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Everything posted by GUT2407

  1. Me too Uncle Les but hospital vending machine wiped me out (I seldom leave the house so don’t carry much in notes but usually $20-$50 in coins. Mrs G had had a fund raiser BBQ Chocolate sale at school so was out of coins, rare for us to both be out at one time, though come to think of it I carry a $50 note in my car key case, the ca4 doesn’t need you to take it out of your pocket or bag, so it lives in a little leather case, and when I was at the grindstone I started carrying a pineapple in there for emergency drinkies or some trivial spending.
  2. And after getting a letter from the GP email the line (special needs dept woul$ be best) for written confirmation and take the emails with you.
  3. Went into a dollar store the other day wanted some stakes for tomatoe plants, $2 looked good till we saw a 50c surcharge on purchases under $5, neither of us had any cash, so it will have to wait, and when I do get them it will be somewhere else.
  4. Black Friday was always Friday 13th to me. Took me a few years to work out wha5 the6 we’re on about. Just another excuse to have a sale in my opinion. Though Easter eggs should be on the shelves soon.
  5. Sounds like a great buy. My mob are at me to get the new Apple Watch, fall alerts, find me if I wander off and detect heart irregularities, seems the older ticker skips some beats, but ECG doesn’t pick them up. But gee they cost a ton.
  6. But Uncle Les you know that any sailing to Tas can be as rough as …..
  7. I find it amazing how often I read, stuff like, “If the accessible table, toilet, park etc is free, I’m using it” they seem to fail to realise that the person it is there for doesn’t have an alternative, they do.
  8. Not a fan of Majestic, seemed like they tried to cram too man6cab8n# with with the same public space.
  9. Yes, even in windjammer you should be fine, MDR I transfer to a chair and park the wheelchair, though a couple of cruises did have a table I could wheel right up to.
  10. Never heard that about scooters before, I have used an extension cord forever, wonder what the issue is.
  11. I would rely too much on their answers, seems most call centre staff have no idea.
  12. We often hear what people say and say “They get a vote and Maxy doesn’t?”
  13. Why do old posts pop up and repeat themselves at times.
  14. They fine for all sorts of other things, so can’t see the issue.
  15. I had a Chinese crested for many years, similar look8ng dog in many ways.
  16. I had a hospital room once that very much resembled a balcony cabin on a ship, similar service too, except all the needles, so just tried to pretend I was on a cruise.
  17. They fine for all sorts of other things, so can’t see the issue.
  18. My big question is what other ages will follow? Age to drink Age to face adult criminal charges Age to marry Age to go to War then how long till they want to lower it to 14, 12, etc, where will it end?
  19. You sure can once on board, not sure about before hand because I just buy as soon as I board
  20. Anonymity often shows someone true colours
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