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Warning: Pick pocketing in barcelona


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ON ANOTHER NOTE> DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VALUABLES IN A HOTEL SAFE. Even in four and five star hotels there is a problem with ex employess working either separate or with current employees to enter and steal property from room safes . Ex employees often have keys or codes to the rooms and the safes. We have been to Barcelona on two previous trips and both times talked to passengers who had had their property stolen this way. Barcelona is a beautiful city and Im going back next month, but Ill try to be even more careful. Its sad watching passengers trying to board the shp without a passport , I.D., credit cards, or money. I hate thieves.

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Who sells the travel vest?
My DH always wears a Tilley vest whenever we travel. Makes no difference where we go or whether it's summer or winter. The only thing that changes is what he wears under or over it. ;);)


The Tilley vest is lightweight & stylish, with oodles of regular & hidden pockets, many with velcro closures for additional security. We always try to travel hands-free & we stuff the vest with essentials for my DH as well as items I would normally carry in a small purse. And DH never looks or feels weighed down. Tilley products are expensive, but they last forever. The vest has a lifetime guarantee.




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ON ANOTHER NOTE> DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VALUABLES IN A HOTEL SAFE. Even in four and five star hotels there is a problem with ex employess working either separate or with current employees to enter and steal property from room safes . Ex employees often have keys or codes to the rooms and the safes. We have been to Barcelona on two previous trips and both times talked to passengers who had had their property stolen this way. Barcelona is a beautiful city and Im going back next month, but Ill try to be even more careful. Its sad watching passengers trying to board the shp without a passport , I.D., credit cards, or money. I hate thieves.


I don't know about this. Isn't it more likely you'll be pickpocketed than someone steals from your hotel safe? I got the feeling it was more dangerous to keep my passport with me than in the hotel safe. :confused:

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Gheesh, if I can't put my passport, credit cards and jewellery in a hotel safe, where can I put them?


I think the hotel safe is better than carrying the stuff around with you. I guess if a thief wants to steal, he will find a way, but if you go to a reputable hotel with security cameras, it will be very difficult to sneak back into the room and break into the safe. But it is a good idea to carry a copy of your passport, this way if the original does get stolen it will be easier to get a duplicate.

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So let me get this straight....you're saying that it's common for a thief to be able to get into your hotel room (don't most of them change the electronic door combination after each guest checks out as they do here?), and then get into the room safe (are they different than the ones here, where you put in your own pin code, or are you saying they have an overriding key?). Wow, this is really hard to believe that this is that common! Makes you want to bring along a personal body guard!

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The two hotels that I know that this occurred at are the Casa Fuster and the Majestic. We stayed at the Casa Fuster two years ago for the sailing of the Millenium , but I cant remember what kind of door keys were used. Since this time my wife and I purchased a large I.D. type pouch that has a steel cable concealed in the neckband along with a slash proof front and bottom. We carry our cash, passport, credit cards in these and I also use a safety pin to secure mine to my t shirt. We also make two copies each of our passports so if one of us gets picked pocketed the other one will have a copy of the others passport. I realize that this is overkill and perhaps those two room burglaries were just a fluke. Im just not willing to take the chance. Also one passenger said that when the Barcelona police were called that they examined the safe which had no pry marks.He said the police did take a report, but really acted like they could care less.,

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ON ANOTHER NOTE> DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VALUABLES IN A HOTEL SAFE. Even in four and five star hotels there is a problem with ex employess working either separate or with current employees to enter and steal property from room safes . Ex employees often have keys or codes to the rooms and the safes. We have been to Barcelona on two previous trips and both times talked to passengers who had had their property stolen this way. Barcelona is a beautiful city and Im going back next month, but Ill try to be even more careful. Its sad watching passengers trying to board the shp without a passport , I.D., credit cards, or money. I hate thieves.


Well, I guess if I were to believe this truly is a common problem, I would start putting my valuables in the hotel safe at the front desk.


Just read your latest post; thanks very much for posting the hotel names; they both are now crossed off my list for our stay next May!

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Now this is starting to get me nervous - we'll be in Barcelona in October for 2 nights staying at the Majestic. We always leave our valuables in the hotel safes when we travel and have never had a problem. Are the safes at the front desk secure?

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Maybe what's happening in London will spread to Barcelona:



Have been to Barcelona, took subway everywhere, never a problem.



NCL Jade 11/26/09


I WISH this happens to me!! LOL! :D

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I have seen so much posted about the benefits of a money belt and plan on investing in one.


Just wanted to know which ones people own and which ones they would suggest to purchase. If it matters I am a male 5'10.



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I have seen so much posted about the benefits of a money belt and plan on investing in one.


Just wanted to know which ones people own and which ones they would suggest to purchase. If it matters I am a male 5'10.




My sister personally recommended Rick Steve's money belt and I heard a lot of good things from other travelers. I bought it through Amazon:


Rick Steve's money belt


He also has a neck pouch/wallet:


Rick Steve's neck wallet

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The absolute best defense to picpockets is vigilance, They attack who ever they decide is the easiest target. Do not be afraid to move people out of your zone and do not be afraid of drawing a crowd at your response. a crowd is a pickpockets nightmare. On guard.

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I was in Barcelona in June, and my boyfriend and I were nearly pick-pocketed as well. We spent just over 24 hours there before an 8-night Western Med cruise with Royal Caribbean, and was a little overwhelmed by how many "shady" people we came across. (The regular people in shops and restaurants were wonderful though, and I feel truly sorry for them that they have to deal with such scum in their hometown.) Sorry for the long post, but hopefully our experience will help someone else...


The first instance was while walking along Las Ramblas. I had a regular purse with me (one that went over my shoulder and was securely tucked between elbow and ribs the entire time), and that wasn't a problem - though I was *extremely* careful with it. My bf though had his camera in a case that attached to his belt... one of the locals came up to us trying to sell something (can't remember what) and was right in his face. He started trying to get his hands on the camera, at which point my bf had to literally shove the guy away. That one wasn't all that close a call, since the would-be thief was not at all discrete and was way too aggressive.


The other instance was when we were waiting for that bus at the foot of Las Ramblas that takes you to your cruise ship, with luggage in tow. I was fiddling with something inside my purse, and had it sitting on top of my luggage so it was hip level and I could dig better. Hands on it at all times. Some local guy came up to us while talking on his cell phone, and made like he was asking us for directions to wherever his cell phone buddy was talking about. He asked again and again and again and was being totally distracting, at which point light bulb went off in my head (I had read about this) and my eyes went to my bf's wallet, camera etc. to make sure that this guy wasn't getting too close. At the same time I could feel my purse go "whoosh" from beside my hands (I had turned away for a second, that's it!) and saw some dude out of the corner of my eye walking away with my purse!! I yelled "HEY!" and jogged 3-4 steps toward him to catch up. The guy saw that I had noticed and dropped my purse on the ground immediately. I then shoved him (I know, dumb... but I blame it on adrenalin) and yelled at him to "Get the F away from me, you a$$hole!!" I only add that because it must have been amusing to watch since I'm a reasonably small girl in my late 20s but look younger... and here I am bullying the burglar! In hindsight, I wished I would have done more yelling and pointing ("that man is a thief, he stole my purse, watch out for him"! etc.) but it all happened so fast.


To wrap up, some quick lessons:

1) Barcelona is rampant with thieves, be careful.

2) I recommend a money belt, not a purse, while in Barcelona.

3) Further to point 2, I *strongly* recommend a money wallet on traveling days in particular that involve trains, luggage, etc. It's so easy to get flustered or distracted while dealing with passports, maps, luggage, and itineraries.

4) If you're lucky enough (like me) to catch someone in the act, be loud and make a scene. These people are experts in discretion - for the most part I think that they'd opt to walk away quietly over being chased down and drawing attention.


I hope that someone finds my story helpful! Happy travels.

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Wow this is a great, informative thread. Our family of 3 will head to Barcelona next June. I am getting a bit worried about the whole pickpocket thing...I am planning to get a Pacsafe purse as well. It is not very fashion savvy but who cares? I rather be safe than sorry on my trip. Unfortunately I am too connected to purses and it will be difficult for me to tour around without one. Hubby will use the security wallet with chain.


We have a 8 years old boy with us. He is very well behaved although sometimes he is not quite aware of his surroundings and will "venture off' a bit. I have to keep an eye on him and keep an eye on my belongings at the same time!! Fortunately my job constantly requires me multitasking and to be very aware of what is going on around us (I am a RN) so hopefully this won't be too daunting of a task for me!!

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I was in Barcelona in June, and my boyfriend and I were nearly pick-pocketed as well. We spent just over 24 hours there before an 8-night Western Med cruise with Royal Caribbean, and was a little overwhelmed by how many "shady" people we came across. (The regular people in shops and restaurants were wonderful though, and I feel truly sorry for them that they have to deal with such scum in their hometown.) Sorry for the long post, but hopefully our experience will help someone else...


The first instance was while walking along Las Ramblas. I had a regular purse with me (one that went over my shoulder and was securely tucked between elbow and ribs the entire time), and that wasn't a problem - though I was *extremely* careful with it. My bf though had his camera in a case that attached to his belt... one of the locals came up to us trying to sell something (can't remember what) and was right in his face. He started trying to get his hands on the camera, at which point my bf had to literally shove the guy away. That one wasn't all that close a call, since the would-be thief was not at all discrete and was way too aggressive.


The other instance was when we were waiting for that bus at the foot of Las Ramblas that takes you to your cruise ship, with luggage in tow. I was fiddling with something inside my purse, and had it sitting on top of my luggage so it was hip level and I could dig better. Hands on it at all times. Some local guy came up to us while talking on his cell phone, and made like he was asking us for directions to wherever his cell phone buddy was talking about. He asked again and again and again and was being totally distracting, at which point light bulb went off in my head (I had read about this) and my eyes went to my bf's wallet, camera etc. to make sure that this guy wasn't getting too close. At the same time I could feel my purse go "whoosh" from beside my hands (I had turned away for a second, that's it!) and saw some dude out of the corner of my eye walking away with my purse!! I yelled "HEY!" and jogged 3-4 steps toward him to catch up. The guy saw that I had noticed and dropped my purse on the ground immediately. I then shoved him (I know, dumb... but I blame it on adrenalin) and yelled at him to "Get the F away from me, you a$$hole!!" I only add that because it must have been amusing to watch since I'm a reasonably small girl in my late 20s but look younger... and here I am bullying the burglar! In hindsight, I wished I would have done more yelling and pointing ("that man is a thief, he stole my purse, watch out for him"! etc.) but it all happened so fast.


To wrap up, some quick lessons:

1) Barcelona is rampant with thieves, be careful.

2) I recommend a money belt, not a purse, while in Barcelona.

3) Further to point 2, I *strongly* recommend a money wallet on traveling days in particular that involve trains, luggage, etc. It's so easy to get flustered or distracted while dealing with passports, maps, luggage, and itineraries.

4) If you're lucky enough (like me) to catch someone in the act, be loud and make a scene. These people are experts in discretion - for the most part I think that they'd opt to walk away quietly over being chased down and drawing attention.


I hope that someone finds my story helpful! Happy travels.


Thank you for sharing about your experience. That was close! I think I would have done the same thing and I could imagine myself getting very upset with hands shaking. As I mentioned above, we have one more treasure to watch for besides our money, luggage, passports...it is our monkey!! :p

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[quote=orchid72;20697549w . Her money was in her belt bag (or "fanny" pack - Brits, don't laugh!:p).

I AM laughing!- check the dictionary for what that means in the UK! BUT- we call them "bum bags", which is nearly as bad . My dictionary says "fanny" is "taboo"!

We always wear neck purses in Spain- the only place I've been robbed, and twice almost. A friend of ours, who runs a bar in Bcn warns tourists not to have accessible cash and passports. The other side, for him, is that there's almost no violence in the city, no knives or guns or late night fighting from drunks. I am most wary in the airport, after immigration, when you're a bit flustered and drop your guard. I believe the police have started a new war against crime there. Don't let it stop anyone from visiting this wonderful city- jocap.

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A friend of ours, who runs a bar in Bcn warns tourists not to have accessible cash and passports.


Okay. I don't get this. If you wear a neck wallet or a money belt and all of your cash/credit cards are in it, how are you going to go shopping or pay for a meal? You aren't supposed to reach for these in public. I am a shopper. I plan to buy things and eat stuff. I need access to money and a credit card. I can't see how you can shop and eat without a purse or wallet with at least some money and a credit card. Can someone please explain? :confused:

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Okay. I don't get this. If you wear a neck wallet or a money belt and all of your cash/credit cards are in it, how are you going to go shopping or pay for a meal? You aren't supposed to reach for these in public. I am a shopper. I plan to buy things and eat stuff. I need access to money and a credit card. I can't see how you can shop and eat without a purse or wallet with at least some money and a credit card. Can someone please explain? :confused:


I agree with you. A money belt is good for long term storage, but you need accessible cash too. The trick is to only have as much accessible cash for what you will expect to spend that day. If you need to spend more, then a trip to the restroom or back the hotel is needed. You could divide the accessible cash between you, if you choose, to hedge against any potential losses, but I carried that day's cash in a plain white envelope tucked into a zipper comparment with a clasp overlay (pac-safe) and I even I had to struggle to pull it out of my purse. Another option is to put some in a bra stash and reach in discretely. It bears repeating--be aware of your surroundings...someone is always watching you whether you see them or not.

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Okay. I don't get this. If you wear a neck wallet or a money belt and all of your cash/credit cards are in it, how are you going to go shopping or pay for a meal? You aren't supposed to reach for these in public. I am a shopper. I plan to buy things and eat stuff. I need access to money and a credit card. I can't see how you can shop and eat without a purse or wallet with at least some money and a credit card. Can someone please explain? :confused:


I keep a small amount of cash (and sometimes one credit card) in a small wallet that is kept in a zippered interior compartment of my purse. I wear a money belt and what I keep in it depends on my needs for that day. I might carry additional cash (if I need a large sum for a private tour, let's say), my debit card (if I need to visit an ATM), or an additional credit card. I also carry a copy of my passport, as I never carry the real thing with me unless it is a requirement for that particular port.


As for accessing the contents of the money belt, you do have to be a little creative. Bathrooms are a good spot for doing this; just do it where no one can see you (e.g., in a stall). If I'm inside a very nice store, I generally don't mind accessing my "stash" to pay for something. Or on a private tour, I will do it inside the vehicle.

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You do have to get creative.


I usually don't travel in the summer - safely storing money, credit cards, etc. is so much easier with spring, fall and winter clothing.


One easy thing to do if you're traveling during cooler weather is to buy coats and jackets with interior zippered pockets. I won't buy coats any other way now and it makes traveling so much easier for me. I'm pretty sure that if anyone's hand get that close to my chest I'm going to know about it - and even if I somehow miss that, the zipper will slow them down enough to attract my attention.

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Barcelona is a wonderful place to visit. We were there last summer for several days staying just off Las Ramblas. I read so much about pickpockets here I was prepared for it. We met many people and even witnessed a woman who had her purse stolen from the back of her chair (didn't see it happen but talked to the woman after). I am a big Rick Steves fan and his board has many good ideas. I have a paid of Magellans travel pants that have a hidden zipper pocket inside the regular pocket to hold your passport & money. I also wore a money belt when in Barcelona. The Ramblas is a great place to visit but I don't even carry a purse there.

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Okay. I don't get this. If you wear a neck wallet or a money belt and all of your cash/credit cards are in it, how are you going to go shopping or pay for a meal? You aren't supposed to reach for these in public. I am a shopper. I plan to buy things and eat stuff. I need access to money and a credit card. I can't see how you can shop and eat without a purse or wallet with at least some money and a credit card. Can someone please explain? :confused:


We were able to access the money while keeping the money belt on. The purpose is to thwart a pickpocket. The pickpocket is not going reach into your underwear without you knowing.;) It is okay if the pickpocket knows you have the money there. But you can keep a few Euros in your pockets for fast purchases.

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