got those chairs, I will say I have never been a proponent of the casitas and paying for them, but my goodness I would not go back on this ship without paying for one.  It's needed if you want a home base by the pool on a sea day.  But today was a better pool day for sure.
Since we're righting wrongs today we also went back to the theater --- this time the rear theater in 270  for  THE BOOK.   I was super excited to see this show and man it did not disappoint.  It was a little slow to get started but was was an amazing combo of tech and dance and story line.  It's the theater performance we're used to from the amazing Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers.   Everyone loved it for sure.
Remember earlier this week I was hearing "Eye of the Tiger" in my room and the walls were vibrating.  It was coming from 270!   The song is part of the show.  I was shocked I could hear it so clearly in my room, considering we have the 2 story crown left suites right below us, but once in here for the show I understood why. IT WAS LOUD!!!  Like ok I'm in my 40's now, but i don't consider myself a stick in the mud, I can handle loud, but this was WAY TOO LOUD.  I don't know why they felt the need to blast it.  People were talking about it as we walked out. One guy said he overheard a suite guest flailing her arms and screaming about having a $10,000 room and music blaring every night and the floors shaking.   Now I get it.
We returned to the main dining room tonight, and so wonderful in here again. Fantastic service and food. 
We sailed back past Sicily tonight and we enjoyed the view while we ate dinner.   We loved our server and found her to be purely delightful.   It was lobster night and she kept them coming for sure. I did a little surf and turf and it was heavenly but the winner for me was the apple tart it was just perfect.   
We enjoyed some time in boleros tonight, it was hopping with music and had great bar service. I think i put my finger on it tonight.... cruise director.  
I ran into her in the elevator, several of us with her and she just kinda stood there. The activity director got on and spoke to all the passengers, asked about their vacation, encouraged them to come upstairs to the white party going on.  You know... the party host.   I didn't really feel that from the cruise director
.   It was like every bar was open, and had music in it at night.  And you had your scheduled shows, but that's it.  There was a lack of energy and vibe on the ship.   I was critical of this on Allure last year with their new cruise director. 
I never thought i'd say this but I was missing Ken Rush running around the ice skating rink in his boxer shorts.  Ships need that energetic party host in my opinion.
Tomorrow --- Naples or is it?
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Really enjoying the review.


Just wondering, when you say you had difficulty finding chairs on the pool deck do you just mean specifically on the level by the pool or all around the upper decks too? We are on Ovation for a South Pacific cruise in Nov and have several sea days so I'm thinking that may be the same.

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18 hours ago, kernow said:

Really enjoying the review.


Just wondering, when you say you had difficulty finding chairs on the pool deck do you just mean specifically on the level by the pool or all around the upper decks too? We are on Ovation for a South Pacific cruise in Nov and have several sea days so I'm thinking that may be the same.


Both levels --- up and down --- packed!

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Naples --- I waved the white flag.

Not to let you down, but today I quit.   I decided we were a week plus of tours, go go go and tomorrow we were getting off the ship and doing a week in Italy where we would go go go.
I needed a break.
We had tickets for an RCI excursion to Pompei and the Amalfi Coast.   I asked my wife, how she felt about skipping.   She was like NOPE!  I'm going.  She's like, but we are traveling with friends I'm fine.  I'll go with them and you stay and chill. 
Didn't have to tell me twice.
I went to Shore excursions  (yesterday)  and they agreed to refund me my ticket cost.
I woke up, ran to breakfast and laid in bed and turned on the news,  did a little social media and just did nothing.... in the a/c!
It was nice, and much needed.
I wandered the ship a bit and went up for some pool time.    The pool deck was empty and look at this.... the hot tub water was blue and clear, not milky white.   I'm no pool expert, but my unscientific conclusion was the cloudy water of the sea days was just due to too many people being in there.
It was nice to stroll the empty ship.  I know many people talked about these new touch free buttons and like most, i think well intentioned, but the ability to "bump" into them and stop on all floors was high, but it didn't happen as often as i thought after hearing some of complaints on it.
I did another pass of El Loco Fresh, again, big fan of this place.   I wandered by the spa and thought....   I have $150 credit now from canceling my shore excursion.  hmmmm
So I asked them if they had any port day specials.   They said "75 min massage with hot stones for $150"   well that's a sign.    SOLD!  Oddly enough the woman behind the counter agreed to take me back.  I was like oh ok.  lets go.
Remember the first massage was fine,  not good not bad,  just fine.   THIS ONE WAS FANTASTIC.  If you're going on Odyssey and want a massage ask for Sara.  She even said without prompting from me, "sometimes you give someone a massage and they just give off good energy and you get in a zone together,  I think that's what we did!"   No disagreement here!   I tipped her very well, so I spent more than my tour but.....
Look at that smile!  I was a new man, it was worth it. 
My crew came back worn out their tour was from 7:15 to 5pm 
They said "you would have been miserable"  
they said it was hot, they were in the sun a lot, and there was probably too much packed into the day so they were just like go go go, and didn't have enough time to soak it in.
They said the Amalfi Coast wasn't as picture perfect as they expected, but they found Pompei to be amazing and said it was a very cool stop.
We sailed away, past the volcano and headed north toward Rome.
My wife enjoyed some down time on the balcony soaking up the last little bit of it. 
We are usually early dinner, and then find ourselves rushing to pack when we get back,  but with late dinner we had time to get packed up, and and make our way to the dining room four our last dinner.
We usually have a last night mad dash of handing out tip envelopes and buying photos etc.  but we really didn't have much to do this trip.  We didn't have a ton of tips to hand out, but a few and photos were easy without the kids.
So we had a final post dinner drink and called it a night.
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Day 7 - See ya
We got up this morning, went to windjammer for breakfast and then headed for the gangway.   Amazingly we went from seated at breakfast to seated in our minivan in less than an hour.   Simple exit off the ship and the easiest exit from the terminal ever.  No customs, just  back and off.  It was pretty awesome.
We had a driver pick us up for a day trip to Rome....   It was highly recommended.    I'll discuss it in the next post, but figure I'll wrap up the cruise part now with a summary of things
What I expected:    I was excited for Odyssey, it had been so long since I had been on an entirely new ship design and I wanted to embrace something new.    I thought I'd LOVE 270 and visions of it being this hub of activity through the day and the coolest place to sit and people watch, and have a drink,  and then get lucky enough to hold a seat for the show at night.   I kinda pictured an R Bar/Centrum feel like on the vision and radiance class ships. 
I thought i'd be in the ifly, and the bumper cars, and I expected to have a healthy mix of schooner bar type trivia and games and fun on the ship.
What I got:   I never did any of those things.  270 was almost not used everyday, it's just cut off from the rest of the ship, few people wandered back there. This is a bigger unused space than the viking crown.   I think people are so used to the promenades being a hub of activity and the end of the promenade being the end of the ship, you just forgot to go further back. As a result there was no people watching.   The esplanade just didn't compare to a promenade, it didn't have enough stuff to keep a solid energy and vibe.
bumper cars were just too crowded, and  you know my thoughts on the pool deck.
My conclusion:   The Quantum class ships just don't work for me.   I think they need to be on port extensive trips, like this one was... where the ship really is your place to sleep and eat and not where you go to the ship as the main attraction of the vacation.     I'd like to say they're a replacement for the radiance class, but not really.  One of the best things about Radiance class is the glass everywhere, the connection to the sea, the views.  On Odyssey views are blocked by the lifeboats so you don't have that amazing connection to the sea you feel on Radiance class ships.     I think because it's stretched, it's also harder for you to have that small ship close to the crew feel.  
It wasn't a bad cruise, not in the least,  food was great, drinks were good, service was solid.  It was a very good cruise,  It just wasn't a great cruise and 95% of my RCI cruises are great.   I think I was also brought down because I wanted my friends to see the greatness, and it was lacking on this voyage.      
My wife may also have a solid point that my expectations may be askew after sailing so many times on ships that had reduced capacity, but i felt the crowds on Odyssey,  i felt more part of the pack and jockeying for space.   
Would I book her again?   it definitely wouldn't be my first choice, but if the route was right and that aft facing junior suite was involved oh you've got my attention.
Icon is coming and right on time, she will likely wow me.
 Wonder was amazing,  I still have navigator later this year.  We've done 4 cruises in less than 12 months.    We usually do 1 a year,  sometimes 2.   Not 4, with a 5th on the way.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder they say.... so maybe i need a bit more break in between, or maybe just maybe Odyssey just isn't my ship.    
If you're going on her,  it was a wonderful trip,  you're likely going for the islands more anyway and Greece and Turkey were amazing,  I'd go there again in a heartbeat on odyssey, grandeur, or anything else.   
Now.... if you want to know more about our tour of  Rome,   stick around for that post,  and then maybe one more of  our visits to Tuscany and Venice.    
Edited by RCCL Fan
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1 hour ago, RCCL Fan said:
We've done 4 cruises in less than 12 months.    We usually do 1 a year,  sometimes 2.   Not 4, with a 5th on the way.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder they say.... so maybe i need a bit more break in between, or maybe just maybe Odyssey just isn't my ship.

We also do 1 or 2 cruises a year, but in the last 12 months have sailed 6/7 times. I think we were in “cruise withdrawal” 😂 Time to slow down though, I’m running out of vacation days! 

42 minutes ago, RCCL Fan said:

Remember the first massage was fine,  not good not bad,  just fine.   THIS ONE WAS FANTASTIC.  If you're going on Odyssey and want a massage ask for Sara. 


My hubby loves massages, he’ll be asking for Sara!

31 minutes ago, RCCL Fan said:

My conclusion:   The Quantum class ships just don't work for me.   I think they need to be on port extensive trips, like this one was... where the ship really is your place to sleep and eat and not where you go to the ship as the main attraction of the vacation.   it's a cruise ship... not hugely different than other cruise lines with much less of that RCI WOW factor I love so much.  It just didn't do it for me. 

I really don’t care for the layout of Quantum class ships either, but some ships in this class are well suited for cooler weather itineraries.


Thanks again for your wonderful cruise review, and all the great tips! 👏
I look forward to reading about your post-cruise experiences.

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Thanks for another great review! I’m still looking forward to your adventures in Rome.


While I’m hoping that someone gets the message and turns the volume down just a bit so we can enjoy the show and the cabin, I’m adding a couple of pairs of ear plugs just in case. Hopefully we won’t need them if we do but they won’t take up much space in the suitcase.


I loved everything you did in the ports. Glad the catamaran excursion worked out well for your group. I’m making a reminder to myself to thoroughly read, then read again the descriptions of any private excursions before I book them. I think I would react exactly as you did if I found out that an excursion I’d booked thinking it was private I wouldn’t have been very happy either. Definitely mad at myself and embarrassed for letting that happen.

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Great review as usual, look forward to hearing about Rome.


Just read your thoughts about the ship to DH and we're both agreed they are pretty much the same as ours for this class of ship. We have a b2b on Ovation coming up which was switched from Radiance when it got moved. I know we will enjoy it anyway but just wish it hadn't been changed. Your aft JS looked fab though, a great balcony to chill on.

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