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Britannia Christmas 2022 Goes Live!!!!!!!


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2 minutes ago, amajaa said:

Don’t shout me down everyone but I can’t help feeling the problem with the clientele  new or otherwise is the drinks package. People making sure they get their monies worth. 

We saw it on Royal Caribbean years ago where people were drinking pints of beer as we went to breakfast at 8.30 

They do the same in most airport departure lounges, and I dont think the airports offer a drinks package.

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28 minutes ago, paulatsea said:

Yes !! 

We only go on Aurora and Arcadia with p&o which have always have been civilised.





Yes who wants to be surrounded by those in the steerage class, they should never have been allowed above deck.

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4 hours ago, amajaa said:

Don’t shout me down everyone but I can’t help feeling the problem with the clientele  new or otherwise is the drinks package. People making sure they get their monies worth. 

Anecdotal evidence would suggest that the take up of the drinks package is relatively low, due to it being poor value for money,  so I am not sure that your supposition is correct.

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1 hour ago, paulatsea said:

Yes !! 

We only go on Aurora and Arcadia with p&o which have always have been civilised.





We did a Caribbean round trip on Arcadia, and a large group were chucked off at the first Caribbean island, due to anti social behaviour ! 


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1 hour ago, wowzz said:

Anecdotal evidence would suggest that the take up of the drinks package is relatively low, due to it being poor value for money,  so I am not sure that your supposition is correct.

Judging by the conversations on here and the observations made on board ships it would appear that the British are a nation of alcoholics! People seem to be drinking all day and the booze packages seem to encourage it.


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7 hours ago, Waju said:

This worries us too - not witnessed it with P&O yet but have on another line.  It seems the cheaper the cruises get the more we dislike the cruisers (or should it be cruisees?) 😒


I imagine it's a bit better on longer cruises or out of school holidays.

Agree with you on that one 

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2 hours ago, wowzz said:

We did a Caribbean round trip on Arcadia, and a large group were chucked off at the first Caribbean island, due to anti social behaviour ! 


Expensive holiday for them then !

Was that a Christmas holidays one ? 

Edited by paulatsea
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14 hours ago, amajaa said:

Don’t shout me down everyone but I can’t help feeling the problem with the clientele  new or otherwise is the drinks package. People making sure they get their monies worth. 

We saw it on Royal Caribbean years ago where people were drinking pints of beer as we went to breakfast at 8.30 

I take it you went to breakfast at 8.30...PM.

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We left Barbados Saturday at around 11.00pm sailing full speed and arrived Curacao at around 11.00am - we had been told that was the aim and it was almost perfectly timed.  We were given an extension until all onboard at 10.00pm which was much appreciated. Personally we took the Ultimate Island trip with P&O specifically because they take you to the far side of the island to swim with wild turtles. We have taken this trip several times before and the turtles did not disappoint with a good 30 or so putting in an appearance.  This tour took in a trip to the caves - guess who managed to get very wet - and a trip to a beach and viewing of the flamingos.  Previously the beach was easily accessible for two hours with a lounger and umbrella.  This was cut back to an hour at the beach with no seat or umbrella and lunch had become a paper bag with some horrendous looking wrap and an apple.  The six hours also became five despite being sold as six but as the beach was not what we expected we were quite glad.


Today Bonaire.  This is the big one for me and part of the reason I booked this itinerary.  We are off on a sailing catamaran under sail not engines to go to the reef for diving and snorkeling.  Fingers crossed as conditions are perfect.


Update on the clientele.  Dress code on formal night about 85% adhered to.  I must be getting old because some of the girls/ladies dresses left not a lot to the imagination.  I can report an astonishing amount of flesh on display but can confirm big efforts clearly made.  Most of the gents and boys were smart - lots of DJs and a few smart suits.  The popular choice last night seemed to be slacks and polo shirts.  Of course there were a few on both nights who looked out of place but overall nothing not within the "rules".


AS someone who likes seadays these seem to be off limits if you aren't out at 6.00am for your sunbed!  Although a port day yesterday I found 20 people at 5.45am hovering with towels around the main pool watching the deck being washed and waiting like vultures for the first sunbeds to launch.  Having returned 15 minutes later after picking up some teabags on my way back from my stroll the crowd had grown to around double the size!  I assume they were anxious as we weren't docking until 11.00am although whether they actually stayed at the pool all day is questionable.  For the first time ever we had a large queue to get off the ship so.figured.modt we're off at that point.


ENtertainment has so far been very good. No complaints there.  The gingerbread houses and village appeared this morning and a wonderful display of cakes. I will post later with photos.


overall things are good. Noticeably most people are commenting on the shortage of staff but everyone is working at top speed and service is friendly and efficient. As ever everyone is lovely.  


More officers visible and working to help ease pressure points.


Oh yes ... Photographers back on formal night and the gallery is open and operational.


We have had no queues for breakfast or dinner although have noticed them around 8.00 for breakfast but nothing untoward.  We also have great service at all bars except on deck on the seaday.  I'm told we are 3,300 souls.


Off now to take.my.boat so will catch up later.



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17 hours ago, Bazrat said:

Yes who wants to be surrounded by those in the steerage class, they should never have been allowed above deck.

Do they have ' passengers ' in steerage ? Are they allowed to use our lifeboats ?. Outrageous. 

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Safely back onboard after a truly memorable day in the reefs of Bonaire's National Park.  Weather perfect with a stiff breeze to enable pure sailing rather than motors.  I cannot recommend this enough if you are able to organise it.  I believe P&O offer a short version for anyone not wanting to do it themselves.  Everything one the island is as before the pandemic despite them being one of the last to reopen.  Being part of The Netherlands they have been fully supported and it shows.  We look like we are going to have a storm and there was a brief rain shower while we waited to reboard.  Coming back on was a bit of a mess with unexplained long queue forming. I think it may have been due to the winds increasing but no one actually told us.  


Once back we nipped up for a quick scone and tea but the ambiance is not the same now everyone is in the cafeteria.  One cuppa and we left.


There is going to be a sailaway this evening, out first.  I'm going to venture out to use my free drinks voucher and it will be interesting to see how it goes.  I did note a few unsteady but happy ladies on deck 16 when popping to the ladies before tea.  Not sure how their menfolk will be faring.


We have the Gravity headliner show tonight which is the first one. Last night were two acrobatic performers who were excellent.


Tomorrow we are at sea so plan a nice quiet day with fitness dancing (!) at 9.30am and part two of the lectures on unexplained phenomena.  We had planned a swim but will leave it to late afternoon to avoid the sunbed wars! We have Eric and Ern (a Christmas tradition for us) in the Limelight tomorrow.  


Just found an excellent Greek wine in the Glass House which may become my new favourite.


On the subject of wine my favourite Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc was £42 last year but is now £55. I'm giving it a miss - currently on sale in Tesco for £23 so I'll wait till I'm home.  Apart from that most wines are reasonable but definitely increased by £5 or do each a bottle.


Can't get the photos to load properly at present so will try again later.




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12 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

Safely back onboard after a truly memorable day in the reefs of Bonaire's National Park.  Weather perfect with a stiff breeze to enable pure sailing rather than motors.  I cannot recommend this enough if you are able to organise it. 

Can I ask which company you used ?

Thank you.

(I believe CC rules allow  you to name tour companies, as long as you have used them personally)

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Hello from Britannia at sea.  We are heading to Grenada and enjoying a Clement day in the Caribbean sea.  We have some head winds and those around the Serenity pool are having fun holding on to their towels and hats.  29 degrees has brought out the sun lovers but many are enjoying the onboard activities such as the pantomime, juggling lessons and meeting Santa's helpers who are hard at it in the atrium.  There is a definite excitement in the air with last minute Christmas shopping under way - all that OBC being put to good use!


The open decks are busy with not many sunbeds unoccupied.  I learned we have 600 kids onboard this morning but to be honest I wouldn't have known as all the ones we've met have been very charming and polite. 


Breakfast was notably busier but as we eat earlier we just had a normal table and waiters.  Dress code was being strictly adhered to this morning and we saw several sleeveless gentlemen sent to change.


Everything calm, no problems with over indulgence that I've seen, just general high spirits.


We have our first Limelight visit this evening for Eric and Ern's last night which we are looking forward to.  All nights have apparently been sold out.  Sindh and Epicurean are advertising today with availability although how much I do not know.


A few pictures for you below.







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6 minutes ago, Happy afloat said:

Hope you're having a great time. In your second picture, You'd think that elf would lend that boy his walking stick...?

He can't do that...Elf & Safety. 

Edited by zap99
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Good afternoon from Grenada.  Lots of excitement before we made it here this morning!


Happily watching the pantomime yesterday in The Live Lounge when at around 1.20pm we were plunged into darkness as the ship lost all power.  Emergency lighting triggered and it became eerily silent - funny how soon you become accustomed to the engine noise.  Anyway after 10 minutes the captain came on and stated we had lost everything as the engines had failed to switch. Engineers were investigating.  Not the most comforting announcement: nothing to worry about for his passengers YET, 39 miles from land and 1,500 metres of water below us so we could drift in safety.  Further update in 20 minutes. Lots of mumbling as we all sat tight. Next announcement about 25 minutes later, now 40 miles from land but no.clue as to why things weren't working, please do not use the toilets but you can return to your cabin but don't flush.


At this point Widow Twanky reappeared and proceeded to try to raise spirits so at least here we were being entertained but obviously no drinks could be served.  After 50 minutes engineers think they've located the problem, sorry it's getting hot. Then a couple of minutes later please clear the open decks as we will have chemicals and smoke from the funnel when we restart. The pools will be closed for 30 minutes or so as well.  All good we thought we'll soon be back up.


The panto characters left and the magician appeared (as if by magic!) and announced he would give us a show as he didn't need electric.  Just as he started things started to whir and a few lights switched on.  All good we thought ... wrong we were to quote Yoda.  Just as the magician started to produce flags of paper from his jaws we were plunged into total darkness.  This time the emergency lighting was a little slower and when it triggered the magician could be seen distorting yards of paper as quickly as he could. He probably got the biggest round of applause he's ever had.


We continued to drift for another hour or so without any power.  The crew were amazing running from place to place trying to provide bottles and cans of drinks and operating a handwritten payment charge system.  Walking towards our cabin we found a chain of people running up stairs carrying trays of rolls and cold foods to deck 16 buffet.  Ingenuity was everywhere and the lengths the crew were going to was extraordinary.


We finally regained power nearly 3 hours after it went off.  Amazingly dinner was only delayed until 6.30 for opening.  Some systems came up more slowly such as t.v. in the rooms but overall by 7.00pm you'd never have known.


We went to Limelight for Eric & Ern and here the service was very slow with a full.house and only 4 waiters to begin with.  This was due to deployment to assist move the various backlogs but by the time the main course arrived normality resumed. The food was good although noticeably cut back from previous visits  not enough to spoil things but definitely noticeable.


Today I managed to get the app on to my phone for the first time. Out of interest I checked the availability for Epicurean, Sindhu and Limelight for the rest of the voyage.


Apart from Christmas day I could book Epicurean for all other nights at either 6.00pm or 9.00pm, no night is full. Sindhu has availability most nights at 8.00pm, 8.30pm or 9.00pm. Cheney Hawked and John Partridge in the Limelight are sold out although Chesney has availability on Christmas Day. The Beach House is only available at 9.00pm every night but you can get in which surprised me.


All of the Cookery Club dinners  are sold out.  


It would appear therefore that speciality dining isn't of high importance to many on this cruise. The Retreat however was sold put on day 1 for the whole voyage as were a large number of spa slots.  


After a few showers here early.morning we had a wander ashore and did a little shopping before enjoying a local beer.  The ferry to the beach was very busy so we passed on this occasion. It is $5pp.each way to Grand Anse and $10pp to one I can't remember the name of which is about a 20 minute boat trip.  It's a lovely afternoon now although more cloud can be seen on the horizon.  We have the deck party tonight from 7.00pm to 11.00pm so hopefully we don't catch the showers.


Tomorrow St Vincent assuming the repairs today have ensured no.more excitement!






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3 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Good afternoon from Grenada.  Lots of excitement before we made it here this morning!


Happily watching the pantomime yesterday in The Live Lounge when at around 1.20pm we were plunged into darkness as the ship lost all power.  Emergency lighting triggered and it became eerily silent - funny how soon you become accustomed to the engine noise.  Anyway after 10 minutes the captain came on and stated we had lost everything as the engines had failed to switch. Engineers were investigating.  Not the most comforting announcement: nothing to worry about for his passengers YET, 39 miles from land and 1,500 metres of water below us so we could drift in safety.  Further update in 20 minutes. Lots of mumbling as we all sat tight. Next announcement about 25 minutes later, now 40 miles from land but no.clue as to why things weren't working, please do not use the toilets but you can return to your cabin but don't flush.


At this point Widow Twanky reappeared and proceeded to try to raise spirits so at least here we were being entertained but obviously no drinks could be served.  After 50 minutes engineers think they've located the problem, sorry it's getting hot. Then a couple of minutes later please clear the open decks as we will have chemicals and smoke from the funnel when we restart. The pools will be closed for 30 minutes or so as well.  All good we thought we'll soon be back up.


The panto characters left and the magician appeared (as if by magic!) and announced he would give us a show as he didn't need electric.  Just as he started things started to whir and a few lights switched on.  All good we thought ... wrong we were to quote Yoda.  Just as the magician started to produce flags of paper from his jaws we were plunged into total darkness.  This time the emergency lighting was a little slower and when it triggered the magician could be seen distorting yards of paper as quickly as he could. He probably got the biggest round of applause he's ever had.


We continued to drift for another hour or so without any power.  The crew were amazing running from place to place trying to provide bottles and cans of drinks and operating a handwritten payment charge system.  Walking towards our cabin we found a chain of people running up stairs carrying trays of rolls and cold foods to deck 16 buffet.  Ingenuity was everywhere and the lengths the crew were going to was extraordinary.


We finally regained power nearly 3 hours after it went off.  Amazingly dinner was only delayed until 6.30 for opening.  Some systems came up more slowly such as t.v. in the rooms but overall by 7.00pm you'd never have known.


We went to Limelight for Eric & Ern and here the service was very slow with a full.house and only 4 waiters to begin with.  This was due to deployment to assist move the various backlogs but by the time the main course arrived normality resumed. The food was good although noticeably cut back from previous visits  not enough to spoil things but definitely noticeable.


Today I managed to get the app on to my phone for the first time. Out of interest I checked the availability for Epicurean, Sindhu and Limelight for the rest of the voyage.


Apart from Christmas day I could book Epicurean for all other nights at either 6.00pm or 9.00pm, no night is full. Sindhu has availability most nights at 8.00pm, 8.30pm or 9.00pm. Cheney Hawked and John Partridge in the Limelight are sold out although Chesney has availability on Christmas Day. The Beach House is only available at 9.00pm every night but you can get in which surprised me.


All of the Cookery Club dinners  are sold out.  


It would appear therefore that speciality dining isn't of high importance to many on this cruise. The Retreat however was sold put on day 1 for the whole voyage as were a large number of spa slots.  


After a few showers here early.morning we had a wander ashore and did a little shopping before enjoying a local beer.  The ferry to the beach was very busy so we passed on this occasion. It is $5pp.each way to Grand Anse and $10pp to one I can't remember the name of which is about a 20 minute boat trip.  It's a lovely afternoon now although more cloud can be seen on the horizon.  We have the deck party tonight from 7.00pm to 11.00pm so hopefully we don't catch the showers.


Tomorrow St Vincent assuming the repairs today have ensured no.more excitement!







Thanks - that was an exciting read!  A little worrying, perhaps, to be floating around without power?  Just as well it wasn't in a busy shipping lane!  Pleased there was a good outcome, and that apart from the small matter of not having any power things are going well.  Envious of that weather!

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Yes the lack of any power was interesting to say the least. The Captain was going to great lengths to emphasise no other ships around and I wasn't sure if that was a blessing or not at the time!  The oddest thing for me was how quiet it was. After about 50 minutes we could hear lots of banging from below.  


We've met a couple who have an aft cabin on deck 9 and they told us at breakfast this morning their entire balcony and doors are thick black with soot.  Their steward and a couple of crew were trying to shovel (Their words,) it up when they came to breakfast this morning.

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On 12/21/2022 at 5:03 AM, wowzz said:

Can I ask which company you used ?

Thank you.

Sorry, forgot to post reply.  We used Epic Tours for a private booking on their larger catamaran. We had sailed with them in January 2020 via P&O on their smaller vessel Mushi Mushi and kept the details for a private booking for a longer day on the bigger catamaran.


The P&O trip is around 2 1/2 hours and has a 45 minute snorkelling stop.  We had 6 hours with an on board bbq and two long stops including Kleine Bonaire.  The groups in the water were smaller as well.being 4 to a group

I can't recall what we paid but there were only 12 on board our vessel.compared to around 30 on the previous P&O trip.  I'll check up when we are home and let you know the cost pp.


We did look at other companies such as Salty Dog who have excellent reviews but part of the attraction for us was the catamaran and we couldn't find anyone else offering it.

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