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Everything posted by GUT2407

  1. Wall socket in bedroom, it blew the plug out, melted it, and made a mess of the socket
  2. Antenna with cable melted through.
  3. I did yell at her to get out. But figured she’s a big girl (you’ve seen the size of the woman) and could get herself out.
  4. You often wonder what you would grab first if you had to abandon ship, or the house caught on fire. Well now I know. Max, Wallet, Phone (to ring 000 and insurance company), Keys (only because they were on the wallet) Sunday night sitting eating diner and our TV antenna got hit by lightening, (talk about a BIG BANG) TV exploded co-ax cable started to glow. Abandon ship. Five fire trucks, ambos, cops, neighbours from all around. Whole TV system needs re wiring along with the fans, a few power points and light switches. But all is well. NRMA had assessor’s here on Sunday night. Now we have tradesmen booked pretty much everyday. Waiting on content assessor looks like all the TVs, BluRay, DVD, set top boxes, both lift chairs, the adjustable bed, and freezer are all shot. But no one was hurt. And I now I know what I long suspected, the very first thing I grabbed…. Maxy
  5. Mrs G likes the vege burger on Princess. Here down under they often have meat pies, so a pie with sauce does me nicely thanks.
  6. He may not have jumped out to get your bags out even had you tipped him, Aussies tend to be pretty independent and used to fending for themselves.
  7. Consider wheelchair assisted boarding, or a Walker with a seat as there will also probably be times where you need to stand around once on board.
  8. Sounds great. Accessible cabins carry lots of positives and a few negatives.
  9. Depends on the price difference. The only time we had it we needed to book concierge to get the location we wanted and actually paid $10 less than a balcony, so certainly worth it for us that time. But I wouldn’t pay much extra over a standard balcony in the same location.
  10. Googled it and looks the same, but thought this one might suit you https://www.tasteireland.com.au/products/lyles-golden-syrup-907g?variant=41204946862240&currency=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAt66eBhCnARIsAKf3ZNEhHNLpoNtrYTE0zOiX0yD-svu5GY0xgxkctjOVJf_lC2oHtxIcEqAaAvwBEALw_wcB
  11. Flying has been off the agenda for a while now, but cruising out of Sydney worked.
  12. Thanks mate, we have had one or two think it was serious. As you know they told me no more a few years back, and we quit for a while, but got half a dozen more in, so still hoping there might be more, but that depends on some Drs finding something that isn’t more dangerous than doing nothing. But hope springs eternal. we do have one booked for next year, but Drs say no way, so may get a refund on it and try some road trips, unfortunately about 1-2 hours is about all I can do in the car so it’ll be a slow old trip.
  13. Next option is Cafe Cut if your BD does it, not all do, but it’s about 50% thicker than toast.
  14. I saw some photos from a friend who is in Tas at the moment, they looked OK, if they are back on line I’ll ask them, but they were spending a few weeks on the West Coast so may have no reception.
  15. That’s what I keep saying, if people didn’t buy them the shops wouldn’t sell them. Our local Bakers Delight usually start after Australia Day, head office told them they had to start a couple of weeks ago as they were selling so well everywhere else. we buy unsliced fruit loaf year round and cut it in great big door stop slabs.
  16. Looking more and more like he’ll never have the pleasure of checking me in again. (but he has only had that pleasure once, or maybe twice).
  17. Last time I was there the bus stopped right out the front.
  18. My last Dr never bulk billed, I often argue with my current Dr that they bulk bill too much, till she told me that I am billed (for some visits) under a special code due to some of my conditions.
  19. Good luck Lyle, our medical system has its fair share of problems too but on the whole better than many I read about.
  20. Might be better posted on the roll call, if there is one
  21. Never happened for me, first cruise in a wheelchair, booked a standard room, then ended up in wheelchair, they did arrange to take it away overnight and I called room service to have it returned (I could get to the bed with sticks). They did make enquires to try and find a suitable cabin. Then 5 years in a chair, out again and booked a standard cabin, you guessed it, back in a chair, this time our Steward helped Mrs G lift the chair, once folded, into our cabin. I will never book a standard cabin again.
  22. But I think about half we’re just in black or dark suit. Maybe 5% i trousers tie and blazer
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