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$14.95 for STEAK???


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Hey, if you are going to quote me please do it correctly. I DID NOT write the sentence you quoted me as saying in your post (not visible here). I DID write the first two paragraphs you have in your post (quoted now). I have a hard enough time with my own posts. PLEASE don't misquote me and take my words as your own. Nothing personal here, just be more careful in the future, please.


Sorry for the misquote. I was trying to do a multiple quote box from a previous post and for some reason it wouldn't register. Consider me CC-quote-poster-rookie so please forgive me. BTW you have me quoted saying something I did not say, it was another person's post who was responding to what I said. For the record my stance on the steak is:




P.S. - What's your view on the $14.95 steak:D ?

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Usually, what keeps a thread like this going is posters who are arguing why the thread is still around.


What I can't understand is why someone would take the time to log onto a website and intentionally read the threads that they know that they find annoying. I'm sure that mental health providers must have some name for that syndrome.

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Those who plan to stop sailing RCL over this steak scam are 100% within their rights (and those who want to stay with RCL and order the upsell steak every night are entitled to do that, too). The folks on this side of the debate aren't so arrogant, self-important and delusional as to tell CC members who they can cruise with and who they can't. :D

But ... my suggestion to those who dislike the upsell steak and the wretched trend it represents: Don't quit RCL, just quit giving them bonus business.

A hefty share of Royal Caribbean's revenues are from onboard sales - excursions, Internet, drinks, the casino, bingo, etc. etc. They get some share (whether througha lease or as a percentage of sales) from Steiner, Park West, the onboard retailers, etc. etc.

Now realize that if the suits on Caribbean Way are scraping the bottom of the bucket so hard as to charge us for MDR food, then they are getting desperate. In the way of all huge businesses with massive built-in costs along with mega-financed projects in the works (Oasis), they are ... addicted to your money. They don't merely want your cash, they're desperate for it. They're banking on that onboard income to make the P&L statements balance.

Since Fain is apparently content to gradually starve his customers by chopping back further and further on the CRUISERS' value fom cruising, then there's no reason customers shouldn't make the entire deal less valuable for RCL.

To do that, fill those staterooms, pack those bargain-fare inside cabins -- they're going to get sold one way or the other.

But then, what would happened if passengers started starving RCL's onboard revenue stream?

They'd still pay better-than-recommended tips, of course, and treat themselve to one or two carefully chosen amenities here or there.

But overall, imagine the impact if 20 percent of RCL cruisers cut back their onboard spending by half? How about if a third of cruisers sliced their onboard spending to 30 percent of previous levels?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

RCL would back off this steak bait-and-switch faster than a bear pulling its snout out of a wasps' nest.:)


End the RCL pay-per-entree scam

Just say no to Fain

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Those who plan to stop sailing RCL over this steak scam are 100% within their rights (and those who want to stay with RCL and order the upsell steak every night are entitled to do that, too). The folks on this side of the debate aren't so arrogant, self-important and delusional as to tell CC members who they can cruise with and who they can't. :D

But ... my suggestion to those who dislike the upsell steak and the wretched trend it represents: Don't quit RCL, just quit giving them bonus business.

A hefty share of Royal Caribbean's revenues are from onboard sales - excursions, Internet, drinks, the casino, bingo, etc. etc. They get some share (whether througha lease or as a percentage of sales) from Steiner, Park West, the onboard retailers, etc. etc.

Now realize that if the suits on Caribbean Way are scraping the bottom of the bucket so hard as to charge us for MDR food, then they are getting desperate. In the way of all huge businesses with massive built-in costs along with mega-financed projects in the works (Oasis), they are ... addicted to your money. They don't merely want your cash, they're desperate for it. They're banking on that onboard income to make the P&L statements balance.

Since Fain is apparently content to gradually starve his customers by chopping back further and further on the CRUISERS' value fom cruising, then there's no reason customers shouldn't make the entire deal less valuable for RCL.

To do that, fill those staterooms, pack those bargain-fare inside cabins -- they're going to get sold one way or the other.

But then, what would happened if passengers started starving RCL's onboard revenue stream?

They'd still pay better-than-recommended tips, of course, and treat themselve to one or two carefully chosen amenities here or there.

But overall, imagine the impact if 20 percent of RCL cruisers cut back their onboard spending by half? How about if a third of cruisers sliced their onboard spending to 30 percent of previous levels?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

RCL would back off this steak bait-and-switch faster than a bear pulling its snout out of a wasps' nest.:)


End the RCL pay-per-entree scam

Just say no to Fain

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And Ladies, this should be of interest to you also:


"The study of more than 90,000 women found that the more red meat the women consumed in their 20s, 30s and 40s, the greater their risk for developing breast cancer fueled by hormones in the next 12 years. Those who consumed the most red meat had nearly twice the risk of those who ate red meat infrequently."

“There are already other reasons to minimize red meat intake,” said Eunyoung Cho, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who led the study. “This just may give women another good reason.”

So this just gives you another reason, along with all the other valid points made to this thread, to forego paying extra for something in the MDR.

Especially if it is being touted as a "healthy" choice:rolleyes:

I for one will be eating alot of poultry & fish:)

As a survivor myself, I too have done the reading... and most of the red meat we consume is loaded with chemicals (hormones)... that is where the bad stuff comes in... This organic craze we see is a direct result of people's desires to limit those chemicals, and hence their risk... I would also add that the dramatic increase to breast cancer diagnoses has also been linked to the timeframe when hormones and other chems started getting added to our milk... I suppose we can all expect to pay extra for organic milk onboard also... ;)

Save it for something that actually matters, like when they down grade their TP or give you one less washcloth.


If the RCL reps are reading this, they are thinking you are all crazy( I know I am) for making such a big deal out of this.


No, some young Marketing Exec is getting paid a boat load of money to sit and monitor this type of feedback so s/he can come up with the next strategy... :)



The alternative available were basically grilled chicken or fish.



Hmmm, me thinks me sees an attempt to offer a "Healthy Lifestyle Menu" in the works... "grilled" chicken or fish... :rolleyes: :cool:

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I think perhaps some of us here may be missing the point.


It isn't about the steak, it isn't about heathy or not. It's about the devolution of the cruise experience.


Part of the experience has long been "good" food...at one time it was "Excellent" food...but those days are long gone.


So here's how it works for those that don't deal with corporate bottom lines or even small business bottom lines. Businesses are about money. PEROID! They do certain things to help keep customers happy to make money, customer service, concierge services, VIP services but it's all Geared at taking your money and making it theirs. It's all motived by money.. all the new wonderful innovations and new experiences (ice rinks, rock walls, flowrider, aqua zone, etc) are geared towards getting a leg up on competition because no advertising can beat good word of mouth... ask the Blair With Project.


And if something isn't making money, it's discontinued. We can rant and rave about the steak as much as we want but at the end of the day, if it's selling on the ship, it stays! PERIOD. Doesn't matter if it's healthy, not healthy, Organic or pumped full of steroids.


Now, once they see something IS profitable they push the item and a competing "free" item is reduced in appeal and cost. Either through substituting lower quality OR by reducing availability. This ONLY happens once everyone has accepted the "new" item and the loss of the old one is somewhat less noticed. At this point they will put on a sad face and say "But see, we have better alternatives," if anyone notices. If they truly wanted to give you more for your money they'd tack an extra $15 on the cruise fare and call it a day. After all the steak probably doesn't cost $15 more than the other steak, it might cost $2 more than the other steak and it costs no more to cook and serve.


One example: free ice cream only becomes available from 9 am to 8 pm or some such...so if you get a craving for ice cream later, you have no choice but to pay for it since the pay for ice cream location is open till 11 or 12. (I'm not using specific hours as I don't have them memorize.)


Another example would be the "perks" suites get. They make relatively minor adjustments one at a time and subconciously steer you toward the "better" option. A ticket to skip the tender line, priority reservations at the speciality "for pay" resturaunts. Sometimes they just take a perk from "regular" rooms and just leave it on the Suites. (some lines are more aggresive about this than others)


But it's a slippery slope...and the old saying "give them an inch and they'll take a mile" comes to mind.


And that's the simple truth, no amount of crying or belly aching is going to change this NCS (Not-Chops-Steak). It's on the menu now. It will either be earn additional revenue, or not and be pulled. My money is that it goes fleet wide by the end of the year, if not sooner.


Also remember another saying "Nothing succeeds like success!" If it works once it will work again and again and again... after all...Organic chicken costs more than regular chicken too...and farm raised fish costs more than regular fish!

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Sorry for the misquote. I was trying to do a multiple quote box from a previous post and for some reason it wouldn't register. Consider me CC-quote-poster-rookie so please forgive me. BTW you have me quoted saying something I did not say, it was another person's post who was responding to what I said. For the record my stance on the steak is:




P.S. - What's your view on the $14.95 steak:D ?


SORRY!!!! Here I am reprimanding you for doing to me what I also did to you and didn't realize......I have never figured that quote thing out either, but got reprimanded by another poster one time because I did not quote the poster I was addressing.


P.S. VERY FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Actually bears move pretty fast when they want to, it just takes a bit to motivate them!


Funny thing is we could probably start a new thread with this topic:


Do Bears Move Pretty Fast?



We'd get the same spectrum of opinions and the same level of debate/crazy attacks!


(And yeah, i think they move pretty fast)

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SORRY!!!! Here I am reprimanding you for doing to me what I also did to you and didn't realize......I have never figured that quote thing out either, but got reprimanded by another poster one time because I did not quote the poster I was addressing.


P.S. VERY FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No worries, happy cruising.:)

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Save it for something that actually matters, like when they down grade their TP or give you one less washcloth. :p


If the RCL reps are reading this, they are thinking you are all crazy( I know I am) for making such a big deal out of this.


First you tell us to "Shut Up" and now you are calling us crazy??? What a lovely person you must be. Is that how you talk to everyone? Why do you make it personal?


Oh wait... maybe I am reading it wrong....right after writing "you are all crazy" you then state in parenthesis "I know I am".. So are you calling US crazy or are you stating that you are crazy? Either way, I feel kinda bad for you.

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And Ladies, this should be of interest to you also:


"The study of more than 90,000 women found that the more red meat the women consumed in their 20s, 30s and 40s, the greater their risk for developing breast cancer fueled by hormones in the next 12 years. Those who consumed the most red meat had nearly twice the risk of those who ate red meat infrequently."

“There are already other reasons to minimize red meat intake,” said Eunyoung Cho, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who led the study. “This just may give women another good reason.”

So this just gives you another reason, along with all the other valid points made to this thread, to forego paying extra for something in the MDR.

Especially if it is being touted as a "healthy" choice:rolleyes:

I for one will be eating alot of poultry & fish:)

Sugar and corn and it's byproducts are 100x worse than red meat, yet I do not see anyone reducing their consumption. I am 60 and have eaten red meat and will continue to do so. Besides having a research background and knowledge of how to evaluate studies, I can tell you most research is poorly controlled and a great deal of it is funded by drug companies. And then soy should never be eaten by a woman because of the hormone mimicing properties but also the fact that any woman with low thyroid shou not touch it. Chicken unless they are free range are mainly fed a corn based diet.


Now, I do not care who does or does not order that beef.

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Sugar and corn and it's byproducts are 100x worse than red meat, yet I do not see anyone reducing their consumption. I am 60 and have eaten red meat and will continue to do so. Besides having a research background and knowledge of how to evaluate studies, I can tell you most research is poorly controlled and a great deal of it is funded by drug companies. And then soy should never be eaten by a woman because of the hormone mimicing properties but also the fact that any woman with low thyroid shou not touch it. Chicken unless they are free range are mainly fed a corn based diet.


Now, I do not care who does or does not order that beef.


Barbara, please tell me you are not suggesting that the intake of hormones from our food sources in this country isn't a bad thing.

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Barbara, please tell me you are not suggesting that the intake of hormones from our food sources in this country isn't a bad thing.

Of course not hormones injected into anything is bad for us, and soy mimics it also.


I do eat meat but try and get non hormone sources and when possible grass fed. Corn is fed to animals to fatten them up, and in turn fattens us up along with the hormones. But eating chicken does not avoid it either they are fed the same crap. I eat a diet balanced with all sources of veggies and protein, and avoid corn ( maybe once a year I will eat a roasted corn on the cob when doing a fall drive and stopping by the farm stands) and starches and as much sugar as possible.

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Oh for Pete's sake :D There is no evidence that changing your diet to "eat healthy" later in life (50 & over) does anything to increase your lifespan. But...we are getting off topic here. And that would be a subject for another thread on a non-cruising board.

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Oh for Pete's sake :D There is no evidence that changing your diet to "eat healthy" later in life (50 & over) does anything to increase your lifespan. But...we are getting off topic here. And that would be a subject for another thread on a non-cruising board.


That is really debatable aslo, but since my arteries at 50 were like those of a 20 year old, I think I am doing alright.


Yes, it is off topic, however it was just a rebuttal to someone who said we all should not be eating meat anyhow, I thought I would interject;)


But there is an awful lot of stuff on this thread that is nonsense already, what's a bit more. At least I stay away from giving anyone eye damage with colors.:eek:

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I posted this in a different thread but it fits nicely in this one. I wasn't sure exactly what 'corn fed beef' implied, so I googled it.

This is just one sample of what I found...


"Traditionally, all beef was grass-fed beef, but in the United States today what is commercially available is almost all feedlot beef. The reason? It's faster, and so more profitable. Seventy-five years ago, steers were 4 or 5 years old at slaughter. Today, they are 14 or 16 months. You can't take a beef calf from a birth weight of 80 pounds to 1,200 pounds in a little more than a year on grass. It takes enormous quantities of corn, protein supplements, antibiotics and other drugs, including growth hormones.


Switching a cow from grass to grain is so disturbing to the animal's digestive system that it can kill the animal if not done gradually and if the animal is not continually fed antibiotics. These animals are designed to forage, but we make them eat grain, primarily corn, in order to make them as fat as possible as fast as possible. "


And the RCI execs are bragging about serving this stuff? Good grief.

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[quote name=abridalmaven;1641380


Yes' date=' it is off topic, however it was just a rebuttal to someone who said we all should not be eating meat anyhow, I thought I would interject;)


But there is an awful lot of stuff on this thread that is nonsense already, what's a bit more. At least I stay away from giving anyone eye damage with colors.:eek:[/quote]


First of all, I did not say you all should not be eating meat. What I said was it was just some food for thought for some of you concerning this debate over steak, which is red meat, which is found by a Harvard study to increase your cancer risks. Red meat, steak, the topic at hand. Not corn, sugar or starches, for whatever reason you brought that up. It also was an observation, again, of the topic being discussed, as being a "healthy" choice. Which I thought a little redundant.

At least my little interjection, about the topic, didn't threaten anyone with "eye damage", and didn't say that any one elses statements on this thread was "nonsense". It was just a little food for thought, with tongue in cheek.


Lighten up a little, stay on topic, oh, and no, I could care less if you order that steaK or not as well:rolleyes:

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Those who plan to stop sailing RCL over this steak scam are 100% within their rights (and those who want to stay with RCL and order the upsell steak every night are entitled to do that, too). The folks on this side of the debate aren't so arrogant, self-important and delusional as to tell CC members who they can cruise with and who they can't. :D

But ... my suggestion to those who dislike the upsell steak and the wretched trend it represents: Don't quit RCL, just quit giving them bonus business.

A hefty share of Royal Caribbean's revenues are from onboard sales - excursions, Internet, drinks, the casino, bingo, etc. etc. They get some share (whether througha lease or as a percentage of sales) from Steiner, Park West, the onboard retailers, etc. etc.

Now realize that if the suits on Caribbean Way are scraping the bottom of the bucket so hard as to charge us for MDR food, then they are getting desperate. In the way of all huge businesses with massive built-in costs along with mega-financed projects in the works (Oasis), they are ... addicted to your money. They don't merely want your cash, they're desperate for it. They're banking on that onboard income to make the P&L statements balance.

Since Fain is apparently content to gradually starve his customers by chopping back further and further on the CRUISERS' value fom cruising, then there's no reason customers shouldn't make the entire deal less valuable for RCL.

To do that, fill those staterooms, pack those bargain-fare inside cabins -- they're going to get sold one way or the other.

But then, what would happened if passengers started starving RCL's onboard revenue stream?

They'd still pay better-than-recommended tips, of course, and treat themselve to one or two carefully chosen amenities here or there.

But overall, imagine the impact if 20 percent of RCL cruisers cut back their onboard spending by half? How about if a third of cruisers sliced their onboard spending to 30 percent of previous levels?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

RCL would back off this steak bait-and-switch faster than a bear pulling its snout out of a wasps' nest.:)


End the RCL pay-per-entree scam

Just say no to Fain



I would think if all the passengers stopped spending money ("Giving them bonus business") on the ships, that would lead Royal to implement even MORE ways to nickel and dime you.

(or, in this case, $14.95 you)

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